Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series) (11 page)

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“Baby, let’s think about this.”

Kelly laughed. “Ana your boyfriend is scared of you. My guess is you have a great poker face after all.”

“If big brother wants to opt out, let him,” Manuel interjected. “At least that way I’ll have a better chance of winning.”

“In your dreams,” he told Manuel. “Deal, Kelly. And don’t say I didn’t warn you baby.” Gabe grabbed her head and kissed her long and deep.

“Whooo hooo,” Kelly shouted.

“What was that for?”

“Luck,” Gabe told her.

Ana grinned. “Well, thanks. Not that I need it anyway.”

“You two going to play cards any time soon, or just squabble the night away?” Nate asked them.

“Playing,” Ana said. “I just need to get some wine. I do my best poker face
with red wine.” Ana came back with two glasses and a bottle of red wine. “If anyone wants to switch from beer to wine, you are welcome to join us.”

A little while later,
Kelly laughed at the dismal faces in front of her. “Why the long faces boys?”

“Baby, a dealer should be impartial.”

Manuel guffawed. “It’s useless, Ana is obviously winning.”

“For the record, I think there was some cheating going on,” Nate grumbled as he threw his cards down.

“Sore loser.”

Gabe cleared his throat. “I hate to agree with Nate, but there is no way you could have won.”

“You too Gabe. Sore loser.” Ana rose and grabbed the huge pile of chips in the center of the table. 

“We accept checks, if anyone wants to pay up now,” Kelly told them as she helped Ana count the chips.

Nate pushed his remaining two chips away. “Rematch.”

“We can have one in Vegas,” Ana told him. “Remember our trip is in two days.”

Nate nodded.

“Yeah, but for today, you need to pay up.”

“Vegas?” Manuel asked. “Can I join you? It’s been a while.”

“Well, it’s a day trip. Just for business. But if no one objects, I don’t see why not,” Ana
told him. “Infact, Kelly why don’t you come too. You know Massimo would love to see you.”

“Who the fuck is Massimo? I swear you two are giving me whiplash with the number of su
rprises you keep throwing.” Rafe looked at Kelly with heat and jealousy.

Ana smiled and knew if Stefano were here, he would have milked the opportunity to t
ease Rafe. “The guy we are meeting,” Ana answered him. “My client.”

“Should I be concerned, Kelly?”

Kelly leaned towards his ear, “Always.” Before she could straighten up, she found herself in a fireman’s carry.

She heard Rafe say ‘Goodnight’ to his brothers as she yelped in surprise.

Ana laughed at Kelly’s dilemma. “We could go tomorrow,” she shouted as they retreated.

Gabe agreed. “It’s not a bad idea. We could leave after lunch.”

Ana gaped at him. “You want to come?” This was news. And when had he made that decision? Could it have something to do with Massimo’s name? Was he jealous? Did he think there was something going on with Massimo? Ana needed to know the answers to those questions and intended asking them as soon as they had somewhere private to talk.

Ana found herself in a fireman’s carry too. “Gabe, put me down.”

He ignored her and told his brother’s they would talk in the morning, then walked with purpose towards her bedroom.

Ana bounced on the bed. “Gabe, that was rude.” She scrambled to the edge. “Are you listening to me?”

Gabe ignored her but watched her intently. He took off the last piece of clothing, his boxer briefs. “That was sexy. The way you won that poker game,” he told her. “I’m not sure how you did it, but you and Kelly make quite the cheating pair.”

Ana laughed. “We didn’t cheat.”
She rolled her eyes at him.

abe grabbed her legs and lifted her butt as he dragged her jeans down her legs. “Yeah, right.” He pulled her thong off, almost tearing it in his haste. “You’ve already won, so no need to be coy about it.” Her t-shirt quickly followed and as soon as her breasts were free, he latched on and groaned. “Very sexy.” He crawled to the middle of the bed and lay her right in the center, then covered her body with his.


“Open wide, baby,” he said as he brought his cock to her entrance. “Don’t move,” he warned her. Gabe teased her opening as he held his cock in one hand and moved it, spreading her juices around. “Ana,” he groaned when she lifted herself up and his tip slid in. Gabe held her knees and pulled her legs wide apart, then moved his cock back to her entrance.

Ana groaned in delight but gave a sigh of frustration when she realized she couldn’t move. “Please Gabe. I need you,” she whimpered.

“You’re not ready yet,” he told her.

She was wet, how much more ready could she be? Ana tried to lift her butt, but the tight hold Gabe had on her knees was impossible to break. Each swipe of his cock was torture and more torture. If her hands could reach him, she would grab his cock and shove it into her pussy. “Ah,” she cried out when he suddenly slammed hard into her. It was too much too soon.
“Gabe. I can’t…Oh…Oh….Oh.” She grabbed his wrists and dug her short nails into his skin.

Gabe twisted and she lost the battle. Her orgasm rolled continuously as Gabe kept
ramming into her like a bull. Was this even possible? How many orgasms could a person have before it was termed as abnormal? How could she ever be with someone else who didn’t match up to the numerous orgasms that she was now used to?

She lost the battle to think coherently and surrendered to the immense feelings moving throughout her body. Intense and exhilerating didn’t begin to cover it. No part of her body was immune. From her toes right to the top of her head. Even the roots of her hair were entangled with sensations.

Ana felt Gabe tremble against her and then he shouted his release. Her thighs were on fire now that the excitement was over. She might have to take up Yoga. It had been a while since she had been to the gym. Not that the treadmill or bicycle would have helped. She gave an appreciative groan when she felt Gabe’s hands kneading her thighs.




Las Vegas was hot. Ana walked down the stairs
of the jet as she walked towards the waiting limo. She was glad she didn’t live here full time. At least it would be nice and cool once they reached the hotel. She got into the limo, seating next to Kelly and leaned her head against her friend’s.

The brothers had decided and agreed to leave early after all.
Even Evelyn had joined the party. She followed and sat to the other side of Ana. Today was supposed to be an afternoon of fun, then they would make other plans after Ana, Rafe and Nate’s meeting with Massimo the next day. Massimo had apologized that the penthouse suites had all been booked, but refused to let them pay for their own rooms either way. Even the limo was courtesy of Massimo.

Ana knew Gabe hadn’t been happy about accepting comps from Massimo. But he had bit his tongue and accepted. Ana had smiled when she had relayed t
he message earlier that morning, and hadn’t been surprised when he had put his foot down on the use of his own jet. Boys and their toys, Ana had thought.

They were shown to their suites as soon as they arrived. Massimo was there to personally welcome them. He took both Ana and Kelly in a bear hug.”
Ah, the boyfriend,” he said shaking Gabe’s hand. “You broke my girl’s heart the last time she was here. Don’t do it again,” he warned him and gave Gabe’s hand a little extra squeeze.

Then he turned to
Kelly. “This one yours Kelly?” he asked her shaking Rafe’s hand. He laughed at the shy look on Kelly’s face. “I see by the possessive look.”

“And who is this beautiful lady,” he said turning to Evelyn and kissing her European style.

Ana replied, telling him it was Evelyn, the sister to all the four men with them today. Then he turned and shook Manuel and Nate’s hands.

“What happened to that young fella you came with last time?”
he asked, remembering her last trip with Stefano.

Ana told him that Stefano was back in London, but would be coming back next week to settle in the US, for as long as the modeling job lasted. Ana hoped he would be able to get a visa
that lasted for at the least two years. And better yet, hopefully his company would help him to end up applying for residency. But best would be if things worked out with Manuel, they could get married and Stefano would stay for good.

“This is pretty impressive,” Gabe said coming to stand behind her. They had separated from the rest of the groups as everyone went to their suite. Massimo had really gone out and
put them in his high end villas.

She and Gabe
were sharing a two bedroom, five bathroom villa with Kelly and Rafe; while Nate, Manuel and Evelyn shared a three bedroom, seven bathroom villa. Why the many bathrooms, Ana couldn’t fathom. But beauty was beauty, and this seriously needed to be appreciated.

“Yes, it is,” she re
plied gazing at the green and lush gardens outside. You wouldn’t think you were in the middle of a desert with all the greenery surrounding the villas. They were in their living room. It was bigger than most houses Ana had been in, and seen. This thing was humongous. She had thought she had seen large suites each time she had been to Las Vegas, but this villa really put most to shame. How does one stay in a regular room after sampling such luxury?

Ana walked around with Kelly beside her looking into every room and wond
ering if they could extend their stay. Sadly Kelly needed to get back to work in two days, so that was not likely. Ana was just glad that this time she had managed to get more than two days off. It was rare, but from time to time sometimes they got several days off. Most of the interns usually took long out of town trips. And it had worked perfectly that the Las Vegas trip had coincided with Kelly’s time off.

“Massimo has never shown us this side of the hotel. This is pretty impressive,” Kelly said. “A kitchen? I’m not sure if we will have time to cook.”

Ana agreed. “I’m betting he keeps these for his highest of the high rollers.”

“The highest, by the looks of this place,” Kelly said pulling Ana into one of the bedrooms. “This is ours,” she said as she saw hers and Rafe’s bags.

“Look at the size of this bathroom? And it comes with a sauna too. We should indulge.”

“We have twenty four hours at most, so how do you intend for us to do that, Ana?”

Ana looked at her friend. “I don’t know. Be creative Kelly. One thing I know for certain is we may never get this chance again, so we better make hay while the sun shines,” she told her. “There is no way I want to go back to New York and keep hitting myself about this missed opportunity.”

She took Kelly’s hand and they went to the second bedroom which was identical to the first.
They left the bedroom and went outside, ignoring the heat they walked to the edge of the pool. “A night swim would be good, don’t you think?”

“I can see the benefit to that,” Kelly agreed.

They turned and went back when they heard Gabe calling them. With the promise to meet in the living room in half an hour, Ana and Gabe went to their bedroom while Rafe took Kelly to theirs.

Ana couldn’t wait to do the helicopter tour. It was both frightening and exhilarating at the same time. She had been to Vegas many times but had refused to pay the ridiculous fees of two hundred dollars plus fees.

They were catching the sunset tour and Ana had been floored to see the price of almost five hundred dollars. Who pays that fee? Clearly the Boyd and Sullivan brothers did. Ana, Kelly and Evelyn were just there for the ride.

When offered, she couldn’t refuse. Another regret she refused to have after she returned to New York. This was going to be a trip to remember. Little did she know just how right her words were.

What Ana didn’t know was that Gabe had arranged a hot air balloon ride before the air tour. She almost died of happiness as she stepped into the basket. She just prayed that the ballon didn’t fall in between the cracks of the Grand Canyon.

She wet her finger and tried to check for the wind speed. Due to lack of experience she couldn’t tell if the wind was strong enough to take their balloon away. She just knew that if it happened, then t
hat would be a horrible death.

She held Kelly’s hand and leaned against Gabe looking over the ground as the ball
oon rose higher and higher into the sky. They were even served champagne which Ana didn’t really care for, but hey it was free so why not? Maybe not free, but part of the fee paid for the ride.

When they reached the highest altitude the ballo
on would go, their guide stopped his monologue and let them appreciate the surrounding. Gabe turned her around and kissed her, so unexpectedly she almost lost her footing.

He let her go then dropped on one knee. “Ana, baby, please marry me?” he asked and held out an open box to her.

Kelly cried in shock, and quickly clamped her lips shut, while Ana stood there stunned.


“Gabe,” she breathed. “Wow, it’s beautiful,” she said admiring the ring sitting nestled in the soft cushion. She slowly extended her hand and picked up the ring, then slipped it onto her ring finger. It glinted and shone as it caught the hot rays of the sun.

“Is that a yes?” he asked uncertainly.

“Ana, please you are keeping me in suspense,” Kelly hissed.

Rafe snickered and covered her mouth with his hands.

“Yes, Gabe. It’s a yes,” she said with tears in her eyes.

He rose and kissed her eyelids, then took her lips in a long and hot kiss that had the ballo
on occupants whistling and clapping Gabe on the shoulders. He finally let her go and she was suddenly in one brother’s arms after another as each kissed her, congratulating her on the engagement.

Kelly squeezed her wrist as she grappled to see the ring on her finger. “It’s outstanding, Ana. I’ve never seen a more beautiful ring. I’m so happy for you.” Kelly hugged her in happiness and took a while before she released her.

“Thanks Kels. I never saw this coming, but I couldn’t be any happier.”

Evelyn was the last to congratulate her. She hugged her real tight and told her how happy she was to officially have a sister.

“Thanks, Evelyn. I’m happy to have you as a sister too.”

Another bottle of champagne was opened and flutes
were once again filled with the bubbly. On the ride back down, the girls admired Ana’s ring and talked about wedding plans. Evelyn promised she knew just the right wedding planner for her. Kelly said how she wanted to start shopping for the right dress. Ana told them she couldn’t think about all that now, she was still reeling from the whole proposal.

Needless to say, the helicopter ride breezed through with Ana seeing half of the sights, and the other half didn’t even register.
After the helicopter tour they went back to their villas and prepared for dinner and a night of entertainment.

Ana was now glad that she had agreed to Kelly’s suggestion and carried two dresses to choose from. Both were beautiful, but she went for the midnight b
lue sparkly dress. It was short, flirty and fun. But most of all, would make Gabe go crazy. She smiled thinking of how the night would end.

She was the last to meet
everyone in the living room. Kelly had just been about to come help her. She too was looking simply fabulous in her mini silver dress. Ana could already see that Rafe had a problem with the dress. It hugged her curves to perfection and Ana had no doubt heads would be turning when they went dancing. Both male and female.

It was packed when they walked into the club later after dinner. Las Vegas definitely knew how to party. Evelyn, in her rust colored dress was drawing lots of male eyes. They had all worn short dresses that showed off their legs. The impossibly high heels Kelly liked and had
forced Ana to bring helped accentuate them. It was interesting to see the brothers give the evil eye to anyone who dared look at either one of the girls.

Before they could react, Evelyn had dragged Ana and Kelly to the dance floor. Ana wobbled then quickly righted herself when Evelyn let her go. Phew, she really needed to make sure she was careful otherwise she could easily fall flat on her face. And who knew what the dress would reveal. At least tonight she was wearing panties.

After three straight songs, Ana needed a drink. She went back to their table and wasn’t surprised to find Jimmy escorting her back. She hadn’t even seen him until he grabbed her elbow and made way for her to walk in between the bodies. She slipped in next to Gabe and a waitress materialized out of nowhere. Ana ordered her drink which was served so quickly she wondered how the waitress even had made the time to put in her order and have her drink mixed that quickly.

sipped her drink and leaned into Gabe.

“Hi, baby,” he whispered and kissed her forehead.
“I love you, you know that?”

Ana smiled at him. “I do. And I love you too.”

“I hope you won’t make me wait too long before you make an honest man out of me.”

She laughed. “I’ll try. I’ll need to call my parents tomorrow.”

Gabe groaned and pulled her head closer, kissing her softly until she sighed and opened her mouth wider for him. “Gabe…”

“We can make a short stop in Dallas if you want to surprise your parents,” he told her.

Ana looked at him in surprise. “Are you sure?”

“That’s the beauty of traveling in a private jet. We make our own time and stops.”

She hugged him in excitement. “Sure, if the others won’t mind. It would save me a trip back to Dallas.”

“Anything for you baby. There’s not much I can deny you, you should know that.”

“How about a dance?” she asked.


“You just said…”

“I know what I just said.” Gabe looked at her in exasperation and she had the gall to laugh in his face. “You’ll pay for that,” he told her and stood up to go dancing with her.

Ana went into his arms as the music changed. If Ana hadn’t used Gabe’s words against him, she would have thought that Gabe had pre-arranged the music. After three songs the deejay played two Pitbull songs back to back. Whoever said heels were meant for dancing lied. After that rigorous dance, Ana was happy enough to leave the dance floor. She wondered how women wore these shoes to work day in, day out. Who needed heels when you worked from home?

She was glad she worked from home. And even once she merged with the Sullivan brothers company, she
wouldn’t have to wear such insanely high heels. Although her dress code would definitely change, she would try to add more three inch heels to her wardrobe. Four was the maximum she was willing to go. But as long as she still made her quick get aways to meet her clients, flats or small wedges were the way to go.

They partied in the club until almost one in the morning, then Kelly declared it was time to go and do a little bit of gambling. Ana grinned. Yes
, her fingers were itching, and Massimo had promised her some play money.

Ana waved to Gabe as he left with his brothers. They had opted for the card tables while the three girls wanted to play a few slot machines and a little roulette first. They were ridiculed at their need to play the slot machines but they took it good naturedly and warned that some people had actually won thousands before on slot machines.

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