Shampoo (32 page)

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Authors: Karina Almeroth

Tags: #romance, #comedy, #girl power, #australian, #commodores

BOOK: Shampoo
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Seems too good to be




Friday 20 October


I just got home from the RAQ
Fashion Awards.

Today was the best day and night!!
Oh my God!!!

The bosses put on this HUGE day
for us all at work today.

We had a BBQ
lunch with EVERYONE, no one (namely
me and Nat) being left on the phones upstairs. Answering machine
went on during the work day for the first time ever, and we all had
like a two hour BBQ lunch.

AND Daryl and John had hired a
dunking machine and a jumping castle, there were water balloons and
water hoses!!! Was like a fete in the carpark. So much

No other employer
would do that for their staff!! DY and John are like the Gods of
Fun and Debauchery.

They sell shampoo based on



(God, I love it!)

So while we were eating, we had
seen the guys from the warehouse filling up a giant DRUM of water
balloons, so us girls were trying to devise a plan over lunch on
how to steal them from the boys.

So I stole a box of them, and hid
them. After eating however, Paul snuck up behind me and just lobbed
one at me, soaking me!, as I was walking out the

So I decided, with no ammo on me,
to make a run for the giant drum FILLED with water balloons, and
started grabbing them out, and firing them onto the boys, one after
the other, like PEW PEW PEW –

But water didn’t deter the


(especially Benny!),


and as everyone came out of the
break room, they’re cheering my brave move


(stupid move),


but then ALL the warehouse boys
reached me, and they all picked up this giant drum and dumped like
SIX HUNDRED water balloons over my head.

My God, I was drowning.

Everyone was laughing so hard,
even me…God, it was funny. So funny!

Then Benny picked me up, with I’m
sure the intention to do something even worse to me, except I was
so wet and slippery


(and he’s so stupid),


and he was laughing so hard, he

I narrowly missed
landing on my head, cause he had me upside down, just dangling me,
me squealing and laughing hysterically and trying to keep my skirt
from showing everyone EVERYTHING

(Daryl Agnew joked, “Pinky almost
showed her pink bits!!”)

but I landed on my arm

I’m lying on the ground then,
looking like a drowned rat, laughing hysterically, and so was Benny
inbetween saying “I’m so sorry, Pinky!!” then laughing madly some
more, before he picked me back up.

Was kinda hot


(not the dropping me on my head


the way Benny can just swing me
upside down like that, then sweep me back up off the


(after he fucking drops


He’s so TALL, and manly like that

Anyway, FOCUS. Just as I was
drying off a bit in the sun, John Cash comes over all innocent and
trustworthy like, then sweeps me up into his arms and throws me
into the dunking machine!!!

Everyone was just laughing so hard
at me.

Sorry Pinky,” John
Cash laughed. “You’re the only one who will let me get away with
that!! All the other girls would have a tantrum!! You take things
so well and laugh at everything that comes your way!”

On ya, Pinky!!!” DY
yelled, beer in hand (he was seriously drunk). “You’re a

Oh shut up, the lot of
you!” I yelled and laughed, trying to get out of the dunking
machine. “I can’t fucking get out!!”

Die laughing some more. Was
seriously the funniest thing ever, me trying to climb out and
falling back in. DY eventually took pity on me, and lifted me

Pinky gets first call
of who goes in the dunking machine – ” John Cash called

Other than her!” DY

I pointed at HIM. “Benny!!!” I
yelled. “I want HIM!!!!”

Oh, do ya, Pinky,”
Benny joked, as I grabbed onto him and dragged him to the dunking
machine. “You’ve got me, you don’t need to yell it!”

We laughed and laughed. Was just
so damn funny. Benny and I have these really fun moments together
where we just fall about laughing.

He climbed into the seating


(not the water area, where I’d
just been swimming, fully clothed),


and I was like, “Back off,
everyone, I’VE GOT HIM!!!”

Benny was still laughing. “You’re
DREAMING, Pinky, if you think you’re gonna get me, first ball –

I lobbed that ball so hard, and
dunked him.

Lachlan fell about, laughing his
ass off next to me.

Oh my God, was so fucking


Thankfully, I’d brought a dress to
work, cause John Cash had said to all us office girls, “You WILL
GET WET, at work on Friday,” but none of the other girls got wet AT

Just me.

So after all that, me and Sars
left together at 4.30pm


(Julia had left at her earlier
finishing time of 2.30)


and drove in Sara’s car to
Julia’s, and the three of us got ready together. I wore my 60’s
vintage pink paisley dress that I pull out on all my special
occasions, because I look ROCKING IN IT.

Sars drove us into the city, and
the fashion awards were in this cool ballroom inside the city

What a fantastic

The outfits were STUNNING and our
table was right at the front alongside the runway.

The dresses up close were all so
beautiful; everything shimmered and shone. The materials used were
GORGEOUS. It was so magical. Like Cinderella.

Jules and I talked the whole night
and giggled like teens together. I filled up on a constant stream






(no pink champers,


Joy drove me home, which was kind
of worrying, cause I saw her, chug chug chugging those drinks down
like a red wine train.



Nat and Dan just got home from
Dicey Riley’s with the Scooby Gang and I’ve been drilling them
about Evvy.

(what did he say? What did he do?
Did he say anything about me? Did he say ‘fuck I’m so in love with
that crazy sister of yours’??)

Both have been surprisingly
clammed up about it. No goss for me.

He hasn’t called me since Tuesday.
Some boyfriend.




Saturday 21 October


Nat and I are about to go to the
Ricky Martin concert.

I just feel really down. Verging
on depressed, even.

Probably I’m letting Evvy get to
me again. I wish I’d never fallen, I want to give up on him. I feel

I went to Indro today, walked
around for an hour while I waited for my film from last night to be
developed. The photos were SO COOL (I look hot!!). Sars, Jules and
I got the most beautiful framed, professional photo of us last

I spent most of the
time at Indro searching for Evvy’s 21
birthday present, and it just sunk
my mood more. I kept thinking why am I doing this?? Why am I
contemplating spending hundreds of dollars on him when I’m still
not happy how things are between us??

I don’t know what I’m doing, why I
believed him. It’s been four days since I’ve even heard from

That’s not a boyfriend.

Then, today him, Mark and Josie
went down the coast, and Josie rang and invited Nat and Dan, while
I stood in my room, listening and trying not to cry.

I left for Indro not long after
that. When it became painfully obvious no one was inviting me to

That hurt, man. That hurt A

He knows how much I absolutely
love the coast…he knows I practically OWN RIGHTS to the coast. I’m
like a pink Aussie biker.

I OWN the Gold Coast.

He’s supposed to be BEING MY
BOYFRIEND, too!! Who goes to the coast, invites their girlfriend’s
sister, but not your girlfriend????!!!

I’m getting madder and madder just
thinking about it.

I just want to cry right now. I’m
just feeling very alone. Everyone else has a partner. Except

Jules has Mike, Nat has Dan, Josie
has Mark, Tom has Evvy, all the girls at work have partners. I want

To love me!! Who I love

Ever just CLEARLY can’t be the
boyfriend type. I have to finally decide if I’m going to put up
with it, or save myself.


I met Josh at the gym again this
arvo. Just showered from the session.

The gym guy was SERIOUSLY cracking
onto me so badly this arvo. Josh was getting all put out about it!
Was so cute!!

I got home about 4.30pm, showered,
and am relaxing in bed.

Wishing I didn’t have to ‘She
bangs, she bangs!’




Sunday 22 October


Ricky Martin was great – I was
just so tired and depressed.

He has to be gay, right??? He
dances and dresses WAY too well to be straight.

And he’s SO HOT.

All the good ones are

I came home from the concert
quiet, Nanna Nat quiet too, and showered, warm pjed up


(cause I love the cozy, protected
feeling flannelette gives me),


and fell into bed and


(you guessed it)


Moonlighting’ with

Moonlighting is the new (old)
Dawson’s. Dawson’s been replaced.

There’s a new Creek in town!! And
it’s called Cybil!!

(yeah I don’t know what that means

Think I might just stay in bed all




Monday 23 October


I couldn’t take it anymore – I
rang Evvy yesterday arvo.

We managed to talk without

I stupidly went over

And stayed the night.

He told me AGAIN, he does and
doesn’t want to be with me…but then he told me he

It just fucks with my

Then he confused me more by
cuddling and kissing me and making love to me all night.

I’m too in love with him. Sends me
a bit loopy.

Work was busy today. I’ve been to
the gym tonight with Dan and Josh.

At work, actually, there was a bit
of a flutter over Joy. Apparently, after driving me home Friday
night, she crashed her car. Not badly, she’s fine, but she hit
another car.

And cause she’s the boss’s sister,
her car is under as a company car, and Joy was upset


(which I hate to see!! I adore


cause Renee and Gerry were openly
calling out over the whole office and accusing her of being
drunk…then Gerry called me into his office and shut his


(which is when you know shit is


and was all, “Pinky, how did Joy
seem to you when she drove you home??” and “How many drinks did she
have at the fashion awards?”

I sat in Gerry’s office, watching
him, thinking does he REALLY think I’m gonna throw Joy under the


(or crashed car)


My Joy?? My Girl

Loyalty is my thing. Even if I
have to LIE to keep that loyalty, I will do it.

Ah, I only saw her
have one or two drinks,” I lied EXPERTLY.

I’ve seen Joy in
action, Pinky,” Gerry argued, eating from his lolly stash. He
offered me some, kindly, like a good lawyer/prosecutor before they
trap you!! “She drinks WAY MORE than that normally.”

Yeah, well, she knew
she was driving me home,” I replied.

Gerry stared at me, as if
searching for some honesty.


(good luck with that!)

Is Joy in trouble?” I

Gerry finally turned back to his
computer and all his dollar figures. “No more than

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