Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History (3 page)

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Authors: Jim Keith

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BOOK: Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History
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In the middle of the operation I awoke with a horrible pain in my head. My arms and legs were secured with straps. One person held my hand steady, while another held open the 5 cm. incision in my forehead with some sort of instrument. A third person held an object, resembling a branding iron used on animals, which he burned into my head. During the 45 seconds of the operation in which I was awake, I experienced the feeling that my head was being blown to bits. I screamed in pain and tried to free my arms and legs. I fell unconscious from the pain and shock. The next thing I knew, it was 2 a.m. and I could feel my brain on fire. This was 18 hours after the operation.


The next morning I went to the hospital’s radiology department and asked the doctor to x-ray my head. The picture showed the injury and that there was a foreign object in the damaged area. I went to the chief physician and told him what had happened. Afterward, I visited Dr. Hendayo and he told me, “It wasn’t my idea to do this … I had no choice … You should have listened to me and postponed the operation … Your country’s secret police was involved….”


The reason the operation turned out the way it did is quite clear. Prof. Hendayo was, at first, in favor of the operation. But the Swedish Secret Police (SÄPO) followed me via mind control and they knew every step I took. When Dr. Hendayo promised to operate on me, SÄPO also knew. In order to stop me, they informed their CIA colleagues in Indonesia, who forbade the doctor to help me, or they threatened to expose them. That was why the doctor could not say why he wanted to postpone the operation. SÄPO/CIA had obviously wanted to warn me and show that there were other powers behind the decision. Now, five years later, I have physical pain in the area which was damaged. In addition, my mental and psychological abilities have been greatly altered. The difficulty in finding a doctor who will operate on me is the great secret behind the use of mind control telemetry and doctors’ international solidarity with colleagues who use people for experiments. These transmitters have changed my life in many ways and torment me through their constant use.


In a 1978 report entitled “ELF Magnetic Fields and EEG Entrainment” Dr. Robert Beck, Director of Biomedical Research in Los Angeles, writes, “The Canadians report alarming mood alterations in certain areas of eastern Canada which observers believe are linked to Soviet [electromagnetic transmissions].” In 1987,
Atlantic Monthly
magazine elaborated on how electromagnetic weaponry has been developed with the ability to both affect the nervous system and to induce death. This research has concentrated upon a much wider spectrum of frequencies from microwaves, gamma and laser beams, right down to the extremely low frequencies which the brain works by. As Robert Beck stated in an interview with the
“It is easier to generate cancer in a person than it is to cure.” The article continues to discuss the range of applications of these new radiation weapons: “Radio-frequency weapons that impair the nervous system might have uses in commando operations, anti-terrorist actions, and what the Pentagon calls ‘low level conflicts’ when more deadly weapons are being held back.” The meaning of the term ‘low level conflict’ seems to be consistent wherever these conflicts occur, either in the USA, England, Sweden, or Russia.


That this arsenal is being used against the citizenry in the new Russia as in the former Soviet Union is quite apparent from a statement published at the end of 1991 by SovData DiaLine:


“Psychological warfare is still being used by state security agents against people in Russia, even after the abortive August coup,” said Emilia Chirkova, a Deputy of the Zelenograd Soviet and member of the Human Rights Commission. She recalls the scandal surrounding the alleged bugging equipment installed close to Boris Yeltsin’s office. KGB agents admitted then that the directional aerial in the equipment was designed for transmission, not for reception. She believes it was part of an attempt to affect the health of the Russian President using high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. “‘The Human Rights Committee,” Chirkova said, “had warned Yeltsin about such a possibility.” She cited several further instances of the use of similar devices. Microwave equipment had been used in 1989 and 1990 in Vladivostok and Moscow prisons, in a mental hospital in Oryol, and in the Serbsky Institute in Moscow [also a mental hospital], she said. During his exile in Gorky, Andrei Sacharov noticed the presence of a high-tension electromagnetic field in his flat. It was reported recently in the press that Ruslan Khasbulatov, Speaker of the Russian Parliament, had had to move from his flat to another district of Moscow. High-level electromagnetic radiation has been included among the possible causes of the discomfort he felt in his flat.


Purported victims of psychological warfare have written to the paper. From Voronezh comes this letter: “They controlled my laughter, my thoughts, and caused pain in various parts of my body… It all started in October 1985, after I had openly criticized the first secretary of the City Committee of the Communist Party.” “Sometimes voices can be heard in the head from the effect of microwave pulse radiation which causes acoustic oscillations in the brain,” explained Gennady Shchelkunov, a radio electronics researcher from the Istok Association. Numerous sufferers from this alleged manipulation have set up a public movement. In June 1991, a group of Zelenograd deputies sent an appeal signed by 150 people to President Yeltsin, demanding an investigation into the use of bio-electronic weapons.


In Sweden there are clear signs that SÄPO/FOA uses unwitting people in very long-term research programs. At one of SÄPO’s secret bases in Sweden, the so-called Tjädergarden in Söraker just outside Sundsvall, these weapons has been tested on residents in the nearby estates and the long-term effects of electromagnetic weapons and fields are being studied.


The following is an extract from a 15-page letter from Tjädergarden resident Ossian Andersson to the Swedish government: “…owing to the terror, harrowing persecution and gross violations of human rights which I have been subjected to for the last eight years, I hereby request the government to allow me to resume a normal human existence. I am completely without legal protection while the security police and military researchers toy with me at their whim. My letters are to no effect, the authorities shirk any responsibility… I am being used as a guinea pig for weapons of ultrasonic, electromagnetic field, acoustic and death-ray type, and my central nervous system has been seized so that they can control my brain with micro-electronic technology and microcomputers … the symptoms of ultrasonic radiation are headaches, dizziness, disorientation and visual impairment. Other symptoms are a degeneration of intelligence with an additional effect on blood circulation and visceral pain … acoustic weapons do not cause injury, rather they convey a nebulous disorientation which can shatter all one’s organized activities. These weapons work by introducing chaos into one’s life … the radiation penetrates all types of material which I have used for protection. For instance, I built a case with a 2 mm thick lead insulation, under which I lay at night, to no avail… Microchips are also part of the picture, since I became aware that they were able to control my entire range of brain activity. These micro-devices must have been placed in my both without my knowledge… It is cruel to force a pensioner such as myself to suffer day after day and to prevent him to sleep no more than an hour now and then.”


Since I myself have been in Söraker and know Ossian well, I can affirm that what he describes is but a fragment of the truly frightening nature of his torment. He is now 82 years old, and the terror meted out to him is completely bereft of humanitarian norms. He is being seriously exploited in a harrowing experiment conducted for periods of 22 hours during day and night in which he finds it impossible to snatch even a moment’s sleep; and so it has been, with a persistent brutal intensity, for the last 20 years. Ossian has also undergone cranial radiographic examination from which the implantation of a foreign object with cerebral connections can be confirmed.


Edward Kelly was a journalist and came to Sweden in the mid 1970s, where, since 1984, he worked for an alternative news agency investigating the use, by medical institutions, of patients in various medical experiments. Kelly contacted the Socialstyrelsen/Board of Health and Welfare and several other state institutions in order to obtain certain information, at the same time informing them of his research, and a week later he fell seriously ill. It started with sharp pains in his back which rendered him bed-ridden; soon he had to be carried when he needed to visit the toilet. From the very beginning of the illness, strange phenomena were to be observed in his bedroom: papers stapled to the walls began to roll themselves up, those affixed with tape folded up and fell to the floor and several people noticed that they felt unwell after spending short time in his room. Kelly’s cat, who used to like lying on his bed, now refused to enter and restricted itself to other rooms in the house.


Doctors examining Kelly diagnosed lumbago and by the middle of March he developed a bad cough; at the end of the month he was taken to hospital where his body was found riddled with cancer. Finally, on the 28th of May 1985 at Karolinska Hospital, he died.


A similar story concerns me. In 1985 I was behind the petition to the Director of Public Prosecutions, supported by 50 signatures, demanding a response to the question whether doctors should have the right to implant transmitters into the heads of unwitting patients during surgery. I was also one of those responsible for the following advertisement which was printed in 30 Swedish daily, weekly and monthly papers, and which exposed the above outrages taking place within all large Swedish hospitals. At about the same time the first advertisement was published, I noticed a radiation or frequency which seemed to rise up from below my flat. In the mornings it felt as though my face, shoulders and back had been sunburned. If I layed a sheet of paper on the floor, it would, after only a matter of hours, begin to roll itself up from both ends and all battery-operated equipment rapidly were quickly drained of power. The waves increased until I was forced to move out into a friend’s flat.


I hired another flat at Kocksgatan 38 in Stockholm where, for the first two weeks, everything was fine. By the 1st of May, however, the trouble started again. The effects were much the same; the feelings of burning heat and noticeable burns on the face after just an hour and the spreading of the sensation into the palate, throat and lungs. Paper rolled itself up whether hanging on the wall or lying on the floor — but now I also experienced how my blood circulation was being affected. I wrote of my last days in the flat: “The radiation has increased for the last two weeks, and now, the 29th of May, it is completely unthinkable to sleep here. It is possible to be in the flat for at most two hours, but after that one has to leave because the pain in the lungs, the dehydration, the dry cough and general weakness.”


Due to critical conditions caused by SÄPO’s radiation, I was forced to abandon my efforts to expose their electromagnetic terrorism. It was to be five years before I resumed the fight. At the beginning of 1992 I came into contact with the International Network against Mind Control, and was involved in the drafting of the following letter to Prime Minister John Major. The day after it was sent and faxed to colleagues the world over, press agencies, and so on, SÄPO resumed its radiation so that after three days I was forced to again abandon my flat.


Prime Minister John Major

British Government

London SW1A OAA



Dear Sir,


Our international network of researchers has, for several years, been engaged in investigations into mind control and its widespread utilization around the world and we have become aware of several victims in Great Britain; reports received from exploited individuals refer to mental hospitals, police authorities and prisons as among the state institutions involved in the implantation of transmitters, electrodes of radio-transmitting crystals in people. The use of mind control is such a grave encroachment on civil liberty that, if allowed to develop further, it will threaten the freedom and integrity of all. Along with environmental problems, this is one of the most urgent issues to address if we are to ensure a more secure future.


The reason we are addressing this letter to you personally is that a meeting between Mr. John Austin-Walker, Member of the Parliament, and a victim of mind control, impressed on him the importance of pursuing investigations into the matter so much that he addressed a letter to you himself in August this year. Later writing to the injured party, a Mr. N’ Tumba, he said: “Following your most recent visit to see me, I have written to the Prime Minister on your behalf. As you know, there is very little accountability of security services to the House of Commons and Members of Parliament have almost no power in relation to the activities of M15. As soon as I receive a response from the Prime Minister, I will be in touch with you again.”


Just what happened to Mr. N’Tumba, he describes himself in a letter to us: “Concerning the brain transmitter in my head, it has been performing without my knowledge of consent…What’s very outrageous is that I am sharing all my visions, thoughts, images, hearing…etc. with people around me as the security services are engaging in a large scale propaganda drive to smear my character, background, behavior, emotions and motives…I have no privacy at all…I am not a spy, I am not a criminal, I am not a terrorist. Being an innocent victim of Ml5 … my persecution started in June 1988.” What is more, there is no reason to suspect the validity of what he writes; we are overburdened with letters such as this one from the USA, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, New Zealand inter alia and our investigations in Sweden reveal a terrifying reality where the mental health services, police authorities and hospitals implant radio-transmitting devices in people’s heads and brains. This reality is exposed by a vast amount of x-ray material to be a chilling and gloomy vision of the future, stage-managed for decades by the security forces in collaboration with medical and psychiatric institutions who together have created a secret power which transcends law and order, and which is beyond intrusive public control.

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