Sexting the Limits (11 page)

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Authors: Remy Richard

BOOK: Sexting the Limits
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“You know I do.”

“I need to hear you say it.” Suddenly Celeste felt like she was back in her own bed,

texting him such naughty things. He wanted to hear her profess how much she wanted


Sexting the Limits

him. The way that he hadn‟t been able to the first time. And she wanted to give him

that. He had certainly given her enough pleasure to deserve it.

She forced herself to stop squirming and concentrate on his eyes. She spoke clearly

and deliberately. “Grant, I want you. I want you so much it‟s more than just want. I

you inside of me. Deep. Hard. Now.”

Grant stared at her for a second, his whole body still, before he came alive and

quickly moved between her thighs. He paused for a moment to grab a condom from the

bedside table and Celeste watched with hunger as he quickly sheathed himself. Celeste

brought both hands behind his back and stroked up and down. His skin was on fire.

She knew that he had to be as close to the edge as she was. More so, since he hadn‟t

come yet.

“Grant, please.” He lifted his head to look her in the eye, his mouth parted and wet.

“I‟m going to lose it if you don‟t take me soon.”

A look of fierce determination crossed his face as he centered his cock in her

opening and slowly pushed in. Celeste arched her back to take more of his length inside

her. He was hard and hot and she‟d never felt so filled. The feel of him, his cock inside

her, his body surrounding her with his strength and heat, was more than she could

have imagined. She thought she had known what making love felt like, but he was

giving her something she‟d never experienced before. She‟d never felt so protected by

or connected to another person.

It wasn‟t just how deep he was inside her, it was the way he kept his gaze locked on

hers, the feel of his hands gripping her hips and the heat of his skin branding her. Her

head tipped back as he pushed deeper and deeper inside until he finally was

completely sheathed.

Grant leaned down until his voice was a sexy whisper in her ear. “I‟m all the way

inside you, sweet Celeste. Finally inside of you.”

Celeste wasn‟t able to form words, much less answer him. Which seemed fine with

Grant, as he began a steady thrusting rhythm that was guaranteed to take her to the


Remy Richard

heights of pleasure. She was lost to his pace and the incredible feeling of him, finally

deep inside her. He kept up a steady stream of love words the whole time. Praising how

beautiful she was, how wet, how tight, how completely perfect. His words went

straight to her heart like his cock went straight to her center.

She pushed her hips harder against him, using her internal muscles to pull on his

cock. She watched as his face tightened in pleasure. Concentrating on clenching her

cunt around him in hopes of pushing him over the edge, Celeste tried to ignore the rise

of her own pleasure. She didn‟t want to come again without him. He had given her so

much already and she wanted him to come first.

She wrapped her arms around his back and arched her back so that their skin

touched from her breast to where they were joined. She lowered her hands until they

closed around his ass. He gasped and sweat dripped from his brow. She leaned close to

whisper in his ear. “Come for me, baby.”

She chanted it over and over again as his thrusts became faster, harder. She wasn‟t

going to last. She broke and split apart into a million pieces, barely even registering

when he came inside of her with a roar. His climax seemed to go on and on.

It took her a long time to come back down to Earth. To feel the soft sheets beneath

her and the sensation of being pressed into the mattress where he rested on top of her.

His face was buried in the side of her neck and he was nuzzling her skin there softly.

Celeste brought her hands to his back to stroke comfortingly down his spine. She

breathed in the heady scent of him, wishing that they could stay entwined forever.

Celeste gave herself a mental shake even as her hands tightened on Grant‟s

back. Give a girl a little good sex and see where it got her. Make that amazing sex, but

that still didn‟t account for all of the confusion she was feeling. Knowing that Grant was

a good man was one thing. Falling in love with him after their limited interaction and

some sex was quite another. Celeste had always been one to follow to her heart into

whatever craziness it led her to, but this leap of faith would definitely take the cake.

Grant chose that moment to leverage himself up on his arms and brush the sweetest of


Sexting the Limits

kisses across her mouth, apparently completely unaware of the serious issues she was


“Hey,” he whispered softly.

“Hey, yourself.”

Grant narrowed his eyes. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

“No, not at all.” Alarmed that he‟d think such a thing, Celeste leaned up and gave

him a gentle kiss full of all the satisfaction and longing she felt. “You did the absolute

opposite of hurt me, actually.”

Grant grinned at her before rolling to his back and pulling her snugly against his

side. She laid her head over his thumping heart and waited for him to admit the truth.

All she got, however, was a loud yawn in her ear.

“I am completely beat. I‟d love to give you round two but that might have to wait

until I‟ve gotten some rest.”

“Well, I‟m sorry to have kept you up.” A little bit miffed, Celeste heard her voice

come out prissy and wished she could change the tone.

Grant chuckled. “I hope „sorry‟ is the last word you‟d use to describe me. I‟ve been

really busy lately and had a lot on my mind.” He hugged her closer and put a hand to

her head. “Stay. Sleep.” Celeste snuggled into his chest and placed a kiss above his

heart. Apparently he wouldn‟t be telling any of his secrets tonight.

In a matter of minutes, she could tell that Grant was asleep by the steady rise and

fall of his chest. She, on the other hand, was doomed to spend the night staring at the

ceiling. She‟d purposely tried to keep him from telling her about his recent subterfuge

but maybe that hadn‟t been the best plan she‟d ever had. In her quest to make him feel a

little bit guilty about his lies, it hadn‟t occurred to her that he may never have been

planning to tell her the truth.

Uncertainty gripped her. Maybe she‟d been wrong to distract him with sex earlier.

Sure, she‟d gotten a kind of revenge, but only if he‟d really been planning on telling her


Remy Richard

the truth before they made love. After all, it was only by one careless slip that she even

knew that he was her mystery man. Maybe he had been planning on keeping the secret

indefinitely. Maybe he just thought of her as someone to have a good time with in bed

and not actual girlfriend material.

Maybe he didn‟t think of her at all.

Celeste shook her head, causing Grant to mumble and twitch in his sleep. She

refused to believe that she could have been so wrong about him. In the morning she‟d

get to the bottom of what was going on here. But that didn‟t mean that she wouldn‟t

spend the rest of the night waiting for morning. And worrying.


Sexting the Limits

Chapter Six

Grant woke up to way too much sun falling on his face and a heavy weight lying on

his arm. With the care of a man who had been a bartender for a long time and woken

up with his fair share of surprises in his younger years, he slowly opened one eye to see

what—or who—was immobilizing him. The morning took a distinct turn for the better

when he realized that none other than the beautiful, sexy, sweet Celeste was in his bed.

The night before came back to him in startling clarity. Every sound, every taste, every

inch of her skin under his hands. But he had also dreamed of her in that exact situation

more times than he could count, so it was hard to be sure that it had been real life. The

sight of her in the morning sun was more beautiful than he could ever have dreamed

she‟d be, though, so he knew it was reality.

A reality in which he still hadn‟t told her that he was her mystery man. Although he

hoped that it wasn‟t that much of a mystery anymore. The two of them together talking,

laughing and making love had been more than his imagination could have conjured up.

He hoped there was no way Celeste thought she could share such a connection with

two men. He knew he‟d never have it with any other woman. Everything he had done

before faded in comparison. Was it possible that Celeste didn‟t feel the same way?

Maybe she was perfectly happy to view their sexual compatibility the night before as a

good time and leave it at that. Maybe she didn‟t want Grant at all. Maybe she planned

on thanking him for dinner and her orgasms and then tripping off to find out who her

mystery man was. Grant‟s heart seized up. What if she wasn‟t happy at all to hear that

he was her mystery man?

Suddenly making love to her before telling her seemed like even more of a bad idea

than it had the night before. He had tried to tell her but it seemed like every time he had

opened his mouth, she had been there with some sort of sexual move that ripped every


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thought right out of his head. Had he been able to tell her the night before, he hoped

that she‟d have been pleasantly surprised and enthusiastic. A little bit mad at being

duped, perhaps, but nothing he couldn‟t fix with some sincere apologies and fantastic

sex. Now he had nothing new in his arsenal except for the apologies. Although it had

never been his intention, the whole plan could seem less like a seduction and more like

he had taken terrible advantage.

Grant blew out a large breath of air he hadn‟t even realized he was holding.

Unfortunately, it jostled Celeste‟s head where it lay on his arm and she began to slowly

awaken. She stretched and then her eyelids fluttered. He waited for recognition to enter

her eyes, waited for her first reaction when she realized where she had spent the night.

Gratifyingly, she turned to him with a sleepy smile that showed no remorse.

“Good morning, handsome.”

“Good morning yourself, beautiful.” He stroked her hair and drew her close for the

first kiss of the day. He blocked out the voice in his head that said it may also be the last

kiss of the day if she took his news badly. He gave her a deep, wet, sexual kiss that said

all the things he wasn‟t sure if he should reveal to her yet.
I want you. I need you. I’m


“Mmmm, now that‟s quite a way to wake up.” He pulled her head down to his

shoulder and snuggled her close, content to be silent and hold her for a little while in

anticipation of the storm to come. If she was going to leave this morning then he

wanted at least this to remember. He wanted to stretch out this time as far as possible.

He was about to suggest breakfast when she yawned deeply. He raised an eyebrow.

“Still tired?”

She gave a sleepy nod and Grant realized for the first time that as beautiful as she

looked to him, she also looked absolutely beat. Her eyes were red and delicate gray

shadows lined them. He didn‟t realize that they had been awake that late. “I‟m sorry I

kept you up all night.”

Celeste waved a hand. “Oh, you didn‟t.”


Sexting the Limits

Grant began to tickle her. “What was that? I think it was an insult to my manly


She giggled and tried to squirm away from him, causing some interesting reactions

below the beltline for him. “Stop, stop! I give up. You were wonderful. A king among

men. The very best of lovers.”

He gave her bottom a smack and then settled her where he could see her face. “Oh

yeah? Well, then right back at you.”

Celeste smiled at him and it took his breath away. He cleared his throat trying to

get back on track. “So if my awesome skills didn‟t wear you out, what did?”

Her smile dimmed and she looked away. “I‟ve had a long week. Not much sleep

and then I couldn‟t sleep last night.”

Grant tenderly cupped her face with his big hand. “You should have woken me up,


“I had a lot to think about. You didn‟t need to be awake for that.”

Grant searched her eyes and realized that it was time to put up or shut up. If she

was lying awake nights fantasizing about her mystery lover minutes after he had

fucked her silly then he really had no chance. And if she was going to get angry and

leave, it was better that she do it now rather than waiting until he was all the way head

over heels in love with her.

“Celeste, there‟s something I need to tell you.”

She raised her eyebrows and waited, her face impassive.

“I don‟t know how to say this, so I‟m just going to come out with it. I‟m—”

“You‟re married, aren‟t you?”

Celeste surprised him with her accusation. “What? No! How could you think that?”

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