Shadows of Atlantis: Emergence of the Engi (17 page)

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Authors: Donsha Hatch

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: Shadows of Atlantis: Emergence of the Engi
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Via holovideo, Authore Masterson reprimanded each of them sternly for taking such a reckless trip, but he also commended them for having stuck together and for protecting each other in the face of such terrible odds. He left no doubt in their minds however, that under no circumstances should they have ever put themselves into such a dangerous predicament. As a result, he had no choice but to hand down a stiff punishment to the captains for disobeying the rules. In private, Glover admitted to the Dean that the lapse in judgment was entirely his fault. In response, Authore Masterson let the punishment fall solely on him. Glover was suspended not only from the Lunar Rally but also from the next Electroball game.

Afterwards, he privately commended Glover for his exemplary leadership and self-sacrifice. When Eiris found out what Glover had done he was extremely angry. He could not believe that Glover would take the fall when they all were clearly at fault! Glover reminded him that he knew what he was doing. Their guild would be no good with both captains suspended and they would lose all the progress they had worked so hard to earn this season. Eiris had no choice but to agree, however reluctantly, for the sake of the team. He had never before witnessed such an act of selflessness and it heightened his respect for Glover immeasurably.

When they got back to the resident’s palace, Kezzy left Paseo with a pleasant reminder: “Listen, I just want you to never forget the solid fact, that I hate you with an intensity all of the suns in our universe can only remotely come close to rivaling. And royalty or not, the next time you try to sabotage this guild, I will happily and most eagerly shock charger you in the face. Got me? Good talk.” Kezzy smiled as she and Awesome walked off to a waiting Dex.

Paseo just stood with his usual evil smirk and chuckle, but it was obvious that from that moment on he was a lot more on guard when she was around. The next evening, Eiris and the others got prepared for the Lunar Rally in their assigned wing of the resident’s palace. Glover was there walking around and giving everyone competing tips and encouragement.

“I want to thank you all for your commendation and support. It’s marvelous to see how close we’ve all become over these recent months. For those who are unaware, I won’t be competing in our next two competitions for breaking academy rules. Until my return, you all are in the more than capable hands of your co-captain and my good friend, Prince Eirisidae Penatia. Thanks again to all of you for making my time in this position of leadership an easy one. Now let’s go get that trophy! NATURE!!!..........” started Glover.

“..........IS OUR ALLY!!!” chanted the Blue Storm Guild in unison.

As the racing team members marched to their various vehicles and parked them inside of their designated guild novaships, Eiris spoke briefly to Glover before departing.

“Thanks for being my friend. And for everything else.” Eiris said solemnly.

“You are most welcome. Now go lead our guild to victory.” Glover nodded.

Eiris then left and got into his Hammerhead GT, with Obsidian standing tall right next to it. As the racing teams of the other guilds began lining up at the starting line, Kezzy and Dex rolled up on Eiris’ left and right with their superbikes.

“You ready?” asked Kezzy.

“Definitely.” nodded Eiris.

“Take us home.” said Dex as he gently pounded on the hood of Eiris’ car twice.

A few cars down to their left were the members of the Black Horde racing team. Driving an intimidating black and red supercar was Reizen, as his black lion stood proudly beside him. Dahlia, Reina, and Drozen, were each on superbikes, winged by their beast guardians. Obsidian stood with a fierce look, next to Eiris’ supercar.

When the last of the vehicles pulled up to the starting point, the race moderators began the countdown. As the lights went from red to purple to black, all of the racers sped off onto the shoreline, getting the race underway. Representing the Black Horde Guild, Reizen immediately took the lead. He was tailed closely by Dahlia, Reina, and Drozen, all followed by their beast guardians.

Representing the Blue Storm Guild, Eiris, Kezzy, and Dex, were in fourth place behind an Etwilonian racing team and an Atlantian racing team. As they sped down the shoreline, the Etwilonian team, racing in supercars and winged by two cheetahs, struck first. Because bonding was permitted, one of them bonded the sand on the shore and tried to blind the Black Horde Guild.

Reizen nodded at Reina and Drozen in a commanding gesture. Taking that queue, they both decelerated, intentionally falling behind the Etwilonian racing team. Reina then bonded shadow over the Etwilonian team as Drozen bonded burning ice in front of them, making them spiral out of control. Coming out of the madness, the Atlantian team took second place and the Blue Storm Guild took third, tailed closely by the Areolians and Slyphs in fourth and fifth.

Soon, they all were preparing to drive into the Luminous Sea as they sped up to it. Reizen submerged into the water and Dahlia and the other superbike racers drove on the moonrail directly over the Luminous Sea, followed by dozens of beast guardians. Eiris continued to maintain third place as he submerged the Hammerhead GT.

As Eiris drove, he put the Hammerhead GT into subaqueous mode and skillfully maneuvered around dozens of bioluminescent sea creatures, maintaining third place. The Atlantian team’s racer in second place started bonding water pulses at Reizen. Outmatched underwater, Reizen was struggling, but still holding first place as he masked his car in shadow.

Realizing that all the time spent in the academy VR simulator was finally paying off, Eiris patched a holovideo through to Azonei as he drove. Azonei was waiting in the
at the end of the first stretch. As the signal connected, Eiris spoke to Azonei briefly.

“That VR isn’t too bad.” joked Eiris.

“Haha, that’s xeno. Didn’t I tell you?” laughed Azonei. “You’re doing a great job, but you’ll have to make your move soon because the Black Horde are going to be almost unbeatable in the Forest of Illusions. It’s their element.” he informed.

“Yeah, thanks for the reminder. I’m going to use Reizen’s aggressiveness against him.” smiled Eiris as he continued to drive underwater.

“How do you plan to do that?” asked a curious Azonei.

“Oh you’ll see. Besides, I am half Darkren too.” smirked Eiris as he sped ahead.

Eiris’ eyes then began glowing purple as he mentally spoke to Obsidian using his bonding. Running alongside Kezzy and the others on the moonrail, Obsidian heard Eiris’ voice and jumped off of the racetrack and directly into the Luminous Sea. The superbike racers continued to battle for the lead as he did.

“Where’d Obsidian go?” asked Kezzy.

“I don’t know but I’m sure he left for a reason.” replied Dex, as they continued to race.

Coming close to the checkpoint, the underwater racers began preparing their propulsions to burst out of the water. The Atlantian racer then made a decisive move and took first place in front of Reizen. Seeing his opening, Eiris implemented his plan as Obsidian came speeding past the view of the Atlantian in the lead. As the racers became briefly distracted by a wolf swimming underwater, Eiris bonded an underwater tornado in front of the lead racer.

The underwater tornado swirled the leading Atlantian and Reizen out of control as Eiris sped into first place. Obsidian then swam next to Eiris as they both burst out of the water and onto the shore. Azonei, Kezzy, and Dex were waiting in the
as Eiris and Obsidian sped up the boarding ramp and parked themselves inside of it.

Coming out of the water in second was the Areolian racer, followed by the Slyph racer in third. In fourth and fifth were Reizen and the Atlantian racer. The Etwilonian racer wasn’t too far behind in sixth, as dozens of other racers tailed him.

Once Eiris and Obsidian were securely inside, The
took off in first. The other racing teams weren’t far behind as the novaships took off into the sky. Azonei skillfully piloted the
, as he dipped through, under, and around clouds.

The Atlantian guild then began bonding a violent and torrential raincloud in front of the
. Eiris used his bonding to keep the rain somewhat at bay, but was overcome as some of the other guilds helped the Atlantians with their bonding.

The Atlantian guild then took the lead and kept it for some time, using their cloudbonding effectively. Azonei did all sorts of aerial tricks and defensive maneuvers and was able to stay in the leading four. As they raced, it was clear that the Areolians had an advantage in the sky.

In third was the
Dark Nova
, who was gaining on the Areolian guild in second place. In fifth was the Etwilonian guild, who must’ve had a talented pilot to stay a leader in the element of Areolians. The Areolian guild then made its move as its racers bonded a small lightning storm in front of the leading Atlantian guild. Suddenly, the Atlantian guild began spiraling out of control as lightning struck it.

As soon as the Areolian guild took first place, Drozen bonded the ice in the clouds surrounding the Areolian guild, making it burn as it hit their novaship. The Areolian guild countered by bonding more lightning, but Reizen bonded a colossal firenado and severely damaged their novaship. As the Areolian novaship slowed, Reina bonded a massive shadow cloud in front of the
and ascended higher into the atmosphere.

“Why’d they do that?” asked Kezzy.

“I don’t know.” replied Eiris as he used his bonding to try to clear the shadow.

Suddenly, the crippled Areolian novaship appeared through the shadow as Azonei pushed the
to incredible speeds. He was forced to drop the
into the lower atmosphere to evade the Areolian guild’s crippled ship, losing a few places. Going into the second checkpoint, the
Dark Nova
led and the
was in seventh place.

“Good job Azonei, you’ve kept us in this.” nodded Eiris as he got back in the Hammerhead GT.

“Thanks. You guys ready?” asked Azonei as he prepared to hover and open the boarding ramp.

“Let’s run.” smirked Eiris as Kezzy and Dex both started up their superbikes.

Once at the checkpoint, the other novaships began to drop their racers for the final stretch. Azonei then hovered at the forest entrance and opened the boarding ramp. Eiris, Kezzy, and Dex all sped out and into the forest, followed by Awesome and Obsidian.

Keeping their place in seventh, Eiris and the others raced through the gloomy and dark Forest of Illusions.

“We gotta gain some ground fast or this race is over.” informed Eiris.

“Copy.” nodded Kezzy.

“We’re with you Eiris. Lead the way.” nodded Dex as they both winged him.

The racers ahead battled fiercely with fancy maneuvers and skillful bonding. The Etwilonian racers in fifth place were treebonding as some of the giant trees came crashing down in the paths of some of the racers ahead. Suddenly, a tree crashed down in front of Dahlia and her superbike smashed into it.

When her bike ran into the tree, she reflexively jumped off and rolled out of the way of the track. Reizen and the others looked back in concern but kept racing, eager for the win. As Eiris and the others came close to passing her, he knew he had to do something.

“Guys, I have to help her. Take Obsidian with you. We can win this.” said Eiris.

“Don’t worry, we got this.” nodded Kezzy.

“Do what you must.” nodded Dex as they continued racing, followed by Obsidian.

Eiris then drove off of the track and quickly got out to see Nava helping Dahlia up.

“That was a pretty bad spill. You okay?” asked Eiris.

“Yeah, thanks. You shouldn’t have left your team. They can’t win without you.” replied Dahlia as she rose up.

“They’re fine without me. Need a ride?” smiled Eiris.

“Sure.” Dahlia smiled.

“Hop in.” Eiris smiled as she got in the passenger seat.

They sped off in the Hammerhead GT in last place, followed by Nava. Amazed at his unselfish behavior, Dahlia smiled and periodically glanced at Eiris while he drove.

“So you’re willing to lose the biggest event of the year just to help me?” Dahlia asked.

“IF, we were gonna lose. Yup.” he said nonchalantly.

“That’s very thoughtful.” Dahlia nodded. “But it’s also too bad, because I won’t let you.” she smiled.

“Too late.” he winked.

“Not so much. Take a right here.” smiled Dahlia.

“In this creepy dark cave?” asked a hesitant Eiris.

“Trust me. It’s a shortcut. Nava will lead the way.” Dahlia smiled as he turned inside with his high beams on.

Following Nava, they navigated through the dark cave, passing by small and large creatures as they went.

“It’s called the Grand Cavern.” Dahlia said. “My mother used to bring me here as a child before I was sent to the Order of Assassins.”

“Why’d she send you away?” asked Eiris.

“She didn’t have a choice. I was taken.” Dahlia replied with a numb look.

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