See How She Awakens (2 page)

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Authors: MIchelle Graves

BOOK: See How She Awakens
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The horror of the moment shifted, becoming reality.  Agony lanced through me, igniting every nerve in its trajectory, culminating in a fire that scorched everything daring to stand in its path.

My soul still felt the echoes of that fire as it burned away all that was left of my humanity. What was I?


That voice shouldn

t be here. She should be safe with Ian. No, it was another lie; the echoes trying to trick me. They had to be pushed back. No more! I couldn

t survive the torment. I wanted to be alone, to rest in my isolation.

You are not REAL!

I shouted, throwing all of my energy into the dense fog. A shockwave pulsed outward, pushing back all that would threaten to harm me or take me away from him. He was my solace. At least in the void we could still be together.

You know that can

t be,


s disembodied voice whispered.

Why? You are here now. That is enough.

Would you live the rest of eternity in this place while those you love suffer?

The determination and sorrow in his voice pulled at me, begging me to act.

His words were a lie. I

d taken the demon with me, absorbed every ounce of darkness into myself.  It writhed inside of me, seeking a way out.  If I stayed here, everyone was safe. 

I won

t leave.

A promise I intended to keep.

Darkness is on the rise.

The world will burn.

Act now, or all is lost.

The blackened figures pressed through my barrier, calling out to me. Blood trails cascaded from every orifice. They were so familiar, the faces of those I

d left behind. But they were all safe; I

d taken the darkness. I

d made them safe. Now I could rest.

Think, Izzy! REMEMBER!


s voice shouted over the figures.

All I remember is you, and you are gone.

Again I pressed outward, shoving the figures back for a time. They would come again; they always did.






s strained voice pleaded through the fog, sounding further away than ever before. 

Please. Allow. Me. To. Help.

Each word was a clipped strain as he pressed against the barrier I

d created to protect myself.  He would not reach me. 

The part of his soul that resided within me churned, begging to be reunited with its other half. That would never happen. He

d lied to me, betrayed my trust. 


my shout sent a rush of energy that reverberated against the barrier. I could feel him slip further away, and suddenly, I felt very alone.

Darkness is on the rise.

More will come.

The world will burn.

Madness had begun to sneak in; slowly at first, but it came all the same.  What was real?  Were these voices from now?  Or were they just sent to torment me?  Was I in hell?  Had the demon drug me down with him? 

Izzy, don

t stay here! You must leave before it is too late.


s voice again. I must be going mad; he was gone. No more would we be together.

But if it was only madness, wasn

t there a sense of joy to be gained? No more would I feel the weight of the world upon my shoulders. I

d fulfilled the prophecy; I

d fallen. What more could I do?

Remember, Izzy! You need to remember! Molly is going to die if you don



s anger rose around me, turning the fog a deep crimson.

Molly is safe in Chicago.

Simple. I

d made sure of it.

No, she has been trying to reach you. Izzy, what must I do to make you understand? If you stay, everything will be lost.

Why can

t Uriel do it? Or one of the Old Ones? I did what was asked! I fell, taking you with me in the process.

Izzy, no more. I

m gone. You can

t remain here. How can I make you understand? I was sent here to help you, but it seems I can



s frustration rubbed against my frayed nerves, causing me to sink into myself. 

As the feelings began to fade, the tide of the void swept against me, sending me back to the start. Why do I feel so lost? The void was supposed to be my sanctuary, a respite from the world I

d lost, but the voices leave me alone. Kennan won

t leave me alone. He wasn

t real. He died. Don

t forget, he

s gone. Forever.


I screamed to the fog, praying the voices would fade. I longed for nothing more than to forget. I was alone; that was enough.

Izzy, you can

t remain here. They need you. You must return. You promised me, Izzy. You promised you would live.


s voice bounced through the fog, heading straight for my soul.

You promised we would have our forever!

My throat felt tight as his voice brought forth all I was trying to forget. My other half

my future

was gone.

I did what was necessary to protect you. Don

t let that be for nothing,


s voice admonished.

Now live, damn it!

Why would I ever leave when I have you here with me? If I go, I will lose you forever,

I reasoned, my voice barely above a whisper.

The world will burn,

a voice called from the fog. I knew they were coming; it always started the same. I

d given all, and still it wasn

t enough.

Darkness will prevail.

Act now or all is lost.

You aren

t real!

Sparks ruptured from my center, sending a blinding light outward. I could keep them at bay. Nothing would ever touch me again.


A strained voice pressed against my barriers, summoning something in my soul. There was comfort in that voice. Familiarity. A home. No, my home was gone. He

d died. This was the betrayer, the one who

d let my home slip from my fingers.

Listen to him, Izzy. Let him in,

Kennan pleaded.

I won

t lose you, Kennan.

If you stay, you will lose yourself. This is not where you are called to be. Why can

t you see that?


s voice pleaded.

Whispers echoed through the fog, another familiar voice. A message.

Love and sacrifice.

The voice of my home. No, not my home, the other one. The one my soul called to. The stranger in the fog. The memory from long ago.



s whisper cut through me, more plea than denial.


s not ready.

It. Must. Be.

The other one, the one who made me this way, called.

Izzy, I must go, and so should you. I can

t remain here. If I do, you will be lost forever.


s sadness ripped through me; pain seared a path straight to my center.

You aren

t real. You are a phantom, but a phantom is better than nothing. I will stay.

No matter the other voices that hounded me, I would stay for him.

And that is why I must go. My heart will be forever
yours.  Take it and live, Red.

His voice faded and with it he was gone.


I shouted, feeling the loss of him more powerfully than I would if he were a phantom.

NO! He was real. He was here.

The fire began to writhe inside of me, the darkness rolling in waves deep in the pit of my stomach.

No, he can

t be gone. He can

t. No. No. No.

Panic raced through me as the darkness cascaded around me. The fog churned into midnight as the figures promising death and destruction moved ever closer.


A whisper, a plea before all was black.




Floating, why was I floating? Consciousness slowly trickled in, thrusting me once more into my misery. Where was I? This wasn

t the void. Was I in the dreaming?


a pained voice whispered. With the voice came the realization I wasn

t alone, but cradled in strong arms, moving, but where?

Izzy, I beg of you, speak. Are you well?

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