Shallow Love (7 page)

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Authors: Georgia Mantis

BOOK: Shallow Love
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“I am attracted to you too, I was the moment we met, I love your face,” she confessed.

David smiled, “I love your body, you looked pretty hot, in that sexy dress you were wearing,” he teased her repeatedly.

“Well I am a fashion editor, whose whole focus is on dressing women,” she said with confidence in her voice.

“True, that’s why you are in touch with the latest fashion,” he said checking her out from head to toe.

Jackie loved how David made her feel, he was not only good-looking, but he was sweet to her and she enjoyed his company. They had a wonderful first date, followed by many more spent at the beach. He would ask her out to lunch or dinner, at least once or twice a week and Jackie would take time out, despite her busy workload. She knew work was a priority but so was her boyfriend, she needed him now more than ever. Her sister Carrie was in a relationship with Liam and was engaged to be married. She needed a boyfriend and David had walked into her life at the right time, as her sister was in the midst of planning her future with Liam.

It felt amazing to have a boyfriend, someone who praised you, payed on dates and treated you like you were special to him. David had come into her life, when she really needed him. He wasn’t the romantic type, she was looking for in a boyfriend; he didn’t open car doors, or lend her his jacket if she was cold. But he had this cheeky charm, that made her melt every time he gazed at her.

After they left
the café and had enjoyed their sparkling conversation, David leaned over for a kiss as they made their way to the car and she felt like she was in heaven. He was a skilful kisser and just when Jackie thought the kiss had been over, David wrapped his mouth around hers and continued to pash her. She could smell the musky aftershave he was wearing, as he leaned in for more, but Jackie felt slightly uncomfortable as she gasped for breath, pushing him aside after a long moment.

“David,” she pronounced, “I think we better stop, you are making me feel hot!”

“You are a hot babe,” David brushed off her remark, before pinching her butt cheeks.

“Hey you, stop playing with my ass,” Jackie blurted out, her cheeks blushing, slightly embarrassed at David’s forwardness.

“I’m sorry girlfriend, but you are one amazing chick and I just can’t help myself when I’m around your body.”

“Thanks my boyfriend, I think you are hot too, but I need a little time, can you give me that?” Jackie felt like she was almost pleading for respite. Her head told her to be careful of someone like David, but her heart had given into him.

“Certainly gorgeous, but how much time do you want, we have been dating for a few weeks now?”

“I know and we have had some wonderful dates and every time you kiss me, it feels like the first time again, but let’s wait a few more weeks and I’ll be all yours handsome.”

David rolled his eyes at Jackie, she could see he was suffering from sexual tension, but that was a good thing, because if she had slept with him by the third date, he may not have dated her again.

“Okay whatever you say, but I just want you to know babe, I am really into you and I can’t wait for us to fuck.”

“Really? So you just want to sleep with me, is this all you really wanted from the start?”

“Babe I told you, that you are one hot mama and I have really got the hots for you, that’s why I want us to sleep together.”

Jackie wished David was more romantic, he used words like babe, mama and fuck a lot and it wasn’t very flattering to hear. She often blocked these words out in her head and replaced them with, beautiful, honey and making love.

“Don’t stress darling, I will sleep with you just be patient.”

“I’m not stressing babe, but you must know I am a man and we do get horny a lot, especially when we are around a hot mama.”

“I know how men think, I am an Editor of a magazine and I read a lot,” she laughed it off. “Anyway I need to get home, how about I see you tomorrow night and we can come to an arrangement, about when we will make love?”

“Is there a chance I can stay the night over your place babe? I promise I’ll be good and get lots of sleep.”

Jackie was gobsmacked and having a handsome boyfriend like David, didn’t make it easy to hold out. He was by far the most tempting guy she had ever dated and he had an undying thirst for lust.

“Not a chance tonight honey, I have to get up early tomorrow, I have to meet up with my sister, whom I haven’t seen for weeks.”

“Well too bad, but we are definitely on for tomorrow night babe?”

“Yes absolutely, I’ll call you tomorrow and we can go out.”

“Cool, catch you babe.”

Jackie gave him a quick wave of the hand and he left. To her he was undoubtedly a great catch, he had been the most good looking guy she had ever had the pleasure of dating. He was akin to a Greek God only a blonde version. She felt like the luckiest woman alive, but she knew she had to put the brakes on him tonight, she just wanted to be completely ready, before she jumped into bed with him.

Chapter Six

he next morning, Jackie met up for lunch in the mall with her sister Carrie, to catch up on plans for her upcoming wedding.

“So have you decided on a beach or church ceremony sis?”

“We were going to have it at the church, but Liam and I have always loved the ocean, so we are having a beach wedding.”

“Awesome, how about the reception plans?”

“We decided on the Playford Parks, they cater for small receptions and the view of the gardens is amazing.”

“Love it Sis, I am so excited for you, getting married to the love of your life, I wish I had what you have with Liam?”

“Well I hope you find true love one day, it’s the most amazing feeling in the world.”

“I hope so too, I really like David, I fell for him the moment I saw him and I already have feelings for him.”

“Well enjoy the journey sis, love is the most precious thing in this world, just knowing someone cares about you and wants you in their life forever, until death do you part.”

“You know that’s interesting you should say that, I never really had a long relationship, to think of being with someone forever.”

“Well when you finally meet that person, that you just can’t live without and you decide to walk to the tune of wedding bells, you’ll know what I am talking about.”

Maybe Carrie was right thought Jackie, maybe there is someone for everyone and marriage seals the bond between them.

Jackie nibbled on her warm chicken salad, but Carrie had finished eating, “I must be a slow eater sis, you finished already?”

“I didn’t have any breakfast, I know skipping a meal is bad for you, but nothing tastes as good as skinny feels and I have to watch my figure for the wedding.”

“You kidding me? If I was a size six, I wouldn’t be worried.”

Carrie grinned, “I want to look good for Liam, I love him and I only want him to have eyes for me.”

“Sweetie, when a man is into you, a bit of weight gain won’t send him packing?”

“I seriously don’t believe that, there is a world of temptation out there, women are more desperate than ever to find a partner and preferably a good looking one and there is stiff competition.”

“Let’s order some drinks,” suggested Jackie. “How about a glass of sparkling moscato, to wet your appetite?”

“Okay, just one drink, but I’m serious I really have to be careful to fit into my wedding dress.”

“You’ll look gorgeous girl and I am sure Liam won’t be able to take his eyes off you,” Jackie grinned.

“You are just the most supportive sister ever and I am really enjoying this sparkling wine.”

“Well good for you and l wish you a fabulous life with Liam, any couple would envy to have what you have, which is undying love for each other.”

“I am pretty lucky to have found Liam, he is the complete package for me and even though I know I’m not, he loves me for the way I make him feel, that’s what he’s told me.”

“That’s so beautiful sis and that’s what matters most in a relationship, it’s never based on looks entirely, it’s more than that.”

“I know that’s true, but a woman has to look after herself to keep her man and it makes her feel good too.”

Maybe her sister was right, there was sense in what she was saying and she had looked after herself and she did look much younger. She was very excited about her sister getting married, she loved weddings and couldn’t wait to see her sister walk down the isle. One thing that was weighing on Jackie’s mind, was when her time would come and she would get married, but she wasn’t in a hurry, she wanted to fall in love first just like Carrie.

“I better get going,” Carrie smiled. “I have a honeymoon to organise with Liam and we are meeting up in an hour.”

“Lucky girl,” Jackie said, with a hint of envy in her voice. “Where are you planning to travel?”

“I don’t really care,” Carrie shrugged her shoulders. “I just want to go somewhere peaceful with Liam, an island paradise, would be nice and we are thinking Hamilton island.”

“That would be so romantic.”

“What have you got planned tonight?”

“I am meeting up with David, he has text me five times, saying how he misses my hot ass.”

Carrie burst into laughter. “Well you have a good time girl, we should catch up more regularly?”

“Yes, we should, I miss you ever since you moved out?”

“I know me too,” Carrie hugged her. “We should catch up for lunch more often.”

They waved goodbye to each other and later Jackie went home and her phone beeped, as soon as she opened the front door.

“Hey babe I really miss you, can I pretty please, come around?”

Jackie was feeling lonesome returning to an empty house, she was caught between doing the right thing or giving into David’s charms.

“Sure, come over honey, I want to see you.”

“I will be there soon sexy, wear something hot, I am feeling really horny right now.”

“Stop sexting me you, just get here soon, I need a hug.”

“At your service baby, I’m coming.”

Jackie couldn’t help but laugh at David’s boyish behaviour, she sometimes wanted to slap him and other times she just wanted to make-out with him. Who wouldn’t! He was a topless waiter, when they met and he was so charming, she felt horny just thinking about him.

She changed into a light flowing red dress, that had been her signature colour, she was hoping David would love what she was wearing. She applied a few coats of bright red lipstick and some translucent face powder. She then sprayed some of her favourite perfume, Sexy-Doll, it was a woody, musk scent and replaced her black wedges, with a nude pair of stilettos. And when the doorbell rang, she hurried to answer it.

“Wow, you look stunning,’’ David checked her out, as he leaned in for a kiss.

“Thank you, I am glad you like,” she smiled back at him.

When Jackie managed to close the front door, David was all over her, he was a lover of the French kiss and she felt his tongue circle hers many times over. She had longed for him all day and they slowly made their way to her bedroom, as he gave her a light push on the mattress and slid off the straps on her dress. He was the dominant one and she felt defenceless and at his mercy.

“Do whatever you want to me, just make me feel you honey.” That’s all she really wanted, to feel him and she was hoping he would make her moan.

“Ooh you really want me don’t you?” David urged her, as he licked her nipples, with his tongue.

Jackie wanted him more than she had ever wanted any man, she was very attracted to him and she had the urge to undo the zip on his jeans. But he bet her to it and dropped his jeans on the bedroom floor. She could feel his sexual energy, as he slipped off her red g-string and the pupil in his eyes, flared up suddenly. She remained vigilant in her eye contact, adding further intimacy, in a moment that felt like pure ecstacy. She didn’t want to lose her focus, she wanted to feel every bit of him inside her, though the thrusting of a giant sausage, had clearly remained a fantasy, as he entered her fast and furious, with no real result in the end.

For a man of his stature, he lacked length and width in the pleasure department. Their sex life was clearly doomed! Damn she thought miserable, I thought he would have a giant one, what a fucking disappointment!

He urged her on as he lay on top of her and she had her legs in the air for a considerable amount of time, but felt nothing. He had penetrated her for a long time, but to her dismay, she was nowhere near climax. He came on her breasts eventually, but she was saddened to see, that his penis quickly turned flaccid.

“How was it babe? I bet you enjoyed it, since I made you cum?” He said sounding cocky and oblivious to his lack of performance in the bedroom.

“Yeah it was good,” she faked a smile, just as much as she had faked an orgasm. She really wanted to tell him, how he really sucked in the bedroom and how sex should never be a chore, but she swallowed the truth and didn’t let up.

“Hmm, where did you learn to fuck like that?” She teased.

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