Read Something to Believe In (The Renegade Saints Book 4) Online

Authors: Ella Fox

Tags: #Renegade Saints Book Four

Something to Believe In (The Renegade Saints Book 4) (19 page)

BOOK: Something to Believe In (The Renegade Saints Book 4)
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As much as I’d resisted her at the beginning, I’d always found pleasure in watching her work. She was sweet down to her core and it was obvious the gang was fond of her. She took time to talk to everyone, stepping in and helping wherever she could. She worked hard and if I hadn’t been able to deduce it just from seeing it up close and personal, Lacey had told me Daisy was the best employee she’d ever trained, bar none.

I was distracted during sound check because I could see Daisy out at the soundboard with some of the crew helping out with something. She’d become the go-to person and I couldn’t help being proud of her. It was obvious she loved her job.

After sound check, I climbed down from the stage and walked up the aisle to where she was working. As I was walking I noticed one of the roadies, Chad, kept checking her out. I gnashed my teeth together as I glared at his oblivious ass. I didn’t even question how territorial I was feeling. Cavemen were probably less obvious than I was about to be. Bottom line
, she was mine.
When I got to where they were, I gave the motherfucker a pointed look as I put my arm around Daisy and brought her against me. Her lips parted and she flushed as she licked her lips and looked up at me dazedly.

“What’re you—”

I silenced her by kissing her. I kept it cool by not taking it to Def Porn 4, but I did swipe my tongue against hers twice because I couldn’t be that close to her without tasting her. When I pulled back, everyone in the area was looking at us. Realizing I’d just caught them, they all had the good sense to look away. Chad was smart, swallowing nervously as he backed away. I barely contained the urge to smirk at him, but I stopped myself because I realized I didn’t need to. Daisy was with me. She’d chosen me. Chad could make goo-goo eyes at her all day, but it was me she’d be going home with after the show.

Her eyes were wide as I traced my thumb across her bottom lip.

“I guess we’re not trying to keep what’s going on between us secret?” she asked softly.

I shook my head at her as I laughed. “Hell fuckin’ no we’re not.”

The way she beamed at me indicated she was feeling my answer. I positioned myself at her side, slinging an arm over her shoulders as I started walking us toward the backstage entrance.

“So how’s work?” I asked teasingly. “Better than spending the day on my dick?”

She giggled as she elbowed me in the side. “Definitely not better, but it’s been good. I’ve gotten a lot done.”

“I saw that since I was watching you during sound check,” I told her as we made our way down the long hall to the backstage sitting area.

“You were?”

“I was,” I admitted.

“See anything you liked?” she asked in a sassy sounding voice.

“Fuck yeah I did. Tonight after the show, I’ll be cataloging all those areas by touch.”

“Tyson,” she murmured breathlessly. “You make me crazy.”

I stopped just outside the sitting area door and turned her so her back was against the wall. Sliding a hand over her hip, I stepped in close and smiled down at her before I covered her mouth with mine and kissed her deeply.

As we kissed, she wrapped one arm around me and set the other against my stomach. I’d meant to kiss her gently but it quickly went further. I forgot where we were and just went for it, kissing her deeply as I ground against her. Her little moan as I did made me so hard I wanted to fuck her through the wall. It was all going perfectly until someone smacked my ass.

“Should I have Tessa grab the camera and take pictures?” Flynn asked dryly.

I groaned as I separated from Daisy, looking over my shoulder to glare at him.

“I interrupt you when you’re mackin’ down on Tessa?”

“No,” he laughed, “the difference is I generally don’t do it in the hallway where everyone can see it. I would’ve stayed quiet, but people were starting to watch.”

Daisy buried her face against my chest as she let out an embarrassed chuckle.

“Perverts,” I said with a roll of my eyes before I dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

“It wasn’t pervy voyeur shit,” Flynn assured me. “You had to know people were going to notice you flat out claiming her.”

I shrugged as I turned, keeping my arm around Daisy. “Makes sense.”

It also made sense because I wanted people to know she was mine. For once in my life I was proud, and I wasn’t hiding jack shit. Once we walked into the backstage lounge, Lacey called Daisy over to talk and I grinned like a fool as I watched her walk away. I was feeling damn good about her and what was going on with us, but a part of me was still feeling anxious about the conversation I knew I needed to have with her after the show.

My biggest fear was that she wouldn’t want to deal with my shit. If that happened, I didn’t know what the fuck I’d do.


’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you.”

I was standing at the side of the stage as the houselights went down and the crowd started clapping and cheering. Turning, I found Bree at my side. I blushed as I smiled at her.


She nodded emphatically. “God yes. I always hoped he had it in him, but with his history I couldn’t be sure. It’s not like he doesn’t have real reasons for his issues.”

I wanted to ask her what his issues were, but just then the chords of the opening song started up and the lights started flashing as the band took the stage. By then I’d seen them live almost thirty times. I didn’t get to sit through the entire show each night—too much running around toward the end—but I was always fascinated by the way it all came together.

I’d liked the band for years and had always thought they were phenomenal, but on this tour there was no doubt they were at the absolute top of their game. They were flawless and absolutely on fire as they played. Even when Tyson was busy treating me like I was a leper, I’d had a wicked fascination with watching him on stage. He was a natural performer who seemed very comfortable with thousands of people in front of him.

I wanted to get back to my conversation with Bree, but it didn’t happen. Twenty minutes into the show Devon and Ian came to ask her to help them with something for a few minutes and she wandered off with them. Five minutes after that, I had to leave the side area to do some work.

I got back in time for the end of the show, which I tried to catch every night because each member of the band had a solo. I loved experiencing Ty performing by himself, loved the way he commanded the crowd with his music and presence.

He was mid-solo when he looked over to the side of the stage and connected with me visually. When his solo was over and the spotlight switched from him to Gavin, Ty turned and faced me, our eyes locking for countless seconds before I had to turn away because I knew I was blushing like a school girl.

After the song was over and they came off the stage, he grabbed me, pulled me aside, and kissed me like he hadn’t seen me in forever. It went on and on, both of us oblivious to anything around us. Eventually Lacey had to tap him on the shoulder to tell him that it was time to go back on stage for the encore. I gasped when he gestured down to his jeans and I saw how hard he was.

“Thank fuck I’ve got a bass to cover this shit,” he groaned.

“I’m so glad no one can tell how turned on I am right now,” I admitted.

He swallowed hard and let out a strained laugh. “You’re killing me, Smalls!”

I laughed and smacked his ass as he walked back out to the roar of the crowd. After the show there was a fan meet and greet. Everything was all set up for it so there wasn’t anything for me to do but watch. I was standing in the corner of the room watching the goings on when Ty waved at me to get my attention.

“I have a paperwork problem,” he announced, loud enough for anyone near us to hear.

I stared up at him blankly, trying to figure out what kind of problem he could have. As far as I knew, there weren’t any loose ends.

“You do?”

“It’s super hard and needs to be addressed right now,” he said dramatically. “Come down the hall with me and work it out.”

He guided me from the room and started walking with great purpose down the long exterior hallway.

“Want to tell me what the issue is?” I asked as we walked.

Instead of answering, he opened a door to the smaller group area where they’d held the band meeting earlier. He guided me through the room until we got to the entrance to the private bathroom. When we stepped inside, he locked the door and then smiled at me devilishly.

“There’s no paperwork problem is there?” I giggled.

“Nope,” he said happily. “But I
have a
hard problem that only you can address.”

I answered by pulling his head down to mine and laying one on him. Kissing Tyson was everything. It was wicked but pure, erotic but also romantic. I wanted him to take me hard, but more than that, I wanted him to hold me and never, ever let me go. His moan as we kissed made me ache, and the way he held me to him like he couldn’t get enough had me more than ready to do whatever he wanted. I tore my lips from his and gasped for breath as I stared at him.

“This is crazy,” I said as I stared up into his eyes.

The way he looked down at me made me think of a lion looking at its prey. It was more than obvious he wanted me, badly.

“Crazy enough not to do it?” he asked.

“What do you want to do?” I whimpered.

He grinned at me as he spun me around and guided me toward the sink area. When we were almost in front of it he leaned in and spoke against my ear.

“I want everything,” he answered huskily. “I want to pull these sexy fucking leggings down around your knees before I bend you over and fuck you while three hundred people wait for us down the hall. I want to slam into your tight cunt and watch your face in the mirror while you come all over my dick. I want to listen to the sound of my skin slapping against yours when I come.”

He had me the second he said he wanted to pull my leggings down. That’s how little it took to make me crazy. Biting my lip, I looked at him in the mirror and nodded.

“Take off your shirt,” he instructed.

I pulled it off and handed it back to him, watching in the mirror as he turned and hung it from a hook on the back of the bathroom door.

When he was finished he stood right up against me and held my gaze in the mirror as he reached around and cupped my breasts. They were already swollen and needy for him. I whimpered softly as he pulled the cups down and tweaked my nipples.

“So fucking hot seeing my marks on you,” he murmured.

It was pretty hot that my tits were covered in little love bites.

“We need to be fast,” he growled. “You pinch your nipples while I fill you with cock and rub your clit.”

I loved how demanding he was, and especially enjoyed the way it amped up my level of arousal to stratospheric levels.

Gripping my leggings and the sides of my thong underwear in his hands, he peeled them down my legs to my knees and then bent me forward. I gripped either side of the sink and wiggled my ass, enjoying his harsh inhalation as I did. The sound of his zipper coming down made me shudder with longing, and when he slapped his cock on my ass, I let out a slutty little moan.

BOOK: Something to Believe In (The Renegade Saints Book 4)
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