Sinner (10 page)

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Authors: Minx Hardbringer,Natasha Tanner

BOOK: Sinner
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Two Years Later


“With this ring, I thee wed.” She says and slips a ring nervously over his finger.

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” The Priest says, and he does.

I know what you’re thinking, but this isn’t my wedding. Lilith and I actually got married about a year ago on a beach in the Caribbean. It was a beautiful ceremony, and now we have a baby girl named Ruth. I call her Ruthie, and she’s my little princess.

This is Becks and Ian’s wedding. Turns out she only told me she was gay to prevent hurting my feelings because she found me wildly unattractive.

“It was just easier that way. Sorry dude.” Becks told me when she and Ian revealed they were dating.

Sophie and David are stuck together at the hip as well. I wasn’t sure how I felt about her dating him, but she’s a grown woman. He takes good care of her. They got engaged a few months ago, but since she’s young, David is insisting that they wait a year. He’s good guy.

Thanks to the money I made selling my story to a rival movie studio, I can afford to get Sophie the best medical care available. She’s looking healthier and stronger than she’s ever looked in our lives.

At the reception, I dance with my wife until the food is served. I watch in awe as she cleans her plate and half of mine two. Her appetite has been voracious lately.

“Can I get you more?” I ask and chuckle.

“Yes, you can dear husband. But, I want to tell you something first.“ Lilith says and takes my hand.

“What is it?”

“You know how you’ve been saying for the last couple of weeks that I’m glowing?” She asks.


“Well, there’s a reason for that. I’m pregnant. Ruthie is going to be a big sister.”

I hug her so tight that she squeaks.

“I love you, Peaches.”

“I love you too, Adam. Now, about those seconds.”


Bonus Book

Rough: A Diamond in the Rock

Minx Hardbringer

Chapter One


It’s the first day of my new job and I’m running twenty minutes early. I’m so nervous about my first real job in the industry that I got up three hours early, and even though I spent a ton of time doing my hair and makeup, I’m still running way ahead of schedule. In this business, appearances are everything, and I don’t want to come off as too much of a square on my first day.

Both of my parents are in the music business, and I’ve seen what can happen to assistants who rock stars perceive as
It would be like sharks smelling blood in the water, and this entire tour would be a living hell. My squirming and discomfort would become a constant source of hilarious entertainment for every member of the band and crew with even a hint of a mean streak.


That’s not going to happen to Josie Harvard. I’ve been working with bands since I could walk, and I just graduated with a degree in music management. My dad is a pretty big deal in the industry and he promised me a job right out of high school, but I turned him down. I wanted to go to college, and I wanted to get my first job on my own merit. Well, as much as I could. Everybody knows who my father is, and my mom has been a favorite songwriter of many pop and rock groups since before I was born. My family name may open doors for me, but I don’t want it to carry me through my career.

What I need to do is keep things together for the Troubled Kids, but make it look effortless and fun. I have to be a mom, confidant, and shit kicker all in one, but it has to look like I’m just one of the guys at all times.

So, rather than humiliate myself, I park my car down the street at a taco place and wait for fifteen minutes out of sight. I may or may not have scarfed down two breakfast tacos too. I’m probably running so early because I forgot to eat breakfast.

The moment of truth finally arrives, and I climb the steps onto one of the nicest tour buses I’ve ever been on in my life. The record company has spared no expense for these guys, and I realize I’ve been hired to tour with the label’s
rock band. They’re moderately famous right now, but I can tell by this bus that the label is planning to launch them into the fame stratosphere with this tour. People put in years with the record company before they have a chance to work with bands this big, and I landed it on my first job?


I’ll have to remember to have a talk with him when the tour is over.  I knew the Troubled Kids were big, but they aren’t really in one of the genres of music I listen to often. I hadn’t fully grasped the level of prestige they held, and this tour is probably an essential part of their career trajectory.

I don’t feel any pressure, though.

That was complete sarcasm. I have to keep it together because I can’t let these guys see me sweat. If Dad helped me get this job, he must think I can handle it. So, I’m going to make him proud.

“Hi everybody, I’m Josie.” I say and every head on the bus whips around to look at me.

Crap. That was smooth. I could always quit the music business and go back to school for nursing or something. As the eyes of the band and crew take me apart piece by piece, I can feel my knees starting to shake. Fortunately, I have a savior in the crowd.

“Hi, Josie. I’m Andy. Good to have you aboard.” He says and crosses the bus to shake my hand.

Andy is the bassist for the Troubled Kids, and he is a childhood friend of lead singer and bad boy extraordinaire, Zach Verona, who I don’t see anywhere on the bus. He’s also my savior and new best friend, whether he knows it yet or not.

“You want a drink?” Andy asks me with a smile.

“At eight a.m.?” I look at him skeptically. I mean I understand that rock stars love to party, but still.

“I meant a soda. You’re funny, and besides, I don’t drink. So, I won’t be offering you and
adult beverages
any time soon.” He says and winks at me.

And, now I feel like an asshole. I know that Andy had been in rehab last year for a drinking problem, but I let it slip my mind because I’m nervous. If I’m going to make this gig work, I’ve got to focus.

“Sure, I’ll take a Diet Coke.” I answer with a smile.

“I’ll take one too while you’re in the kitchen.” Andy says to me and winks again.

“Right. I’m the assistant. I’ll be right back.” I say, but I punch him in the arm playfully on my way past.

“Ow, what was that for?” He says and feigns both physical and emotional pain.

“For being a jerk on my first day. I’ll get your soda, but you’re going to be nice about it. You got it?” I say and smile impishly at him.

“Yes Ma’am.” He says and salutes me.

I get the sodas, and take a deep breath when I’m out of sight. This introduction meeting could be going better, but at least I’ve made a friend. We’re scheduled to leave in a few minutes, and Zach still hasn’t graced us with his presence yet. I’m giving him five more minutes to get on the bus, and then I’m going to have to hunt him down.

I take Andy his drink and the rest of the band introduces themselves to me. Stephen Blessing is the lead guitarist, and the most unique looking of the group. He’s tall, lanky and keeps his long hair tied up in a bun on top of his head. It’s dyed lavender right now, although I’ve seen press pictures with it just about every color in the rainbow. Stephen has so many piercings I don’t know how he makes it through security to get on an airplane, but I guess I’ll find out on the international leg of this tour. He’s also very quiet and shy.

Marco Jonsson is the drummer, and he’s pretty quiet too. He’s very polite and takes the time to introduce himself to me, but that’s about it. Marco is half Puerto Rican, and his big arms are on display thanks to the tight black t-shirt he’s wearing. Drumming must be a great workout.

Then there’s Zach. He arrives just as I’m about to get out my cell and start trying to find him. One look at him, and I know I’m in trouble. The way he carries himself screams big swinging alpha male, and he’s gorgeous. He’s exactly the kind of man I know better than to swoon over, but my heart still thunders in my chest the moment I lay eyes on him. His dark, tousled hair and sexy stubble make the butterflies in my stomach dance to the rhythm of my pounding heart.

Pull your shit together, Josie.

Zach breezes onto the bus as if he’s not late, but he freezes when he sees me. It’s just for a moment, but I catch it. Then, he looks me up and down like a piece of meat at the market.

“You must be Josie, my new assistant.” He says and brushes his lips across my knuckles after taking my hand.

I hide the shiver that his lips sends shooting down my spine. “And you must be Zach.”

“That I am. Sorry I’m late. I’ll be in my room.” He says and walks to the back of the bus without another word.

That man is going to make my life hell. I don’t see him the rest of the day, but the rest of the band keeps me busy. I have wardrobe to coordinate with, and most of the band members have a checklist of things for me to do before the concert tonight. Everybody but Zach goes over their list with me to ensure I understand and have what I need to get my job done. Zach, on the other hand, offers me no such assistance. I just have to hope that everything I do is done to his highnesses’ liking.

Once we get to the venue, I make sure all of the dressing rooms are set up and ready for the band before they get off the bus. They have a lot of work to do, so I stay out of their way and make sure I’m available if anyone needs me. Andy tells me that if I need a quiet place to work, I can use his dressing room. He says he’ll let everybody know that they can find me there.

“They’ll think you have a thing for me.” I tease him, and I hope that’s not actually why he’s being so nice to me. Dating anybody in the band is the worst possible idea.

“Haha. You’re adorable, but you’re not my type. You’re on the wrong team. If you know what I mean.” He says and points to my breasts.

“Oh. Oh. Sorry. I didn’t know.” I stutter like an idiot.

“Not many people do, Josie. But, I feel like I can trust you. Plus, I don’t want you thinking I’m hitting on you.” He says and heads out the door.

While the band gets ready for the show tonight, I make sure everything is set up at the next venue Troubled Kids will be playing at tomorrow night. Once that’s handled, I go stand up by the stage and watch the sound checks. My phone beeps to let me know that the catering has arrived, and I head down to the green room to make sure the caterers set dinner up properly.

Everybody fills their plates and most of the band has a couple of drinks before the show begins. I sit and chat with Andy as we sip Diet Cokes. He fills me in on how he and Zach started the band back in middle school. The two of them have been best friends for a very long time.

“You’ll have to forgive him for acting like such a diva.” He says and laughs. “I’m not sure if this is a temporary thing brought on by all the fame, or if he’s playing a part for everyone. But, deep down, he’s a really good dude.”

“He could have fooled me.” I say and roll my eyes. “But, if you say so, I’ll suspend judgement until I have more information. Where is he now?”

“Probably in his dressing room reading. He can be a very solitary person sometimes. I’m not sure why he chose rock god as his career path. I mean other than his deep love of music. But, that’s the mystery that is Zach. I should take him a plate of food.” He says and starts to get up.

“I’ll do it. I’m the assistant, remember.” I say and wink.

“Yes, Ma’am.”

I remember reading about Zach’s favorite foods in the files I received about the band when I was hired, so at least I know what to take him to eat. By the time I’m done, his plate is filled with spaghetti, bread, and buttered green beans. I make my way to his dressing room past an army of sound crew and roadies.

“What is it?” He calls through the door when I knock.

“I’ve got some dinner for you.”

“Oh, good. Come in.” He responds cheerfully.

“Where would you like for me to put it?” I ask, and note that he is sitting in his dressing room reading a book.

“Right there is fine.” He says and points to a small table on the other side of the dressing room. “You’re Jollie, right?”

“Josie. Can I get you anything else, Zach?”

“Right, Josie. What is that short for?” He asks before diving into the pile of food like a ravenous wolf.

“Josephine Isabella Harvard.” I answer, and I can’t help but wonder if he satisfies all of his hungers with that much intensity.

“Whoa, that’s a big
” He says and smiles at me wickedly.

“Can I get you anything else?” I try to sound detached, but I can’t believe how much being close to him is turning me on right now.

“Would you like to join me Josephine?” He pats the chair next to his.

“I was eating with Andy. I don’t want to abandon him.”

“That’s okay, Thank you Jollie.” He says and grabs his book.

I go to protest and he winks at me. My eyes linger for a split second on the hint of muscular and tattooed chest peeking out of the V-neck of his black t-shirt before I turn on my heels and put as much distance between Zach Verona and myself as I can.

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