Shadows of Atlantis: Emergence of the Engi (21 page)

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Authors: Donsha Hatch

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: Shadows of Atlantis: Emergence of the Engi
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“Anyone wanna give me a hand?” Kezzy asked as dozens of guild members ran over and armed themselves, emptying out the weapons cache.

“We shouldn’t rush to do anything reckless.” Paseo said nervously as he stood at the back of the group.

“You can wait. I’m going to find out what’s happening out there. Anyone one with me?” Kezzy asked. Dozens of fellow students stepped forward boldly showing their agreement and looking for all the world like an elite, albeit young, army of soldiers.

“I’m with you.” smiled Eiris.

“Second that.” added Glover.

“Ditto. My father would’ve contacted us by now.” said Azonei.

“I agree. The probability that something has gone wrong is substantial. Count me in.” said Dex as they all put on their tactical helmets.

As soon as everyone got ready, Eiris gave the directions.

“Obviously something is preventing our tech from working. So Dex, send out a signal to all of the personal in this academy, telling everyone to meet at the underwater hangar.” commanded Eiris.

“Done.” said Dex as he touched his head and sent the signal.

“I know a shortcut, everyone follow me.” instructed Glover. “Always remember to stay together and watch each other’s backs. Be safe my friend.” he added gravely as he grasped Eiris’ forearm.

“I will, you too. I’ll meet up with you all at the hangar soon.” said Eiris as Glover and the other guild members started heading through a door leading behind the building.

“Where do you think you’re going?” asked Kezzy in confusion.

“I have to make sure Dahlia’s safe. By the way, I’ll need the Hammerhead GT. Dex?” Eiris signaled to him.

“Done.” said Dex as he used his neuro-sync ability to control the Hammerhead GT remotely and park it right in front of the building.

“Thanks” said Eiris.

Eiris and Obsidian then headed for the main entrance of the atrium as more small explosions started. Suddenly, Eiris felt a hand grab his shoulder, making him turn around. Standing there was Kezzy, Dex, and Azonei in full tactical gear ready to follow him.

“Friends don’t abandon each other. Lead the way.” said Kezzy as the others nodded.

“Of course.” smiled Eiris.

As they all walked out of the door, multiple bombs crashed into a nearby building forcing them to hide behind the Hammerhead GT for cover. Disoriented, they all got up to a frightening sight in the sky. As Obsidian and Awesome growled, Eiris and the others were filled with fear and anger to see colossal destroyers slowly hover over the academy, blocking out the sun.

“It’s them.” breathed Azonei in a mix of fear and awe.

“Who?” asked Kezzy.

“The Engi.” replied Eiris glaring up at the sky.

Suddenly, Dex cried out in horror, ran over to his parking spot and nearly collapsed.

“MY LARONYX!!!” Dex cried as he grabbed his newly destroyed superbike. “Now it’s personal. You tin cans are dead!” he shouted to the heavens.

“Isn’t he a Tesla?” whispered Eiris to the others in confusion. “I don’t see what the big deal is. Doesn’t he have dozens of superbikes back home?”

“That’s not the point. Even I know not to take tech from a Slyph.” whispered Kezzy solemnly in reply.

“Right.” nodded Eiris. “Dex, can you pinpoint where Dahlia is?” he asked.

“With pleasure.” he said with one last stony glance at his beloved bike. “I’ll follow the signal of her smartwatch.” he said as he closed his eyes and put his fingers on the side of his head. “She’s in the medical wing.” he informed as he opened his eyes.

“Okay. Then that’s where we’re headed.” Eiris responded quickly.

“No, not okay. That is where I’ve traced the origins of the plasma in these bombs we’ve been receiving. Meaning we’ll likely run into those tin cans there, and lots of them.” remarked Azonei worriedly.

“Good.” seethed Dex vengefully as he took his hoverboard from off of his back and stood on it, eager to head into battle.

“Let’s get going then.” grinned Eiris with his eyebrows raised at Dex’s newfound fierce demeanor. Azonei rode with Eiris in the Hammerhead GT while Dex followed on his hoverboard and Kezzy rode her Land Prowler superbike beside him. Obsidian and Awesome galloped behind the determined group of friends while Einstein glided above them in the air. As they neared the medical wing, Azonei could feel the plasma source getting stronger.

“Eiris, we’re getting closer.” informed Dex as he followed Dahlia’s smartwatch signal.

“Ditto. I can feel a powerful source of plasma nearby. That’s not good.” said Azonei.

“Alright. How is she?” asked Eiris.

“That’s strange... I just lost her signal.” frowned Dex.

“What?!” yelled Eiris in fear and anger. “Azonei.” he signaled.

Azonei then took that queue and bonded with Einstein, seeing the building through his ultraviolet vision.

“What do you see?” asked Eiris.

“I’ve found her. She’s in the building helping someone who seems to be hurt badly. But they’re trapped, Engi are all around them.” he informed quickly.

Eiris then pushed the Hammerhead GT to impossible speeds towards the large building with his jaws clenched in anger. Once they were close enough, they saw dozens of Engi surrounding the medical building. Eiris yelled to Azonei to hang on tight, and drifted the Hammerhead GT into a group of them, sideswiping them into a wall.

As the car glided, Azonei fired multiple plasma charges through the window, hitting dozens of Engi. He and Eiris then hopped out of the car as the Engi began firing their own plasma beams in return and engaged them directly in combat. Obsidian and Awesome followed suit and fearlessly waded into the battle, ripping the metallic monsters to shreds, seemingly oblivious to the eminent danger of being shot. Kezzy sped straight up to the building’s edge and shifted her superbike into another gear. Then while still at high speeds, she jumped backwards off of it as it crashed it into several Engi and began masterfully firing her dual plasma chargers at them.

Dex angrily hovered towards a large formation of Engi as he dodged plasma beams from them. He then slammed his hoverboard directly into an Engi, destroying it as he jumped off and started running towards another. Fueled by revenge for his prized superbike, he fired multiple plasma beams at one Engi and drew his pulse blade, throwing it into the chest of another from a distance. Einstein cleverly swooped by, making multiple passes and clawing several Engi with his large talons in an effort to distract them.

As Dex got closer to the group of defending Engi, he jumped and kneed one in the chest, making it fall backwards. While on top of it, he shot it with multiple plasma beams to the face, making sure it was destroyed. Once he had vented his anger enough, he used his neuro-magnetism ability and called his pulse blade back into his hands as he stood up.

All of the Engi outside of the medical facility were now destroyed. They all looked around at each other proudly as the realization dawned on them-this was their first “real” battle victory. Any thought of celebration however, was quickly eliminated as they prepared to enter the medical wing and rescue Dahlia. Just before they went inside, Eiris sent Azonei to the hangar in the Hammerhead GT with instructions to return quickly with the
to pick them all up for a fast getaway. Once inside they quietly but quickly ran through the large halls to find Dahlia.

“She’s still alive, I can sense her. But she’s in trouble.” Eiris whispered urgently, spurring them on even faster.

They then made a right and came down the long wide hallway that led to the grand lobby of the medical wing. Immediately they heard plasma beam discharges directly ahead of them in the lobby. All of a sudden, an Engi that was headed into the lobby turned around to see them running his way. Enraged, Eiris’ eyes began glowing purple as he bonded shadow to block the vision of the Engi while drawing his dual black luridium pulse blades and running fearlessly towards it. He dodged two plasma beams that the Engi fired at him blindly while running and launched himself at the metallic monster. Screaming in rage as he did, he drove the two blades into the Engi drone’s chest, destroying it instantly. He then got up quickly and ran into the lobby. He immediately spiked the butts of both of his blades into the floor, triggering an electromagnetic pulse and disorienting the surrounding Engi before they could take aim at him.

Kezzy and Dex followed behind him and fired their plasma chargers, destroying dozens of the Engi robots. In the middle of the room Dahlia had created a massive shadow cloud that cloaked both herself and her injured companion, making them invisible to the Engi. Multiple plasma charges were being fired blindly through the cloud as they tried valiantly to defend themselves from the invaders.

When Eiris and the others had dispatched all of the surrounding Engi, he dissipated the shadow with his bonding and was shocked by who he saw within the cloud. Dahlia was kneeling in a defensive posture on the floor with a plasma rifle grasped tightly in her hands. But, badly wounded and leaning against her back was none other than Authore Masterson, who looked pale-faced and very near death. They both were overjoyed to see Eiris and the others as they breathed deep sighs of relief.

“What took you so long?” smiled Dahlia, finally relaxing her grip on her weapon.

“Just sightseeing along the way.” teased Eiris in return.

“Authore Masterson, are you okay?” Kezzy asked worriedly.

“Oh yes, disregard the looks. I’m quite fine. Where’s my son?” asked Masters weakly.

“He’s our ticket out of here. He went to rejoin everyone else at the hangar and bring reinforcements along with the
.” Eiris replied.

“Excellent.” said Masters.

“How did you end up here?” asked Dex.

“I got your message. While helping a group of faculty members escape to the hangar, I sensed a powerful concentration of plasma near here so I headed this way. I knew I had felt the same power from the weapon the Engi used to destroy my home planet. Before I could find the source of the power, I got into a firefight with several Engi and I was wounded. Dahlia found me just in time and despite my attempts to dissuade her from endangering herself, brought me in here to keep me from dying. For which she has my unending gratitude.” Masters nodded gratefully and winced in pain at the effort of speaking.

“He needed a concentrated dose of the unguent balm extract, but I could only get that here. Fortunately, his will is as strong as his aim or we would’ve never made it. Squadrons of Engi began dropping out of the sky as soon as we got close to the building.” said Dahlia.

“Out of the sky?” asked Eiris.

“Yeah, out of the sky.” confirmed Dahlia.

All of a sudden, loud banging was heard against the barricaded medical building door outside and everyone grabbed their weapons, preparing for yet another fight. The banging continued, getting louder and louder as the intruders tried to get in.

“Everyone ready?” asked Eiris as his eyes began glowing.

“As ready as we’ll ever be.” replied Kezzy as her eyes began glowing too.

Suddenly the doors burst open to reveal not Engi, but Azonei with Marz and a squadron of royal Atlantian guardsmen, prepared to rescue Eiris and the others.

“The school’s overrun! We have to go now!” shouted Marz as he quickly helped Eiris and the others into the

Eiris and Kezzy drove their vehicles into the novaship just as it took off into the sky.

“Where are we headed?” asked Eiris as he entered the command deck.

“Home.” informed Marz as the novaship sped into the clouds.

Flying in deep cover of the clouds, Eiris and the others looked on helplessly as a blinding blue light emerged from the sky above and shot down into the center of the academy grounds, obliterating the entire school.

then descended into the Pluvian Sea and navigated underwater to the palace hangar. As it did, they passed dozens of submarines headed out to defend the city. Once they landed safely in the hangar, Eiris and the others left the novaship into the strict protection of the Royal Atlantian Guard.

Meeting them at the bottom of the boarding ramp were no less than two dozen Royal Atlantian Guardsmen.

“A sight for sore eyes is a vast understatement I’m afraid, Your Majesty.” said one of them as he got on one knee, followed by the other Atlantian Guardsmen.

Eiris encouraged the guardsman to stand and made his way into the palace with his friends while Authore Masterson was quickly carried off to be treated for his wounds under Dahlia’s watchful care. Eiris was now closely protected by his royal guards, as well as by Obsidian, who also remained cautiously by his side as they walked.

“You came back.” said Eiris with a grateful smile as he looked over at Marz.

“Indeed I did Your Majesty. Sky Commander Aurora is more than capable of managing the Atlantian fleet without me. Once Jannis died I realized that my place is here, protecting who I love most.” nodded Marz as they continued down the great corridor.

“I’m sorry.” Eiris murmured, with eyes downcast at the mention of Jannis.

“As am I. But grieving will come later. There’s still much work to be done defending this city. We have been eagerly awaiting your arrival Majesty. If you need me, I will be in the war council with the other Guardsmen.” Marz said as he turned and headed further into the palace.

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