Sexting the Limits (10 page)

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Authors: Remy Richard

BOOK: Sexting the Limits
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were texting. The undergarments were sheer and lacy and too sexy for him to make

coherent thoughts or sentences. He reached out and stroked a hand down the slope of

her breast until he reached her peaked nipple. Her moans were the sweetest sounds he


Sexting the Limits

had ever heard. He hadn‟t realized how much the sound of a woman‟s pleasure

contributed to his own passion until he had ached to hear Celeste cry out as he made

her come. He would hear her tonight. Every sigh, every moan.

She bit her lip to hold back her moans as he reached her nipple and rolled it

between his fingers. He pinched her lightly as punishment. “No, baby, don‟t hold back.

I want to hear you moan for me.”

Her eyes fluttered open and he sucked in his breath at the desire shimmering there.

He had known that she liked his slight dominance over text message but seeing the

physical effect it had on her here in his bedroom was another feeling entirely. He felt

like he could conquer the world and, at the same time, like the most grateful of men.

Grateful that she let him direct her, for her trust in him, for being able to take her like


He tried to gather the threads of his control and smiled at her. “I want to see your

body, sweet Celeste.” His hand left her nipple and went to grasp her hand, hoping to

pull her closer so he could remove the little scraps of lace that still covered her from his

view, but she pulled back from him with a teasing grin.

“Shhh. I want you to see what you do to me, Grant. You make me crazy, make me

want to do things I‟ve never done before.”

Grant felt himself harden with every word, wondering what she was going to do.

He watched with bated breath as Celeste slowly began to move her hips at a seductive

pace. She pulled the pink bra from her flushed breasts and began to tweak and rub her

own nipples. Grant sat back on the bed for a better view. It was like watching a movie

of all of the things he had directed her to do during their texting session. Now here it

was in full Technicolor glory. And it was more amazing than anything he could have

dreamt up.

He watched, enthralled, as her hand moved down her flat stomach to slide into her

lacy panties. His eyes were riveted on the place where she touched herself. He loved the


Remy Richard

sound and smell of her. All thoughts of telling her anything evaporated as he stood and

took two wobbly strides to grasp her close.

Celeste closed her eyes and let out a breath of air as Grant finally pulled her close.

She was right on the edge and wasn‟t sure how much more she could have taken of her

own torture before she broke. Luckily, it had the same effect on Grant. It was obvious

that he had been attempting to tell her his secret all night. It was equally obvious that he

thought that she was going to be angry at his subterfuge.

She supposed that she probably should be. After all, he
lied to her. She couldn‟t

seem to work up the expected anger over that. Especially not since his lies had given

her more pleasure than she‟d ever thought possible. She didn‟t want to give in, though.

It was her own particular brand of torture that she wanted to force him to wait until

after they had made love for him to tell her the truth. To give him something more to

worry about instead of her being the only one tied in knots. Distracting him had proven

even harder than she‟d thought, though. Every time he had started to tell her the truth,

she‟d had to come up with another way to turn his attention. She had never realized she

was so sexually inventive before.

Celeste allowed herself a small, private grin before Grant captured her mouth. It

seemed that her little show had done the job. From the size of his erection pressing

against her stomach, he wouldn‟t be interrupting to spill his guts any time soon. And

she‟d be getting very lucky very soon. Letting a man watch her pleasure herself was a

new one for Celeste. When she had seen how he was reacting, however, she‟d let go of

all of her inhibitions. The expression on his face had clearly shown how absorbed he‟d

been in what she was doing. She
that he was remembering when he had directed

her motions on how to do the exact same act.

But if Grant was distracted before, he was no less than a man on a mission now. He

broke free of her mouth only to reach down and encircle her wrist with his hand.

Celeste had only a second to marvel at his size compared to hers before he brought her


Sexting the Limits

hand to his mouth and sucked each finger, using his tongue to lave where her cream

had spilled. Her knees went a bit weak. He held her eyes as he licked each finger from

top to bottom and then moved to nibble on her palm.

“You taste as sweet as I knew you would, sweet Celeste.”

Celeste couldn‟t bring herself to answer. She closed her eyes and tried to

concentrate on staying upright.

“I think I need a better taste though,” he murmured.

Celeste‟s heart jumped as Grant lifted her into his arms and moved them both to the

bed, laying her down gently. She opened her eyes to find him staring down at her with

a hungry expression. She followed his gaze and saw that her legs were splayed wide

open and the softest part of her was displayed for his view. Thanks to her little show

earlier, she was already wet and ready and his attention was making her wetter. He

dropped to his knees in front of her while she tried to close her legs in modesty.

The sound he let out was a cross between a chuckle and a moan. “Oh no you don‟t.

I want to see you, baby.”

He placed his hands on her thighs and pushed them out far enough that her

muscles twinged slightly. The drag of his rough, calloused palms on her silky skin was

enough to make her heart beat even faster. The sight of his mouth heading for her pussy

almost pushed her over the edge.

At the first light brush of his tongue over her, Celeste‟s arms trembled and gave out.

She flopped on the bed with a long moan and let him take over. His tongue searched

through her folds and found the little bud of her clitoris. He tugged it into his mouth to

pull and draw on it. Her hips left the bed as she arched higher into his mouth, trying to

get more. More of him, more of his mouth, more of these feelings that she had never felt


She‟d thought that his dirty text messages were the sexiest thing she could imagine.

Now there were hundreds of images rolling through her head. Things she wanted to do

to him, things she wanted him to do to her, things that she wasn‟t even sure were


Remy Richard

anatomically possible but that she wanted to try nevertheless. But only with Grant. She

was beginning to believe that maybe it wasn‟t just his sexual proficiency that was

making the difference, but the man himself. It was surprising given their short history,

but she felt more uninhibited with him than she ever had before. She knew he‟d do

anything she needed or wanted in bed to give her pleasure. And she thought he‟d be

just as generous outside the bedroom as well. Then she stopped thinking at all.

Grant hit a perfect spot with his tongue and managed to thrust two fingers inside

her while her muscles were tightening up. She thrust her hips up at him, trying to get

more of him deeper into her. She didn‟t care what part of him either, his tongue, his

fingers, it didn‟t matter as long as she got
. He pulled his mouth back to drop soft

kisses on her thigh as his fingers picked up their pace, fucking her hard. His thumb

moved up to lightly abrade her clit and she reached down to press his hand harder into

her so that the pressure on her clit was almost unbearable. She arched her back and let

loose with a scream as she came. Her release sent her spinning into space. He groaned

and continued to pump his fingers in and out of her pussy, extending her climax. When

she came back to herself, it was to find Grant lying next to her on the bed. He was softly

stroking her, helping her to relax.
clearly wasn‟t relaxed though. His cock rested

against her side, hard as a rock and leaking.

She smiled as she reached down to stroke him. He gasped and thrust into her hand

for a moment before trying to pull her away. Celeste didn‟t plan to let him accomplish

that, though. Now that the edge had been taken off her hunger, she planned to do her

best to make him as aroused as he had made her over the past few days. She slowly slid

down his body, taking nibbles and licks of his salty skin all the way. With a groan, he

gave in to her wishes. One of his hands clenched the bed sheets and the other hand

came to rest lightly on the back of her head. A thrill went down her back at the subtle


Celeste let out a pent-up breath and tried to get back to the task at hand. Conscious

of the hand still on the back of her head, she slowed her path down his torso, stopping


Sexting the Limits

here and there to map his skin with kisses, to suck first one nipple, then the other. He

almost came off the bed when she nibbled lightly on one. She moved down his rock-

hard abs, tracing each highly defined line with her tongue and stroking the silky trail of

hair that bisected his abdomen with her hands. She‟d never been so turned-on before,

loving all of the scents and sights and tastes of him. She used her hands to caress his

strong thighs while she continued to kiss her way down to his cock. Just looking at him

could get her wet. He was straight and thick and her mouth watered for a taste.

She could tell by the shallow dip in his stomach that he was holding his breath. She

smiled into the skin there and gave him one last peck before sliding down to the main

event. She thought about teasing him more but the sight of his long, hard dick was

getting her wet again and she couldn‟t wait to make him crazy. She leaned closer to

breathe in the slightly musky odor of him and flicked out her tongue to gather the drop

of pre-cum that glistened on the tip of his cock. The hand on top of her head fisted in

her hair but never pushed her head down. His breathing was loud as she lowered her

mouth to take the rest of him. As she worked on accommodating all of him, he let loose

with a stream of words.

“Oh yes. Yes! You‟re so goddamn good and beautiful. I‟ve been wanting to feel

your mouth on me like this forever.”

Celeste got to the root of him and took a second to acclimate herself. She looked up

to see that he was staring back down at her with an intense fascination. The muscles in

his arms were straining and his skin was glistening with sweat. The look of need on his

face shook her to the core and she hesitated a moment.

A moment was apparently too long for Grant to take because he moved his hands

to cup her face. “Suck, baby. Suck it, please.”

Celeste felt his words in her pussy as much as she heard them. She pursed her lips

and drew in her cheeks to suck as much of him as she could. His broken gasps let her

know she was on the right track while his hands flexed open and closed next to her

face. How he had so much control of himself was a mystery to her. She‟d been totally


Remy Richard

out of control when he had pleasured her and she wanted to take him to that place. She

thought she had him well on his way when she felt his hands reach up to pull her head

away, making her release his cock with a soft sound.

He pulled her up and rolled them so that he was lying on top of her, pressing her

into the mattress with his weight.

“God.” Grant‟s breathing sounded as if he had just run a marathon. “I can‟t take

any more. Your mouth is a fucking miracle.”

Celeste couldn‟t help but giggle at how fervent he sounded. “Well, I aim to please.”

Grant opened his eyes and braced himself on his hands, turning his body so that

she wasn‟t bearing the full weight of him. He stared at her as one hand slid down the

length of her body to the place where she was still so wet and ready for him. His

calloused hands were working miracles of their own on her. So much so that she was

having difficulty concentrating on his face or his words.

“You do please me, Celeste. More than any woman I‟ve ever met. And I want to

please you too. How‟s this, baby?”

His fingers dipped inside her to gather her wetness and then came out to circle her

clitoris. Every now and then he‟d allow his fingers to brush her clit with the slightest

touch and then retreat while she squirmed and begged him to put her out of her misery.

“I asked you a question.”

Celeste‟s head whipped back and forth on the pillow and she opened her eyes in

time to see Grant‟s naughty smile. “What?” she whispered.

“Do you like this?”

Celeste‟s breath caught on a moan at a particularly devilish move his fingers made.

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