Sinner (3 page)

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Authors: Minx Hardbringer,Natasha Tanner

BOOK: Sinner
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Chapter Four


I wanted to exchange contact information with Lilith before I left the diner, but then Vladimir's goons showed up to collect me. I wanted to get them as far away from Lilith as I could and fast.

Contacting her will involve me calling her at work because I didn't get her cell number. The goons saw me talking to her, and having her information on my phone could be dangerous for Lilith. The last thing I want is for her to end up in a cell waiting for me to complete this job. Hopefully, Vladimir wouldn't be that stupid because I need her to get close to Tom, but you never know.

The black SUV is waiting for me outside the diner. The Russian mafia is nothing if not completely cliché. At least thing one and thing two don't sit in the back with me in the middle. One of them drives and one sits in the third-row seats. It would be almost comical having him squished back there if it wasn’t' for the gun I know he's holding to my back.

"You know, you guys don't have to come get me every time Vladimir wants to talk. You could just call. You're holding my sister. It's not like I'm going to ignore you." I say trying to relieve some of my nervousness.

"You don't like the way we do things, you take it up with the boss. See how far that gets you." Thing one says in a thick Russian accent and then laughs.

The rest of the ride to Vladimir Mikhailov's mansion is silent. When we arrive, the goons usher me inside.

Vladimir is waiting in his mansion's rec room when we arrive. He's sitting at his black lacquer bar drinking a vodka and watching two young women in very short skirts play ping pong.

"Ah, just the man I wanted to see!" He's pretty tipsy, but that doesn't mean he's not dangerous.

"Vladimir, what can I do for you?" I try to suppress my anger.

I can feel it boiling under the surface watching him having fun while my sister is under the house in a dark holding cell. I have to keep it together, though. Losing my temper will only hurt Sophie.

"I want an update on our little project. I hope it's good news. I'd hate to have to give you some incentive to try harder." He says in a barely perceptible Russian accent. Vladimir has been in the country for a lot longer than his goons, but you can still pick up a hint of his accent.

"I don't have the drive yet, Mr. Mikhailov, but I've got Tom Hunt's personal assistant working with me now," I say in a voice that disguises the rage that tastes like bile in my throat.

"That news is okay. I was hoping for better. Your sister was hoping for better, Adam. How do you know you can trust this woman? You realize the cost if you make a mistake?"

"I do, and I know I can trust her. She didn't say so, but this Tom character has hurt her. Lilith wants revenge even if she hasn't admitted it yet." I wince when I realize that I've said her name. I'm sure Vladimir already knows who she is, but I want to draw as little attention to her as possible. I have to save Sophie, but I don't want to sacrifice Lilith to do it.

"You're going to have to speed things up. I've received information that indicates that Mr. Hunt is in negotiations with the Italians and the Chinese. If one of them meets his price before you steal the information, it's lights out for you and your sister. Do you understand?"

"I do. I've made progress, Mr. Mikhailov. How is Sophie? Is she getting her medicine? Can I see her? Just for a minute. Please." I hate begging any man for anything, but I know it will help Sophie to see me. I will plead at this man's feet if I can make her feel better.

"I'll give you two minutes." He says and I breathe a heavy sigh of relief. "Take him down to see the girl. Stay close." He says to thing two standing behind me.

Sophie has a congenital heart defect. She's been very sick since she was a little girl. Our parents died when I was eight and Sophie was just a toddler. We had no family that would take us in, so we ended up in foster care.

Sophie saved me, though. Since she had serious medical problems, she went into the Catholic foster care system instead of the state system. The Church was better equipped to pay for her treatment, and they found a family that was willing to take care of her.

They also believed in keeping families together, so I got to stay with her. That kept me out of the state system too. I don't know what would have happened to me if I'd gone into state foster care or a group home. I wouldn't be the man I am today. Yeah, I'm a criminal, but I feel terrible about it. The Morgans, our foster parents, raised us right.

Sadly, they were a much older couple that typically take on foster children, and they had both passed by the time I was sixteen. It was devastating for Sophie and me, but what was even more disturbing was the Catholic foster care system was drastically reducing its cases, and we were going to be transferred to state care.

Our first day at our new foster home was enough to let me know that it wasn't going to work out. I had some money saved up from doing odd jobs and the Morgan's paid me well to do work for them too. Sophie and I didn't spend one night in the new place.

I can't remember their names, but the wife almost hit Sophie on our first day there. The husband was a drunk pervert, so we ran. I got a job and enrolled Sophie in school under a fake name. She'd end up having to get her GED under her real name once we were in the clear, but at least she got an education.

I worked at a garage changing oil and tires, and after a couple of years the owner, Dave, even trained me to do more. Sophie and I always had enough to eat, and I made enough to cover her medications. She saw a doctor at a neighborhood clinic that treated homeless people and illegal aliens, so they never asked us questions.

Then one day the garage burned down, and I was out of a job. I tried to find another one, but nobody would hire me. Dave had paid me cash under the table and never asked questions either. He was an ex-con who'd turned his life around, and he knew the value of a secret. Unfortunately, I think it was a pissed off bookie that burned his shop, so he took off for California the minute the fire was out.

That left me with a little sister to care for and not many options. We could have gone back, but I was afraid of what would happen to Sophie in a foster family. I also knew I'd probably go to jail for kidnapping since I'd turned eighteen.

That's when a guy in our building introduced me to Vladimir Mikhailov, and I made the biggest mistake of my life. I converted to a life of crime and told myself it was for Sophie.

For a time, Vladimir kept us clothed, fed, and made sure Sophie saw the best doctor the Mafia could buy. I could never become a made man because I wasn't born into the family, but I rose as high in the ranks as possible. I was the best thief on Vlad's payroll.

Then, I
couldn’t take it anymore, and we fled to California. I eventually got a job as a stuntman. The money was good, and we were out of the Mafia's shadow. One day it all came crashing down when I got hurt on set. When I finally got out of the hospital, I couldn't work anymore. A brain injury affects my balance sometimes. I learned how to work around it, but nobody will insure me so movie studios won't hire me.

I had to come crawling back to Vladimir. He pretended all was forgiven and let me make a little money before destroying my life.

After coming home from a burglary at a Mansion in the northern suburbs, I found my sister gone. A note on her bed told me to come to Vladimir's place. That's when he told me that I had to steal Tom Hunt's account information to get Sophie back.

Now as I walk down the damp, gray hallway to the holding cell she's being kept in, I regret almost every decision I've made since the Morgans died. There had to have been a way to protect and care for Sophie that didn't require me getting into bed with the Mafia.

"Adam!" Sophie yells and rushes over to the bars.

"Can you open the door so I can hug her?" I ask knowing the goon is going to say no.

"No. Two minutes." He says in his thick, and barely understandable, Russian accent.

"Adam, I love you." She gushes and I put my hands over hers.

"I love you too baby sister," I say and put my hands over hers. "Are you okay? Do they give you your medicine?"

"They do. I get food three times a day too. It's not so bad. As long as I cooperate, they bring me down a plate of whatever Mr. Mikhailov and his guests are having. One of the men watching me brought me some books to read. If it weren't for the dark, dank basement prison and the fact that I'm being held hostage, this wouldn't be a bad vacation." She says and smiles.

That's Sophie for you. She's always looked on the bright side of things. My baby sister is the only thing that's kept me going when life got dark.

"I'll get you out of here. I've found someone to help me, so it should be soon. She's Tom Hunt's assistant, and I know she's got the information I need."

"Oh, a woman? Is she nice? Is she pretty?" Sophie says hopefully.

"Sis, seriously? You're being held hostage by the Russian mob, and you're worried about my love life?" Sophie is too much sometimes.

"Like you have a love life." She says and rolls her eyes playfully.

"Times up." The goon says from behind me.

"I'll be back for you soon," I say and squeeze her hands.

"Girl will be all right." The big man says and winks at Sophie. I'm surprised when she winks back at him.

I guess I know who brought her the books and the decent food, and I'm a little less terrified for her when the realization hits that
she's got someone inside looking out for her.

I should have known someone would be kind to her. Sophie brings out the best in everyone. So of course, if one person were working for Vlad who has a soul, Sophie would find them.

"Hang in there, little bit," I say as her big, scary looking protector ushers me out.

"Must follow the rules, or they take me off little bit’s guard detail," He says, and I understand that he's apologizing for not letting me in to hug her.

"I understand. Thank you."

Chapter Five


When I got the call at work today to meet Adam tonight, I was really excited. Far more excited than I should be. Then, I googled the address and found out it's an abandoned church. I'm not sure if that's exciting or terrifying.

I run home after work and change into jeans and tennis shoes. I was wearing a navy pinstripe skirt suit and stilettos at work today, and that didn't seem like an appropriate outfit for an abandoned building. I also wanted to get those stupid shoes off my feet. My next job is going to have to be something where I can wear shoes that are more comfortable.

I gave Adam my cell number today when he called my office so he didn't have to chance to call me at work again. My secretary would run right to Tom if she thought there was even the slightest chance she could get me fired and take my place. Yes, I am a personal assistant. Yes, I have a secretary. I need one to do my administrative tasks. She would also steal my job in a heartbeat if she could.

My phone chirps with a text message right about the time I pull up in front of the church.

Meet me around back. - Adam

When I walk around to the alley, I see Adam standing next to a black and chrome motorcycle scuffing his boot in the gravel. He's 100% sexy in his black motorcycle jacket, and I imagine grabbing it and pulling him in for a long, slow kiss.

"Hello, Lilith." His voice is smooth like liquid chocolate, and I want to hear him say my name a hundred times. Even that probably wouldn't be enough.

"Hi, Adam. So, why are we here at the spooky old church?"

"Wait just a moment." He says and slips a key into the back door.

"Yes. Come on in. It only looks abandoned from the outside. We've got power and running water in here thanks to Beck's awesome hacking skills." He says and opens the door for me.

"Becks?" I note a tinge of jealousy flopping around in my belly at the prospect of a woman in his life.

"Rebecca Palmer. A childhood friend, criminal accomplice, hacker extraordinaire, and also a lesbian." He says and chuckles.

"I wasn't. I mean." Damn, he picked up on my jealousy.

"Sure. Sure. I didn't mean any harm." He says good-naturedly. "Follow me. I'd like for you to meet her."

He leads me towards a set of stairs that descend into the old church's basement.

"The basement?" I say apprehensively.

"It's not so bad. Don't worry. We fixed it up pretty well. Right now Becks and I live in the upper part, so work has to be downstairs."

The jealousy comes back when I hear they live together. I mean, I know Becks is gay, but it still makes me a bit envious.

I cling tightly to the rickety hand railing as I make my way down the dimly lit staircase. When we open the door at the bottom, I'm relieved. The basement is clean, bright, and not nearly the disaster I thought it would be. There are a few computers set up. Some are off, and a couple of them look like they're running numbers.

A tiny woman is sitting at the one on a desk against the back wall of the space. From what I can tell, she's dressed in all black and has a pixie cut. Her hair is dyed aquamarine blue, and tattoos cover her arms and the back of her neck.

"Hello." She says as she spins her chair around to face us.

"Becks, this is Lilith." He says as we approach her. "Lilith, this is Becks the brains of the operation."

"I've been able to find some information on Tom, but not as much as we need. He never mentions the location of his backup hard drive in any of his emails, and his digital calendar is a dead end." She says and clicks away at the mechanical keyboard. Rebeca brings up his practically blank calendar on one screen while typing code into another. I'm fascinated by how well she can multi-task.

"He keeps most of his appointments in a paper desk calendar. I always thought he was paranoid not wanting his schedule in the computer, but now I guess I know why." I say, and wish I'd paid closer attention to who his most recent appointments were with. I can remember that there were a few names I didn't recognize, but I can't recall who they are.

"That could contain the clues we need to find the drive," Adam says urgently.

"I can get you a copy tomorrow. I know he's got meetings all afternoon, so if you come in after lunch, I'll be able to make a copy and slip it to you without anyone knowing.

"Can we go tonight?"

"I wish we could, but they polish the floors on Monday nights. I'm so sorry Adam."

"It's okay." He says sadly. I wish I knew why he was so emotionally invested in finding this hard drive." "Becks, show us what else you've found today."

She takes about an hour showing us the ins and outs of the money transactions in the accounts that feed Tom's central fund. Becks explains how she can tell when something is suspicious, and then what she does to flag the activity to examine later.

"You should be doing my job. You're better at tracking Tom's business than I am." I say, and I'm genuinely impressed.

"No thanks, sister. I hate this stuff. I'm only doing it for Sophie." She looks like she just let all of the cats out of the bag, and Adam shoots her a severe warning look.

"Sophie?" I have to know.

"It's nothing, Lilith. It's just a code name for one of the interested parties. Look, thanks for all of your help so far. I'll come by your office tomorrow for the schedule, and I'll make sure to text you first. Becks and I have a lot of stuff to do, so we're going to have to call it a night." He says and it's obvious he wants me to leave.

"Okay. Well, glad I could help."

Adam walks me out to my car. It's another unexpected chivalrous gesture.

"I just want you to know that I'm not upset. The Sophie thing is pretty sensitive, but maybe sometime I'll tell you about it. Sorry for being short with you in there." He says and stands dangerously close to me. I can smell his scent, and it's an intoxicating mixture of soap and mint.

"It's okay. I understand how stressful this is. Well, I guess I can’t really because I still don't really know why you're doing it, but I'm trying to understand."

"I want to tell you more. I do. I will. Just not yet, okay?" Adam says and brushes a strand of my hair behind my ear. It sends a chill down my spine.

"I accept."

"Good." He says and kisses my forehead gently. "Text me as soon as you get home. I want to know you're safe."

Before either of us can say anything else, Adam turns and quickly disappears back around the building.

I get in my car quickly because this neighborhood is super scary when you're out alone at night and drive home.

Brutus, the cat, chastises me as soon as I walk in the door. "I know, buddy. Sorry." I say and bend down to stroke his sleek, black fur. "Let's get you some dinner. Oh, and let's get me some dinner too."

I feed my beloved and crazy cat before going to the kitchen to decide what I'm going to eat. My fridge is pretty stocked, so I pull out chicken and vegetables to make a stir fry. I'll need lunch tomorrow too, so I make enough for two meals.

While I swirling the ingredients around in my wok, I get a rush of excitement. I don't know why Adam is doing all this or why I've gotten myself involved, but I'm basically a spy. That's pretty bad ass. I think. It's certainly the most daring thing I've ever done. I mean, I stayed up all night reading once my junior year in college, but I've never been very adventurous. Keep your head down and keep your nose in a book have pretty much been my two biggest rules in life.

Once my food is done, I eat my dinner while Brutus sits on the floor next to my chair and stairs at me. I never feed him off the table, but that doesn't stop him from trying at every single meal.

Before bed, I decide that I want to read a spy novel, but I don't have any. I never read on my Kindle, but tonight I'll make an exception. I power it up and find an exciting looking spy title.

The next thing I know, my alarm is going off. I've fallen asleep in my chair reading. Again. I’m pretty sure that Adam is saving me from being the most uninteresting woman that ever lived. He’s also preventing me from becoming a crazy cat lady at the ripe old age of… never mind. Let’s just say it’s north of twenty and south of forty.

Usually, on Tuesday, I get up, go to my closet, and pull out my black “Tuesday” suit. That’s right folks, I have an outfit I wear almost every Tuesday. Today, I’m going to see Adam at work, though, so I want something a little more

I have no idea what is going on between us, or why I’m mysteriously fine with it, but I do know I want more. When he kissed me on the forehead, it made my heart skip a beat. Not in an
oh my god get me to the ER right now
kind of way, but more like an
oh my god the cutest boy in the whole class just kissed me
kind of way.

I never got to feel that way about guys when I was in school. Correction, I never let myself feel that way about the guys in school. Plenty of them tried to get my attention, but I wasn’t interested. Tom Hunt had been the first time in a very long time that I let my guard down with a man, and it turned out horribly. If I hadn’t met Adam, I know I would have convinced myself that I was right about men all along.

What if Adam proves me right too?

I’m not going to think like that right now. There is something very real and very electric between the two of us, and I, Lilith Rose Banks, am just going to let myself enjoy being a corporate spy with a gorgeous man for the time being. It’s not like another opportunity to live this kind of adventure is going to fall in my lap.

My closet is full of outfits I bought, but I’ve never been daring enough to wear. I put on the same few classic suits every week, but I dream of being the kind of woman who wears something a little more fashionable. I’ve told myself numerous times that if I don’t start wearing them, I need to donate them to the women’s shelter. Maybe a little of both? I’ll wear this brand new red suit today and give a few of the others to Angela this weekend. I know she’s working with a few families where the mom is looking for a job. A new suit might be the thing they need to turn their lives around for good.

Let’s hope this suit is what I need to turn myself around too. I laugh because the tags are still attached. I bought it two months ago when I saw the dark red fabric in the shop window. It’s daring, bold, and completely unlike me. Until today.

After my shower, hair, and make-up, I slip into the suit and check myself out in the mirror. A pair of black pumps completes the outfit, and I’m amazed. An entirely new woman is standing before me.

I look like a spy!

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