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Authors: Deborah Gregory

BOOK: Catwalk
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Livin’ Large
(Books 1-4)

Supa Dupa Sparkles
(Books 5-8)

Growl Power Forever!
(Books 9-12)

Off the Hook
(Books 13-16)

This is a work of fiction. All incidents and dialogue, and all characters with the exception of some well-known historical and public figures, are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Where real-life historical or public figures appear, the situations, incidents, and dialogues concerning those persons are fictional and are not intended to depict actual events or to change the fictional nature of the work. In all other respects, any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

copyright © 2008 by Deborah Gregory
Catwalk: Strike a Pose
copyright © 2009 by Deborah Gregory
Catwalk: Rip the Runway
copyright © 2011 by Deborah Gregory
Cover art copyright © 2011 by Claudette Barjoud

All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Laurel-Leaf, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. This work contains two previously published works,
Catwalk: Strike a Pose
, published in the United States by Delacorte Press, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, in 2008 and 2009, respectively.

Laurel-Leaf Books with the colophon is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc.

Grateful acknowledgment is made to Nine Lives Entertainment, LLC, for permission to reprint lyrics from “These Lies” by Alyjah Jade, copyright © 2010 by Alyjah Jade. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission of Nine Lives Entertainment, LLC.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.

eISBN: 978-0-375-89747-4

: 5.0

Random House Children’s Books supports the First Amendment and celebrates the right to read.




For my purrlicious friends “Pashmina,” “Angora,”
and “Nole.” Thank you for stroking my fur
and helping me unleash my feline fatale.



Molto grazie
to Stephanie Lane, a fabbie editor who truly earns purr points to the max. Most importantly, I must pay homage to the feline fatales who’ve made their mark in my life—and on the world—from Lynn Whitfield and Tonya Pinkins to Tina Andrews and Anath Garber. And to my best friend, a fashionista to the finish line—Beverly Johnson, the first black supermodel in America. Nothing will ever change that. Scratch, scratch!


As an officially fierce team member of the House of Pashmina, I fully accept the challenge of competing in the Catwalk competition. That includes granting unlimited access to photographers and television crews at all times during the yearlong process. I will also be expected to represent my crew to the max, abide by directions from my team leader, and to honor, respect, and uphold the Catwalk Credo:

Strap yourself in and fasten your Gucci seat belt
. By entering this world-famous fashion competition, I acknowledge that I’m in for the roller-coaster ride of my young, style-driven life. Therefore, whenever I feel like screaming my head off or jumping out of my chic caboose, I will resist the urge; instead, I will tighten a notch on my fears like a true fashionista.

Illustrate your visions, but don’t be sketchy with crew members
. My commitment to my House must always come first. Nothing must stand in the way of my Catwalk obligations—
nada, nyet, niente, Nietzsche!
And when someone or something presents itself as an obstacle, I promise to call upon my crew to summon the strength necessary to cut off the interference like a loose, dangling thread.

Rulers are for those who rule with purrcision
. The true measure of my success will be not how I slope the terrain to fame but my ability to align my tasks and tantrums with those of my crew. I must always remember that grandiosity could land me in the half-price sale bin like Goliath—who was toppled by a tiny but well-targeted rock.

Be prepared to endure more pricks than a pincushion
. Now that I’ve made the commitment to a goal sought after by many other aspiring fashionistas, I must be prepared for catiac attacks. Therefore, I will honestly share my fears and concerns with my crew, so that I can be pricked back to the reality that I am
alone in this not-so-chic and competitive world, nor will I achieve fabulosity solely on my own merits.

Become a master tailor of your schedule
. I must face the fact that my time has now become a commodity more valuable than Gianni Versace’s gunmetal mesh fabric from the seventies. Despite my daunting
tasks, I must always find the time to show up for my crew and attend my bimonthly Catwalk meetings throughout the year. Together we can make our dreams come true, one blind stitch at a time.

Floss your teeth, not your ego
. Now that I’m part of a crew, carrying on about my accomplishments like I’m the Lone Ranger of Liberty prints is not cute; neither is grungy grooming or having food crouched between my teeth. I will carry tools of my trade with me at all times, including a container of dental floss and a hairbrush, so that I can be prepared for prime-time purring and on-camera cues that may come at me off the cuff.

*Ruffles don’t always have ridges
. While everyone is entitled to an opinion, I will not allow myself to become hemmed in by well-meaning wannabes outside my crew. My individual style is only worthy when it becomes incorporated into the collective vision of my Catwalk crew. I will also resist the temptation to bite anyone else’s flavor to the degree that it constitutes copying, or I will be asked to pack my tape measure and head back to the style sandbox on my own.

*Pay homage and nibble on fromage
. As a true fashionista, I must study the creative contributions of those who came before me so that I can become the maker of my own mélange. I will also publicly give the fashionistas who came before me the props they’re due
whenever name-dropping is appropriate. Despite my quest for individual development, I must acknowledge that I will always channel influences from the past, present, and future.

*Click out your cat claws to defend your cattitudinal stance
. When others turn bitter, I must bring on the glitter. Competition always brings out the worst in foes—and even friends—because everyone will try to gobble the biggest slice of the fashion pie and no one settles for crumbs without putting up a fight.

*Always be ready to strike a pose
. Even if I am not a model in the House of Pashmina, I cannot expect to strut the catwalk without getting a leg up on the competition first and saving my best riff for last. When it’s showtime, I will be prepared to do my assigned task to help bring the House of Pashmina to the finish line.

Act fierce even when you’re not feeling it
. Never let the competition see you sweat. While going through this creative process, I may feel doubts about my direction. I will feel free to bounce my ideas off other crew members, but never reveal sensitive information to outsiders! Not all fashion spies have been sent to Siberia—they hide among us, always ready to undo a dart or a hemline.

*Keep your eyes on the international prize
. As a fierce fashionista, I intend to get my global groove on by sampling style and culture around the world. In
order to show my appreciation for the global access that style grants me, I commit to practice a foreign language for five minutes a day and double up on Saturdays because we’re going to win the Catwalk competition and stage our style at a destination to be determined—over the rainbow!
Ciao, au revoir, sayonara!

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