Sexting the Limits (9 page)

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Authors: Remy Richard

BOOK: Sexting the Limits
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with what she already knew about Grant. He was stubborn, a little arrogant, but very

loyal, sweet and compassionate. His good qualities were evident in the way that he

talked about his family and the pride with which he described starting up his bar.

Celeste braced her hands on the sides of the sink. The porcelain was cool under her

hands and she clenched the rim to steady herself.

It was also a bit of a relief to realize that she wasn‟t quite the floozy she‟d been

afraid she was. The feelings that Grant evoked in her, both as himself and as her

mystery man, had been unsettling. She had been more turned-on, confused and filled

with pleasure than she had ever even imagined herself capable. The thought that two

different men could evoke the same primal reactions in her was scary to say the least.


Sexting the Limits

Just the thought of how hot he made her was bringing some color back to her

cheeks. She felt the heat rising as she remembered the things she‟d said to him and dear

God—the pictures she‟d sent! She stared at her reflection in the mirror and pinched her

cheeks a little to bring more color to them.

At least now she knew it was one man. One man who had lied to her by omission

and maybe wasn‟t planning on coming clean any time soon. But how often did a girl

really come across someone who made her feel like she was flying with one word, one

touch? Celeste had been attracted to Grant from the beginning and their conversation

over dinner had solidified those feelings. She‟d been having reservations about giving

in to the feelings that Grant inspired in her. A war had been waging inside her about

whether or not she should follow her heart with Grant or wait for the mystery lover

who had given her so much pleasure to appear. Now she had what both her heart and

her body wanted and she wasn‟t about to give him up without a fight. Of course, that

didn‟t mean she had to make things easy on him, either.

In the mirror, Celeste could see a little sparkle coming back to her eyes. She wished

she hadn‟t left her purse at the table. Her lipstick had worn off during dinner and she

could use a fresh coat. A brush would have been handy, as well, but she looked pretty


And she felt like herself for the first time in a week. Back on firmer ground. Even

though they had only met a short time ago, she knew Grant. Knew that his subterfuge

had to be eating him up inside. She hoped—believed, rather—that he‟d want to tell her

the truth so that they could get on with being together. And they would be, as soon as

she finished making him pay for letting her squirm for the past few days.

Celeste smiled to herself as she smoothed her hair one last time and then added a

little strut to her step for the walk back to the table. She could tell the moment when

Grant realized that she was heading back his way. His eyes took a slow trip from her

swinging hips to her breasts and up to her face. She felt the heat of his gaze from several

steps away. She watched his Adam‟s apple bob as he swallowed hard. Celeste felt her


Remy Richard

nipples bud under his gaze and couldn‟t contain a shiver. That‟s what she loved about

being with Grant. Turning him on turned her on.

She finally got to their table and took a quick look around the room as she sat. Most

of the other patrons were about finished with their meals. The waitstaff had been very

kind in letting them hog a table all evening, but they couldn‟t stay there all night.

Celeste had a much better venue in mind anyway.

She leaned over the table and gave Grant a good view of the cleavage down her

dress. “Maybe we should get out of here. It looks pretty deserted.”

Grant pulled his eyes away from her breasts and laughed. “Yeah, I didn‟t realize

how quiet it was in here until you left.” His eyes warmed as he leaned closer to her

across the table as well. She could feel his breath puffing against her face. “I guess I was

a little distracted.”

Celeste used her index finger to draw circles on the warm skin of Grant‟s wrist. “I

like distracting you. In fact, I don‟t want to stop.”

His eyes flew open and the brows above them arched so high it looked almost

painful. He gulped. “I‟d love to. You have no idea how much I‟d love to. But don‟t you

think this is moving a little fast?”

Celeste smiled a little. There was the Grant she knew, honorable to the core.

“Maybe. But when you know, you know. And I feel like I know you. There‟s been

something between us since the moment we met. Tell me I‟m wrong.”

Grant stared into her eyes and Celeste thought for a moment that he was looking

into her soul. “Yes, sweet Celeste. I‟ve felt something between us. But there are things

you need to know, things I need to tell you…”

Celeste stopped stroking his arm and used her finger to shush him. “I know

everything I need to know about you for tonight. You‟re kind, honorable, a gentleman.

Everything else I can learn later.”

Grant closed his eyes and groaned as she started tracing his lower lip with her

finger. “Wait, baby…” he groaned.


Sexting the Limits

His protest was weak at best and Celeste had to stop her smile from becoming

openly celebratory. He was putty in her hands and now it was time to twist the knife a

little. Not a lot. She didn‟t want to hurt his feelings. Just to make him feel a little of the

confusion she‟d felt for the last several days.

“Grant…this is difficult for me to say.” She tried to make her expression look

innocent and waited until he opened his eyes and looked at her. She lowered her voice

in case anyone was close enough to hear. “I‟ve learned some new things lately that I

like…in the bedroom. And I want to do them with you.” It was a good thing that being

embarrassed about what she was saying was a normal reaction because she couldn‟t

have stopped her blush if her life had depended on it.

“Learned some new things where?” Grant‟s voice was hoarse and edged with

desire. He had to clear his throat before he could get the whole thing out.

Celeste made herself hesitate before answering. “Let‟s just say I read them


Grant breathed hard and leaned back in his chair. The air felt cooler when he wasn‟t

invading her space any longer. She arched her foot and ran it up his calf for added

incentive. She could see his confusion written all over his face. Excellent. Best not to

give him too much more time to think about it, though. She wanted him to think she

was planning on reenacting their hot text messages. And as far as he knew, she was

reenacting them with another man. She would eventually reveal that she knew he was

her mystery guy, she just wanted him to sweat a little longer.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the last of the other diners leave the restaurant.

It was now or never. “So what do you say, Grant? Should we go home together?”

Grant looked torn and then seemed to make up his mind. He stood from his chair

and came around to pull hers out. He leaned down so that he was speaking directly in

her ear. “It would be my pleasure, sweet Celeste.”

Celeste laughed as she stood. “Well, not
yours, I hope.”


Remy Richard

Grant laughed as he pulled money out of his wallet and left it on the table as tip.

Celeste added generous to her mental list of Grant‟s attributes. He grabbed her hand

and pulled her behind him to the door. They said polite thank yous to the waitstaff and

walked hand in hand, in silence, through the parking lot. Grant opened her car door

and then pinned her against the side of the car.

“Please allow me to rephrase my earlier statement. It will be all my pleasure to

make sure that you have more pleasure than you can stand.”

Celeste‟s breath was coming fast and hard, her heart galloping. His lips were

grazing all over her face and neck. She felt his tongue tickle her pulse point as he spoke

to her again. It took a few seconds for her to focus enough to understand his words.

“Would that be okay, Celeste? Would it be okay if I worked all night to make you


Celeste gathered all of her wits to answer. “Sure. I guess that would be okay.”

Grant laughed, as she‟d intended him to. His talented tongue was off her long

enough for her to realize that they were still standing in the parking lot in full view of

the restaurant and the road. “Grant, let‟s go.”

Grant pulled away and nodded seriously, putting his hands up in front of his body

to show that they were nowhere near her. He held the car door open wider and let her

settle in before closing it after her. Celeste took her first deep breath since he had

trapped her against the car. It helped a little to clear her mind. Which was good. She

would need a clear head if she was going to continue her charade. Celeste leaned her

head back against the car seat and closed her eyes. She was very much looking forward

to taking her revenge. Especially when it promised to be so very pleasurable.


Sexting the Limits

Chapter Five

Grant had been in pain for the last twenty minutes. All the way from the restaurant

to his house, he had been so hard that it literally hurt and Celeste was only making the

situation worse with every breath she took. She was teasing him with her words, with

her scent, with the way that her dress had ridden suspiciously high on her thighs and

how she was nibbling on his ear as he fumbled with his keys at the front door. He knew

that he needed to stop the madness before things went too far. Before he got his hands

on her and all of his good sense and reason was lost forever. He knew that before he

made love to her he had to tell her the truth about his status as her mystery man. To

have anything like that between them their first time went against his grain in a way

that he couldn‟t even explain to himself.

It seemed that Celeste was launching a campaign against him that was guaranteed

to make sure that he wasn‟t able to remember his own name, much less what he needed

to tell her. She was apparently hell-bent on touching him everywhere on his body. He

couldn‟t tell if he was getting dizzy from her warm, deep kisses or from the lack of

oxygen. Grant laid his hands on her waist and began pulling her in the direction of his

bedroom, trying to keep them on the right path as her hands quickly divested him of his

shirt and tie. Her mouth ate at his like she was starving for it.

He couldn‟t seem to get a handle on his emotions or his libido. She was pushing

him dangerously close to the edge of his control and he needed to pull himself together.

It was really hard when her hands were so busy fiddling with his zipper and pushing at

the waist of his pants. Hard in more ways than one. Grant managed to lever himself

back from her and take a deep breath.

“Celeste…wait a second…I need to tell you—”


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Her busy hands were reaching and grabbing at his cock and he lost his mind for a

few moments. All thoughts about confessing were dismissed as she began to slowly jerk

him. He tipped his head back and groaned, losing himself in the feeling of her soft

hands on him. He had imagined this before. When they had been texting, he had made

himself come imagining her hands on him just as they were now. The feeling of her

really touching him was almost enough to make him embarrass himself right then and

there, but the memory of how good it could be between them forced him to temper his


“Baby, slow down.” He reached down and took her hand off him. “You‟re taking

me to the edge too quickly. I need you with me.”

He began to finger the sleeve of her dress, stroking the soft skin underneath. “I can‟t

wait to get this dress off of you. It‟s beautiful, but not as beautiful as your bare skin is

going to be. But first there are some things that we need to talk about.”

Celeste sent him a sexy smile and pushed at his chest until he sat on the bed. “I

don‟t want to talk, Grant. I‟ve wanted you since we met and I don‟t want to waste any

more time.” Celeste turned around and lifted her hair up to her nape before turning

looking at him over her shoulder. “If you think I‟m so far behind, maybe you should

help me play a little bit of catch-up.”

Grant watched his hands rise to her zipper as if they belonged to someone else. He

leaned close as the zipper made a rasping sound and laid his lips against the warm skin

of her neck. He could smell the freshly baked cake scent of her and it went straight to

his head.

She pulled away from him again and turned to face him, lowering her dress until

she was standing in front of him in only her pink bra and panties. His breath came in

short puffs as he recognized the same set that she had sent him photos of when they

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