Sinner (5 page)

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Authors: Minx Hardbringer,Natasha Tanner

BOOK: Sinner
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Chapter Eight


"It's not an address," I growl.

I crumple up the paper and throw it on the floor. I thought I was going to get Sophie back tonight, and now I don't know if I ever will. Lilith bends down and picks up the paper.

"You'll still probably need this." She says and uncrumples it.

"I know. I'm sorry. Let's give to Becks and see what she makes of it." I say and pluck the paper from her hand gently. I need to keep my temper under control. None of this is Lilith's fault, and she' already been traumatized enough today.

"It looks like a combination," Becks says when I hand her the paper. "Whatever the hard drive is stored in must require a combination and a key."

"So, how did the buyer know where the safe is?" Lilith asks softly.

"Who knows," Becks says in response.

"Maybe Tom told him in code during dinner. Perhaps he already knew. Maybe Tom isn't so secretive about the location of the hard drive since he knows you need a key and a code to retrieve it." I say. "I need a drink."

"Me too." Says Becks.

"Can I join you?" Lilith asks looking defeated.

"Of course," I answer and put my hand around her shoulder.

The three of us go upstairs to the makeshift living area that Becks and I put together with an old couch and a chair. I grab three glasses from the church's old kitchen in the back of the building. Thanks to Becks' hacks, it still functions. I put the glasses on the coffee table in the middle of our seats and pour three shots of bourbon. I take the first shot, and then pour myself another. It's time to tell Lilith what's going on, and I need some liquid courage. Once my second shot is gone, I had the glasses to the ladies.

"You alright?" Lilith says with concern painted on her face. It makes me feel terrible. Involving her in any of this makes me a horrible person. I try to tell myself that I've done the wrong things for the right reasons, but that doesn't help me sleep at night.

"I wasn't always a criminal, you know?" I say and sit down on the sofa next to her. Becks is seated in the chair with one leg flung over the arm, and she's sipping her bourbon gingerly.

"I kinda figured," Lilith says and puts a comforting hand on my knee. She takes a drink of her bourbon and winces. "Oh, that's intense."

"Easy, now. That stuff will knock you on your butt if you're not used to it." I say, and she puts her glass down.

"There's diet soda in the fridge," Becks says absently. "I'll get us a few." She gets up and gets the drinks quickly.

"I was a stuntman," I tell her and pour another two fingers of whiskey in my glass. "I had a legitimate career for a while.

"What happened?" Lilith asks as she attempts another draw of her bourbon. God her face is adorable when she scrunches up her nose at the burn of the alcohol. She's so good and pure. I'm a mess, and I've dragged her into this crap. I have to find a way to make it up to her. That's if she ever forgives me for lying to her. But, I had to lie, right? For Sophie...

"Adam?" Becks says and reaches over with a toe to nudge me. The alcohol is taking it's toll on me.

"Oh sorry. Spaced out for a second. Yeah, so I worked as a stuntman in Hollywood for a few years. I didn't start out as a stuntman. At first, I swept the floor and emptied the garbage. After a while, I got hired on to help build sets and break them down when the studio was done with them. That's how I landed the stuntman job." I say and pour myself another drink. I shouldn't drown my inadequacies in booze, but it's too late now.

"Set builder to stuntman is an impressive jump," Lilith says and gives me a crooked smile. She's enjoying my story, so I go on.

"I was on a crew with a dude named Terry. One of his relatives was a big wig at a major studio. He was such a screw-up, though, that the only job he could get was as a set builder. Even with his Uncle's name, nobody would touch him. He'd had a few parts in some pretty major movies, but he was a drunk and a lecher. Enough starlets cried foul of the way he treated him, and he was out. Beautiful face beats dumb, drunken relative I guess."

"Go on." Becks encouraged. She loves this story.

"So, one day we're deconstructing a cityscape facade, and Terry is drunk as usual. I don't know what he did, but the whole thing started to fall down on me.  I was as good as dead, but my adrenaline kicked in, and I rolled, jumped, and parkour my way out of the way just in time. I did a lot of messing around jumping on and off stuff as a child. Parkour is what the cool kids call it now. I just called it a free way to have fun and give Mrs. Morgan a heart attack. Mrs. Morgan was my foster mom."

"Adam," Becks warned. I was getting too close to home, and I had to bring the story back around to work. I looked at Lilith, and she caught the warning in Becks' tone, but she didn't say anything.

"Anyway, the whole place erupted in applause. Some big time stunt man saw the whole thing, and he took me under his wing. I have no idea why because I became his competition eventually, but sometimes good people just save your life." I say and smile at Lil.

"So, what happened? Why are you here?" She asks and takes the last gulp of her whiskey. She must have a buzz because she barely flinches.

"I worked my way up for a few years. Nick, the veteran stuntman, taught me increasingly complicated stunts until I was one of the most sought after stuntmen in the business. Then one day, it all came crashing down. Literally." I say and try and choke back the emotion boiling up in my throat. That day was the day that changed everything for the worse. It was the catalyst that leads to Sophie being a hostage right now.

"You don't have to go on," Lilith says in a whisper. She doesn't want me to be upset.

"It's okay. I was doing a stunt for a movie about a vampire-hunting priest. I had to do a dive into a flaming pool of water. Nobody knows what happened for sure, but Nick thinks someone cut part way through one of my wires. When I jumped off the platform, the cable snapped. I would have been okay since I was jumping into water, but the other wire kept me from flattening out my body. It didn't slow my fall enough, though. I hit the bottom of the pool head first. I was in a coma for a while. Nick and his wife took care of my sister, thank God."

"You have a sister?" Lilith asks curiously, and Becks shoots me another death glare.

"I do, but that's another story for another time. Okay, Peaches?"

"Yeah, of course," Lilith says looking embarrassed. "Sorry."

"It's okay. Anyway, the studio took care of my hospital bills, but I wasn't able to work again. Even after I got myself back together physically and was capable of work, no one would insure me because of the head injury. Too much risk of another fall, they said. My meager savings ran out quickly, and while I'm going to get a huge settlement eventually, the movie studio is tying up the litigation as long as possible. So, basically, I'm a penniless millionaire." I say and finish my glass of whiskey.

"So you came back here to work?" Lilith asks sincerely.

"I did. I had some old connections, and they pay well for sensitive information." At some point, I need to tell her that I'm working for the Russian mob, and they're holding my sister, but right now doesn't feel like the appropriate time. I trust her, but if she gets scared or angry and runs to the cops, it will sign Sophie's death warrant. I have to put my sister's safety first even though it's killing me to lie to Lilith.

"Wanna hear my boring story?" Becks interrupts when she sees that I'm losing the battle to keep my mouth shut.

"Sure. Can I have another?" Lilith says and thrusts her glass clumsily towards me. She's a lightweight for sure, but it's adorable and only makes me feel more protective.

"Okay, but just a little and then I'm cutting you off, Peaches," I say and pour her another half-finger of bourbon. She pouts but turns her attention back to Becks.

“Mine’s pretty boring compared to Adams tale of woe.” She says teasingly. “I was a programmer for a major corporation. Unfortunately, I have a soul, and I could not bear working for them any longer. I wanted to be Robin Hood stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.” She says and points at her chest when she says poor. “So I took up hacking. Basically, I take money out of unscrupulous people’s accounts and put it in decent people’s. I also take a little for myself, but never from anyone who doesn’t deserve it. They all steal from us, so I take a piece of it back. When Adam came back into town, I saw the opportunity to stick it to someone who wants to steal a lot of money from the little guy. That’s your boss.” She says and hiccups.

I laugh because these ladies cannot hold their liquor. “What about you, Lilith? How did someone as sweet and intelligent as you end up working for the likes of Tom Hunt?” She blushes when I pay her a compliment.

“It’s a really dull story. Working for Tom was supposed to be a fantastic opportunity, and I guess I had my blinders on for a long time as to what kind of person he really is. I went out on a couple of dates with him, and I thought we had something. He threw me over for the next model who caught his eye, but I still needed my job. Well, I figured I needed my job. I was actually just too scared to take any chances, and that included finding a better place to work.” When I hear her say that she went on a date with that clown, it makes my blood boil. Fortunately, the booze keeps my temper in check. I’m not an angry drunk. The bourbon actually mellows me out.

“You went on a date with him?” I ask and unsuccessfully try to mask my jealousy.

“Yeah. I’d like to say I didn’t know any better, but now I think a part of me did. I have so many regrets about it now. All the nights I spent working late trying to impress Tom when I could have been doing something more meaningful with my life.” She says and sniffles.

“Hey, if you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have met Adam. It was a good thing for both of you, and it will work out in the end.” Becks says encouragingly, and she’s right.

All of it led up to me meeting Lilith, so I have to be thankful for everything. That includes the dates she went on with Tom. The jealousy I’m feeling is telling me that it’s time for me to admit how strong my feelings are for Lilith. Once this is all over, I have to find a way to keep her in my life.

“I’m going to go to bed,” Becks says and takes off for her room.

That leaves Lilith and me alone together on the sofa. She looks into my eyes, and her chest is heaving as she tries to control her breathing. Something comes over me, and I lean in. Just before I reach her lips, I stop and hover a hair’s breath away from her mouth. Her breaths become even more ragged as she waits for me to kiss her.

I can tell that the anticipation is killing us both, but I want to savor this moment. The moment just before the first kiss is something you’ll remember for the rest of your life, and I need it for another few seconds. A deep sigh escapes her lips when she can’t take the hesitation any more, so I claim her mouth with mine.


A few delicious seconds of a kiss, and then I have to pull back. I grab her shoulders and hold Lilith at arm’s length.

“We can’t. You have to go.” I say breathlessly. No woman has ever affected me this way before.

“What?” She whispers in total confusion. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, Peaches. Nothing at all. You’re perfect, but we’ve been drinking. We’ll revisit this when we’re sober, and the job is done. I want it to be real. If you still like me when we’re done with our little project, I’ll kiss you again. I promise.” Whoa, this is taking every ounce of strength that I have.

She smiles and brushes my hair away from my forehead. “Deal.”

I call her a cab and kiss her on the forehead before she goes. I want her to stay, but that’s not a good idea. I don’t know if I can resist Lilith, plus I don’t want her here if the Russian goons show up.

That was some kiss, though.

Chapter Nine


At work the next day, I can't stop thinking about that kiss. It's hard to focus on my job because I keep touching my lips hoping I can evoke the sensation of Adam's mouth on mine again. It's stupid because we've got much bigger things to worry about right now, but I've never been kissed like that before. I've never felt that way, at least. I keep drawing little hearts on my desk calendar and then getting mad at myself for being silly.

The universe doesn't let me luxuriate in thoughts of Adam for long, though. Like a bad song that gets stuck in your head when you're trying to concentrate, Tom appears. Once again, he doesn't knock when he lets himself into my office. My stomach turns at the thought of being in such close proximity to him again, but I smile at him sweetly. The paper didn't have an address on it, so I have to get the information out of Tom somehow.

"Hello, Lilith." He says and sits down in the chair across from my desk. "Mind if I come in?" He jokes.

"You're always welcome, Tom. It's your company." I say in an attempt to banter with him.

"You're right. It is. So, how was the rest of your date?" Ugh, shoot me now.

"It was unremarkable."

"Good, that means you're in the mood for a better date. Let me take you to dinner tomorrow night." He says and straightens his tie.

"In the middle of the week?"

"Yep. I've got to go out of town the next morning for a few days. I'd like to take you out before I go. Waiting until I get back is just too long." Bingo.

"You know what, dinner tomorrow night sounds lovely. I'll bring a dress and change here. We can go out right after work. That way I can get you home in plenty of time for an early bedtime. You've got a plane to catch the next morning." I say and wink. Gross.

"Yes, excellent. Oh, and Lilith, can you book the flight for the next morning. Sorry for the late notice. Something first class, preferably after seven."

"Doesn't your secretary usually do that?" I say teasingly.

"She does, but on such short notice, she won't be able to get me a good seat. I need you to work your magic."

"Anything for you Tom," I say because laying it on thick seems like a good plan.

With that, he breezes back out of my office, and I don't see him for the rest of the day. I don't know if Becks and Adam are going to like this, but I can get him drunk and flash a little cleavage. That should get him talking. If I play it just right, I should be able to get him to slip up.

I text Adam and tell him I've had a breakthrough, and I need to see him and Becks tonight.

Did you find out the location?
- Adam

No, but I think I've figured out a way to get it by tomorrow night.
- Lilith

Meet us at the church right after work.
- Adam

Will do.
- Lilith

How is your day?
- Adam

Productive :-) How about you?
- Lilith

Better now that I've heard from you.
- Adam

You're just saying that because I'm going to get information.
- Lilith

That's not the only reason.
- Adam

See you in a few hours.
- Lilith

Later, Peaches.
- Adam

"Focus, Lilith," I whisper to myself when the butterflies start to frenzy in my belly.

The last thing I want to do is piss Tom off. He'd probably cancel our date. So, I spend the afternoon getting caught up on my job. I make my way through several files before quitting time and then slip out before Tom can come find me again.

At the church, Adam and Becks are eating pizza. It smells amazing, and I realize that I skipped lunch. My mouth starts to water, and I'm relieved when they offer me a slice.

"So, tell us about your new info," Becks says in between bite.

"Okay, so hear me out before you get upset," I say looking right at Adam.

"No," Adam says and crosses his arms.

"You don't even know what I'm going to say." I laugh.

"Doesn't matter, Peaches. Anything that starts out like that is something I already know I'm not going to like." He says and grunts.

"Oh my God, Adam. Stop being such a cave dweller and let her finish. Remember what's at stake." Becks says and backhands him in the gut softly.

"Don't use that." He says in a low voice.

"I'm not using it. I just want you to remember how important this is.

I watch them go back and forth at each other like brother and sister. "Okay, alright. Do you want to hear what I'm doing or not?" I finally ask.

"Go on," Becks says and shoots Adam one of her famous death stares.

"Tom asked me out on a date."

"No," Adam snarls.

"And, you want to get him drunk and get the information flash him a few seductive smiles and get the information we NEED," Becks says in support of me.

"Yes. It will be okay, I promise." I plead with Adam.

"I'm not letting you go on a date with that jerk," Adam says bluntly.

"I wasn't asking for your permission. I'm trying to help you. I don't like T
om if that's what you're worried about."

"I'm not jealous." He snarls, but I can totally tell he's jealous. "I'm concerned about your safety."

"Then why don't you go to the restaurant with me? I'd feel better with you there." I admit.

"I can't go on your date with you." He says, and the word
comes out as another growl. He's so alpha right now, it's making my legs feel like jelly.

"You're the big Hollywood hot shot, I'm sure you can figure something out," I say and watch him relax and smile.

The next day at work, I bring a dress that I know is going to make Adam flip. I have to wear something that gets Tom to let his guard down, though. Hopefully, when Adam sees me, he'll remember that I'm doing this for him.

Around lunchtime, Tom buzzes my office and confirms our date. He tells me that he has meetings all afternoon, but that we'll meet in the lobby at six. I send Adam a text message and let him know the plan.

At 5:30 I go to the lady's room and put on the red silk dress I bought for tonight. It's short, but not too short. It's also low cut, but not too low cut. The plan was to look inviting but not promising. You have to leave just enough to the imagination. I push down the nauseated feeling I get thinking of Tom ogling me in this dress by thinking about how much Adam will like it once he forgives me for wearing it.

When I'm dressed, I freshen up my makeup and sweep my hair up into an updo. It accentuates my cleavage even more, and I wonder if I should take my hair down. No time. Once I get Adam the information he needs, he'll be happy I look so enticing.

Tom is waiting for me in the lobby, and he walks me out to his limousine. I get in, and he scoots very close to me. Regret washes over me instantly. I've put myself in a bad situation being alone in this car with him, and I pray that we're going to a close restaurant.

The universe is on my side tonight, and we pull up in front of a French Bistro just a few blocks from work. Tom helps me out of the limo and tries to take my hand. I pretend like I don't notice and proceed ahead of him into the restaurant. I'm glad that I didn't let him hold my hand because I see Adam as soon as we walk inside.

I swallow back a yelp and remember that I have to play it cool.

This will all be over soon. I think to myself as the host seats us in the private section of the restaurant. I get nervous because Adam won't be able to get close to us here. I'll have to pull up my big girl panties and handle this.




Chapter Ten


I've bribed a waiter to let me take his shift. I've only ever briefly worked waiting tables, and it wasn't in a place like this. The owner has left for the day, and everybody just assumes I'm a new guy filling in for the waiter I bribed. He said he was about to quit anyway, and tells me good luck.

When I see Lilith come in with Tom, I have to swallow back my jealousy. I need to do this for Sophie, and Lilith is doing her best to help me.

I told the head waiter tonight that I have lots of experience so that he'd put me right on the floor instead of making me go through training. Fortunately, he stuck me in a small section in the back. I'm not close to where Tom and Lilith are having dinner, but at least I'm not going to get overwhelmed and blow my cover. Getting dragged out of here by my ear and having the cops called on me is the last thing I need, but I have a feeling that's exactly what will happen if Jack, the head waiter, figures out I'm an imposter.

The menu here is small and very specific, so I learn tonight's specials quickly. I never have more than two tables, so I'm able to keep up. I even get a few good tips and a phone number from some sorority girls out celebrating a birthday. The money I save, and the phone number I slip to Louie. He's the other waiter working tonight, and he thanks me profusely.

Watching Lilith flirting with Tom is making my blood boil, but I keep an eye on her anyway. It's my fault she's here. At one point, he reaches out and caresses her arm, and I have to take a minute to cool down in the walk in.

About halfway through their meal, I signal her to meet me in the bathroom. We slip in when no one is looking, and Lilith locks the door behind us.

"Ooh, what do you want to do in here?" She jokes, and I have to laugh. Lilith is good at bringing me back to earth.

"Haha. Very funny hot stuff. Tell me what you've found out so far." I've got to focus on business, or else I am going to spend the rest of the night making out with her in here. It's tempting, but a lady like my Peaches deserves better.

"Not as much as I would like. I can't get Tom to drink faster. I need him drunk, or he's never going to spill anything. I think Tom really believes he's going to get laid tonight, and he's trying to make sure he can keep it up. If you know what I mean." She says it completely sincerely and I chuckle again. Lilith is so innocent and sweet that she believes I might not know what it means.

"You shouldn't tell me stuff like that, Peaches. I might go out and kill the guy right now." I say and clench my fists.

"And, then where would we be?" She says and takes my fist into her hand. I relax and thread my fingers through hers.

"You're right. Thank you. But, now what are we going to do?"

"You're not going to like this, but I think I've got to get him to take me back to his place. Dinner will be over soon, and he's not drunk enough yet."

"Absolutely not," I say and squeeze her hand. I'm not putting her in that kind of danger.

"We have to do something." She says urgently.

"Okay, take this and put it in his drink as soon as you get to his place. If you can get it into him in the limo, even better. It will knock him out. I guess he'll talk before it takes him under." I say and hand her a vile of sedative. "I'll be right behind the limo on my bike. I'll stay with you, and I'll be right outside his door until you knock him out."

"Where did you get this?" Panic flashes in her eyes.

"Peaches, that was in his desk drawer the night I broke into his office. I took it so he couldn't use it on anyone else. I know he can get more, but it felt like the thing to do. Why do you think I was so scared about you going out with him?"

"You should have told me." She says and puts her free hand on her hip.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I figured I would be watching over you, so I didn't want to worry you any more than n
ecessary. It's a lame excuse. I won't hide things from you again." I feel a massive guilt when I say this because I know I'm still hiding things from her. I'll tell her the truth soon.

She slips the vile into her bra, and I look at her skeptically. "It's one place I know Tom won't be looking tonight.

"That's my girl." I just called her my girl.

"Let's do this." She smiles and squeezes my hand.

"I'm going to come by your table and spill a drink on him. That's your cue to get him out of the restaurant. Remember, I'll be right behind you."

I watch her walk back to the table, and for a moment I consider just kidnapping this guy and torturing the information out of him. That's what Vladimir would do. He's probably wondering why I haven't tried it yet.

That's not me. I'm not Vladimir, but I feel sick putting Lilith in even more danger. Whatever happens tonight, we're getting the information I need to free Sophie. She's not spending another day locked up in Vlad's basement dungeon, and I'm not putting Lilith in danger again. Tonight is it.

I pour a red wine while the bartender is in the kitchen and walk towards Tom and Lilith. "A drink on the house for the beautiful lady," I say when I get close, but then I pretend to trip and dump the whole thing on Tom.

At first, I think he's going to start a fight, but he sizes me up and realizes that he'd lose. "Just get out of here." He spits and waves me away. Lilith winks at me, and I make for the alley and my bike.

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