Slave Next Door (62 page)

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Authors: Kevin Bales,Ron. Soodalter

Tags: #University of California Press

BOOK: Slave Next Door
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Scandiffio], n.d., Turmoil Leads to Hope,

4. Kara Kenney, “Group Wants Tampons to Display Anti-trafficking

Hotline,” (Collier County, FL), January 17, 2007.

5. “I Am the Change—Leslie Hughes,” 2007,


6. Andrew Oosterbaan, U.S. Department of Justice, Child Obscenity and

Exploitation Section (CEOS), interview, August 7, 2007.

7. According to White House budget figures, the federal expenditure on

drug enforcement, not counting any incarceration costs, was just under $12.5

billion in 2006. Expenditure on all antitrafficking and antislavery projects by

the federal government in 2006 was about $200 million, or less than 2 percent

of the expenditure on drugs.

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A-3 visas 33, 35, 37

anti-prostitution groups 108–9, 111–13,

abolitionists: prostitution 108, 110,

115, 208

114–15, 238–39

anti-slavery: agriculture 54–60; cam-

abortion 229–30

paigns 193–94, 245; government

absolute power 27

policy 267; laws 209; organizations

abuse: fishing industry slaves 139; house

269–71; projects 237–38; training

slaves 20, 25, 27–29; signs of 254.

180–81, 190

See also
sexual abuse; torture

anti-slave trade laws 150

accomplice liability 199

anti-trafficking: federal funding 219–24;

accountability: corporate agriculture

federal government performance

61–68; government agencies 265;

248–50; group infighting 34, 183,

non-governmental organizations 105–6

190; perspectives 109–11; resources

acrobats 118–20

246–47; task forces 188–91; training

Afghanistan: labor abuses 215


Africa: child trafficking 133–34; choco-

apathy 16

late industry 152–54; choir groups

arrests: prostitutes 85, 87; trafficking 7

125–27; hair salon slavery 117–18;

Arriaga case 74

work visas 22

art gallery representations 251–53

African Americans 9, 11

Asbed, Greg 56

agencies: anti-slavery 269–71

Ashley’s Hair Braiding Salon 117–18

agribusiness expansion 47–48, 147–48

Asians: farmworkers 69; forced prosti-

agriculture 43–77; peonage slavery 9–10;

tution 10; house slaves 21

slave-made goods/commodities 147–48,

ASL (American Sign Language) 124

153; trafficking 12.
See also

asset seizure 200, 236, 264


au pair system 36–37, 262


awareness raising 193, 242

Alaska: human trafficking 195

AWPA (Migrant and Seasonal

Albisa, Cathy 215

Agricultural Worker Protection Act) 67

Alejandro’s story 12–13

alien species: environmental destruction

B-1 visas 33–36, 262


Baghdad: U.S. embassy construction

Alien Tort Claim Act 67


Amazon basin 140–41, 144

Bangladesh: fishing industry 138–39

American Apparel 155–56

“Barbie” and “Magnificent” case 84–85

American Civil War 150, 251

Baron, Mike 57–59

American Sign Language (ASL) 124

Bauer, Mary 69, 73–75

Anderson, Sarah 37

Bauman, Ginny 238

Andolan organization 21

Bearden, Sandra 3–5, 25

animal rights 63

beatings: house slaves 20; sex slavery

Annual Trafficking in Persons Report

See also
abuse; torture

236, 237

Beckham, Amber 181

anonymity of slaveholders 28

Belle Chasse naval base 217

Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force 34

benefits awards: victims 100–105

3 0 1

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Benitez, Lucas 46, 51, 53, 63–65

charity: corporate agriculture 63;

Birbiglia, John 34–35

domestic slavery as 26

Black Codes 9

Chicago: deaf Mexicans case 122

blacklists: Guest Worker Program 70–71

Chidsey, John 64

Boak, Alison 99, 104–5

Chifundo School 170–71

bond: posting 85

Child Exploitation and Obscenity

bondage legacy 7–10

Section (CEOS) 93, 95–96, 244

Bonetti, Margarida and Rene 196

Child Labor Coalition (CLC) 271

“Bongo Man” case 133–34

child pornography 91–92, 94, 236

Border Patrol 57

children: chocolate industry 146–47,

Boston Police Department 189

152–53; choir groups 125–27, 167–70;

“bottom” prostitute 85

circus performers 120; clothing

boycotts 148

factories 141–42; custody 225; fishing

boys’choir case 125–27, 167–70

industry 138–39; forced labor 238;


forced prostitution 195–96, 209; house

Brana, Armando 58

slaves 5, 25; number in slavery 6; rug

branding: sex slavery 90

making 156; sex slavery 78, 82–83,

Brazil 137, 140–41, 144–46

89–98, 100–102, 104, 114; sex traf-

Break the Chain Campaign 18–19, 37

ficking 82–83, 89, 92, 164, 244; slave’s

bride brokering 205

protection of 24; surviving slavery 260;

brothels: identifying 256; legalization

trafficking 15–16, 96–98, 100–102,

of prostitution 109

132–35, 225; victim support 241.

Brown, Anastasia 226, 227

See also

Burger King 62–64

Children of the Night 101

Burke, Florrie 100–101, 111, 123–25,

China: goods/commodities 141–43

184–85, 249

Chinese slaves 11, 14; acrobats 118–20;

Bush administration 7, 75, 105, 110–11,

clothing factories 131–32

216, 230, 245

chocolate industry 137, 146–47, 152–54,

business liability 200


business models 117–36, 159

choir groups 125–27, 167–70

Butler, Lisa 65

Christina’s story 42

buyers: agribusiness 47–48

church choir groups 125–27, 167–70

circus performers 118–20

CAFRA (Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform

citizen action 192–94, 253–68

Act) 236

Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act

California: construction worker case 257;

(CAFRA) 236

victim support 204–5

civil litigation: agricultural slavery 65–68,

Cambodia: sex tourism 93–94

See also

Cameroon 197

Civil Rights Division 244–45, 246, 248

campaigns: anti-slavery 193–94, 245

Civil Rights Unit 232–35

Canada: child trafficking 133–34

Civil War (American) 150, 251

Canino, Robert 178

Coalition of Immokalee

capitalism 6


car manufacturing 146

CLC (Child Labor Coalition) 271

carpet making 137, 156, 238

Clinton administration 245

CAST (Coalition to Abolish Slavery and

clothing donations 258

Trafficking) 116

clothing factories 131–32, 141–42,

Catholic Church: victim support 225–30


Catholic Women’s Council 260

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women

Coalition Against Trafficking

(CATW) 109, 115

in Women

Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW)

cell phones 137

46, 54–64, 148, 269

Center for Women Policy Studies 203

Coalition to Abolish Slavery and

Child Exploitation and

Trafficking (CAST) 116

Obscenity Section

cocoa industry 137, 146–47, 152–54,

forests 145


certification of victims 72–73, 104, 223

Cocoa Protocol 154, 158, 263

charcoal production 145–46

force, fraud and coercion

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coffee cultivation 137

crew leaders: agricultural slavery 51–53

Cold War 12

crime: domestic violence as 25; penalties

collective action 176–78, 179, 192, 265

199; rates 7; victim compensation

colleges: anti-slavery action 181–83

programs 103

Colleyville, Texas 167, 168, 171

criminalization of victims 192

Colorado: agricultural slavery 74–75;

criminal prosecutions: agricultural slavery

house slaves 196–97

62, 66, 68.
See also

Columbus, Christopher 8

Cuello, Abel and Basilio 49–50

commercial sex acts: trafficking criteria

Curits, Carlos 91–92


Customs Service 235

commodities: slave-made 137–59, 263

cyanide poisoning 144

communities: awareness raising 242;

collective action 176–78, 179, 192,

Daewoosa garment factory 131–32

265; grassroots coalitions 224–25;

Davis-Bacon Act 216

“slave-proofing” 192–94; slavery

Davis, Corey 84–85

eradication 191–92

deaf Mexicans case 120–25

Community Response to Trafficking

de Baca, Lou 105, 123–24, 184, 201,

Project 97

209, 244–45

compensation of victims 200

debt bondage 9–10, 51–52, 151

confidentiality of victims 201

debt repayment: slave’s 23

confusion of victims 255

dehumanization of slaves 28–29

Congo, Democratic Republic of 137

Denver University Task Force 182–83

congressmen: writing to 261

Department of Health and Human

Connecticut: agricultural slavery 66–67;

Services (HHS) 219–25, 247; Kaufman

child trafficking 132–35; domestic

case 128; Rescue and Restore program

trafficking victims 80–81; task force

98; sex trafficking cases 88

190, 206

Department of Justice (DOJ) 243–48;

constituency pressure: government

anti-trafficking laws 198–99; farm-

performance 261

workers 50, 56–57, 60, 66; Office for

Constitutional compromise 149–51.

Victims of Crime 184; sex slavery 95.

See also
Thirteenth Amendment

See also
Child Exploitation and

construction workers: government con-

Obscenity Section

tracts 262; slavery indicators 255, 257

Department of Labor (DOL): farmwork-

consumer goods.

ers 46–47, 69, 73–74

consumers: agricultural slavery 53; slave-

Department of State (DOS) 236–43

made goods 147–49, 154–55, 157,

deportations: clothing factory labor 132;


visa system 22, 36; Zambian Acapella

contracts: government 216, 262

Boys Choir 126

power; violent control

DeStefano, Anthony 108, 110–11, 234,

convictions 232–33; farm slaveholders

235, 239

50; house slaveholders 31–32;

d’Estrée, Claude 183

trafficking 7.
See also

Detroit: forced prostitution 15

cooperative approach: product chain

Di, Zou 120

management 157–58

diamond trade 140

coping mechanisms 24

diplomatic immunity 22, 33–36, 38–39

“copping”: prostitution 84

Disability Rights Center: Kansas 129

corporate accountability 61–68

District of Columbia task force 95–96

corporate agriculture 47–48, 50, 53;

Diversity Immigrant Visa Program

accountability 61–68; goods/


commodities 148

Dixiecrat politicians 47–48

corporate responsibility 148–49, 155,

Djoumessi, Evelyn and Joseph 197


“Dog Wars” 69

labor costs; living costs; prices

Department of Justice

cotton growing 137

Department of Labor

counseling services 61

domestic servitude.
house slaves

courts: fear of 23

domestic trafficking 80–84, 102–5, 185.

covert operations 61

See also
U.S.-born victims

45, 49, 51, 52–53

domestic violence 25–26, 101

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304 / I N D E X

donations for survivors 258, 259

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

“Do no harm” directive 254

230–35; agricultural slavery 56–58;

Donovan, Jeremiah 81–82

investigation request 170; Kaufman

the Door 97, 100

case 129–30; sex slavery 95, 98

DOS (Department of State) 236–43

federal government 211–50; anti-slavery

Dos Santos, Hilda Rosa 196

training 180–81; anti-trafficking per-

Dougherty, Sister Mary Ellen 225–26,

formance 248–50; NGO relations 247;

228, 229, 230

trafficking prosecutions 207–8.

Dreams Die Hard
(film) 261

See also

drug addiction 81, 82, 84, 90

fee charges: Guest Worker Program 70

Dubai 212, 213

female slaves.
house slaves; women

Dublar Char, Bangladesh 138–39

feminine products hotline program 260

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