Soul Mates: Magic (Soul Mates Series)

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Soul Mates: Magic


By Elizabeth A. Lance




Soul Mates: Magic is dedicated to my soul mate, my husband. Without you nothing is possible. I love you always~


Age 14

“Why? Why do I have to keep going to these horrible mortal schools?” I sobbed and it poured down rain.

“Because that is what your parents wish for you to do. It’s not forever Abbey. And I’m there with you, it can’t be all bad.”

“Daire, you get to be older than me, you don’t have to go to all the dumb classes that I have to go to. I have to take stupid home economics! Like I’m ever going to use that! Besides, you also get to play sports, even though Auberon practically forbade you too! But do you care? NO. You play anyway! And Auberon comes to all of your games! I swear he didn’t mean it when he said no, he wanted you to defy him and play anyway!” I shouted and loud claps of thunder sounded outside the window.

Daire grinned. Abbey knew her great grandfather very well. Auberon did indeed want to watch him play football
and baseball too for that matter. He’d developed a taste for football after watching Abbey’s older brother play when he’d been in high school. “True. But Auberon isn’t your father, so he has no say in what you get to do in the mortal world,” he said in a calm, cool voice.

“And all of the boys treat me like I’m the crazy girl who talks to spirits, since Cole has to follow me around all day long under glamour. I can’t even go on a date without one of you hanging around watching me! It’s not fair!” Another clap of thunder shook the house and lightening struck a nearby tree.

“Life isn’t fair, Princess. Besides, you could always double date with me and Nicole,” Daire said slyly. “Who is it you want to date?”

narrowed my eyes. “Nicole hates me Daire. She thinks I’m a pest. I don’t know what you see in her anyway. She has no magic. She’s just
.” Besides I thought, Fae warriors were way cuter than human boys. The storm outside started to calm along with my emotions.

“Being mortal isn’t such a bad thing, Abbey. You’re half mortal. Besides, it’s not like I’m planning to spend eternity with Nicole. Just your high school years, or at least until I can’t stand her anymore,” Daire said with a wicked grin.

My heart sped up when Daire flashed that particular grin at me. That had been happening a lot lately. Daire would wink at me and I’d get all goose pimply. I never thought of him as old, I mean he’s Fae. He never changes his appearance unless he wants to. His school appearance was very handsome, golden blond hair, big blue green eyes, like the ocean, swirling and deep and ancient and wise. He had broad shoulders, and muscles no mortal sixteen year old boy should have. His skin was smooth and sun kissed, and he made all the girls drool. He’d started dating Nicole when I was twelve. So through all of junior high I‘d had to put up with her perfectly perfect goddess like good looks. She was everything I was not, blonde and gorgeous, superficial…a cheerleader, blah.

I sighed. “So…
do you even like her?” I asked hoping he’d say no. I glanced out of the window, praying to Gaia, the Earth goddess, that he didn’t see how anxious I was to know his answer. I pretended interest in the rainbow that was now forming over our forest.

“Sure, she’s all right, but it’s not like I can take her home to meet Auberon.”

I laughed for the first time that day. I could just picture little miss perfect fainting at the thought of meeting my great grandfather. She would too. Anything out of the ordinary was not for Nicole. She liked her perfect little world exactly as it was, with her the center of the Universe.

“So, how come you haven’t found a Fae wife yet?” I asked anxiously, wondering what it was he was really looking for.

“I’ve spent forever fighting battles against the Dark Fae, being Auberon’s right hand, doing whatever he needed doing, I suppose that I didn’t really have time to look for a mate. And nobody ever stood out. After your brother took over that job for me, and I started watching over you, well I’ve had more time to look, but still nobody has drawn my attention. Perhaps I’m not meant to have a mate,” Daire said with a frown.

I studied him for a minute or two. “Perhaps she’s just not ready for

Daire slung his arm around my shoulders and tussled my hair like I was a little kid. “Perhaps you’re right
, sprite,” he replied, once again happy.

My heart sank a little at the thought that he still thought of me as a child. One day I would prove him wrong.

Chapter One

Three years later


“I can’t believe you! How did you manage to glamour the school into thinking you hadn’t passed those classes?” I asked Daire with a frown.

              “Who had to use glamour? I’m bad at science and mortal history, I‘m a Fae warrior. It‘s not like I kept up with all of those petty wars you humans have had. I‘ve been fighting my own battles. Anyway, since I didn’t pass those subjects I get to spend another year here retaking those classes and any electives I want,” Daire said with a grin.

I laughed. “Right, you flunked those on purpose!”

“Maybe I did,” Daire said with a wicked grin. “But I couldn’t leave you here alone with just Cole, so I did what I had to do.”

“Was Nicole mad?”

“Nicole has moved on to greener pastures, namely the pastures over at Kentucky State University. I think they have several pastures there.”

“She broke up with you?”

Daire frowned. “I allowed her to think she broke up with me.”

“She broke up with you!” I grinned.

              “Fine. She broke up with me.”

I danced around Daire chanting…“Daire got dumped, Daire got dumped…”

“Oh shut up, it’s not that entertaining,” he said annoyed. “I was going to break up with her anyway.”

I stopped dancing and just grinned at him. “Come on, Auberon is going to want to hear about our first day.”

“Yeah, yeah.”
Daire took my hand and within seconds we had flashed to the entrance of the Faerie Mound. It was my second home, my favorite home, actually.

“Ah, Princess, good day at school?”
Taban, keeper of the clocks asked as we approached.

“Hi Taban! Fabulous day at school today!”

“Glad to hear it, Princess,” Taban opened the door and allowed Daire and me to enter.

“Auberon!” I said running into the
throne room, it was my usual entrance, so it wasn’t entirely unexpected.

“My darling Abbey, did you have a good day?”

“I did!” I said running up to throw my arms around his neck for a squeeze. I was the only one aloud to do that. Even my brother Max kept his distance and performed bows when necessary. I was never required to.

“Did you stay out of trouble? No magic?”

I sighed, “Well…
only a little bit. I was late for class and Mrs. Fennier would have given me a demerit if I was late, so I may have flashed myself to the closest bathroom…”

Auberon smiled indulgently at me. “Well, we can’t have you getting a demerit for something as silly as that. Tell me about your day.”

I glanced at Daire as he took a seat at one of the banquet tables. “Well…I got into some great classes, besides Mrs. Fennier’s history class. I’m taking French, of course. And I got into Mr. Brunner’s art class, as well as Ms. Jamison’s Greek and Mythology class,” I said with a smile, knowing he would be pleased with the art class. “And…Michael Gleeson asked me out…”

Auberon raised an eyebrow and Daire stood up knocking over a chair as he did so. “Really…”

“Hell no!” Daire shouted, slamming his hands down on the table. “You absolutely will not be going out with that…that heathen!”

“I don’t think that is your call Daire, you aren’t my father.” I glared at him and a clap of thunder sounded in the distance.

“Auberon, you can’t allow this!”

Auberon waved at Daire to sit back down. “Which mortal is this Michael Gleeson?”

I smiled triumphantly at Daire. “He’s the quarterback. Daire just doesn’t like him because he won’t pass him the ball, ever, in a game.”

“That isn’t why I don’t like him.” Daire huffed, crossed his arms and glared at me.

“Oh come off it. He got the position you wanted and you’re just sore about it.”

“I’m not!”

“Children!” Auberon said calmly, but firmly. “That is enough. Abbey, I am sure your father will decide whether or not you should go out with this Michael person. Daire, of course will be required to either double date with you or Cole will have to go along undercover of glamour. It’s your choice of course.”

“Auberon, do they have to? Can’t I have one night off without the warriors? I can take care of myself you know. Gideon has been training me.”

“I know he has, but you will be distracted by this Michael person and not looking out for Unseelie. They are there to help keep you safe. The queen will know soon enough that you are coming of age and will take over being heir. She’ll want to end you before that can happen,” Auberon said pulling me into his embrace. “I can’t let anything happen to you, sweetness.”

“Fine,” I said rolling my eyes. The Unseelie, or Dark Fae hadn’t been seen around here in years, it was as though they didn’t even know about me
. “But not Daire. Send Cole, at least he will stay out of sight.”

“Very well.”

“But my King!” Daire protested.

“That will be enough
, Daire.”

“I’d better get going. Mom is making dinner tonight at home. Max, Anna and the triplets are coming over,” I said. “Daire, mother invited you as well. Are you coming?”

“Darn right I’m coming. If you think Auberon giving you his blessing makes it all right to go out with that…that…”

“Be nice,” I said with a grin. It wasn’t often that I flustered Daire and put him at a loss for words. “That’s my date you’re talking about.” A
n evil thought crossed my mind…“Hey, you know, if I become heir and I marry Michael…he’ll be your king!”

“Uhhh, noooo, noo, no!
Not happening. Not in a zillion years will that ever happen.” Daire frowned and took my arm, sending an electric thrill through me.

“Could happen, you never can tell…” I said relishing the feel of his fingers wrapped around my wrist, even if they were tightening in an uncomfortable way. “Are
you going to do the honors, or…never mind, I’ll do it…” I said as I flashed us out of the Faerie Mound and straight into my purple and lime green bedroom.

Chapter Two


“Mom! I’m home!” I shouted from my room. “You don’t have to guard me up here you know, you can let go of my wrist.”

Daire glared at me and dropped my arm. “It’s my job to guard you no matter where we are, Princess. However, since we are home and I’m certain that you won’t go flashing off to be with that cretin, I’ll leave you to prepare for dinner.”

I’m ashamed to admit I threw my hairbrush at him as he closed the door and I missed. I’m going to have to work on my aim, I thought as I picked up the brush and laid it on my dressing table. I could hear Max and Anna downstairs now with the triplets. Rose was sure to be up here any moment wanting to borrow something. She always did.

“Aunt Abbey! Are you there?” she asked through the door.

“Yeah, come on in,” I said with a smile.

“Comment allez vous?” Rose asked slipping into French without even realizing it.

“I’m fine, better than fine, actually, I have a date this Friday.”

“Ohhh, who with? Is it that yummy werewolf James?”

“Eww, no. He’s twice my age!”

Rose grinned. “Not in werewolf years, he’s still about twenty.”

“Still, not happening.”

“Hmmm, then how about Ferein?”

“Nope, though you are right, Ferein is very handsome, but nope wasn’t him that asked me out.”

“Not Daire…”

I blushed. Rose knew about my secret crush on Daire. “No, not Daire. Michael Gleeson.”

,” she said as if that was the most boring thing in the world. “And isn’t he the big blonde one that took the quarterback position away from Daire? The one with all of the muscles?” Rose’s eyes got wide. “That’s why he is so pissed off!”

I grinned. “Yeah probably. He wasn’t too happy about me going out with him. But I’m not going to sit around and pine after what I apparently can’t have.
So I might as well enjoy myself with Michael.”

Rose nodded her dark head. “I
totally understand. Hunter and Ronny won’t let me get close to a boy without them first sniffing around to make sure the guy is trustworthy. They totally don’t trust my judgment at all. You would think knowing I can take them down in a fight single handedly would prove that I can take care of myself, but no. Not when it comes to guys messing with their sister. Of course if mom and dad knew I was interested in guys, I’d be grounded for life, I swear.”

I laughed. Rose always made me feel good. I went to my closet to find something to wear, but nothing jumped out at me and I sighed. “Well, crap.”

“What’s up?”

“I don’t know. I can’t find anything I like in here.” I gestured to my closet.

“Why don’t you just snap yourself something? That’s what I always do, of course half the time mom won’t let me wear what I snap, but it’s good practice.”

“Good idea,” I replied as I thought about what I wanted to wear. Black jeans were a defini
te, and maybe a nice pair of Mary Jane’s in black with a low heel. I smiled as I thought about the perfect top and decided on a glittery silver tank top. I snapped my fingers and I was wearing exactly what I’d imagined. I looked in the mirror, ran a brush through my hair and sprayed on my favorite scent. “Ready to go downstairs?”

“Sure. Oh I was gonna ask you if I could borrow your pink Aero jacket. I forgot mine and the boys want to go out running tonight.”

“Yeah, it’s in the dresser,” I said pulling open a drawer and flipping through the random shirts that resided inside. “Here you go.”

Rose grabbed the jacket and tied it around her waist. “Now I’m ready.”

We went downstairs together to find Max, Daire, Hunter, Ronny and Dad all gathered around the TV watching college football. You’d think they’d be sick of it by now. We detoured through the living room to the kitchen to find Mom and Anna cooking up something that smelled divine.

“What are we having?”

“Since your brother and his family are here, I’ve got steaks sizzling on the grill for about another ten seconds, but I’ve made the rest of us chicken fettuccini.”

“Oh, yum! My favorite,” I said with a smile. “What’s for dessert?” I asked because mom was a caterer and was always coming up with delicious new desserts.

“It’s an angel food cake with a special strawberry glaze. I’m sure you are going to love it, dear. Now, why don’t you and Rose set the table for us and we’ll have dinner in just a few minutes.”

We did as we were told and then joined the boys in the living room. Instead of watching the game though, I watched Daire. It was hard to believe that just about fifteen years ago he’d had no clue what football was. Now you could hardly get him away from the sport. I’m fairly certain that is why he talked Auberon into allowing him to enroll in school with me. He wanted to play again. Max had been the quarterback back when he’d been in school and Daire had gotten to play in a game with him, a very hair-raising game from what I’m told. I still don’t have all the details. Mom says I’m too young to know what happened.

Anyway, I watched Daire as he watched the game. He was enthralled with it, practically obsessed. Every play brought a new facial expression to his face. I watched him bite his lip in anticipation of the kick or snap or whatever the play was. Then his sweet lips would open to an o shape as he waited for the play to be completed. Next a slow sexy grin would cross his lips if the play was successful and he’d glance my way and wink. If the play went bad, well then he’d press his delicious lips tight together and frown hard at the TV, like he could will them to do better on the next play.

“Dinner’s ready!” mom called from the kitchen.

“Yum,” I murmured as Daire approached me and took my arm to escort me to the dinner table. I felt that secret little thrill that I always did when he touched me, but this time it was stronger, more potent and I could barely breathe. How on earth was I going to eat with him sitting nearby?

Daire pulled my chair out for me, I know what you are thinking, who does that anymore right? Well we have so many formal dinners at the Faerie Mound that even Max, Ronny and Dad pull out the chairs for Anna, Mom and Rose and wait for us to be seated before taking a seat themselves. It’s become second nature for them to show chivalry. And to be honest, I kind of like it.

When I was small, we spent a great deal of time at Faerie. Mom said it was because I got to be a handful and Auberon and Daire were the only ones I’d listen to. I was and still am fascinated by my great grandfather and well, I’ve already mentioned my crush on Daire. Tatiana, too, was the best great grandmother. She doted on me, they both did. But don’t mistake that to mean that they weren’t firm. I wasn’t allowed to have free reign whenever I was there. I had training in just about everything you could think of while I was there. And after spending my toddler years at Faerie learning how to speak Gaelic and the finer points of creative magic from Tatiana, I had to go to school in the human world and learn to interact with kids my own age. It didn’t happen as Mom and Dad hoped. I was the weird kid who spoke a different language to ghosts. I wasn’t really, but the teachers didn’t know that. Apparently Gaelic isn’t heard often in the states, so the teachers thought I might be autistic. Not just for that reason, but because according to their tests I was years ahead of my classmates. Was it my fault that Daire taught me to read and Cole taught me to do math at the age of 3? For those first few years at school Daire and Cole were my only friends and they kept themselves glamoured.

By fourteen
, I was tired of people thinking I was the crazy girl, so Auberon allowed Daire to enroll in school. He used an enchanted ring like mine to make himself appear younger and human. He enrolled as a new student from Ireland, and when we started talking Gaelic, the teachers realized I wasn’t quite as crazy as they’d thought. Oh I was still crazy, I mean I did spend years speaking Gaelic to no one they could see, but now they were nicer to me. Things got better after that. Now I’m a senior in high school and I’m involved in all kinds of activities, so I don’t seem as strange to most of my classmates anymore. It helps that Daire is so popular and pays attention to me. However if I had to choose which world I wanted to live in, the human or Fae world, I would choose the Fae world. Good thing too, since I’m supposed to become the Queen of Light and Illusion sometime in the next millennium. It’s my choice of course, Auberon made that clear, thanks to my brother Max. Max is Auberon’s closest advisor. Daire is also pretty high up in the ranks of who has Auberon’s ear, but when it comes to me he gets over ruled a lot. Thank goodness. If Daire had his way no boys on the planet would talk to me!

, you have out done yourself! This chicken fettuccini is marvelous,” Daire said before taking another bite.

“Mom makes the best fettuccini, none of that boxed stuff here,” I said with a smile.

“Thank you Daire, and Abbey is right, I make everything from scratch. It just tastes better that way.”

“Has Abbey told you her news?” Daire asked innocently, but he was anything but innocent.

I sighed. I didn’t really want to share over the dinner table this particular news. Not with Max and Anna and everyone here. “I’ll share later, it’s no big deal.”

“What is it Abbey?” Mom asked.

“It’s nothing Mom, really.”

“Abbey has a date on Friday.”

“Really?” Dad asked surprised.

“Thanks Dad,” I said sardonically.

              “Well Abs, it’s just you never seem to go out on dates.”

“That would be because no one has ever asked me out before,” I said picking at my food. I’d suddenly lost my appetite.

“So who has been brave enough to ask you out?” Max asked.

“Michael Gleeson.”

“Isn’t that…” Hunter and Ronny said at the same time.

              “Yeah, the quarterback,” Daire bit out.

“I don’t know Abs, he’s kind of a big shot around school…are you sure he asked
out?” Hunter said with a grin.

Hunter and Ronny both go to school with me, but they are freshmen this year. Rose chose to stay in Quebec and go to school up there with some other shifters. They can do that because they have houses in both places plus with the way they travel, well, it’s not a problem to go to school in two countries.

“Shut up
, Hunter.” I glared at him.

“He’s an imbecile,” Daire said softly.

“Well I think it is nice that someone has finally asked you out Abbey, dear. You need to get out more with kids your own age.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Daire will you be keeping an eye on her?” my dad asked.

“Of course,” Daire said at the same time I said, “No way!” I shook my head. “Mom, tell him he’s not going with me on my date!”

“Daire do you think it wise to antagonize her this way? Perhaps Cole should be the one to keep an eye on her during her date.”

“Thank you, Max,” I said sending him a grateful smile.

“That doesn’t mean I don’t want you protected sis, and you shouldn’t give Daire such a hard time. He’s just doing his job.”

“He’s always just doing his job.” I rolled my eyes.

Daire kept strangely quiet while we discussed him.

“Well, I am happy for you, Abbey. It will be good for you to go out. You keep to yourself too often at school,” Anna added with a smile.

“Who is ready for dessert?” Mom asked.

We all assented, Mom’s desserts were legendary. She returned to the dining room a few moments later with an angel food cake that smelled divine, and sliced each of us a piece.

The cake melted in my mouth and I thought I might be in heaven, it was that good. “Outstanding, Mom.”

“Delicious, Olivia.” Dad nodded in agreement.

As we finished off the cake mom turned to Daire. “Are you staying the night, dear?”

Daire glanced at me and shook his head. “No, I’m going back to Faerie. I’ll come by in the morning and pick Abbey up for school.”

“You don’t have to. I can get there on my own,” I replied, knowing it wouldn’t be allowed. They all treated me like I was a defenseless little girl. It wasn’t like the Unseelie had even been around here in years. And I have been trained to protect myself by one of the best Fae warriors ever imagined. I was getting tired of being treated like a five year old.

“It is my duty, Princess.”

I sighed. “Fine
. Whatever.”

“Thank you for dinner, Olivia. I think I shall take my leave now, before I make Abbey angry.”

“Too late,” I muttered.

Mom nodded and stood to walk Daire out of the room. “Thank you for joining us, Daire. It is always a pleasure to have you here.”

“Tell Auberon I will be by later,” Max said as Daire and Mom walked out of the room.

“Of course, my Prince.”

“Abbey you shouldn’t be so harsh with Daire. He’s been good to you. You have no idea what it is like to undertake the tasks he does.”

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