Soul Mates: Magic (Soul Mates Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Soul Mates: Magic (Soul Mates Series)
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“Princess, so you decided to show up this afternoon,” Cale said snidely.

“Shove it Cale,” I said snapping my fingers and changing into my workout attire. I picked up the broad sword and entered the ring.

I spun the sword in my hand, getting a good feel for it and then went on the offense and struck out at Cale, who of course blocked me. I didn’t give up though, I continued to badger him with the sword, wearing him down with each swipe I sent his way. I didn’t even give him a chance to try an attack on me. I just continued to swing the sword at him and finally my aim was true, slicing him open across the torso. I backed off and let him heal and stand back up before beginning again.

I could see Daire and Gideon chatting on the side of the ring, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. It was enough to turn my attention away from my opponent.

“You’ll have to do better than that weak ass shit to keep up with me, Princess.”

Cale succeeded in pissing me off. I dropped the broad sword and pulled two
lightweight nine-inch swords from Never Never and then attacked him again. I jumped up, flipped over him and brought both swords down into his back. I set my booted heel against his back and pulled my swords out, letting him fall to the ground.

“Weak ass shit?” I said archly.

Cale went down on his knees but kicked out, attempting to sweep my feet out from under me. I back flipped out of the way and waited for him to make another move. He stood back up, swung his sword and I spun out of the way, squatted down, continued the spin and cut open his thighs. I stood back up still spinning and knocked him on his butt again with a kick to the head. I moved back away from him, waiting for him to yield or stand and try and come for me again.

Cale dropped his sword and continued to
lie on the ground panting. “All right, I take back the weak ass shit comment!”

“Darn right you do,” I said sheathing my swords and holding out a hand to help him up. I held his hand firmly as he tried to yank me down to the ground, but didn’t succeed. “Really?”

Cale laughed. “Fine, I give up,” he said standing up. “You’ve won this round Princess, congratulations.”

I ignored him and joined Daire and Gideon. “What’s going on?”

Gideon looked at me and smiled. “Daire was just telling me about your latest encounter. You are improving by the way, I was watching you with Cale. You still drop your left side with the broad sword, but you’re improving. Much better with the nine-inch swords and you’re using more of your martial arts training, you’ve managed to impress me. Take the rest of the afternoon off.”

I nodded and stepped out of the ring still feeling restless. I was worried about the Queen and what she wanted. I didn’t want to stay out of Never Never forever and I didn’t want to be under guard for the rest of my life either. I started heading inside, but was quickly stopped by Jarlath.

“Princess, we still have several more dances to practice, if you have the time now.”

It wasn’t exactly the outlet I was looking for, but it would do. “Fine,” I replied. “But I’d like Daire to be my partner, if you don’t mind?” I asked looking at Daire as he entered the room behind me.

“It would be my pleasure,” Daire said with a sensuous smile causing my heart to race.

“Very well, you have mastered the waltz, but now you must master the rumba and the tango.”

I nodded and changed my clothes to a pair of heels and a suitable dress to practice in with a quick snap of my fingers. I stepped into Daire’s arms as The Killer’s
Mr. Brightside
began to play. I started to move, slowly at first, just my hips, keeping my eyes locked with Daire’s. He spun me a few times, under his arm, picked me up in a lift and twirled me and set me back down, leaning into me, his hips pressed against mine moving slowly from side to side. All too soon the sensual dance was over.

“Very good Princess. Now the tango,” Jarlath said quickly switching the music to the Shakira’s
Objection Tango.

Daire slipped behind me and as the first few notes began to play he stepped close to my back, grabbed my arms and slid his hands down to my wrists and back up again. I shook myself loose and took a couple of steps away, and his fingers slid down my arm, grasping my wrist and spun me back to him. We moved across the floor, the rhythm picking up as we did so. He pulled my leg up on his hip and spun us around and I slid down his body and then worked my way back up, my hips swaying against him. Our eyes were once again locked on each other and he had a tiny little smirk playing on his lips that so made me want to kiss him.
He spun me out away from him again and then spun me back. I slid my hands down his chest and back up, for the last movement of the song. My feet never seemed to stop moving. As the song ended I slid my hands up around his neck and leaned into him and he dipped me.

Jarlath applauded. “Princess, it seems all you needed was the right music to get the steps right.”

Or the right partner,
I thought, my eyes never leaving Daire’s. We were both breathing hard, and the tension between us was just this side of unbearable. I knew that if we were alone he would have kissed me.

Mo ghrá ach,”
Daire whispered softly, and the promise in his eyes made my stomach twist into knots.

“Abs! Looking good,” Max said joining us in the ballroom. “You’re going to blow their minds when they see you.”

I smiled. “Thanks,” I said reluctantly stepping out of Daire’s arms. “I suppose you’re here because the boys told you want went down at school?”

“Hunter gave a fairly good account of your activities,” Max said with a smile. “I think you handled everything as well as you possibly could have. I don’t think my being there would have changed the outcome,” Max said with a frown. “Abbey, I’m sorry about Elvin. He was a good friend.” Max hugged me and I could tell he felt horrible about the loss of one of our own.

“It’s all right. Elvin is probably happy as a lark in Summerland,” I said softly. “He’ll greet us there when it’s our time.”

Max nodded and released me. “You really have grown up,” he said staring at me as if he were seeing me for the first time. “When did that happen?”

I smiled and rolled my eyes. “Oh you know, when you weren’t looking.”

Max laughed. “Come on, Anna is with Tatiana looking at dresses. She’s waiting for you. Something about your final fitting?”

I grinned. “So I’ve been told. Tell Anna I’ll be along in a moment,” I said turning back to Daire. “Will I see you later?”

He pulled me into his arms and apparently not caring that we had an audience he kissed me. “Definitely,” he whispered softly and stroked my cheek, giving me a sexy smile.

Jarlath dropped his clipboard when he noticed us, and gasped. “Princess!”

“Get over it Jarlath,” Max said. “Auberon has already approved their union.”

“But…but… she hasn’t even made her debut! Or been introduced to all available suitors!”

how I don’t think she cares.”

“Well, I never!” Jarlath said in exasperation.

“Exactly,” Max replied with a grin. “Daire why don’t you join me? I’m meeting Thomas and James for a game of cards while the ladies look at dresses.”

Daire grinned. “Sounds good,” he said releasing me once again.

I left my room and made my way through the Mound to Tatiana’s rooms. I stepped across the threshold to find an explosion of lace and sequins. I was terrified of what she had in store for me.

Chapter Twenty-


“Abbey darling, you are just in time!” Tatiana said with a smile as she rushed forward, her arms filled with a lacy concoction.

“What is that?” I asked eyeing the white lace.

“Oh, this? Nothing. Anna and I were just…planning.”

I raised an eyebrow. Tatiana never just planned. She created and designe
d with purpose. “What exactly are you planning? That creation looks an awful lot like a wedding dress…” I said suspiciously.

“It’s nothing for you to get yourself worked up about
, Abbey dear. Now come, I have the perfect dress for your debut.”

“Will I be able to dance in it? I have to dance that tango, the rumba and waltz, and while I adore dancing those with Daire, I really wish we could just have a modern band with modern music.”

“It’s tradition, my dearest. Three formal dances must be performed by the debutant Fae so that the Nobles can see how acceptable you are. They will be watching your every move to see if you are the perfect match for their sons, especially once they find out you are the true heir.”

“Excuse me? Perfect match for their sons?”

“Oh yes! There will be many formal requests for your hand in marriage,” Tatiana said busying herself with some fabric.

I stared at Anna incredulous. “What is she talking about?” I asked praying I had misheard her.

“She is anticipating all of the suitors you will have once you are announced heir.”

“That is what I thought she said,” I replied frowning. “Great Grandmother, sit down.”

“What is it dear?”

“Sit down! Please,” I said and waited until she complied. “Tatiana, no matter how many requests I get, my choice is already made. I love Daire and he loves me. If I marry anyone, it will be him.”

Tatiana laughed. “Of course, darling, I know that. But the Nobles don’t know that.”

I was now thoroughly confused. “Then why…?”

“We still have to go through the formalities, my sweet, it’s tradition.”

I sighed. “All right. Where is this dress you wish me to try on?”

Tatiana pulled out a royal blue dress that sparkled with iridescent sequins. It had a sweetheart neckline and thin spaghetti straps. I pulled the dress over my head and slid it down my body. The skirt fit tightly over my hips and had a slit up the thigh so that when I danced I’d be able to move. It came to just above my knees.

“Now the mask!” Tatiana said with a clap of her hands.

Anna handed me the feathery contraption, I flipped it over, pulled the elastic band and slipped it over my face. It molded to the contours of my face perfectly. I stepped in front of the mirror to see what I looked like. The mask was trimmed in gold, and was painted with swirls of gold and silver. The royal blue feathers were affixed to the right side, just above the eye and adorned with gold and silver snowflakes. I looked…older, more sophisticated. Of course I wasn’t looking all that Fae, so I slipped my ring off and laid it on the table and watched my features change. Now the skirt fit a little less tightly and was at least two inches shorter. It would move very well when I danced. I smiled into the mirror. “Yes I love it,” I said answering Tatiana’s unasked question.

“Wonderful!” Tatiana said clapping her hands.

“Now what?” I asked removing the dress and snapping myself back into a pair of jeans and a comfortable tee shirt.

“Now you let Anna and I
finish our other planning and you go get some rest.”

I narrowed my eyes and did as she asked, leaving the room and heading for my own. I had a ton of homework to keep me busy until dinner. I’d just sat down and opened my science book when there was a knock at the door.

“Come in,” I said not bothering to look up.

“What do you think?” Daire asked stepping into the room.

I looked up to see him dressed in a fancy black Fae suit similar to a tux. He looked scrumptious and he knew it. The wicked little smirk that I loved so much was playing on his lips as I stood up and walked around him, pretending to evaluate his look.

“Hmmm, well, I suppose it shall have to do,” I said with a grin as I came back around to face him.

He dropped the smirk and frowned. “You don’t like it?”

“I love it,” I said wrapping my arms around him. “You look amazing and you know it.”

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. “Thank you,” he said softly kissing my nose. “Does your dress fit well?”

“It does,” I said with a smile. “I’m a bit nervous though. Tatiana seems to think that I am going to receive numerous marriage offers from the Nobles. It’s so old fashioned, why would they think I’d be interested in one of their sons that I’ve never met?”

Daire grinned. “Well, I don’t think you will need to worry so much about the Nobles, and what kind of old fashioned ideas they have floating around in their heads.”

I raised an eyebrow, he was clearly hiding information about the party that I didn’t have. “What should I be worrying about then?”

“Not a thing, my love,” Daire replied, a twinkle in his eye. “I’m going to go change, wouldn’t want anything to happen to my suit before the big night.”

He kissed me and was out of the door before I could reply. I sighed and sat back down in front of my books. I wish there was a magical way to get the assignments done, but o
f course there wasn’t, not without cheating and I was more ethical than that. With a sigh I started taking notes.

Chapter Twenty-t


The next week passed quietly, too quietly. Not one beast from Never Never was seen anywhere near the school, near the Mound or near my house. It was making me very nervous. The Queen didn’t just give up. She was planning something, I didn’t know what, but I had a feeling whatever it was, it was going to be bad.

I was heading into Government when something not quite right caught my eye. I turned back to the hallway to see what it was. The students were all roaming the halls as if everyth
ing were normal, but there was…something. That is when I saw her. Póg was back and not in human form. She was glamoured, which is why the humans didn’t react, but I could see her, approaching Avery, who seemed to be in some sort of trance like state. My temper began to boil and a very loud thunderclap sounded outside, above the school.

, I thought we had an agreement,” I said striding down the hall.

smiled. “Oh I did make an agreement, not to bother anyone from this town or school…he’s not though…he’s Fae. And cousin dear, you didn’t exactly play fair with the Dark Stone…”

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” I said calmly. “I gave you the stone, as you asked.”

“Ah, but you altered it. I don’t know how you managed it, but you did.”

“No, I did nothing to the stone, and you know I cannot lie.”

Póg lifted a brow, “True, how interesting. Did Auberon have something to do with it?”

“Not a thing. He never even touched it.”

“Hmmm, very interesting,” Póg said trailing her fingers across Avery’s chest. “He really is scrumptious…I could just eat him up…” she said whisper close to Avery’s neck.

“Leave him alone, Póg,” I said pulling a dagger and aiming for her heart. It wouldn’t kill her of course, but it would hurt her.

“I wouldn’t throw that little trinket if I were you, Princess…your precious humans might see what you really are,” Póg said dismantling the glamour she’d held over everyone.

I quickly glamoured the dagger to look like a pen, I didn’t need to be expelled for bringing a weapon to school.
I threw the dagger and it hit dead center, of Póg’s chest and she dropped the rest of her glamour, the bit covering herself. She grabbed the dagger, pulling it out of her chest and hurtling it back at me. I caught it before it penetrated my skin. But she followed it with another of her own and I ducked. The six-inch dagger flew down the hallway and hit another student in the upper shoulder.

“Holy goddess! You are just a complete menace!” I said turning to see who she’d hit. He was down on the
floor and I sighed as I realizing it was Michael again. His karma must have been really bad for him to keep getting in the way. “You’ve broken your oath, Póg…I’ll be seeing you on the night of the Wild Hunt…” I said turning back to her.

I…it wasn’t…” Póg stuttered, her eyes wide. “Shit!” she said as she flashed out of the building.

“You can’t hide from the Hunt
, Póg, We will find you!” I shouted.

“Princess, we should see to Michael,” Cole said directing my attention to his quickly fading

I sighed, pulled another vial out of Never Never to counteract the toxin that the dagger had apparently been coated in. I forced the concoction down Michael’s throat as Cole pulled the knife from his shoulder. I did a quick healing spell over the wound, repaired his shirt and helped him to stand up.

“What the hell, babe?” Michael said with confusion. “Get the hell off me!”

I dropped his arm and rolled my eyes. “You tripped, I was just keeping you from falling,” I said.

“Get away from me, weird girl,” he said with a nasty look.

Another clap of thunder shook the building hard and I was really tempted to send a bolt of
lightning to strike him. “Whatever,” I said gritting my teeth and narrowing my eyes.

“Don’t do it
, Abs,” Daire said softly, as he came to stand near me, taking my hand in his. “I know he’s an ass, but you can’t.”

“Are you sure?” I asked still pulsing with fury.

“I’m positive,” Daire said as Michael pushed past us and down the hall.

Thunder clapped again and light
ning struck the ground outside in a huge flash. I controlled it enough that it didn’t hurt anyone or anything, just sent the energy straight into the ground. Gaia sent the energy back up through the ground, through the floor and straight into me. I could feel the power pulse shiver through my skin and my hair stood out from my head a bit, like it does with static electricity.

“Ground it
, Abs,” Daire said, our fingers still entwined. I could see the effects the energy was having on him. His skin glowed and shimmered allowing his Faeness to be seen.

I set my jaw and concentrated, unsure where to send the energy, I searched for an outlet, any outlet that wouldn’t hurt me or mine. My eyes lit on the fire alarm system, it wasn’t ideal, it would mean setting off the entire system and forcing everyone out of the building, but it was better than the alternatives, like blowing every circuit in the building or worse, frying the power grid. I laid my hand on the alarm and pushed the energy into it.

The bells clanged loudly as students poured into the halls, carefully walking in rehearsed straight lines out of the buildings to wait for the all clear signal. It was going to be a while though, I thought as I fell into line with Daire behind the rest of the students.

“They are going to have to call someone in to get them turned off,” Daire said with a grin. “It’ll be hours. We could leave…”

I laughed. “You think?” I asked jokingly.

Daire’s grin grew wicked as he pulled me into his arms. “To Faerie,” he whispered and we flashed to the entrance of the Mound.

“Princess?” Thane said at our sudden appearance. “Daire? Is something wrong? Why are you not in school?”

“Póg broke her oath. S
he attacked a student, unintentionally, but still…”

“Auberon will want to be informed.”

“We were just going to see him,” Daire said placing his hand in the small of my back and pushing me through the door. We started down the hallway toward the throne room, but Daire grabbed my hand and pulled me into an anteroom, shut the door and leaned into me, pressing my back against the wall.

I slipped my arms around his neck as he pressed a kiss in the hallow of my throat
. He moved his lips up my neck to nuzzle my ear and then brushed kisses along my jaw, before capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. He slid his hands down my back to grab my hips and press me close to him. I could feel my heart racing in my chest and causing butterflies to fill my stomach. I moaned when he pulled his lips from mine to lavish kisses down my throat.

“Daire,” I murmured softly, loving the feel his lips skimming over me. I slid my hands up his chest and into his hair.

“Take it off,” he murmured as he pulled my hand down to his lips and glanced at my ring.

I smiled and pulled the ring from my finger, dropping it to the floor. I felt myself shift to Fae and I reached for his hand with his ring and slid it from his finger as well. I grinned as his features changed, becoming more Fae. I wanted him and I leaned into him for another kiss. He lifted me up into his arms and used the wall as leverage, never breaking the kiss.

“Do you have any idea how much I want you?” Daire asked softly as he pressed kisses to my throat.

“Not as much as I want you,” I murmured.

Daire narrowed his eyes and gave me a challenging look, “I have waited a millennium for you, I’m not about to take you in an anteroom. I want you for longer than that,
mo ghrá ach
,” he whispered softly. “We will do this right.”

I sighed laying my forehead on his shoulder and slid my back down the wall till my feet were on the floor again. “If we must,” I replied.

“After your debut ball, and the wild hunt, we will have a proper wedding.” Daire tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

“And I must allow Gareth his boon
s as well,” I said quietly.

“Damn the Goblin King. You don’t have to give him his boon
s beforehand. I’d prefer it take place much later, like in five hundred or so years.”

I laughed. “Of course you would, but I’d much rather get it out of the way, and not be waiting forever.”

“Fine,” Daire said sulkily, and then he smiled, causing my heart to flip.

“And I really think he needs to be invited to my ball and to our wedding as well
, when we decide when to have it,” I replied, and he gave me another sour look. I smiled and stroked his cheek. “Daire, I want to build a strong alliance with him, with all of the Goblins. I don’t want the Queen to attempt to use the Goblins against us, besides, they aren’t so bad.”

“You do realize that the goblins will go with whoever pays them the most.”

“I’m hoping to change that.”

“If anyon
e can, it will be you, my love,” Daire said kissing my temple and then bending down to retrieve our rings. “We should go inform Auberon now.”

I nodded and followed him out of the anterior room.
We found Auberon in his throne room.

“Abbey, Daire has school released you early today?” Auberon asked standing up and walking over to greet us.

I hugged him and smiled. “No, but we have news,” I replied.

“Not bad news,” Auberon asked in concern.

“Well, that depends. Póg broke her oath,” I stated matter of factly.

Auberon’s blue eyes widened. “And what did Póg do to break her oath?”

“She harmed a student, though it was an accident. Do we go after her on the Wild Hunt?”

Auberon considered this for a moment. “It is a technicality…but, the oath was broken. Yes, you will have to go after her. I fear she will be hiding in the wilds of Never Never
, and you will have to follow her there. On the bright side, there shouldn’t be any more attacks between now and your debut.”

I smiled and nodded. “Yes, that is good news. Do you think we can drop the guard detail now?”

“No, I would still feel more comfortable if you were protected, your ball is still just over a week away and the Queen could send others after you. Besides, the warriors would be disappointed. It’s not often they get to masquerade as human.” Auberon grinned. “Since you are home anyway, perhaps you should go work with Tatiana. She said she is running low on the anti-toxin.”

I nodded and turned to Daire with a smile
just as a few of the Nobles began to knock upon the door. “See you later?”

Of course, Princess,” he said formally, but with a tender smile.

I followed the maze of hallways to Tatiana’s workroom and spent the next several hours helping her extract just the right amount of poison from each plant and mixing it into a prepared paste. Once it was mixed, we scrapped the paste into a pot and let it boil before carefully pouring it into little
two-ounce vials.

“How many more do we need, Tatiana?” I asked as I vigilantly followed her directions.

“I think we have enough for two more,” she said bringing a couple more vials over to my workbench. “Be careful now,” she commented as I used a funnel to get the last drop out of the pot.

With a tap, I closed the last lid and then relaxed.
“Now what?”

“Now they have to be set in the light for a few days,” she explained as she carried the tray of vials to another table and turned on a couple of desk lamps directly over them.

“Then are we finished for today?” I asked.

“Well there is one more thing,” she said taking my hand and pulling me down the hallway to my chamber.
“A messenger arrived with this, from the Goblin King.” She gestured to a package on my table.

I stared at the rectangular box, half afraid to open it. What could Gareth have sent in such a large box? And why? “Was there a message with the box?”

Tatiana handed me a sealed envelope and then stood back waiting for me to do something. “Well? Aren’t you going to open it?”

I took a deep breath and nodded. With a steady hand, belying my nervousness, I pulled the string on the box and lifted the lid. My breath caught in my throat. It was an exquisite pair of Manticore-hide boots, exactly my size and a micro-mini dress of the same material. I picked up my letter opener and sliced through the paper envelope and pulled the accompanying letter from it. It read:

My deliciously sweet Abbey,

I very much enjoyed our meeting and I look forward to seeing you again soon. With that in mind, I have sent you a token to remember me by and wear when you come for you visit. I am calling in the first of my boons. Please join me for a delectable feast and an evening of seductive entertainment. I will send an escort for you tomorrow evening at five. Please do not be late.

Ever yours,


“Oh my,” Tatiana murmured reading over my shoulder. “You have certainly made a conquest there, Abbey dear.”

I sat down on the bed and frowned. “I will have to go. I gave my word.”

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