Shadows of Atlantis: Emergence of the Engi (18 page)

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Authors: Donsha Hatch

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: Shadows of Atlantis: Emergence of the Engi
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“I’m sorry for assuming.” said Eiris dejectedly.

“It’s okay. I’ve learned to deal with it over the years.” Dahlia said.

“Tell me more about her.” Eiris requested.

Surprised by the request, Dahlia began telling him in detail about her mother.

“She sounds so xeno.” smiled Eiris.

“Yeah. She was wildly beautiful.” Dahlia smiled. “We’re coming up on the exit.” she informed as a light showed at the end of the tunnel.

Eiris drove out of the tunnel and back onto the track, as Nava got behind them.

“Where’s everyone else?” asked Eiris.

“Behind us.” Dahlia smiled.

Eiris returned the smile and drove fast on the track. Coming up behind them were the Black Horde Guild in second and Kezzy and Dex in third. Once they realized that Eiris was in first, Dex patched into Eiris’ car.

“It’s good to see you found your way.” smiled Dex.

“Thanks.” replied Eiris.

“Yeah yeah, we’ll kiss and hug later. Right now we need your help!” informed Kezzy.

“Copy. I’m….” started Eiris before Dahlia cut him off.

“You can focus on the driving. I’ll take care of this.” Dahlia said with an intensely focused face.

She then began bonding fierce shadow clouds around the Black Horde racing team. As they slowed down to clear them, Kezzy and Dex sped in front of them and emerged from the clouds in front of them. Reizen tried to keep second but the clouds were too thick.

Nearing the finish line, Dahlia bonded more shadow to cover the Blue Storm team as they crossed it in a united victory. Eiris and Dahlia got out of the car in the safe zone as Kezzy, Dex, and Azonei ran over to them in celebration. The Black Horde finished in second as Reizen intensely glared at Eiris and Dahlia with a look of betrayal.

Back at the resident’s palace, the Lunar Rally trophy was given to the Blue Storm Guild at the victory ceremony. Eiris and the others got permission from Authore Masterson and Glover was allowed to accept the trophy in behalf of the Blue Storm Guild. The Black Horde Guild grudgingly accepted the second place trophy, but didn’t make a fuss.

“CHEATER!!!” screamed Paseo, as he made his way through the crowd. “They had help from another guild member!” he yelled.

“Is that true?” asked Authore Masterson from the podium.

“Yes. It is.” nodded Eiris.

“See. He admitted to cheating. Take the trophy from them.” demanded Paseo.

“I will do no such thing, for there was no infraction of the rules.” replied Authore Masterson.

“And how might that be!?” glared Paseo.

“Article 17B of the Lunar Rally handbook states that if a participant is downed or injured on the course, any of the participating racers are eligible to offer assistance. Otherwise, one of the race moderators will quickly do so. But, in the event that a racer from another guild does offer assistance, the assisted participant becomes a temporary member of their racing team until the conclusion of the race.” informed Dahlia as she walked into the room.

“Evidently you haven’t properly studied the rules Mr. Streane.” Authore Masterson smiled.

Defeated, Paseo stormed away in anger. But before he left the room he stopped next to Dahlia and whispered something in her ear.

“I know there’s more to you than meets the eye. And If I were you, I’d be more careful.” warned Paseo as he walked out.

As the night went on, the Blue Storm Guild continued to celebrate their win together. Eiris noticed a somewhat shaken Dahlia leaving the resident’s palace by herself, so he caught up with her.

“Hey, what was that about earlier?” Eiris asked.

“Oh. Nothing. Paseo was just being Paseo.” Dahlia said as she forced a smile.

“So where you headed?” he asked.

“To Somewhere.” she winked as she got on her superbike and started it up.

“Mind if I come with you to this Somewhere?” smiled Eiris.

“If you can keep up.” Dahlia smiled as she sped off with Nava.

Eiris jumped into his Hammerhead GT and caught up to Dahlia as Obsidian followed him. Riding next to her as they raced, they traded the lead with each other. Nava and Obsidian also raced each other next to them. Dahlia then stopped directly in front of the frosty dark grey mountains up ahead of them.

“Golor Mountains, the highest peaks in Midnore.” Dahlia smiled as she looked up.

“See you at the top.” Eiris winked competitively as he sped his Hammerhead GT up the narrow paths, followed by Obsidian.

Dahlia smiled and sped up to him as they raced to the top. Once there, Dahlia got off her superbike and headed to a flat area on the peak. Nava followed her and lay down, giving Dahlia the warmth of her fur as she sat up against her.

Eiris got out of the car and patted Obsidian as he walked over to Dahlia and Nava. Obsidian did the same, giving Eiris his warm fur to sit up against as he lay on the ground. Sitting there together, Eiris was amazed at the spectacular view they were looking at.

“I named this peak
because I always came here whenever I needed somewhere to get away.” said Dahlia.

As they gazed into the sky together, the three moons of Eternite shone brightly in the night. Red, blue, and purple, the sight of them was incredible. Eiris then smiled at Dahlia and bonded a heart made of shadow in the air. Dahlia blushed as Eiris slowly leaned in to kiss her.

“I don’t know Eiris, we’re worlds apart.” Dahlia whispered worriedly.

“That didn’t stop my parents.” Eiris said as he calmed her fears and kissed her softly.

They lay there peacefully in the warmth of their beast guardians, savoring the thrill of their new romance and holding hands all night. Neither of them could have wished for a more perfect way to end an already perfect day.

The next month, everyone at the academy was excited for the Electroball matchup of the evening. The Blue Storm Guild was set to face the Black Horde Guild in a rematch that was sure to be one for the ages. Their rivalry was intense and since the Blue Storm had recently been on top of the rankings, other Undarians had transferred over. One of these new transfers was Dahlia, who was having an intense internal conflict about leaving the Black Horde Guild. Ultimately though, she followed her heart and made the switch.

Authore Masterson was proud to see the vision and dreams of Eiris’ parents finally starting to come true. Kezzy and Dex were at the simulator with Azonei as Eiris and Glover went over Electroball formations at the practice arena. Having grown closer to Glover over the recent months, Eiris enjoyed hanging out with him.

“You know; you remind me of someone I know.” said Eiris as he passed the plasmaball to Glover.

“And who would that be?”

“Back on Earth I had a good friend named Aran Tanner. He was the captain of my old school’s hockey team. In a lot of ways, I looked up to him. I remember one time he said we were a hybrid of nerds and jocks.” smiled Eiris as he recalled his now distant life on Earth.

“Thank you. He sounds like an incredible human. As xenogeeks, we certainly are a little of both.” Glover nodded as he passed the plasmaball back to Eiris.

“Your welcome. So what’s your story? Judging by your character, I can tell that you’ve probably overcome a few things in life.” said Eiris.

“You’re quite perceptive.” nodded Glover. “You’re correct. I do indeed come from humble beginnings. My parents also died when I was very young, so life in many respects was very hard.”

“Wow, I would’ve never guessed. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s quite alright. Growing up in the shallows of Pluvia taught me many important lessons at a very young age. I was never wealthy or of royal lineage like most of the students here at the academy. All I’ve ever had is my mind. So as a child, I made the determination never to waste it.” smiled Glover.

“What are the shallows?”

“Right. I forget some of these terms are still quite new to you. The shallows on Atlantis are the equivalent of what one would call the ghetto back on Earth.” admitted Glover.

“I didn’t know there were ghettos on such a beautiful planet!”

“Oh yes. Many. Despite its resplendent beauty, the solar system of Undaria has many hidden aspects to each of its planets. Primarily because of our broken society, much of the lower class has been dominated by the upper class for centuries. Maybe once you begin your princely duties, you can affect change for the better.” Glover added hopefully.

“Definitely.” Eiris replied firmly.

“Good. I look forward to hoisting the Luridium Trophy with you after you’ve led our guild to victory in a few hours.”

“Likewise.” smiled Eiris as he grasped Glover’s forearm in respect.

As the main event of the evening quickly approached, Eiris met the rest of the Blue Storm members in the conclave room. Kezzy, Dex, and Azonei were all mentally preparing for the upcoming match, when one of the newer members came over.

“Hi guys.” said Dahlia in greeting.

“What’s up xeno?” nodded Kezzy.

“Hey Dahlia.” smiled Azonei.

“Greetings.” replied Dex.

“So now you’re officially one of us.” smiled Kezzy.

“Yeah, I guess so.” Dahlia grinned happily.

“We’ll certainly need your talents to defeat your old guild in this upcoming match. They’re very good.” nodded Dex.

Eiris then walked over and gave Dahlia a hug as he greeted the others. They all gave him the skaters handshake of a hand slap followed by a fist pound that he’d taught them. Standing in front of all of the Blue Storm members, Glover gave an incredible speech to encourage everyone.

“It is truly an honor to be standing before you all today. Not only as a guild captain, but as an Undarian, a xenogeek, and a friend. So far, we’ve defied the odds and done things no one previously thought were possible. We’ve overcome the divisive traditions and social stigmas of our society, and come together in the face of adversity. As the first truly mixed-race guild in the history of the Undarian Academy, we have undoubtedly paved the way for a better future. Now that we know firsthand what we can accomplish when we work together, let’s do that. Be sound, play hard, and trust each other. Victory is just around the bend. NATURE!!!............” Started Glover.

“.............IS OUR ALLY!!!” shouted everyone in unison as they cheered and applauded.

Right before the game, Paseo was notified that Dahlia would be taking his place in the starting lineup. Strangely enough he wasn’t fazed, almost as if he expected it. The one thing that worried Eiris was the vindictive sneer that Paseo had when he was notified of the change.

As the preliminary introductions took place, Eiris and the others got lined up in their starting positions. Eiris looked across the arena field to see Reizen, Reina, and Drozen intensely focused. He knew this match would be hard won, so he focused his mind on the formations he had to call out to his teammates during the game.

Soon, the plasmaball was shot into the arena ceiling, getting the game underway. As it speedily rolled around the arena, it was quickly snatched up by a determined Reizen as he glided towards the Blue Storm’s territory. Winged by five runners, he skillfully dodged a number of shock charges that were shot at him. The crowds cheered and roared loudly as the game went on.

“MOONS! MOONS!” yelled Eiris as he gave the formation.

Eiris then sped directly at Reizen, with Azonei and Dahlia on his wings. But Reizen suddenly changed direction and headed for the primary Blue Storm ramp as all of his wingers also split up. Confused, Eiris sent Dahlia and Azonei to help defend the goal area as he continued to chase Reizen.

Tailing Reizen, they both came closer to the primary ramp. Eiris almost got a hand on him but was surprised as one of the Black Horde runners hit him from his blind side, knocking him down and drawing boos from the spectators. Reizen then regrouped with all five runners and they all sped up the three Blue Storm ramps, confusing the replacement goalie for the Blue Storm. Reizen passed the plasmaball to one of the runners, who then threw a hard shot in the corner of the goal and scored, ending the period. The crowd was split between cheers and boos as Reizen returned to his side.

“He baited you.” informed Dahlia as they all got reset in their positions for the second period.

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