Stalked By The Alpha (BBW Werewolf Pregnancy Romance)

BOOK: Stalked By The Alpha (BBW Werewolf Pregnancy Romance)
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© 2014 by Krista Bella



This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



Twenty-two year old, curvy Sabrina Warren is spending her days working at a plus-sized clothing store in a little city called Alpine. Up until now, her life has been pretty boring, filled with mundane happenings and a non-existent sex life.

But all that changes when a dark and mysterious figure suddenly prowls into her life.

Now with a mysterious stalker on her h
eels, Sabrina must find out who or what wants her body before it is too late!


Stalked by the Alpha is a 13,800 word short story that contains sexual situations and one hot wolf.

Reader's discretion
is advised.




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

About the Author





The wolf raised its head and sniffed at the air, savoring the sweet smell that it had been after for
weeks.  From inside a maze of bushes that sat on a strip of land across the street from a strip mall, it watched as the object of its desire, a voluptuous, beautiful woman, pull into the parking lot and climb out of her car.

Immediately, the wolf growled with hunger, turned on by the sight of the woman's big breasts and thighs. To the wolf, the woman's large size represented satiety. Unfo
rtunately, for him, she awakened an extreme apatite deep within the depths of his loins.

Feeling a terrible longing, a slight whine escaped the wolf's throat.

The woman inspired the need to mate within the young wolf, and if he did not have her soon, he would go mad. As the wolf watched cars whiz by, he decided there was only one thing left to do.

Make her his.

Chapter 1


"Your total comes up to forty-nine dollars and fifty cents," twenty-two year old Sabrina Warren said to the customer, a snobbish woman whom she wanted to smack across the face.

was doing her usual—working her nine-to-five at Sherri's, a plus-sized clothing store in a strip mall in the town of Alpine, Utah. Alpine was a new, flourishing town that was currently under construction in the middle of nowhere land. The stores, the houses, the cars, the grass, the roads, the schools, hell, even the sky looked new.

Of course
, being a clerk for a plus-sized clothing store was not what Sabrina had envisioned when she agreed to move to Alpine, but she was happy to take what had been available to her.

had moved in with her parents, and younger sister Sarah, because she wanted to save up a little money before going to college. She had no desire to fall into debt. The only bad thing about her situation was that she was not sure if she liked Alpine. Her parents had assured her it would be a nice place before they had moved, but Sabrina had not been impressed after she arrived.

snobby older woman handed her a crisp fifty-dollar bill, newly minted. With several pounds of expensive make up caking her face, she looked like she was the wife of a rich executive n with her black Versace dress and Gucci sunglasses. Her brown hair was neatly coiffed and recently touched up with blonde highlights.

I bet you she thinks she's the shit
and looks down her nose at people
, thought Sabrina, quickly reading the woman

Her teen daughter, whom she was buying the clothes for, was dressed similarly, except her dress was yellow
and about five sizes larger. The teen had on gigantic hoop earrings and was chewing bubblegum in an annoying fashion as she texted away furiously on her cell phone.

"I'll be glad when this city gets some clothing stores
for big girls that are not Goodwill in disguise," the woman complained to her daughter, who ignored her as she tapped away on her phone. "The selection here is absolutely dreadful."

If the
woman thought the mainstream, high-end stores would care one bit about opening a clothing store for big girls, she had another thing coming. Most corporations did not care about catering to big women even though big women were the part of a thriving niche market.

began to give the woman her change, but stopped when the woman let out a hissing noise and looked at her as if she was road kill.

"I don't deal with any change less than ten dollars and especially not coins." The woman turned her nose up at the change in
Sabrina's hand.

Is this woman for real?
Sabrina wondered.

No one who was rich
acted like this, did they? Sabrina would think it was just a stereotype made popular by the movies just like people thought that all big girls stuffed their face all the time.

More money for me
, Sabrina thought as she shrugged and put the money to the side. Her college fund was going to receive a fifty cent donation.

began carefully bagging the girl's clothes, a big flowery dress that did not look bad at all. She did not know what the woman's problem was with the Goodwill comment. All the clothes in Sherri's were classy and complimented a curvy girl's size.

Hannah, would you stop smelling that cheap perfume please? You're going to have our car reeking to high heaven!" The woman motioned at her chubby daughter, who had been drawn away from her texting by the many fragrances lining the counter top.

could feel her face turning red with anger. She wore that 'cheap perfume' that lady was talking about. In fact, she was wearing one of those fragrances right now.

old hag,
thought Sabrina.

"But mom this smells really good,"
Hannah protested sniffing at a bottle called Black Rose, the same perfume Sabrina had on.

"Put it down now little girl,"
Hannah's mother snarled. "I'll not have you running around smelling like a two dollar prostitute that has no teeth!"

felt her face burn hotter than before.

This woman is infuriating.

 The big girl grumbled for a few moments, but then did as her mother commanded.

At least the
Hannah has good taste
, thought Sabrina.

Liking the same perfume that
Sabrina wore showed that the girl did have some hope and had not yet become the hopeless scag her mother was.

Holding back a roll of her eyes,
Sabrina handed the woman the bag containing her daughter's outfit. "Thank you for shopping at Sherri's," Sabrina said, putting on a fake smile. "I put your receipt in the bag. We look forward to having you shop with us again."

Yeah right.

The woman said nothing, and instead, grabbed her daughter roughly by the arm and dragged her towards the store's entrance. "Did you smell that fat girl at the counter? That is exactly how I do not want you to smell. You will learn one day, young woman, when you lose weight and try to get a man of worth, that if you smell cheap, they will think you are cheap. I don't want to have to tell..." The woman's words were lost as she and her daughter walked out of the store.

"Good riddance,"
muttered Sabrina angrily.

This was the first time that
Sabrina had actually wanted to get physical with a customer, and she had dealt with some rude ones, but this woman really rubbed her the wrong way.

She hoped the hag never came back.

"Having a bad day Sabrina?" a familiar voice asked.

spun around.

It was
Kim, her co-worker, coming out from the back with a pile of clothes loaded into her arms. Kim was a nice enough girl that was fast becoming a friend of Sabrina's. When Sabrina first came to work at Sherri's there had been a little frost between the two, but that had quickly warmed over when Sabrina discovered that Kim was actually down to earth rather than a stuck up snob, because initially, Sabrina had got the impression that Kim thought she was better than her because she was skinny.

At five-foot-five and 180 pounds, Sabrina was what you would call 'big boned'. She had big, firm breasts, sparkling blue eyes, strawberry-blonde hair and straight, w
hite teeth, thanks to her dad making sure she took care of her teeth growing up, and more curves than a figure-eight.

, on the other hand, was skinny, almost anorexic. She had long brown hair and nice green eyes, but a straight up-and-down shape. Sabrina liked to think that Kim would be very attractive if she would learn to eat a big mac or two and put some meat on her bones.

blew out a frustrated sigh. "This snobby woman just came in here and insulted me at least five times in under a minute. She was one of those too good to shop in store that doesn't contain Gucci types." Sabrina pantomimed choking with her hands. "I wanted to snatch her by the head and pull some of that freshly dyed hair out."

paused on her way to the clothing racks, tossing her a look of sympathy. "Girl, I know just the type! I have an aunt just like that and she is that way with everything! She cannot eat at any fast food joints. Everything has to be premium. Clothes, shoes, food, gas, and hell, even her toilet paper has to be premium and I know her shit stank!"

chuckled slyly and raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "Wonder if the dick she gets has to be premium as well?"

Kim's face twisted into a disgusted grimace
. "Gross... my aunt is like in her sixty's and that's about the only thing she's
getting. My Uncle James has been impotent for a long time now. Besides, I do not think my aunt could get any pleasure out of sex anyways even if Uncle James could get it up. She more enjoys making people miserable." Kim paused and glared at Sabrina. "Look what you have me doing—talking about my wrinkly, old aunt and her non-existent sex life. I'm so going to hurt you." As she continued on to the clothing racks, Kim began to make gagging noises.

chuckled in amusement. "Sorry."

Suddenly, the store
phone began ringing. Out of habit, Sabrina picked up immediately. "Hello this is Sherri's. My name is Sabrina. How may I help you today?"

There was no sound on the other end.
Sabrina hung up.

As she began busying herself with putting away receipts, the phone began ringing again.

Sabrina sighed, put down the receipts, and answered the phone, repeating her customary greeting.

Like before, there was no answer.

Cursing under her breath at the mysterious caller, she hung up the phone

"Some one's playing games calling in and not saying anything,"
Sabrina said loudly to Kim, who was on the other side of the store, putting clothes where they belonged.

"Probably some sorry
asshole trying to get his rocks off," Kim yelled back to her.  At the counter, Sabrina could hear the sound of Kim rattling the clothing racks to get the clothes hung up. "Ignore them."

wished that she could just ignore whoever it was, but she did not want her supervisor to get on her ass about not answering the phone during business hours. Her supervisor, Dylan, had called in sick and was out for the day, so she had no one to turn to about this issue.

stared at the phone, not trusting that it would stay silent when she went back to her receipts. Time ticked by. After a long moment, she let out a sigh and reached for the stack of receipts.

The phone rang again.

Growling with exasperation
, Sabrina watched it ring for about twenty seconds before picking it up angrily. This time, she said nothing.

Heavy breathing...

Oh crap
, she thought.
Not this shit.

"Is your pussy wet?"
The voice on the other spoke in a very deep voice, almost like a growl. "I've been watching your big tits for a while now. You're so fucking hot."

"Who is this?
" Sabrina asked angrily, not amused by the anonymous person's antics. "I hope you know this phone call is being traced as we speak, and that I have your number to give to the police for harassment." Sabrina was bluffing, but she hoped it scared the guy on the other end of the line and that he would give up this silly game.

The man on the
other end ignored her threat. "I'm imagining how it would feel to be inside you," he moaned. "Filling up your tight, juicy hole—"

"Fuck you, you sick bastard!"
Her big breasts heaving with anger, Sabrina slammed the phone down.

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