Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series)
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Ana looked out of the kitchen window overlooking the pool and knew swimming was out of the question. That would guarantee her a form of death from Gabe.
She was practically under house arrest. Now she understood why people under house arrest went to such great lengths to remove their ankle monitors.

She sighed and turned away then
decided to send him a text. It was worth a try, but with those boys still out there, she didn’t think so. Gabe refused to ‘overwhelm’ her with details of what he was planning to do, but had promised he would bring her into the fold at a later date. She suspected he was going to mess up with the dads’ company shares or something along those lines. Bring the company stock down or do some kind of hostile takeover.

              Hi. I need 2 go 2 my apt

              What 4?

              2 get some stuff. Won’t be long. Will take driver.

              Will come get u. Don’t go anywhere.


Ana sighed
and rolled her eyes, but decided to settle down until Gabe was back. A few minutes later Mrs. Jones came in carrying two shopping bags. When she refused Ana’s help she decided to wait for Gabe in his office. She powered up his computer and found good old Solitaire. She played a few rounds of that before she moved on to Minesweeper then finally settled on Chess.




Kelly had been living in some kind of dream land for the last several days. Since the day Rafe had kissed her senseless in the limo she had been walking as if in a daze. He had distanced himself a little after they had picked up Ana’s parents and brothers and she had assumed she had either imagined the whole thing or had just dreamt the whole experience.

But what a dream? It wasn’t until he literally claimed her in front
of his brothers that she realized it hadn’t been a dream, fantasy or imagination. It had been real.

Since then Rafe had not left her side except when she was at work a
nd when she had been sleeping. He had picked her up and dropped her off on most days. A couple of times when he had been stuck in meeting had he sent the driver to pick up or drop her off at the hospital.

The man could kiss and he had been doing a lot of kissing
, and with her as a very willing participant. Now she knew the true meaning of a kiss.

He had been the perfect gentleman so far, never
pressuring her, and generally treating her like a fragile doll. At first it had all been nice and sweet, but she was getting a bit frustrated and needed to get some action. She could see that he was holding himself back and so she was convinced he just needed a little help to break his control.
But what to do? Ana would know.

had added a little extra zing to their kiss which Ana had witnessed. This time she had taken control of the kiss and kissed him like he had never been kissed before. At first he had been shocked before his brain cells activated and he took over.

He had attacked her mouth like a man going to war and fondled her breasts like a teenager holding breasts for the first time.
Everytime he had squeezed them he had groaned deep in his throat and pulled her body closer to his while also pushing her more flush against the kitchen cabinet behind her and his body. In turn Kelly had moaned in his mouth and pulled his hair, frustrated at the lack of skin contact.

“Baby, you are going to be the death of me,” Rafe
had groaned and licked the edges of her mouth. “I can’t get enough of your sweet kisses. I need to lose myself in you before I go mad. I need you in my bed,” he had said growling at her.

had been so excited, had trembled in his arms but at a loss for words. She had rubbed herself against Rafe before he cried out and latched onto her lips again. If Ana hadn’t interrupted Kelly was sure that she would have allowed Rafe to take her right there in the kitchen. Now she understood how Ana had felt when Gabe had finger fucked her in their kitchen. The sensations were out of this world.

Thinking back she couldn’t remember if any of her previous
boyfriends had ever made her feel this way. Was it because Rafe was a more experienced lover? And if so what was she doing with him? What did he want from her that all the beautiful women in New York in his class couldn’t give him?

This was like
déjà vu. They had gone through the same scenario with Ana when Gabe had first pursued her. And what had Kelly told her friend? And now that she was the recipient she could see what her friend had been afraid of.

Did this mean that she now had to take her own suggestion? Take the plunge. Ride the wave. Enjoy the ride. Whoever said things were ‘easier said than done’ surely knew what they were talking about. But one thing Kelly knew was that her friend
, Ana would not allow her to back out. So she decided to follow her own advice after all and just enjoy the ride with Rafe and see where things landed. Hopefully when they broke up things wouldn’t be awkward with Ana and Gabe.

She had no doubt in her mind that those two were headed to the alter. That man was so hopelessly in love with her best friend. Knowing men, he probably was either fighting it or it hadn’t clicked yet. But she was confident that it was just a matter of time before Gabe wisened up and proposed to her. It would be nice to plan Ana’s wedding. Hopefully before the end of the year.

As she got out of the shower Kelly couldn’t help but go back to their kissing scenario in the kitchen. Rafe had been so frustrated. She giggled thinking about it. If he didn’t do something soon, she might just as well have to seduce him herself. But with the way he had kissed her this morning, she doubted that the man could last a few more days.

Good thing since she was getting a couple of days off soon. She would make the most of those
days. If only her off days coincided with the weekend, maybe then she could keep him in bed. Kelly had no doubt the sex would be phenomenal, and hoped it would make up for the unsatisfactory partner she had just dumped recently.

If all else failed, then she might just need to keep buying batteries for her vibrator.

Thinking about Brad soured her. He was acting all weird and trying to win her back. Unfortunately he was going all about it in the wrong way. With two major strikes against him, Kelly didn’t think she could even entertain the thought of being with him ever again.

There was nothing worse about being with someone that you feared would raise their hand and strike you at any time
that you displeased them. Maybe she had read him wrong, but Kelly tended to follow her instincts.

Not wanting to spend time thinking about Brad, she decided to think about Rafe instead. How her life had just changed in the last week. Maybe a few weeks back, but then she hadn’t
thought that Rafe had been interested in her at all. But according to him, he had felt as if he had been hit by a freight train when he first saw her at the club the first night they met. Unfortunately she had been with Brad, and had actually just started seeing him that night.

Kelly smiled thinking about how Rafe had said he had felt like tearing Brad away from her but had simmered down and since he knew Brad was all wrong for her,
had decided to bid his time. And when she had broken up with Brad, he had given her time to get over the relationship before making his move.

Kelly smiled and got in bed. She set her alarm
so she would be up in time to prepare for dinner with Rafe. She was planning on wearing a sexy dress. Wow him dead, was her motto for the night. Not literally. Then wear her scrubs once she got to work. As soon as her head hit the pillow she was fast alseep.


Ana didn’t hear Gabe come in. So intense was her concentration on the chess game. Gabe called her name twice, but she didn’t hear him. Amused he came to stand behind her shoulder to find out what had her so gripped. He decided to wait her out, but soon realized it could be hours before either the game ended or she became aware of his presence. He lowered his head until his mouth reached her neck. He gave her a trail of wet kisses until her focus shifted from the chess game to him.

“Hi. When did you get here?” she ask
ed turning the chair around.

“A little while ago.” He kissed the other side of her neck. “You were so engrossed in chess, an earthquake could have hit and you wouldn’t have noticed.”

“That bad?” she asked smiling.

“Yes.” He tilted her head for a mouth to mouth kiss. It was hot
- it was intense - it was desperate and most of all - it was full of passion. Ana opened her mouth giving him access and he took her mouth on a wild ride. When they came up for air, Ana’s eyes reeled back before she could focus. “Let’s go,” he whispered against her lips.

Dazed, Ana accepted Gabe’s hand and they left his penthouse.
They arrived at her apartment in a short time. She packed up her laptop and retrieved the two games she wanted to give to Rafe and Manuel. She had already wrapped them in gift wrap and now just needed to give them the next time they were at the penthouse. She wasn’t sure if they were all coming again tonight, since it was a Friday, or they might have Friday night plans. Besides they had clubs to run too.

She also took the ones she had already packaged for her brothers. She just needed to drop them off at a FedEx dropbox.
Or she might just schedule a pick up instead.

“What’s this?” Gabe asked her pointing to the two wrapped boxes.

“Birthday gifts.”

“I can see that, but for who?”

Ana smiled at him then asked, “Can you keep a secret?”

” he answered with a grin.

“For Rafe and Manuel. And those in the FedEx packing are for my brothers.”

Gabe was puzzled. “Rafe & Manuel’s birthdays are months away.”

“I know, but the game,
I Love Summer 2.0 will be out next week.”

“Really? Congratulations baby. We should celebrate.” He
pulled her close and leaned in for a kiss. “When did you want to give them?”

“Tonight, if they are coming
,” she said. “Can you bring down that suitcase?” Ana twisted around the closet looking for casual clothes to wear. Most of the clothes at Gabe’s penthouse were party and smart casual. She needed more indoor clothes since she was on ‘house arrest’.

“Yes, they are. Even if they weren’t coming, I could just make up something,” he replied as he got hold of the empty suitcase and placed it on the bed.

“Don’t they have nightclubs to run?”

Gabe snickered.
“They have a very capable manager who is pretty glad they are absent right now. He owes me big time for keeping my brothers away.”

“Don’t your brother
s think he can do the job or something?” Ana was pulling clothes and handing them to Gabe who was placing them neatly in the suitcase.

He shook his head.
“No, they are just used to being hands on people and it’s hard for them to let go.”

“Okay, I’m done here.” Ana had packed a week’s worth of clothes and two extra pairs of boots. Hopefully soon she would be able to come back and start on her work. In the meantime she would use her laptop and work on small projects. Any
new major issues, she could direct to Damien until she was back on her feet. And maybe Mark and Matt would come through soon. They had promised they would have something for her within a week. This was probably the best opportunity to tell Gabe. “I have another secret, if you can keep it.”

Chuckling he said, “
Aren’t you full of secrets today, but sure, what is it.”

“I have decided to merge with Nate and Rafe.
With Sullivan & Sullivan.”

“What? Why?” he stopped the packing he had been doing. Re-arranging the clothes in the suitcase.

“You think it’s a bad idea?” she asked instead of answering his two questions.

“No, I think it’s a great idea
,” he said sitting her down on the bed. “But what made you change your mind?”

“After I sat down and talked to them the other day, I started leaning more and more towards their proposal. With some minor changes and additions of
course. But the whole subway fiasco was the last nail on the head.” Ana went on to explain like she had explained to her brothers and told him they were drawing up an initial agreement and when it was ready would take it to Nate and Rafe.

“Well you
certainly are full of surprises today?” he said smiling at her. “I know it’s premature, but it’s another reason to celebrate. How about I take you out to lunch?”

“I’d like that. I’ve been couped up too long.”

“I noticed you’ve been getting house fever. Come here. I need to feast on your mouth before we go.” And he proceeded to do just that. Ana stood in front of him while he sat on the bed. It was a while before they left Ana’s apartment. Her lips were plump and swollen from his kisses. Her body was on fire, needing fulfillment that he couldn’t, no, wouldn’t give her just yet.

He refused to do anything other than kissing saying he would probably lose his head and end up deep into her cunt, needing to release the sperm that was hurting his balls right now.
She snickered as she palmed his tight balls.

He took her to some restaurant hidden within Chinatown. They were served endless dishes of little bowls of different items. She knew she wouldn’t remember what they were eating, so she just sampled everything. A few she didn’t like and made a face. Gabe laughed and told her it was an acquired taste for some of the dishes.

After lunch, they walked along the street for a while, just enjoying the warm weather, and looking at some of the goods on sale. By the time Gabe took Ana home, she was pleasantly tired. It had felt good to walk and she had missed it.

They got back to the penthouse just in time to meet Rafe picking up Kelly for dinner. She was wearing a killer
navy dress and was holding a small shoulder bag with her scrubs and tennis shoes for work. Rafe was clearly smitten and couldn’t take his eyes off Kelly.

“He looks ready to eat you for dinner,” Ana whispered in Kelly’s ear.

She laughed and hugged Ana. “Thanks. If I didn’t have to go to work, I would have hoped to have been dessert.”

“Oh my!” Ana whispered back as she hugged her friend back.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Kelly said as she accepted the light coat Rafe held out to her.

laughed at something Rafe said, then took Ana’s suitcase to the closet before coming to join her on the couch. He gave her a foot massage and before long Ana was moaning. Her feet felt so good but Gabe was also hitting some spots that were making some other body parts ache with need. “If you keep that up, I may just have to jump your bones, physical activities be damned,” she told him. “Ummmm. Do that again,” she said with a moan.

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