Sexy Berkeley (1) (7 page)

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Authors: Dani Lovell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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I drag my hands back to Daniel's delectable shoulders and gradually slow the kiss until it fades, reluctantly creating space between my groin and his manhood. "We need to stop, Daniel."

"I want you," he says, trailing kisses down my neck. A wanton moan escapes me, I need his naked body against me, preferably in a bedroom, though, and without the trunks and bikini shielding the important bits.

"I think you know that I want you too, Daniel, but ideally not in a communal swimming pool, we can continue later."

He lifts his head slowly from my neck and looks at me with those hypnotic turquoise eyes, full of desire. His mouth casually curls into a sexy smile as he grabs my behind and gently brings
 me against him again. This time he tips his pelvis and pushes his rock-hard erection against my bikini bottoms right about, there. My stomach flips. I gasp silently and close my eyes, it's heaven and hell, I want him so much, but not here.

He rocks against me slowly, again and again. I drop my face to his shoulder, I can't bear it, I'm going to... I so want to, but no I don't, not here! I can hear Tilly and Luke messing about in the pool, splashing each other or play fighting... or something.

"Daniel..." I moan, my voice a whisper, "no..."

"Yes," he whispers in my ear.

The quivering inside is now a shuddering, it's uncontrollable, inevitable, even if he stopped rubbing me, I'd probably still come. I clasp my hands around his neck and whisper a moan into his ear. "Please, uh..." I plead, trying to remain as normal to the outside world as possible.

"Let it happen." The tone of his whisper is so rough and dangerous. I have no chance.

"Daniel...Daniel, oh," whispering so silently that only he could hear.

"Yes, baby. It's so hot when you say my name like that, I want you so fucking badly." 

"Uh huh, yes..." I'm clinging onto his neck, my face pressed up against his ear, the waves are rolling
 thick and fast and as the release pierces through my core, I bite Daniel's ear to keep me from crying out. It goes on and on, ripples forcing their way through my body, the longest, strongest orgasm I've ever had, and we're not even having sex! The imposing tingle through the arch of my foot spreads to my toes and gradually, the sensation begins to fade.

"Daniel... Oh, Daniel."

"You have no idea how hot this is for me, baby."

"Oh my, that was just... so good." I pull my face away from his, I can't believe he just did that. I frown and swat his bicep. "But so bad! Daniel, that was so, so naughty."

The biggest 'cat-got-the-cream' grin spreads across his handsome face. "I couldn't help myself," he murmurs, quietly, "but it was so hot, now I want you so much more, if that's even possible. I need you."

"I think we should have a little swim now, don't you?"

"Oh," he pouts, "do I have to let go?"

Tilly and Luke are doing handstands and amusingly attempting synchronised swimming in the shallower end, and Daniel finally releases me to swim a length, do what one should typically do in a pool. I cannot believe I just had an orgasm in a communal fucking swimming pool. But oh my word, it was magnificent.


An hour or so passes, and we're all lounging by the pool, chatting and laughing. We've had such a brilliant day with Daniel and Luke, I'm so pleased that we bumped into them. It's only been a few hours but I feel like the four of us have known each other for years. It seems Tilly and Luke are completely oblivious to anything other than their own carnal desires, so I'm not feeling so embarrassed by what Daniel and I were doing earlier.

We are sitting face to face on a sun lounger, his legs straddling it and mine crossed underneath me, in-between his. He has been playing with my fingers, which I find irresistible, and we've been flirting non-stop. Tilly and Luke are having another 'pash' on their lounger which gives Daniel and I some more space to chat.

"I want to ask you some questions, to know more about Beatrice Hart."

"Fire away, I have some too, so this will be fun," I respond, grinning.

"Ok, question one; who was your last boyfriend, how long were you together, why and when did it end?"

"I do believe that was four questions, but I'll answer them all anyway, seeing as it's you."

He smiles and I itch to kiss him again, he's so cute when he smiles, yet so masculine the rest of the time.

"My last boyfriend was Dylan, we were together for five years, things weren't going well, he cheated on me and we broke up four years ago."

"Wow, what an asshole. I bet he regrets that
every day of his life." I smile shyly, what do you say to that? 

"Four years is a long time, why no boyfriends since?" he asks.

"I haven't met anyone that I've liked enough to put myself back in that vulnerable situation with," I shrug, "simple as that. How about you? Who, how long, why and when?"

"Well, she's called Holly, we dated for two years, she wanted something more than I was prepared to give so we finished it two years ago," he says in a very matter-of-fact manner.

"So what did she want that you didn't want to give?"

"She wanted to settle down, she wanted to come off birth control and start a family and it came as quite a shock. I wasn't ready to do that, certainly not with her. I always felt that she was merely a stepping stone to a more serious relationship, and I certainly didn't think that she thought of me as the man to start a family with."

"So, you were using her? As a stepping stone?"

"Maybe. Not purposefully, I'd never intentionally lead somebody to believe something that wasn't true. I thought she felt the same way as me, which is why I was so shocked when she wanted marriage and babies with me. We didn't even live together."

"Do you want to have a family one day, Daniel, or is that not your 'thing'?"

"One day, with the right person, yes. Holly wasn't the right person and it wasn't the right time. And you? Do you want hundreds of babies running around?"

"Hundreds? No! But I'd like a family one day, two or three kids maybe. I'm still young, it's not something I'm thinking about right now."

you looking for right now?"

"Well, right now, I'd like nothing more than to be locked in a bedroom with you."
! Down girl! But the thought of being wrapped around his naked body does send a tingle down my spine. Judging by the grin on his face and the speed at which his eyebrows shoot up, I think he's quite taken aback by my forwardness, too.

I'm sure something can be done about that, in fact, I'm certain of it. I can't think of anything that would give me greater pleasure.

I gr
in, mischievously, and continue, "My turn to ask now, um... do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the buff?"

Daniel chuckles and his eyes twinkle. "In the 'buff?'" he imitates my
British accent, "Why, how personal!" He grins. "Boxers, usually. Now I must ask you the same, although I think, after our recent shopping spree, I already know the answer to this."

"You'd be surprised, Daniel. But, yes, I do sleep in nighties...when I'm alone."

"And when you're not alone, Beatrice?"

"Oh, that'd be telling."

"Maybe I'll find out."

The sexual chemistry is building thick and fast. We're going to have to stop this sooner rather than later, we're not submerged in water now.
"I expect you will, Mr. Berkeley."

"Is it getting hot out here or is it just me?" he asks as he runs his finger around his polo shirt collar.

"Oh you're definitely hot, Daniel, very, very hot."

"You make me hot, for sure... I won't tell you what I was forced to do when I got home from the airport on Friday." He looks down and grins, before looking back up into my eyes through his super long, super gorgeous thick brown lashes.

I grin, salaciously. "Oh really? Someone was feeling a little... frustrated?"

"Someone was," he says, matter-of-factly, "I met this hot little fox on an airplane who got me hot and horny and left me with no release. What's a guy to do?"

For some reason this really turns me on. I lean forward and
curl my hands around the back of his neck, gently running my nails through the short, soft prickles of his hair line. I whisper in his ear, "Were you thinking of me?"

He gasps and his hands suddenly hold either side of my face. In a split second, my mouth is against his, his tongue searching mine. It's so hot. We can't kiss like this, not here, I need more as it is. We need to take this inside before we give the residents something to talk about. I gently pull away.

"Daniel, not here. You make me want more."

He sits back with a look of amused frustration, and runs his thumb and fore finger up and down the stubble on his jaw. "You're something else. Maybe we should think about heading out for dinner, cool off for a bit?"

"Sterling plan, let's do that."

"Great, oh, and Bea, in answer to your question, yes... I was."
OH lordy
. If I was a man, that tent would be firmly pitched and able to survive a gale force wind right now. I smile, suggestively and wink before standing to collect my things. I need to cool off!







We head back to The Grove for food, and a couple of hours, four full bellies and a few drinks later, we're strolling hand in hand back to Luke's apartment. Tilly and Luke ahead, holding hands and looking like the perfect couple. I don't know how she can be so blasé about all of this, I really, really like Daniel and already I'm petrified of just how much more I'm going to like him if I see him again.

When we get back, Luke pours us all a glass of wine and before we've even had a sip, he and Tilly shoot up the stairs, giggling like teenagers. We hear the bedroom door slam and I laugh.

"Guess it couldn't wait?" Daniel jokes as we stroll through to the living area.

"It certainly looks that way, patience is a virtue, you know."

"Is that right?" he says as he takes my wine glass from my hand and sets it down on the coffee table, along with his own. He hooks his fingers into my belt and pulls
me against his hot, hard body. "It's a damn shame I'm not a patient man, then." He wraps his arms around my waist, resting his hands on my backside. I snake my arms up around his neck and move in to kiss him. One of his hands slides up my spine and rests in-between my shoulder blades, pressing my chest into his. My nipples pucker as his tongue caresses mine.

We groan as the kiss becomes more intense, and our hands wander, exploring each other. He firmly cups one of my breasts, eliciting my desperate moan; I'm so ready for this man, I need him, I won't cope much longer without feeling his naked body moving against mine.

I bend my right leg, dragging my thigh up the outside of his body. He grabs it and pulls it higher, pushing it into his side as he firmly runs his hand underneath my dress to my bottom. He kneads and squeezes and it's unbearable, our kissing becoming faster, erratic. I moan again, loudly into Daniel's mouth and he automatically responds. His hand slides down from my buttock, over my thong to my wet centre, pressing his fingers against the gusset of my knickers. I buckle.

"Daniel," I whimper as I pull away from the kiss.

"I need to be inside you," he says with an arousing dominance, "upstairs."
Oh, I like horny, bossy Daniel

Before I can turn to make my way to the stairs, he wraps an arm tightly around my waist, and lifts me, my legs automatically wrapping around his body.
Christ, he's so strong.

Walking towards the stairs with me hooked onto him like a Kuala, kissing manically, Daniel doesn't waste a minute. He practically runs up the stairs and bursts through his bedroom door, slamming it behind him.

Still immersed in an almighty, carnal kiss, he presses the light-switch by the door and unexpectedly walks away from the bed, pushing me up against the wall with a thud. His brute force, raw, and his kiss so deep, so animalistic. He groans loudly as I undo the button on his waistband, sliding the zip down before pushing my hand inside his boxers and grasping hold of his hot, hard cock. Powdery soft skin covers the huge, steel hard rod, I can hardly wait to feel every inch of him inside me.

"Ah, Bea..." he moans against my mouth as he closes his eyes. We're getting louder and I don't care.

I squeeze him tightly and move my hand, smoothly, up and down his thick shaft. His mouth pulls away from mine and he runs small kisses down my neck to my collar bone.

Still pinned against the wall, he starts to undo the buttons at my chest, kissing and nibbling my neck. 

"Ever since I watched you undressing by the pool, I've been thinking about this moment. You looked so hot," he whispers.
 He pulls away to gaze down at my body through my open dress, my hand still squeezing him as he pulls one of my lace bra cups down. Growling, he takes my hard nipple in his mouth, and sucks. 

"Oh, Daniel," I whimper.

"Mmm..." he moans back, licking and flicking my nipple with his tongue. Without stopping, he reaches to his back pocket and pulls out a condom. Although what's about to happen was inevitable, this increases my excitement, tenfold. Confirmation that this gorgeous man will be inside me in a matter of minutes, and he wants it just as much as I do.

Keeping me pressed against the wall with my legs tightly squeezed around his waist, he pulls his polo shirt over his head before grabbing my waist and returning his lips to my
nipple. I release his cock and push his shorts and boxers below his bottom, freeing him completely. I take the packet from his fingertips and tear it with my teeth, taking the condom and dropping the packaging to the floor. I roll it onto him between my legs, and he takes his mouth from my breast to claim my lips again.

He slides his hand inside my knickers and gently strokes my clitoris, sending excruciating spasms through my body. As he slowly moves down, he bites my bottom lip and simultaneously pushes two fingers inside me.

"Ah!" I moan, loudly, Daniel's teeth still clamped to my lip. It's erotic and
oh, so good. 

He releases my lip to kiss my neck under my ear. "You're so wet, baby, I want to be inside you," he whispers.

"Uh huh... now, Daniel," I beg. 

He gently takes his fingers from me and pulls my knickers aside, guiding his cock to my entrance. Holding his tip there, he teases, pushing gently.

"Daniel!" I shout, my voice a high pitched cry, "Now!" I throw my head back, eyes clenched shut. 

"Look at me," he grunts. I open my eyes and lower my face to meet his, and our eyes lock together.

"Don't look away, I want to see you."

I nod as he eases himself into me, inch by inch, stretching me exquisitely. Holding my hips, he sinks further inside me, filling me deeply. His eyes burn hot with desire into mine, the pure arousal from watching each other during this hugely intimate moment is extreme. He pulls back and pushes into me again, faster and harder this time.

"Oh, god, yes!" I cry, still looking into his hypnotic eyes. The feeling of him driving inside me, his hot soft skin, hard muscles rising and falling in unison with my body, the skin of my inner thighs rubbing against him. His hardness is hitting the spot over and over with excruciating accuracy.

The quivering inside turns to the inevitable shuddering, the buzz spreads from my spine as a rush of heat engulfs me and I moan loudly, still holding his gaze. "Oh god! Daniel, yes!"

don't close your eyes, look at me and come, I want to see it."

The rhythm picks up again, faster and harder, thrusting over and over.
"Yes, yes..." I cry, clenching my eyes shut, the pressure building up, about to explode.

"Look at me!" he shouts, his voice deep and dark.

"Daniel!" The ripples dart through me, it's a mighty energy, exploding deep inside my body. 

He slams into me hard, and groans loudly, his eyebrows furrowing in pleasure."Oh, baby!"

The glorious tingle runs again from the arch of my foot to the end of my toes and the delicious sensation begins to subside. I close my eyes, dropping my head to his shoulder, and I lay soft, wet kisses under his ear. He smells divine. Our bodies still against each other, twitching in the aftershock. 

I raise my head and look into his eyes again, my eyelids heavy, my smile, shy.
"Daniel, Mmm."

"You're amazing, that was... amazing," he whispers, breathlessly, laying a soft kiss on my lips.
He holds me around my waist, carries me to the bed and slowly lowers me down onto the mattress, before laying next to me. He removes the condom, dropping it into a bin by the bed and moves onto his side, leaning on his elbow to face me. His finger trails from the dip in my throat down my chest to my exposed breast, and he replaces my bra cup. I kick off my boots and turn to face him.

"Bea, today was unbelievable. I'm so glad that we bumped into each other, I don't think I've ever enjoyed a girl's company as much as I have enjoyed yours, today."

"Well, I should think not! We haven't even been on a proper date and you still got your wicked way with me... tut, tut." I grin and shake my head in mock disgust. Truthfully, I am surprised that I felt comfortable enough to go so far with Daniel, so quickly. I would never normally sleep with someone, having only met them a couple of times, and without even a date, but it felt right with him.

He leans over me and kisses my neck, under my ear, down to my throat, it's incredible. He nibbles my ear lobe gently and whispers, "You smell exquisite. You are exquisite." His fingers trail up my thigh slowly, finally reaching the hem of my dress. He starts to unbutton the bottom of the dress with one hand, still laying kisses on my neck.
"But one more thing I need, is to see you. All of you. Your beautiful body, silky, smooth skin," he murmurs between kisses. I tangle my hands around his neck as he brings his face to mine and our lips meet, gently, tantalisingly.

He finishes with the buttons and pulls away, sweeping the fabric from my body. His big, strong hand lightly skims my stomach, slowly over my hips and down to my knickers. His fingers slide under the lace at the side and moves them down as I slowly wriggle my hips to help him. He slips them off my feet and sits up. "Take the dress off."

I rise to pull the dress from my shoulders, dropping it to the floor and I ease back down onto the bed, slowly removing my bra. I hear Daniel's sharp intake of breath as he instantly caresses me with his hand, leaning down to take a nipple in his mouth. 

"Mmm," he groans, his voice deep and gravelly. I arch back, grabbing handfuls of duvet, and moan as he takes his hand from my breast and inches slowly down my belly to rest between my legs.

"Uh," I moan, deep in my throat, it's ecstasy as he hovers over my clitoris. He's so close that I can feel the heat from his skin, but so far that I ache for him to press down. His lips release my nipple and immediately take my mouth, forcefully. I writhe beneath him and moan loudly, begging for his touch.

He moves his hand to my face, and breaking the kiss, he buries his fingers in my mouth. I suck, instinctively, rolling my tongue around the end of them. He withdraws them slowly and slides them down to my impatient folds, where he, indulgently, circles my clitoris, agonisingly slowly. This beautiful man is laying next to me, his full attention on my body, my needs, my pleasure. My hands find his neck again and pull his face to mine, our tongues entwining, needing each other, devouring each other.

I pull away from the kiss and bury my face in his soft neck. "Yes..." I cry, the flutters ripening to wild shudders, it's approaching thick and fast. "Oh yes, Daniel, yes!"

"Uh huh, I want you to come so hard for me." And as he says it, he slides his fingers into me and pushes deep and hard, circling slowly. I explode.

Fuck!" I shout, clamped to his neck, my body pulsating around his fingers.

"You're so fucking hot, baby," he mumbles into my ear, "I want to do that again and again."

"Oh, Daniel... I've never... that was... oh." I give up with whatever I'm trying to spit out and open my eyes to look at his face. He's smiling beautifully at me. I lie still, unable to move for a moment, waiting for my breathing to slow. My heart thumps through my chest and Daniel places a hand over it.

"Can I see you again?" he asks quietly.

I pause, momentarily. "I'd like that, but please, don't make me like you too much, I am going home in a week."

He smiles and puts an arm around me, pulling my back into his front.
"I can't make any promises, but I can try. I like you too much to not see you again, though."

Oh god, I like him so much. Why can't he live in bloody England? Or be a complete arse-hole so I hate him? I'll agree to see him once or twice, that's it. I can't deal with the heartache that will inevitably follow if I start wanting more.

"Me too, let's just have a little fun, and leave it at that."

He kisses my neck and squeezes me tightly. "If we must, Beatrice. How about dinner, tomorrow night?"

"So soon? You really are an impatient man."

"Bea, If I didn't have meetings all day tomorrow, I'd have whisked you off somewhere first thing. But as it's Monday, and I do, I'll have to settle for dinner. Will you stay with me tonight?" he asks, running his fingers up and down my arm.

"Well, I'm not sure what Tilly is doing, but if she's staying, then, yes, I'd like to stay with you."

 I'm pretty sure Tilly's staying. I can take you both home early in the morning before work, or Luke will take you back. "

"Thank you, Daniel."

He switches off the light and we lay together, talking comfortably before I drift off into a wonderful, deep, cozy sleep, enveloped by his spectacular body.




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