Read Sexy Berkeley (1) Online

Authors: Dani Lovell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Sexy Berkeley (1) (10 page)

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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The journey home is quick and easy, and as we stroll towards the side gate of
Gemma’s house, Daniel, unexpectedly, holds my hand. It surprises me, but I like it. I turn to offer a smile, and he reciprocates. 

It's so confusing. If Daniel had turned out to be a complete arse hole or done something to put me off, then I could have had my fun and forgotten about him. Instead, he is proving himself to be the gorgeous, kind hearted, super-sexy man that I really, really like, and now everything is going to be so much more difficult.

Tilly and Gemma are out on the deck when we turn the corner, drinking more margaritas and chatting away.

"Oh hello, you two are back early, I thought you'd be out partying," I say, surprised to see them.

"Hi Bea, hello Daniel," Tilly responds. "No, we decided to come back after dinner and chill out. We'll all have a girly night out dancing another night."

"Gemma, this is Daniel. Daniel, this
is Tilly's sister, Gemma."

"Hey Gemma, it's great to finally meet you." Daniel shakes her hand.

"Hi, Daniel, you too, I've heard lots about you, and your friend, Luke." She smiles and winks at Tilly.

"I'm going to make some more margaritas," Gemma says, standing up, collecting the two empties on the table, "would you two like one?"

"I'd love one of your famous margaritas, please," Daniel says with a grin.

"Yes, me too please, Gem."

"I'll put the desserts in our fridge," I say, holding my hand out for Daniel to pass me the bag. Instead, he holds my hand.

"I'll come too, you can show me where you're staying."

"You do that!" Tilly says with a gleam in her eye and a smirk on her face. I roll my eyes at her and make my way up the steps to the small deck before opening the french doors and leading Daniel inside.

"Wow, This is great!" he says, looking around the living area, "Did they build this just for guests?"

"Yes, it's lovely isn't it?"

"It's great."

"There's the kitchen," I point, "and the bedroom there. Tilly sleeps in the bedroom and I sleep on the sofa-bed here." I walk into the kitchen with Daniel following me. He hands me the bag and I remove the doughnuts, leaving them on the top before bending down to open the under-counter fridge. I put the key lime pie in, and just as I'm about to stand, Daniel trails a finger down my spine before putting both hands on my hips and pressing into me. 

"You look incredible like this, Bea." I smile as I slowly stand, keeping my rear end pressed against him. He kisses under my ear, making me shiver.

"Wasn't there something that I was going to show you?" I turn against him and look up at his face.

"Was there?" he asks, curiously.

"Uh huh, I'm sure there was..." I slowly un-do the top two buttons of my dress and he realises exactly what I mean. He steps back to give me room to continue, his eyes, smouldering. I toy with the third button in between my breasts and pause. "...But we have margaritas on the way, you'll have to wait a little longer." I beam, patting him gently on the cheek, winking at him.

He frowns, gorgeously, and pouts like a child. Irresistible. Just as I'm about to wrap my arms around him and take him down, Gemma calls from outside.

"Bea, Daniel, margaritas!"

"Well how's that for timing?" I give him a quick peck on the cheek and head back outside.

"Thank you, Gemma, yummy." I hand Daniel his and he takes a sip.

"This tastes great, thanks."

We sit at the companion seat on our deck, while Tilly and Gemma stay down on the main deck, chatting. I gaze at his beautiful face. "Do you drink cocktails a lot, Daniel? You don't strike me as a 'cocktail' sort of a chap."

He smirks. "No, I don't drink cocktails much. I'm more of a beer or wine kind of a guy. But I enjoy the odd one here and there, outside pool-houses in the company of beautiful ladies, such as yourselves."

I smile as he takes another sip from his glass, and a small patch of salt remains on his lower lip. I can't help but stare, his lovely, soft, delicious lip. I want to lick it. I beckon him with my forefinger and he leans into the small table between us. I move towards him until our faces are almost touching. I whisper, "You have salt on your lip," before running my tongue along his bottom lip and taking it in my mouth, sucking gently. I bite down momentarily, before releasing it.

"Hey, I thought
was going to kiss the salt from

I smile, remembering his text from earlier.

"You know I can't stand up for quite some time now, right?" I laugh, Daniel and his erections! 

"I want to see you out of that dress," he whispers, and I close my eyes briefly. I'm so turned on.

"As hot as you look in it, I want to see you out of that suit, I haven't seen you with no clothes on, not properly."

"Really? You didn't see me naked last night?" he asks. Last night seems like forever ago.

"Nope, not completely, it was all a bit, you know... against the wall and everything. And then on the bed, I wasn't really taking notice." I grin and look down at my glass.

"Well, if you'd like to see, I'd be happy to show you." 
Yes, yes, yes!
"Bea," he says, loud enough for Tilly and Gemma to hear, "I’m hungry for key lime pie now, what do you say?"

"Good idea, let's go in."

We stand with our drinks and I look to Tilly who's grinning. She's not daft.

"Enjoy!" she shouts, "oh, and Bea, I'm going to stay in the main house with Gem tonight, Jay's in with Jack because he's not sleeping well. You've got the pool-house to yourself."

"Ok. Enjoy your cocktails, girls."

"Will do, enjoy key lime pie!"

I giggle quietly and follow Daniel inside. He stands in the centre of the room while I close the doors and the curtains.
"Would you really like key lime pie, Daniel?"

"Amongst other things, yes, why not."

"Ok, I'll go and get it, make yourself at home."

I put the pie on a plate and take a fork from the drawer, and just as I turn to leave, Daniel walks through the kitchen doorway. He halts, saying nothing, just looking me up and down, his determined eyes blazing. He steps towards me tentatively, stunning turquoise eyes burning into mine. Suddenly, he takes my face in his hands, our lips meet and we're immediately locked in a lustful, prurient kiss.

I hold the pie to the side of me as Daniel moves one hand up and under my hair to the back of my neck, and the other down to my bottom. His tongue slow and precise. I'm completely lost. No one will ever compare to this, Daniel's kiss, his ability to transport me to another universe, just him. He's...  
Oh god. This is bad

I lower the plate to the counter at my side, needing to touch, to curl my hands around his gorgeous neck and try, if possible, to deepen the kiss further. We up the tempo, moaning and sighing with pleasure. He brings his hands to my front and slowly starts to undo the buttons of my dress. Unbuckling my belt, he
lets it drop to the floor, continuing with the lower buttons, still immersed in this hot, lascivious kiss.

When my dress is open, he slides it off my shoulders, sending it floating to the floor. He pulls me into him tightly and starts to slow the kiss, our breathing rapid, lustful. He gazes into my eyes for a moment before stepping back.
"I need to see you... Now,
was the best purchase I've made all year, and I've made a few. You look so desirable, beautiful," he says, still exploring me with his eyes, his mouth slightly ajar. "Although, now that I've seen you in it, I do have one small request."

"Oh really? What's that?" I ask, intrigued.

"Don't let anyone else see you in it. I want this view to be mine, just mine." 

I mull it over for a moment, amused. "Ok, since you were lovely enough to buy it for me, I'll agree to that." I look Daniel in the eye and run my tongue along my top teeth. "So, tonight, in
nightie, I'm yours. What will you do with me?"

He comes close again, fire in his eyes, running his hand up my thigh, pushing his body against me. He brushes the side of my face with his and whispers in my ear. "I know exactly what I'll do with you, if you'll let me."
Game on.

"Help yourself." I grin and then giggle loudly as he lifts me off my feet, squeezing me, and carries me, effortlessly, through to the living area, putting me down on my feet by the sofa.

"Let's get this bed made," he says, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

A few moments later, I have the bed made to perfection, and I look over at Daniel, leaning against the wall, watching me. "To your satisfaction?" I ask sweetly.

"Fuck," he says, shaking his head as he practically sprints towards me. His hands slide around me and his lips are on mine, again. I unbutton his waist jacket at top speed, and with that on the floor, I pull his shirt out of his trousers and start to remove his tie.

He pulls away. "Let me," he croaks, breathlessly.

I let go and crawl onto the bed, watching as he empties his pockets onto the coffee table and swiftly removes the rest of his clothes. And there he is. This glorious sex god looking absolutely fucking
in the buff, standing right before me with a whopping, great boner. He walks to the light switch and turns it off, leaving just the dim light from the kitchen.

Crawling up my body, he straddles me,
hovering over me on his elbows. "You look delicious, Beatrice." he says, looking quite edible, himself. He lowers his body to mine, careful not to squash me, and brushes his lips against mine. My eyes close in anticipation, and he runs his tongue along my top lip.

"Mmm," I moan, he's hardly touching me but it's so good, I can feel his hardness digging into my thigh, it's arousing to say the least.

He sucks my lip and I moan again. "You like that?"

"Uh huh," I respond in a whisper.

"Me too. I want you." He continues to suck my lip and soon turns it into a deep, erotic kiss.

My fingers trace the outline of his shoulder blades and run down the muscles at his sides. He's so strong and perfectly shaped, I love the feel of his firmne
ss under his silky smooth skin.

With one hand in my hair, cupping my head, and the other at the small of my back underneath me, he rolls to the side, taking me with him so I end up on top. With his tongue still enticingly caressing mine, I raise my bottom and bring my knees up to his sides.

I pull away and sit up on him, against his erection, placing my hands on his gloriously toned abs. I gaze down at him, smiling. "You're hot, Berkeley."

"You're hotter, Hart," he responds, running his masculine fingers up and down my thighs.

I raise an eyebrow and smirk, edging slowly backwards, down his legs. His erection springs free from underneath me and I hold him in my hand, squeezing gently.

Daniel groans and whispers, "I want to be inside you, baby."

I move my hand slowly, up and down, twisting ever so slightly around the tip. "You want to fuck me, Daniel?" I ask, my voice low and sultry.

He smiles, surprised by my frankness. "Nicely put. Yes, I want to fuck you, so badly." He draws in a breath through pursed lips. I hold my hair to one side and lean down slowly, seductively looking up through my lashes into his eyes. I indulgently lick the tip of his cock.

"Oh, god," he moans. I lick his tip again and then kiss it before taking it into my mouth and slowly sucking on him. He raises his hips as he drops his head back into the pillow. With my hand at the base, I take in his tip again and continue down further, taking in as much of him as I can.

I pick up the pace and suck hard whilst swirling my tongue around his tip, my hand following the rhythm, up and down on his hardness. "Mmm," I moan as I taste him and enjoy the feel of his silky skin on my tongue. It's so good. I try to take all of him but he's too big, and gagging in the middle of such a moment probably wouldn't be a huge turn on, so I stop trying.

I pick up the pace
even further so my hand and mouth are simultaneously pumping Daniel's hard cock, while he pants and groans in pleasure.

"Stop," he moans.

I slowly take him from my mouth to respond, "No." I drag my tongue from his base to the tip, slowly, thoroughly enjoying myself.

"I don't want to..." he reaches down and cups my head in his hands, "come here."  

I crawl up to him until our noses are touching and he curls his hand around the side of my face.
"You're really... amazing at that," he says, smiling cutely.

"I really enjoyed it, I'd like to carry on," I reply, feeling quite surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I'm not really much of a 'bj' person, normally.

"No, I don't want to come yet and you're making me real close. I want to come inside you... somewhere else. You look so hot in this," he tugs the fabric of the nightie, "I want you so bad." He brings my head down so my lips meet his, and we are immediately caught in a wild, fervent kiss again, his need apparent.

BOOK: Sexy Berkeley (1)
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