Shallow Love (8 page)

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Authors: Georgia Mantis

BOOK: Shallow Love
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“Well it’s not my first time baby, I’ve had more than a few girlfriends in the past and we practised a lot,’’ he grinned.

Jackie wondered if David had disappointed them like he had her? Practised a lot? What was he talking about? He didn’t have much to practise with?

“Well, good for you,” she said flattering him. She wasn’t one to hide the truth, even with small things, but she just didn’t know how to tell him? It was beyond her and the positive was, that he was very good at fore-play, it was just the sex that sucked!

“It really shows in the bedroom,” she lied.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as I did babe? And you want to know something?” David flicked his tousled fringe off his face. “You really do it for me in bed and you have the biggest nipples I have ever seen.”

“You are kidding me right?” She looked surprised to her nipples were nipples, she hadn’t even noticed their size and she found it weird, how men noticed things. Well David did, no one else had been as observant as him.

“No I’m serious babe, your nipples are unbelievable,” he winked at her. “And I must say I’ve seen quite a few, but none that massive.”

Jackie wanted to tell him that she had never seen such a small penis for a man of his stature, that’s what she really wanted to tell him! But she really liked him and the last thing she wanted was a small penis, to come between them! She enjoyed his company and a relationship wasn’t always based on sex, people stayed together for different reasons. She didn’t want their relationship to be sexually based, because he really sucked in the bedroom. She was hoping he would tone down the sexual beast in him, because she didn’t know how many orgasms she could fake and it was only a matter of time, before he picked up on it.

“Well let’s just stop the nipple talk honey and plan some dates for the rest of the week, if that’s okay with you?”

“Absolutely babe, I want to take you on a picnic by the beach, I’ll make some sandwiches for us and we can have some downtime together.”

“Sounds like a great idea,” Jackie thought that was a nice gesture, his offer to make some sandwiches. “Do you want to go on Saturday?”

“Yes I’ll pick you up at midday, with a picnic basket and I’ll buy the grog on our way down.”

“You love your grog, don’t you honey?”

“Well I was a topless waiter when you met me babe, so I was around a lot of booze,” David smirked, pulling up his jeans and tightening the belt, around his waist.

“That’s true and I can’t wait, I’m really looking forward to our picnic together,” Jackie put on some panties and changed into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a bright pink tank.

“Me too gorgeous,” David said in a hurried voice. “Well I gotta run, I’m meeting some mates, they are coming over, so we can play poker tonight.”

“Oh, I was hoping we could buy take-out and just chill out tonight, but since you have already made plans, I don’t want to keep you?”

Jackie was more than annoyed at David, she felt like his true personality was starting to show and she didn’t like one bit of it. His mates? Who was she in his life? His friend with benefits? Was she just his fuck buddy, when he needed to get laid?

“Well I would have preferred you to stay, but if you already made plans?”

“Thanks babe, I knew you would understand,” he winked at her.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he kissed her swiftly on the lips as he waved goodbye and was out the door.

Unbelievable! Thought Jackie, who does that? This was not the David, she had fallen in love with, it was a new one, who upset her a lot of the time. And then would suddenly revert back to loving again. He was being immature and she didn’t like it one bit! Now she even wondered whether being a cougar was even a good idea! It wasn’t her plan to date a younger man, it was just the way it had worked out. Was she just being paranoid, in thinking that David was picking his mates over her tonight? Either way, she was going to let this slide and just take it with a grain of salt, because she was really looking forward to the picnic with him. She liked him too much to hold a grudge and she didn’t want to cause any rift between them, so she was going to forget about it and she was going to stop overreacting.

She boiled the kettle and made herself a mug of hot cocoa, she didn’t feel like having dinner on her own tonight, a couple of biscuits and a hot beverage, was enough to calm her nerves. She switched on the radio and listened to some music, while relaxing.

She sat thinking
about the week ahead and how it was going to be hectic and she couldn’t wait until Saturday to meet up with David. She fell asleep on the sofa, before realising it was eleven in the evening, then changed into a pair of loose fitting pyjamas and went to bed.

Chapter Seven

ell the weekend couldn’t come early enough, after a hectic week at work with meetings, networking and overtime. Jackie had an exhausting schedule and meeting deadlines was one of her greatest fears, with two staff off sick from work, she was juggling just about everything in the office.

‘‘Thank God it’s Friday,’’
she text David quickly on her twenty minute lunch break.
“Can’t wait to see you tomorrow for that picnic, love Jackie.”

It had been a few hours before she received a text back from David and it had saddened her.

“Me too babe, but there has been a slight change of plans, I’ll call you tonight.”

Jackie felt a sense of panic rush through her veins, his ability to skirt the truth, distort it, or just fabricate it, was beginning to unnerve her and a red flag went up in her head. She was afraid David had changed his mind about taking her out on that picnic and that he may even have decided to cancel their date all together. She hated not knowing the reason or what was clearly happening in her love life. That’s what she had found most difficult to understand about men, their lack of consistency in a relationship. She was grounded and didn’t like to be played by anyone and she was hoping David wasn’t playing her.

“What do you mean, a slight change of plans?”
She text back in angst.

“You’ll see, I’ll call you later.”

And that was it! David was going to leave her hanging on. What was he meaning, there was a slight change of plans? She scratched her arm stressed, worried that he was going to cancel all together. It was supposed to be a sunny day and it would have been perfect for a picnic or day out.

That day at
work dragged like a sore thumb, that wouldn’t go away, she hoped David would call her when she got home tonight. She had been thinking about him all day at work and that had distracted her work. She couldn’t imagine David breaking it off with her, she was sure he liked her and they had been dating a few months now.

When she got home, she kicked off her heels, threw her handbag on the sofa and reached for the kettle. she needed to unwind with a mug of hot chocolate. Taking the first sip was calming, she had been so stressed out at work and she felt relieved as she drank it. She sat down for five minutes, thinking about David and wondering why he hadn’t called. She looked at her watch, it was nearly seven, as she picked up her mobile to text him, then her phone rang.

“Hi babe, it’s me, how you doing?”

“I’m tired, I missed you,’’ she said in a tired tone of voice.

“Me too babe and guess what, I’ve decided we don’t go to the park tomorrow for a picnic, but we go to the beach instead?

“Well that’s fine, the beach sounds good.” Jackie said relieved, that he hadn’t decided to call their date off completely. She would have preferred going to the park, but she would settle for the beach, just to be with him.

“I’m glad you agree babe, I want to catch some surf, while we are there.”

“Okay, if you want.” Jackie wasn’t impressed, that he was making this date more about him and she was going to bring a picnic basket, but changed her mind.

“Yeah, the wind will be perfect to catch some surf.”

“I guess, I’ll wear a bikini and my sunblock, while I watch you surf ?”

“Sounds like a great idea babe and you can perv on my abs.’’

Jackie laughed through her disappointment, she didn’t mind the beach, but the park would have been a more romantic date.

“Yes I won’t lie, I love your hard abs,” she added.

“Cool, I’ll pick you up midday tomorrow, in that way we can spend the whole day at the beach.”

“Sounds good,’’ she said in agreement, but secretly wished David, hadn’t changed his mind about the park.

“So what are you doing tonight, can I come over your place babe?”

“Sure why not, I miss you.”

“I miss you too, I’ll see you in around an hour, I am just at the local pub having some dinner.”

“Okay see you soon, bye.”

“Bye babe.”

And that was it! All that heartache and worrying at work was a waste, David wasn’t planning to dump her, he just wanted to go surfing instead. But she wasn’t going to let it upset her, at least they were going out together.

When she finished drinking the remainder of her hot chocolate, she was feeling hungry. She had eaten a sandwich at work on her lunch break and usually she would eat something light, in the evening, but tonight she felt like pizza.

When she had just finished dinner, David rang the doorbell.

She didn’t have time to wipe away the pizza sauce off her mouth, when she answered the door.

“Hi babe, what you eating, what’s that red stuff on your face?”

“It’s sauce, I didn’t get a minute to wipe it off.”

“That’s okay, I’ll just lick it off,” smirked David.

“Hey honey,” she gave him a slight push. “Settle down, we are not in the bedroom yet? Would you like a drink?”

“Nah, I had a few drinks at the pub baby, let’s get down to business.”

Jackie was not feeling comfortable with David’s behaviour, he smelt of alcohol badly and he was moving in on her fast, he was talking dirty. She headed in the kitchen, but he followed her like a lost puppy, in need of attention. He grasped on to her shoulders and his tongue roamed her neck. She wanted to push him away and tell him to exercise some manners, but she surrendered in his grasp and let him do to her, what he had done so many times over.

He unbuttoned her dress, button by button and as a matter of urgency, she reached for the nearest condom and there on the kitchen bench, David dropped his pants. She swiftly put the condom on his slightly erect sausage and he entered her. He was a bad lover and he didn’t have the penis size to pleasure her, she felt nothing and she had to fake an orgasm again.

“I’m cuming, almost there babe … Oh what a relief.”

And there it was! David had cum inside her, luckily she had used protection, she thought worriedly, she needed to clean herself up and she raced into the bathroom. What was it with David and his lack of competence in the bedroom! As much as she liked him, he was driven by impulse and it had really annoyed her.

“Hurry up babe,” he called out to her. “I need to use the bathroom too, I am pretty messed up you know?”

“Of course you are,” she responded in a hollow tone. David was surely messed up in the brain, she wanted to tell him.

“You nearly out?” he continued to nag.

“Yes, it’s all yours and don’t forget to throw the condom, in the waste bin too.”

“Oh shit! David pronounced in surprise.”

“What’s wrong now?” She asked in annoyance.

“The condom split, I hope you were on the pill babe?”

“What are you talking about!” She barged back into the bathroom as David hurriedly, pulled his jeans back on his waist.

“The condom had a hole in it, I noticed it as I took it off babe.”

“What the Fuck! You are kidding me right? Oh shit! I’m not on the pill, it makes me ill.”

“Well I’m just saying, I did blow my load in you and the condom was fucking faulty babe!”

Jackie looked at David in horror! This couldn’t be happening to her, it just wasn’t what she wanted to hear. “You better leave, go home and have a cold shower and don’t ever come over, drunk off your face again?”

“Hey babe, just relax, I can’t drive back home now, can you make me a strong coffee?”

“You are unbelievable you know, I really wasn’t expecting this behaviour from you?”

“Well I’m still a young boy you know, I want to have some fun, stop sounding like my mother?”

“Are you crazy? Yes some fun at my expense? Fuck I hope I’m not pregnant?”

“You sure swear a lot babe, I never thought you had it in you?”

“Well I never swear, but when I’m pushed, I can’t help it you know.”

Jackie was not going to get anywhere with David’s unruly behaviour tonight, so she made him a strong cup of coffee and had one herself too. Maybe dating a younger man, was the worst possible mistake of her life. Sure the younger ones looked hotter and were more fun, but a little voice in her head, was telling her how immature they can be too. Honestly she thought worriedly, did he really think she was acting like his mother? It was like he lavished all this love on her first, then he took off his mask and it revealed an egotistic, chauvinistic person, who was confusing her.

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