Until Midnight

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Authors: Desiree Holt,Cerise DeLand

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Until Midnight

Desiree Holt
& Cerise DeLand

Book 2 in the Nemesis series.

She’s a strong woman who runs her own high-profile security and protection

agency. He’s a burned-out agent with Mossad, on a personal crusade. But when Adam

Molloy saves Nicole Welles’ life at a Mexican resort, circumstances bind them together.

Not to mention an instant chemistry so hot it rivals the Mexican sun. One predatory kiss and Nicki’s body melts. They may be after drug dealers and killers, but there’s plenty of time for powerful orgasms and inventive erotic activities.

It’s soon evident that her would-be killer and Adam’s crusade intersect. The chase takes them from the Yucatan Peninsula to Washington, D.C., to a private island in the Bahamas. And the sex takes them to a new level of physical pleasure. As they scramble to escape danger and catch the killers before they strike again, the couple is determined to also make their pleasure last until midnight and beyond—and many midnights


Ellora’s Cave Publishing


Until Midnight

ISBN 9781419932441


Until Midnight Copyright © 2011 Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

Edited by Helen Woodall

Cover art by Syneca

Electronic book publication February 2011

The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand


To the men in our lives, past and present, who inspire mystery, desire and love.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the

following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Beretta: Fabbrica D’Armi P. Beretta S.P.A.

Glock: Glock, Inc.

Humvee: AM General Corporation

Interpol: International Criminal Police Organization Interpol Association

Israeli Desert Eagle: Magnum Research, Inc.

Johnnie Walker: Diageo US VI

Keds: SR Holdings Inc.

LaRue: LaRue Tactical Co.

Lear: Learjet Inc.

NSA: National Security Agency

PayPal: PayPal, Inc.

Ray-Ban: Luxottica Group S.P.A.

Spode: Porcelain and Fine China Companies Limited

Willard InterContinental Hotel: InterContinental Resorts and Hotels Inc.

World Bank: The World Bank Group

Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

Chapter One

Nicole Welles drew in a deep breath, inhaling the salt-scented air and listening to the rhythmic lap of ocean waves against the sand. She consciously forced every muscle in her body to relax.

The last two weeks had been a bitch. Financially rewarding but no less than a trip to hell deserved. Nemesis had been contracted by Macmillan Global to retrieve their boss who had been kidnapped by one of the largest drug cartels and held for ransom. Since this particular cartel was known for returning their hostages more dead than alive, Macmillan wanted the boss out
right now.

They’d done it. She’d led the team herself. There had been some bloodshed but

fortunately not on their side. Now she was trying to decompress in a bungalow at a very private, very exclusive resort on the beach in tiny Costalegre near Puerto Vallarta.

She was thinking about heading back to the villa for a shower and turned over to

fish her watch out of her beachbag when a heavy
! sounded behind her.

Instinctively her brain registered what it was and she rolled off the lounge onto the sand, grabbing for her beachbag where her 9mm was stashed. When she lifted her eyes to see what was happening they were met by a pair of very tanned legs dusted with

dark hair.

“I have a gun,” she said, pointing it upward.

“So do I.” The voice was deep and almost gravelly. “Fucking lot of good yours

would do you if I planned to kill you. You’d already be toast.”

Keeping a two-handed grip on the gun, she rolled lithely to her knees and then to

her feet. Inches away from her stood what she could only think of as a man who was menacingly sexy. And tall. Much taller than she was, which was a trick since she was 6

Until Midnight

five ten. Shaggy black hair framed a face defined by deep grooves in the cheeks, a square jaw and startling blue eyes beneath heavy brows and thick lashes.

Dressed in a loose shirt and shorts, every bit of his muscular body she could see

was deeply tanned. And the gun he was holding was even bigger than hers. An Israeli Desert Eagle, one she was very familiar with.

“Who are you?” she demanded.

“The man who just saved your life.” His voice was deep and hoarse as if he’d been

shouting for a long time. “Who are you?”

“What do you mean, saved my life?”

He looked up and down the private stretch of beach, empty except for the two of

them. As far as Nicki knew, only three of the resort’s bungalows were occupied at the moment.

“Put away your gun and I’ll show you.”

Put away the gun? She stared at him for a long moment, something weird sizzling

between them, then lowered the 9mm to her side.

“That’s as put away as it’s going to get until I know what’s going on around here.”

“Come on.”

He, too, lowered his gun and closed steel fingers around her wrist, tugging her

toward the thick groves of palm and coconut trees bordering the beach. Carefully

pulling back a prickly bougainvillea he pointed at a body shoved against the roots of the shrub.

Nicki stared. “Who’s that?”

“Since it’s you he was trying to kill, I thought perhaps that was a question you

could answer.” His voice had a faint accent to it, one that Nicki was having trouble placing.

She crouched down to get a better look at the body. Dressed in faded jeans and a

dark t-shirt, he had the definite darker skin and features of a Hispanic.


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

“I’d say Mexican at first glance.” She noted the bullet hole in the back of his head and looked up at the man standing next to her. “Your work?”

He nodded. “I was walking down to the beach and saw him lining up to blow your

brains out.”

“Look at him. What’s he doing here?” Nicki peered through the dense foliage that

crowded the crushed shell pathways. “This place only has eight bungalows and the

owners are very particular who occupies them.”

The man made a sound suspiciously like a grunt. “Tell me about it. And they’ve got enough guards here to protect a third world country.”

She nodded. “People like him can’t just walk onto the grounds and wander around

at will.”


She stood up, still holding her gun by her side. “Yes, so.” Shifting her gun to her left hand she extended her right one. “Since you saved my life I guess I should introduce myself. Nicole Welles.”

His grip was firm and warm, but Nicki wasn’t prepared for the little currents of

electricity that raced through her body when their skin made contact. She schooled herself to retrieve her hand smoothly rather than yank it away, her first reaction.

“Adam Molloy.”

They stared at each other.

“Well, then.” She looked down at the body again. “We need to do something about

the trash here.”

“I don’t think we want to take him up to the main building and call the police.

Someone sent him. He didn’t conjure this up all by himself. Let’s stash him somewhere and let his bosses wonder what happened to him.”

She looked at him with a speculative gaze. “Interesting solution. Are you someone I should be afraid of?”


Until Midnight

He smiled, white even teeth flashing against his dark skin and one dimple winking

at the corner of his mouth. “Hey, I’m the guy who saved your life, remember?”

“Yeah, but you could have done that to get close to me.” She took a cautious step


“If I wanted you dead, Miss Welles, you’d already be lying here next to this idiot.”

She realized suddenly that she was wearing the tiniest bikini she’d been able to find and Adam Molloy was letting his eyes take a slow journey over her body. She turned slightly so he couldn’t see the instant puckering of her barely covered nipples. Well, wasn’t this a fine mess. She had no idea who this man really was, who the man was

who’d tried to kill her, and her body, all on its own, was thinking about sex.

“Let’s clean the place up.” Molloy’s deep voice cut into her thoughts. He shoved his gun into the waistband of his shorts at the small of his back and lifted the body as if it weighed nothing, hard muscles flexing beneath the tanned skin. “Why don’t you gather your belongings from the beach while I handle this…situation. I’ll be back in a minute.”

He strode away without waiting for an acknowledgment from her.

Nicki stared after his figure as it disappeared onto the trees. What an arrogant ass.

And who exactly was Adam Molloy that he was staying in this very private place?

Besides a walking sex machine, that is.

Nicole! Snap out of it. Find out what the hell is going on.

She stomped back to where her things still lay next to the lounge she’d been using.

Picking up the sarong that matched her bathing suit, she wrapped it around herself and knotted it under one arm. She stowed her gun in her beachbag, drew the drawstring

tight and slung it over her shoulder. She was halfway back to her bungalow when tall, dark and mysterious Adam Molloy materialized seemingly out of nowhere.

She stopped in the middle of the path. “Finished already? What did you do, feed

him to the fish?”


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

There was that smile again, making her knees suddenly week and the pulse deep in

her womb thump out its rhythm. Holy shit! Nicole Welles never reacted this way. Not to any man. Oh, she was far from a stranger to sex but it was always carefully planned and on her terms. She never allowed herself to react this way.

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