Soul Mates: Magic (Soul Mates Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Soul Mates: Magic (Soul Mates Series)
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“What protecting me? Gee, he has it so hard. Dating the prettiest girls in school, playing football, being popular while I struggle to fit in. Oh yeah he’s got it hard,” I snorted.

Max shook his head and frowned. “It’s more than that…”

“Don’t do this to her, mon amour. She is not ready.”

Max turned to Anna and they had one of those private conversation moments in their heads that the rest of us weren’t privileged to hear, thank goodness.

“Very well, but she will have to know sooner or later.”

“What do I have to know?”

“Never mind them
, sweetheart. You know your brother, always cryptic about everything. How about we go watch your favorite movie? Or do you have homework? Would you rather get that out of the way?”

“No, a movie sounds good. But I’m not in the mood for
Alice in Wonderland
tonight. Maybe we could watch the new

“Sounds good, are you kids staying?” Dad asked Hunter, Ronny and Rose.

“I’ll stay, I haven’t seen that one yet,” Rose nodded.

“Sure, sounds good.”
Hunter and Ronny agreed.

“I expect you home by nine. You have school tomorrow,” Max said as he helped Anna from her chair.

“Oui, ma père,” Rose agreed slipping into French. They did that a lot, which is one reason I’m taking French. It comes naturally to my cousins, something about their shifter culture and French being their native language. Every now and then they’ll just start a conversation with me in French and I feel like a dummy because I haven’t a clue what they’re saying. I’m getting better though after three years of French. It doesn’t come naturally to me however like Gaelic does.

I followed Hunter and Ronny into the living room. They looked a lot
alike; it was sometimes hard to tell the two of them apart. They both looked so much like Anna too. Rose took after Max with her long blonde hair and expressive blue eyes. The boys though were both dark and tan and if they weren’t my cousin’s I’d have said really good-looking. They all three make me feel plain and dull. I sighed again.

“Dad is right Abs, you shouldn’t give Daire a hard time. You have no idea what it’s like trying to keep you out of trouble.”

I narrowed my eyes. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Ronny punched Hunter in the arm and gave him a look. “Shut up
, Hunt.”

“No, I’m serious. He constantly has to glamour people, so they don’t see you do stuff, he’s always vigilant. He’s never off duty and you don’t make things easy for him at all. You’re way too smart for your own good.
You should know better than to pull the crap you do.”

“What are you talking about? I’ve been good. I don’t do anything I don’t normally do.”

“Do you know how often Daire has to wipe someone’s memory when you flash yourself somewhere, anywhere? You never try to make sure you aren’t seen, Abs. Does he say a word? No. You’re the Princess and he won’t stop you, he’ll just cover for you. And when you pull your lunch out of thin air because you don’t like what they’re serving in the cafeteria…and don’t even get me started on the weather.”

I frowned. “I’m really that much trouble?”

“Daire doesn’t seem to think so, he just does it. It’s like he’s…”


“Nothing, never mind. It’s not my business.”

“Hunter, what?”

“He thinks that Daire is in love with you,” Rose said.


“He’s not the only one who thinks that,” Ronny added.

I frowned. “You’re crazy. Daire is
not in love with me.”

Rose shrugged and Hunter and Ronny just stared at me.

“Who’s ready for some popcorn and a little bit of horror?” Dad asked coming into the room with a large bowl and the dvd.




My cousins had given me a lot to think about. Was I really that bad? I didn’t think so, but I’d been doing magic for so long that it was second nature to me to just flash to where I wanted to go, or pull what I wanted out of Never Never. It never occurred to me not to really. It was a running joke for Auberon to ask me if I used magic every afternoon. I tried to be discreet about it and it bothered me that I hadn’t been as discreet as I thought. Not if Hunter and Ronny noticed me doing it. Why hadn’t Daire said anything?

And that nonsense about him being in love with me, well that had to be their over active imaginations. Daire has his choice of women, Fae or mortal. Why would he want someone like me? It made no sense. I decided to put that thought out of my mind, it would just make me want him more, and I knew I couldn’t have him.

I decided to worry more about not doing magic every time I was late or needed something. I hated the thought that Daire had been covering for me for so long. If anything I should be responsible for performing the glamour if I was the one causing mortals to see what they shouldn’t. Today was a new day and I decided I was going to do everything as mortal as I could. If Hunter and Ronny can do it, then I should be able to, right?

“Abbey, breakfast!” Mom called up the stairs.

Instead of flashing myself to the kitchen I walked sedately down the stairs to find Daire already seated at the table eating. He stood when I entered the room, a surprised look on his face. As if my entrance shocked him in some way. “Good morning.”

“Good morning, Princess.” He said pulling out my chair.

I sat, placed a napkin in my lap and asked, “Would you pass the eggs please?”

Daire did as I asked but he watched me warily. As if I were some creature he’d never seen before. I was about to surprise him more. “I thought I might drive to school today.”

“In a car? But you never drive…”

“I just feel like a change today. Do you mind?”

“No, not at all. But we had better hurry then Princess if you wish to make it on time.”

I nodded. “Thanks for breakfast, Mom.”

“You’re welcome
, sweetie. Have a good day at school.”

Daire followed me out to the garage where I’d parked the car Dad had given me on my sixteenth birthday. It was a red Lexus IS 250 C convertible. I didn’t drive it often, but I really did love it. I tossed my backpack into the back seat and climbed in the passenger seat, surprising Daire even more. “Why don’t you drive?”

“Are you sure?” Daire asked dropping his bag into the back seat as well.

I tossed him the keys and smiled. “Sure.”

Daire didn’t need me to ask twice. I was quiet on the drive to school, I was afraid I would start asking questions I didn’t want to know the answers to. It was better to just stay quiet.

“What has gotten into you?” Daire asked.

‘I don’t know what you mean.”

“Well…” he started to say, but then shook his head. “Never mind.”

We arrived at school a few moments later, thank goodness. I grabbed my backpack. “I’ll see you after football.” I could see Cole lounging by the school doors. He didn’t always come to school, Auberon kept him pretty busy. “
Dia duit Cole, conas ata tu?”
I said, asking how he was.

Cole smiled. “
Ag eiri go maith, buiochas a ghabhail leat, Princess,”
he answered.

I opened the door and he followed me in. Daire was close behind. “Abbey, I will see you after practice. Cole,” he said and nodded at Cole before taking off for his locker where six cheerleaders waited for him.

I watched as the most popular girls hung all over him, asking him all kinds of asinine questions. I imagined them saying things like,
“Oh Daire, how do you get your hair so soft?”
“Daire, how did you get to be so strong?”
It was disgusting to think about and it made me quite jealous. I sighed.

“What’s the matter
, Princess?” Cole asked respectfully. He was always very formal and respectful with me.

I shook my head, rolled my eyes and smiled. I’d learned over the years not to say anything out loud where I could be over heard, unless it was important life and death stuff, like an Unseelie attack. Of course that hadn’t happened since Max was in high school. At least not around here. I pulled my books from my locker and headed to history.
I actually walked to class, much to Cole’s surprise. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Daire watching me and I smiled.

“Hey Abbey, wait up!”

I turned to see Michael headed for me, so I stopped and waited. “Hi.”

Michael skidded to a halt and grinned at me. It wasn’t a take my breath away kind of grin like Daire’s, but it was a nice one that made his green eyes light up. “So what do ya wanna do after the game?”

“I don’t know. What do you usually do after the game?” I asked.

“Well, usually a group of us go to Carter’s and hang out, but I didn’t think you were the type to wanna do that.”

“No, that’s fine. We can go to Carter’s. It’ll be…fun.” I smiled.

“Great. I’ll see ya later then,” he said before taking off down the hall again.

Cole was leaning against the wall giving me a look. “What?” I whispered softly.

“Him, Princess? Isn’t he a bit…”

“Don’t you start too, Cole,” I whispered in Gaelic.

“It’s none of my business, Princess, forgive me.”

I frowned and nodded. What was it with all of them? Did they see something I didn’t? I went silently into class, thinking about what I was possibly missing. I spent the rest of the day meandering through the halls, barely making it to class on time. At lunch I got a sandwich off of the ala carte counter and started to go outside to eat in the sun. I preferred eating outside because I didn’t feel so alone then. Sometimes I sat with Hunter and Ronny, but never Daire. I could see him sitting with the other football players and cheerleaders.

“Hey, Abbey, come sit with us,” Michael called to me before I could make it out the door.

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled as I walked over to him. “Okay,” I said hesitantly as I sat down next to him.

“Is that all you are eating?”

I looked down at my cold ham and cheese sandwich. “Yeah.”

“You girls, you never eat anything,” Michael said shaking his head. “Here have some of my chips.”

I smiled and took the offered chips. I didn’t really care for barbeque, but I ate them anyway as I listened to Michael and the others talk football. It was interesting hearing it from the player’s point of view instead of from the sidelines. I’d been watching football for as long as I could remember. Much to my Father’s and Max’s dismay I was not a Colts fan, instead I rooted for the Saints. I don’t know why I preferred them, something about their spirit I think. They always rally and make a comeback. The Colts haven’t been good since Manning left for Denver. The boys were all debating their fantasy picks and I attempted to join the conversation.

“I’d choose Daniel
s for quarterback. He’s got a great arm.”

Michael smiled at me, like he thought it was funny that I’d have an opinion. “Cute
, babe. Why don’t you talk to Courtney?”

I glanced over at Courtney and her crew. I so didn’t want to talk to them. And I was fairly certain that they didn’t want to talk to me either. Courtney was whispering behind her hand to Lauren and glancing over at me. I frowned. I knew they were talking about me. It was pretty obvious.

“No, I’m pretty sure I have nothing in common with her.”

Michael just smiled and went back to his conversation. I glanced over at Daire who was listening to Meagan fairly intently. He didn’t even glance up at me. I sighed and wished I had gone outside anyway. At least then I could have talked to Cole. I tapped Michael on the shoulder. “I need to go. I’ll see you later.”

“Where’re ya going?” Michael asked.

“Just need to talk Mrs. Peters.”

‘Mrs. Peters?”

“The librarian?”

“Oh. What would you need to see her for? Did you get in trouble?”

“No. I just need to see if a book I requested came in yet.”

“Oh, for one of your classes?” Michael asked looking confused.

“No, just one I’ve been wai
ting to read.”

“What? You mean like for fun?” he looked at me like I was crazy.

“Yeah, I do that sometimes. Read for fun. You should try it sometime.”

“I’ll just wait for the movie.” Michael smiled as if he’d said something funny.

I lifted my cheek in a half smile. “So, I’ll see you later,” I said standing up.

“Yeah, ok babe,” he said already turning back to his buddies. I saw Cole cringe at his words, but I waited until we were alone in the hall before I said anything.

“What? I know he’s not really my type.”

“He’s disrespectful, Princess.”

“He’s just a boy. He doesn’t have any idea who I am. No one does. That is sort of the problem around here. I can’t really be myself, can I?”

“Perhaps,” Cole studied me for a moment. “I’ve noticed you have not used magic even once today…”

“Well it was brought to my attention that I use it too often and that you and Daire have been covering for me.”

“Daire spoke of this with you?” Cole asked incredulous.

“No, it wasn’t Daire. Hunter and Ronny mentioned it. I suppose I never realized how much trouble I cause you both every day.”

“It is no trouble your Highness, it is our pleasure to make sure you are happy.”

I looked at Cole and frowned. “I’m sure I am more trouble than you will admit.”

Cole just smiled. “I enjoy watching you create things, Princess.”

I smiled then. “Thanks Cole, I do appreciate you and Daire stepping in when I’ve not covered my actions adequately. However, I will do my best in the future to abstain from magicking everything I want.”

“As you wish, Princess.”

I pushed open the library door and went inside. It was my favorite place in the whole school. I love books and I felt comfortable here. “Hello Mrs. Peters.”

“Abbey, hello. The book you requested came in this morning.
A Complete Collection of Edgar Allen Poe
, just as you requested.”

I smiled taking the book from her. “Thank you Mrs. Peters.”

“You will have to let me know which is your favorite. Some of them are a bit creepy, so don’t read it before bed,” Mrs. Peters said with a grin.

“I won’t,” I replied. I’d read most of them before, but I wanted to reread a few of the stories, like
A Tell-tale Heart
The Pit and the Pendulum
. I was actually thinking about writing my next report for English on Edgar.

“Scary stories, Princess? Don’t you have enough scariness in your life?” Cole asked softly as we left the library.

“They are just stories Cole, nothing to be afraid of. As for scariness in my life…what scariness?”

“The Unseelie, Princess…
are you not even a little scared?”

I looked at Cole curiously. “Cole, I’ve never even seen an Unseelie in person. You, Daire and Max keep me so sheltered from any possibility of engaging a rogue Unseelie that I have no reason to be afraid.”

“Perhaps we have kept you too sheltered. I did warn Auberon of that possibility, but he was adamant that you be kept away from the unpleasantness of the war.”

“I know. You have all done your jobs well, I’ve never felt an ounce of terror,” I said quietly.

Cole just nodded as he walked me from my locker to my next class. The rest of the day passed just as slowly as the beginning of the day. And I couldn’t leave, I had to stay and wait for Daire. It was a sort of unwritten rule with Auberon. Daire was to escort me to Faerie after football, whether by flash or by car so that I could train with Gideon for a while before going home. Cole was off duty as soon as school let out and he escorted me to the football field.

“Have a pleasant evening
, Princess,” Cole said with a bow and then disappeared before I could even reply back. I went and sat on the bleachers to do my homework, but I was soon interrupted by Michael calling to me from the field.

“Babe! You came to watch me practice. That’s sweet. You gonna be here for the game right?”

I’m sure my face showed surprise, as I wasn’t really there to see him. I really wasn’t there to see anyone, okay, maybe I did enjoy watching Daire run around in those tight football pants, but still. “Yes, I’ll be at the game.” Along with three fourths of my family who always come-out to watch Daire play.

“Great! I’ll look for ya during the game,” he said running off to join the pack of players on the field.

I glanced over at Daire who seemed to be watching me intently and frowning. I wondered what was going through his mind. I blinked and he was back with the players, not paying the least bit of attention to me. Sighing I pulled my history book out and began to take notes on the chapter.

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