Read Sexy Berkeley (1) Online

Authors: Dani Lovell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Sexy Berkeley (1) (13 page)

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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He follows me around to the back where Daniel is waiting on the pool-house deck, in his towel. "Dan!" Luke calls as he approaches him, and they smack each other on the back, affectionately.

"Thanks for that Luke," Daniel says, taking the bag from him.

"It's cool, I wanted to see hot stuff, where is she?" Luke asks, looking around the garden.

"Tilly's in the pool-house," I say with a smile on my face, "come in."

The boys follow me inside and I head to the bedroom. She's tying her hair up as I walk in, she looks stunning with a peach, floaty summer skirt hanging from her hips and a short white top, flashing her tanned, flat belly.

"Wow, you look gorge, Til."

"What, this old thing?" she says, trying to hold back a smile.

"Lover-boy's waiting for you out there, he called you hot stuff," I say, grinning and wiggling my eyebrows.

"I hope he's going to give me another seeing to."

I gasp. "Tilly! You're awful! I wonder how long he'll stay for."

"Long enough, hopefully!" 

"You like him, admit it Tilly."

"Oh, I'll admit to that, I do. He's hot, funny and fucks like a pro, what's not to like? But I'm not up for some long distance relationship, if that's what you mean. For starters; I know that he's not a 'relationship' kind of a bloke, he has a new bird every few days, I expect. Secondly; long distance doesn't work, and last but not least; I don't want a relationship either. I'm having fun, Bea."

"Ok! Sorry I asked!"

Her words are a little depressing to hear, I'm glad Tilly can be so casual about her fling with Luke, but it just brings home, the fact that Daniel and I aren't going anywhere. The more I like him, the harder it's going to be to leave. I can't just 'fuck' him, like Tilly and Luke, I'm getting emotionally involved and it's bad. Really bad.

"Right," she says as she checks her face in the mirror, "will I do?"

"You look fab, he won't last five minutes without getting you back in here."

"That's the look I'm going for," she sings.

I open the door and head out to the lounge with Tilly behind me. Luke is sitting on the sofa alone, looking very comfortable. He turns around when he hears us emerge and immediately wolf whistles at Tilly, before standing up.

"Hey, foxy! You look hot!" He steps towards her, and before she even has a chance to respond, he wraps his arms around her, tipping her back into a dramatic pose and kisses her fervently. I can't help but stare, grinning, it's so... affectionate.

Daniel comes out of the bathroom and stops when he sees Luke and Tilly. He rolls his eyes and laughs before looking at me and shaking his head. He looks edible in stone coloured chinos, hanging low on his hips, with white plimsolls and a navy, fitted polo shirt. "Are you two going to come up for air at some point?" he asks, putting the over-night bag on the sofa and strolling over towards me. He puts an arm around my waist and kisses me.

"You look so hot today, baby," he whispers.
Swoon, I love this man
. Oh god, not like, love-love... you know what I mean.

"Thank you, I was just thinking the same about you, Daniel. Hot with a capital 'huh'."

"Thank you," he says, leaning in to give me a lingering, delectable kiss.

I turn into him and press myself again his chest, it's just too good not to enjoy for a bit longer, so I wrap a hand around the back of his neck and introduce my tongue, tentatively. He readily accepts it and we're heading into a full on, delicious pash.
I hear Luke and Tilly's voices in the background, so I know that they've come up for air, and I gently, reluctantly end our kiss.

Daniel keeps hold of me and looks over to Tilly who's still wrapped up in Luke's muscular arms.
"Tilly, you look lovely today."

"Thank you, Daniel. What are you two up to then?"

"I was going to take Bea to the beach for some lunch, what about you two? Luke are you working?"

"Um," Luke responds, "I had a couple of sessions today, but I think I'll cancel them." Looking down at Tilly, he smiles and winks.

"Would you like to join us or do you have other... '
'?" Daniel asks with a grin.

"Thanks, Daniel, but I think we've got other '
'." Tilly replies with a gleam in her eye as she looks up at Luke.

"Let's go to mine," Luke says to Tilly and I turn to Daniel, having heard enough of their

"Daniel, what do I need today?"

"Well, we'll go to the beach and a restaurant for lunch, so bring a bikini and a towel, and whatever else you need."

I grab my over sized beach bag, a towel and bikini from the drawers, and put my handbag inside the beach bag. "I'm done!"

"Ok, catch ya later," Daniel says to Luke and Tilly, and steps out of the pool-house, putting his Ray-bans on. They
suit him. Does anything
 suit Daniel?

"Bye you two!" I shout, leaving them gazing at each other.

"Come on, baby." Daniel reaches for my hand and we walk together to his car.

The sun is shining, the roof is down and I'm spending the whole day with Sexy Berkeley. Today is a good day. Driving towards Santa Monica, I look through my aviators at Daniel, and smile. He's so sexy in his casual clothes.

"Thank you for this, Daniel. I'm really looking forward to today."

"Don't thank me, Bea, I want to take you out. I enjoy spending time with you, so much, I only wish we had more of it."

I sigh, "Me, too. Let's just have a great day."

He places his large, masculine hand on my knee and smiles that beautiful smile. "Let's do that."

He parks up and walks me back out to the street, and down to the Beach. As we walk along the promenade, I put my hand in his and hold it tightly, looking out towards the sea. I would normally be nervous, making this move, but somehow, with Daniel, it just feels so comfortable and right. I pause and turn to face the beach, it's gorgeous.

"Would you like t
o sit out on the beach for a while, or eat first?" he asks.

"It's quite early, so why don't we have a stroll along the beach and then eat. Then, if we want to, we can lay out in the sun after lunch?"

"That sounds like a perfect plan, Beatrice. We're eating right here." He clenches my hand and points to 'Shutters on the Beach' with the other. It's a beautiful white hotel building, very posh looking.

"It looks beautiful, Daniel."

We stop to take our shoes off and stroll on the sand, towards the water. We're not particularly loquacious, just holding hands, enjoying each other's company. I wonder what's going through his mind. He suddenly stops walking, prompting me to turn and look at him, questioningly.

"You ok?" I ask, and he tugs on my hand, gently pulling me towards him, against his chest. The feelings I have for this man, after such a short time, are immense. I look up at his handsome face and smile, I could stay pressed against him, like this, in these beautiful surroundings, forever.

He leans down to kiss me, his arms snaking around me and holding me close, and I kiss him back slowly, romantically. It's not about sex, right now, it's something meaningful and I'm pretty sure he's feeling it too. 


Lunch was perfect. Daniel had specifically asked for a table by a huge, open window and he sat with his back to it, giving me a view of the beach. Something about that small, thoughtful gesture tugged at my heart strings.

I opted for a Caesar salad with prawns which was delicious, while Daniel had grilled salmon with asparagus and lemon. We drank champagne and enjoyed every moment of our '
'. After Daniel asked for the bill, he leant forward and held both of my hands across the table. 

"The sun has been catching in your eyes all this time, they are the most beautiful green, and the golden streaks are extraordinary. I've never seen such exquisite eyes before."

Wow, he's really been looking, very few people notice the gold streaks. "You obviously don't look in the mirror much, Daniel."

"My eyes aren't that interesting, I could gaze into yours for a lifetime."
Stop, please? Stop making me want you.

"Your eyes are beautiful, Daniel. But please, could you stop being so..."

"Cheesy? Full-on?"


He frowns and smiles a little before responding. "Nice? You want me to stop being... nice?"

"I love you being nice, but when you are, I want you more. Then I think about Sunday, and I get a horrible feeling in my stomach. This is what I was trying to avoid, I already know that Sunday is going to be a great, hairy ball of shit."

Daniel chuckles and leans in a little further. "Please don't think about Sunday, think about today, and how many more hours we have, and tonight, and how many days we can see each other before... '

"Daniel, I don't think we can see each other again... after today, I mean. I really want to see you, all day
every day until '
', but I can't do it. I need to go home feeling refreshed, not depressed, and I fear it'll be the latter, if I don't stop seeing and wanting you so much." I feel unexpectedly emotional. I'm not going to cry, because that would be ridiculous, but I don't want to stop seeing him. I want to curl up in bed with him and stay there for the next four days, but if I want to be sane when I return to the UK, this is how it has to be.

lease don't say that, I don't think I can go to Sunday - knowing you're here - and not see you. I'll regret not spending that time with you. Once you're gone, that'll be it, I won't be
to see you, but while you're here..."

"Please don't, you know that's what I want too, but it won't be conducive to a healthy, happy state of mind for me later. Let's not ruin what may be our last day together, worrying about what will or won't happen over the next few days."

Daniel’s shoulders drop a little, his expression, apprehensive. I want to wrap my arms around him.

"Daniel, doesn't it strike you as a little odd that we're having such a discussion after having met, only four days ago?"

"It really does, Bea, I've never felt so strongly about anyone is such a short space of time before. It's new to me and I don't quite know how to handle it."
Holy moly
, he's being very honest. 'Felt so strongly'? What does that mean?

"I've never had someone say anything like that to me before. This is all rather new to me, too."

, I don't understand. The fact that you don't already have a boyfriend is crazy enough."

"You're sweet, Daniel," I say, lifting our hands together and kissing his. And he really is, he's so thoughtful and kind.
Where are all the men like this at home?

The bill/check arrives and Daniel puts his card on top.

"Daniel, I'd like to buy lunch, please."

He looks horrified. "Oh no, that's not happening."

"Please? I'd really like to buy you lunch, it's been so wonderful and I'd like to thank you for bringing me here."

"I'm sorry, Bea, I can't do that," he says, gently shaking his head, "I'll take a kiss or two later, but no, I won't let you buy lunch."

I pout and flutter my eyelashes, "Pweeeease?"

He shakes his head firmly, but let’s go of one of my hands to run the backs of his fingers up and down my cheek. "No, baby."

I lean my face into his fingers and he opens his hand to caress it, gently. "Thank you," I whisper.

"You're so welcome." We pause for a moment in silence, Daniel still grazing my cheek, looking into each other's eyes. It would seem quite awkward with anyone else, but with him, it's just so right. I'm not sure how much time passes, but eventually, the waiter collects Daniel's card and takes payment on the hand held terminal, bringing us back to reality.

"So would you like to sit on the beach for a while?" Daniel asks.

"Yes, that would be lovely, I need to get my bikini on though."

"Why don't you go to the bathroom and put it on here?"

"Good idea, Sexy, I'll do it now."

"I wish I could come help." He pouts again, god love him.

I stand up and collect my bag, and Daniel immediately stands like a true gent. "Don't be long, I'll be right here waiting for you." 

We leave the restaurant, hand in hand, having both changed into our swimwear. It feels so normal to hold his hand, even though we're not boyfriend and girlfriend. I still get those sparks flying through me every time we touch, but when we're holding hands, it's like a continuous warm buzz.

Daniel's phone rings, so he tells me to find somewhere to settle while he speaks to work. I stroll down the beach, towards the sea, enjoying the fine, warm sand between my toes. I settle on a spot with very few people, and sit, gazing out to the water. It's picturesque. I want to stay forever.

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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