Sexting the Limits (7 page)

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Authors: Remy Richard

BOOK: Sexting the Limits
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her hot pussy. Her orgasm was eluding her though. She couldn‟t seem to get enough

force, or traction, or heat, or
and she felt like she would burst out of her skin if

she didn‟t get it soon.

Faster, sweet Celeste. Ride me!

Celeste Benning:
Yes! I’m so close!

Celeste‟s hands were slippery and her breathing was fractured as she strained. She

wanted to hear the sound of his voice urging her on. She wanted him to hear her when

she reached her release. But mostly she wanted to come.

Wet your fingers in your mouth, then bring your other hand down to

stroke your clit. Faster, sweetheart! Come for me!

Celeste imagined she could hear his voice as she added her other hand, strumming

her clit. The sensations were building inside her and her clit was so sensitive her soft


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strokes almost hurt. Only a few more touches and she was there. Her back arched and

she pushed her clit into her fingers. She cried out as she crested the wave of sensation

then was thrown back into the storm. After her orgasm she lay panting on the bed,

lightning bolts of electricity running through her spent body. The familiar chime

sounded again.

Feel good, baby?

Celeste Benning:
Very good. Amazing, in fact. How about you?

Now that the frenzy was over, she was starting to feel bad. The pleasure had been

so one-sided. Him giving and her taking. She wanted to spend some time giving to him.

If only she could feel her legs. Plus she didn‟t think that her giving orders to him would

have quite the same effect. Now, if she had some uninterrupted time in a bed with him,

then she‟d be able to give him something really good.

I stroked myself and came thinking of how you were moaning and

groaning and coming. Did you scream for me?

Celeste Benning:
LOL. Almost. I’m not really a screamer.

I could make you one.

A shiver ran down her spine. She‟d thought her body to be spent for the night but

he was turning her on all over again.

Celeste Benning:
I believe you. That was the most intense thing I’ve ever felt.

I’m glad to hear it.

Celeste Benning:
I only wish that I could repay you somehow.


Sexting the Limits

Ha, ha. No need for repayment. Trust me when I say that it was

amazing for me as well.

Celeste Benning:
I wish you were here with me now, though. I’d love to curl up

next to you and go to sleep.

It was well past midnight and Celeste felt herself starting to drift off. Her body

languid and boneless, her mind relaxed and empty for the first time in a while.

Exhaustion made her type things she probably shouldn‟t have. Made her want what she

couldn‟t have.

I wish I was with you too, baby. Soon I’ll let you know who I am and

you can decide if we should be together in real life.

Celeste Benning:
Just tell me now.

Not now. But soon. Dream of me, sweet Celeste.

Celeste Benning:
Good night, my mystery lover.

Celeste roused herself out of her stupor long enough to clean up the scene she‟d set.

She smiled to think of how nervous she‟d been at the beginning of the evening. Her

mystery man had far surpassed all of her hopes and set a new bar for sexual

satisfaction, at least in her book.

She roamed around the room blowing out candles and picking up her discarded

clothes. She pulled on a loose nightgown but even that gossamer touch seemed rough

on her overly sensitized nerve endings. She straightened the sheets on her bed and

made sure that her alarm clock was set for early that morning. She knew that she‟d be

hating life come morning but the lack of sleep would be well worth it.

Finally Celeste settled into the sheets and tried to settle her mind as well. It was

much easier said than done, however. The amazing things that had happened to her


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that night, what she‟d done to herself, the fact that she had been able to let go enough to

enjoy such a sensual night was unusual for her.

What she hadn‟t counted on was the feeling of loneliness afterward. As

unsatisfactory as many of her boyfriends had been in the bedroom department, she‟d

never been one for sex with strangers until now. So even if the final result had not been

successful, she‟d always enjoyed the cuddling and closeness afterward. Lying there

alone in her bed, she realized that she wanted that closeness with this new man in her

life. She wanted even more than what he had already offered her. She wanted the mind-

blowing sex
the deep connection that came from caring about someone else‟s

happiness more than her own.

Her sheets still smelled of sex and sweat and that alone made her body ache. Her

heart ached as well. After much tossing and turning, she fell into a deep sleep of

physical exhaustion. The last coherent thought she had was that she was going to find

her mystery man and see if what was between them could last through a face-to-face

conversation in the light of day. No matter what.

* * * * *

Grant closed his phone and leaned back on his pillows, exhausted. He hadn‟t been

lying to Celeste when he had told her that it had been an amazing experience for him

too. The proof of how much he had loved the experience was on his sheets. Grant

scrubbed his hand along his face and wondered when he had crossed this line.

He had known when he had asked Celeste for the sext date that it was a foolhardy

plan. The whole time they were talking all he had wanted to do was stop their silly

texting and call her. Let her hear his voice and get to hear hers as he sent her into

ecstasy. Yes, the experience had been sexually satisfying in its way. And yes, it had

turned him on to realize that Celeste enjoyed his slight domination in the bedroom as

much as he did. But now he was left with the problem of how to reveal himself as both

her mystery lover and as a real man who wanted to see her outside the bedroom.


Sexting the Limits

The kicker was that he wasn‟t even sure if she wanted a real-life boyfriend. When

he had found the original sexy texts on her phone he hadn‟t really stopped to think

about who had sent them, but he had plainly heard Celeste say to her friend last night

that she wasn‟t interested in the man who had sent them. Maybe the sexy words were

what got Celeste‟s motor running and she hadn‟t ever wanted a flesh-and-blood lover

to make those words reality. At least not in a full-on-relationship sense. And

unfortunately for Grant, that‟s what he wanted with Celeste. She was the first woman in

a long time to make him want to talk to her as well as have sex with her.

He stood up and stretched out his cramped body. The sexual release had gone a

long way toward clearing his head and solidifying his emotions. What he needed now

was a plan. He probably wasn‟t going to hatch one of those tonight, though. He was

completely exhausted. He could only imagine how tired he‟d be if he had actually

worked on her body that hard. He‟d definitely need to get some rest before round two

with her.

The thought made him smile as he puttered around, changing sheets, getting a

glass of water and taking a quick shower. Lying in bed afterward, he went over the

encounter in his mind until he was in danger of making himself hard again. He sighed

and pushed the sheets off to get more of the air from the ceiling fan to cool his heated

body. He couldn‟t tell if it was the sexual thoughts running through his head or the

nerves piling up about telling Celeste who he was but his skin suddenly felt as if it were

on fire. Probably a little bit of both.

He wasn‟t exactly shy but for some reason the thought of spilling his guts over text

message, where he couldn‟t see her reaction, didn‟t sit well with him. Whatever his

method for telling her the truth it would have to be face-to-face. And it would have to

be sooner rather than later, because he wasn‟t going to be able to wait much longer to

have her in his arms for real.


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Chapter Four

Celeste stood at the door of The Lucky Stripe for the second time in a week. She

knew she shouldn‟t be there. She should really be at home in her little apartment, trying

to put her life back together after the mind-blowing encounter of last night. Instead, she

was all dressed up again and at the bar, this time alone. Other than their chat about

Celeste‟s mystery man, Rory had been strangely uncommunicative for the last few days.

The one time that Celeste had managed to get her on the phone, Rory had only been

able to get out that she was tired and would talk to her later. Celeste didn‟t mind being

solo, though. She wasn‟t here for entertainment. She was here to find her mystery man

once and for all.

Even though she didn‟t have any better idea now as to who the man who had given

her so much pleasure was, she‟d bet her bottom dollar that he was the person who had

found her phone at the bar. So that was where she would start. Celeste strolled to the

bar and took a seat. Grant looked up from where he was serving drinks to a group of

rowdy guys watching hockey and shot her a wink. She smiled back at him and tried to

control her heartbeat. This was getting out of hand.

Celeste had always been adventurous and outgoing but she‟d never dated two guys

at once. Some would argue that she wasn‟t dating two guys now. She was having

phone sex with one and casually flirting with another. But the feelings that both men

evoked were anything but casual or normal for her. Her mystery man engaged her

sexually, but Grant made her heart beat faster and he also made her laugh. Plus the

things that his handsome face and body did to her libido weren‟t exactly chaste.

Grant put up a finger to let her know he‟d be with her in a minute. She took the

moment to scan the bar and see if she recognized any faces from the previous Friday

night. She was able to identify a few familiar people, but only one who she could think


Sexting the Limits

of was her mystery man. Noah sat at the other end of the bar. Surprisingly, the thought

of Noah giving her all of those directions wasn‟t as appealing as it once had been. He

was extremely hot and had a great body but when she closed her eyes to think about

her mystery man, he always looked like Grant. She was ready to put this whole thing to

rest, though, so she moved down to where Noah was sitting.

“Hey, Noah.”

He looked up at the sound of her voice, his face hopeful. When he saw who it was

he smiled weakly and went back to staring into his beer.

“Hey, Celeste. Is Rory with you tonight?”

“No. She said something about being tired.” Celeste studied his face and noticed

how tired and dejected he looked as well. She almost didn‟t want to ask him about the

texts but she couldn‟t keep guessing. “Noah, I have kind of a weird question I want to

ask you.”

Noah made a go-ahead motion with his hand and took a deep swallow of his beer.

“The thing is…it‟s kind of embarrassing and I‟d really like your promise that

whatever happens, you won‟t tell anyone.”

Noah put down his beer. “This is getting more and more interesting. Okay, I‟ll bite.

I won‟t tell anyone.”

Celeste took a deep breath and jumped in. “Ever since I got my phone back, I‟ve

been getting these text messages from a number I don‟t know.”

Noah‟s face was completely blank, so she continued. “They‟re pretty

intimate…well…racy messages. But he won‟t tell me who he is. And you were the last

person I was with when I lost the phone. So I wanted to let you know that if it
you, I

wouldn‟t be mad.”

Noah smiled at her and turned so that he faced her. He covered her hand with his

on the bar. “A woman who isn‟t mad at me would be a new experience but, Celeste, I‟m


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not your guy. I‟d tell you if I was. In fact, I probably wouldn‟t have sent the texts in the

first place—I‟m more into action than into talking.”

Celeste laughed weakly and slid her hand out from under his to cover her flaming

red face. “Oh my God.”

Noah chuckled. “Don‟t feel bad. People seem to love accusing me of things I didn‟t

do this week. You‟re joining in with some very good company.”

Celeste just shook her head and kept her face covered. “Don‟t be embarrassed,

honey. We‟re all looking for someone special and if you think this guy could be

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