Shadows of Atlantis: Emergence of the Engi (15 page)

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Authors: Donsha Hatch

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: Shadows of Atlantis: Emergence of the Engi
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Dragging Dahlia deep into the abyss was the gigantic creature with glowing blue eyes that he had seen before. Eiris’ eyes then immediately glowed purple as he struggled to make out what the colossal creature was. He then bonded a water pulse at the creature, jarring Dahlia from its mouth.

Angered, it turned its attention and sped directly at him. It’s head alone was as big as some of the academy’s buildings as it swam towards him. Realizing he had to do something before it got too close, he began bonding a powerful underwater tornado. Sensing his power, the creature sped up as it closed in on him. Determined to save Dahlia as her limp body drifted deeper underwater, he sent the tornado directly in the creature’s face and it let out a deep terrifying roar that seemed like it could be felt for miles around.

The tornado pulse seemed to daze the creature momentarily. Eiris then swam down to Dahlia’s unconscious body and quickly carried her to the surface before the sea monster decided to come after them again. Evening was descending when Eiris finally emerged from the water with Dahlia’s limp body in his arms as he walked onto the shore. His eyes were glowing purple in the night as dozens of students came rushing over with concerned faces.

Nava reached Dahlia first however and aggressively kept everyone away from her body as it lay in the sand, except for Eiris. He quickly performed CPR on her, bringing her back to consciousness as she retched and coughed up seawater. By this time the academy medical personnel arrived at the scene and attempted to take over, but Nava wouldn’t let anyone near them until Eiris told her it was okay. As Dahlia finally caught her breath, she looked Eiris in his eyes and said two words.

“Thank you.” Then she slipped back into unconsciousness.

The next week, normal school resumed at the academy. Dahlia had fully recuperated from her harrowing underwater ordeal and Kezzy and Dex had returned from their trips back home. Everyone was especially in anticipation for the premier gauntlet arena rematch between Eiris and Reizen later in the evening. As Eiris caught up with his studies in the library, his friends dropped by for a visit.

“What’s up xeno?” smiled Kezzy as she and Awesome walked into the reading area.

“Nothing much, just studying.” said Eiris.

“Studying eh?” mocked Dex as he walked in.

“Haha, yeah. Studying.” laughed Eiris.

“I don’t know guys. He looks more smitten than studious to me.” joked Azonei as Einstein screeched behind him, prompting the librarian to shush them all.

“Haha, I don’t know what you guys are talking about.” Eiris replied feigning ignorance.

“Oh, I think you do.” Dex accused him with a chuckle.

“I think he loves her. Yup he totally loves her.” teased Azonei, as the librarian shushed them again.

“Uh huh. We heard about your deep sea heroics while we were away.” smiled Kezzy. “Why don’t you just marry the girl already??” she joked.

“You guys are crazy. The only thing on my mind is this gauntlet match later with Reizen.” smiled Eiris innocently.

“Sure it is.” winked Dex sarcastically.

The librarian then came over with glowing blue eyes behind her smart glasses and glared at them. A giant red panda was behind her, making Awesome growl at his presence.

“I’m going to have to ask you all to leave the library quietly. Now.” she said as she forced a fake smile.

“Sorry.” Eiris said as he walked out. The others were taunting her with funny faces as they followed him.

“You guys really are crazy.” laughed Eiris as they walked to their guild zone.

“Crazy is all a matter of perspective.” joked Dex.

“See, the academy taught you to be funny after all.” Kezzy joked, kissing Dex on the cheek.

After they arrived at the guild zone, Eiris immediately changed into his bioflex uniform and grabbed his helmet. He met the others in the Blue Storm parking lot as they all psyched each other up about their matches. Kezzy was set to face Reina, Dex to face Drozen, and Azonei to face Uzor. But everyone at the academy was looking forward to the main event, the rematch between Eiris and Reizen.

As they all talked about what moves they’d be using, an unexpected face was seen walking across the parking lot to their circle. Walking over was Dahlia and Nava, heading directly towards Eiris. Getting closer, Nava ran over to Eiris and he scratched her softly under her neck, making the big cat purr loudly. Dahlia briefly spoke to the others before gazing deeply into Eiris’ beautiful purple eyes while she stood in front of him.

“Hey.” she smiled.

“Hey back.” he smiled, prompting Kezzy to silently tease him for using her greeting.

“You ready?”

“About as much as I’ll ever be.”

“Good. Be careful out there.” smiled Dahlia as she elegantly turned around. She then headed to the medical wing, followed by Nava.

Kezzy and the others just looked at Eiris with insinuating smiles the whole time as he laughed it off and made his way to the Gauntlet Arena with them. Once there, Eiris and the others were greeted by Glover and many of their fellow guild members. As the matches began, Eiris focused carefully and looked for things he could use in his match with Reizen.

Members of the Blue Storm Guild looked exceptionally good, winning more matches than any other guild. Kezzy won a long and drawn out match with Reina that set a record match time and ended her undefeated record. Dex barely won his match against Drozen, having to get treated for frost burns immediately afterwards. Azonei beat Uzor, but sustained a few bad bruises also.

The intensity of the upcoming matches grew as the members of each guild won or lost. Then, the match everyone was waiting for was announced. 18-0 Reizen Demeroth of the Black Horde versus 17-1 Eirisidae Penatia of the Blue Storm.

As they both entered the match sphere, the crowds roared and cheered loudly. Eiris got in a defensive stance with his twin holographic pulse blades as the referee gave them the rules. Reizen’s eyes were glowing red as he glared at Eiris. Once the referee left the match sphere, the spar began.

Reizen immediately bonded his two holographic whips into flame whips without even breaking his glare of Eiris. He then bonded a searing firenado kick at Eiris in a size up move and Eiris dodged it. Bonding the water in Reizen’s body, Eiris then forced him hard into the sphere wall, scoring a point. Seemingly unsurprised by Eiris’ growth in bonding, Reizen got reset and started whirling his flaming whips in threatening patterns.

He then lashed them fiercely at Eiris, forcing him to skillfully block the strikes. The intense martial exchange looked like an elaborate dance between the two as Reizen whipped fire waves and Eiris dodged them, countering with water globs. Reizen then bonded an unexpected shadow cloud and blinded Eiris as he landed a flaming kick to Eiris’ chest, downing him.

A point was awarded Reizen as he continued to glare intensely at Eiris. Eiris then unexpectedly bonded burning ice on the floor in front of him, forcing Reizen to hurdle it. Seeing how powerful Eiris had become, Reizen then did something unexpected. He let out a loud war cry as he sent a shadow copy of himself at Eiris and distracted him as he sent a large ball of red fire into Eiris’ chest, downing him again.

Reizen was rewarded another point, prompting the Black Horde side to begin cheering loudly as they eagerly anticipated Reizen ending the match. Eiris realized that Reizen just threw his best move at him as he was forced to reveal his raging, making him confident he could win. Reizen then bonded another shadow copy of himself, knowing Eiris couldn’t return the ability. But suddenly, Eiris’ eyes glowed a fierce purple as he bonded his own shadow copy.

The two shadow copies fought fiercely as Eiris and Reizen manipulated them skillfully. Eiris and Reizen’s shadows then struck each other, making both of them dissipate. Next, Eiris caught Reizen’s whips on his twin pulse blades and ripped them out of his hands, following that with a water kick. As Reizen fell down backwards, the crowd was shocked with awe.

Now tied, Reizen became impressed at the extraordinary growth of Eiris’ bonding abilities. But refusing to lose this match, Reizen bonded a colossal violent red flame and sent it at Eiris, screaming in anger as he did. Anticipating his move, Eiris closed his eyes and focused his mind.

Opening them slowly, they were glowing a bright purple. Eiris then stuck his hand out and absorbed Reizen’s red flames, returning powerfully rare white flames into his chest as he let out a war cry of his own. As Reizen fell backwards in defeat, the crowds roared louder than ever before.

The referee declared Eiris the winner as Kezzy and the others ran over to congratulate him. Reizen got up with a resentful look and silently walked away with a fierce glare. The crowds all stormed the match floor and Eiris was given a hero’s welcome.

“Party at the Blue Storm Guild Zone!!!” shouted Kezzy in joy.

Ecstatic at their hard earned victory, they all returned to the guild zone for the party. In the conclave room, Glover smiled proudly as he pat Eiris on the shoulder. Kezzy, Dex, and Azonei, all jumped around in celebration with students from a variety of guilds. Everyone was overjoyed because the night was won and the Black Horde had finally been defeated.

The Blue Storm Guild was finally coming together. Everyone except Paseo bought into the unity motto and it was really paying off. Preparing for an epic trip, Kezzy, Dex, and Azonei attended the Blue Storm regulation meeting in the conclave room. As the other guild members got settled in, waiting to speak in front were Glover and Eiris.

“Have you ever been there?” asked Dex.

“To Eternite? Nope. You?” replied Azonei.

“No, but I heard there are wolves bigger than us in Midnore.” smiled Kezzy.

“Haha, we’ve all heard the rumors. But now there’s no reason to keep wondering, for our curiosities will be satisfied soon enough.” laughed Dex.

Once the last few members took their seats, Glover began giving everyone the needed reminders.

“It’s good to see you all here. To start, I have to thank and congratulate you all for coming together and bringing honor and hope back into this guild.” said Glover. “Now to give a brief overview of this incredible trek we’re about to take, here’s Captain Eirisidae.”

“Hey everyone, for the next forty-eight hours we’ll be at the moonlight capital of Undaria, also known as the planet of Eternite. There, we’ll be competing in the biggest war sport event of the year, the Lunar Rally. The rules are simple. In teams of ten, each guild will race through three different types of environments as they all compete to cross the finish line first. Like all war sports, this event is simply to gauge our progress and aptitudes, so trying to intentionally harm someone is out of the question. Only various forms of non-lethal bonding are permitted. To win this event, at least three members of a racing team must cross the finish line within two seconds of each other. The use of the various shortcuts throughout the courses is also permitted, but will be strictly monitored. We’ll be taking the moonrail to the capital city of Midnore and staying at the resident’s palace, courtesy of Edixe Demeroth. We are to remain there until further notice. Any unsanctioned trips or infractions of the rules will result in a disciplinary hearing with Authore Masterson.” informed Eiris. “Are there any questions?” he asked.

“Where specifically will the Lunar Rally take place this year?” asked a guild member.

“The first part of the race will start on the Pearl Shore and make its way onto the moonrail above water, and in the Luminous Sea underwater. The atmosphere of the three moons will mark the second part of the race. And the third and final stretch will end in the Forest of Illusions.” replied Eiris.

“What about vehicles? Which ones can we use in the race?” asked another guild member.

“Regulation novaships, superbikes, hoverboards, and multi-terraneous cars are accepted. Also, this year beast guardians are counting as guild members in this race. The list should be on your smartwatch cloud drive. Anything else?” asked Eiris.

No one else raised their hands, so Glover sent the departure times to their smartwatches and everyone went to prepare for the trip. Eiris went to see Marz at the sanctuary before meeting Kezzy and the others in the academy hangar. Once there, he saw Marz training in the rain with his longsword pulse blade so he smirked to himself and silently bonded three white fireballs at his back.

Marz grinned as he felt the energy Eiris released and quickly turned around, knocking two of the fireballs away with his pulse blade and engulfing the last in water as it fizzled out. Marz then spiked the butt of his pulse blade in the ground and made the surrounding puddle splash around him, sending sharp droplets of rain at Eiris. Eiris then drew his twin pulse blades and blocked some of the sharp drops, bonding the rest back into a puddle on the ground.

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