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Authors: Ashley Jeffery

BOOK: Lilith
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Ashley Jeffery













All rights reserved.

© 2013 by Ashley Jeffery

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblances to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales are coincidental. The Author holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.


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Lilith Part 1



ISBN-13: 978-1482381634


ISBN-10: 148238163X




I am ageless.



Powerful beyond your wildest dreams, and most terrifying nightmares.



I am without true form, and forever faceless.



My creator enabled me to move through your reflection.



I am untouchable, untraceable, and beyond any humans true understanding.



No one is beyond my reach there is no defeating me.



I am the whispering chill that greets your skin for I am everywhere and nowhere.



Whomever I seek will succumb to me, for I am unrelenting in my quest for a descendant of true man.


I am



And I am your death




To Grandma
who taught me that some strengths are found not in the words that are spoken, but the ones that remain unsaid.




Chapter One---Bad Girls Club

Chapter Two---First Date

Chapter Three---Sticks and Stones

Chapter Four---Just Friends

Chapter Five---Fever Pains

Chapter Six---Soft Voices

Chapter Seven---Lilith

Chapter Eight---Night Mirror

Chapter Nine---Something Lost and Taken

Chapter Ten---Broken Stiches

Chapter Eleven---Committed

Chapter Twelve---Happy Birthday

Chapter Thirteen---Point and Aim

Chapter Fourteen---Nursery Rhymes

Chapter Fifteen---Un-Welcome Home

Chapter Sixteen---Demon Hunters

Chapter Seventeen---Thief

Chapter Eighteen---The Art of Misdirection

Chapter Nineteen---There Be Witches

Chapter Twenty---The Otherside

Chapter Twenty-One---Hall of Mirrors

Epilogue---Deadly Mistake

Special Thanks







Chapter One


Bad Girls Club




I sighed and stretched while I glanced out the dirty Lab Bio window. The sun was hiding behind the clouds casting a dark overcast cover to the sky. I hid a yawn behind my hand and wiped the tired tears from my eyes.

Nothing wa
s worse than having Science after lunch. Something about the combination of carbs and boredom zapped all the energy from my body. My friends and I even went to the principal to try to get Nap Time after lunch. I could never understand why the kindergartners deserved it and we didn’t, they didn’t have hormones.

looked down and tried to concentrate on the book that lay open in front of me. Before I’d fallen asleep, I’d caught myself reading the same line over and over again the words becoming the perfect lullaby.

O’Brien, can you answer the question please?"

My head shot up in surprise
. I didn't even hear the question. The chairs in the classroom screeched as the other students turned and looked my way. Their eyes bored into me and my cheeks reddened under their stares. I was frozen in my seat, caught between the need to move and the fear of fleeing. This was my waking nightmare; I hated it when so many people were gawking at me.

"Uhhh, I'm
sorry, what was the question?" My gaze darted towards my best friend and Lab partner in a silent plea for help. I couldn’t even feel my hands they were so numb from shaking.

"Well Miss
O’Brien if you were paying attention instead of napping, you would know that now wouldn't you."

I swallow
ed hard and glared at my teacher in frustration. He was tall and thin, willowy in his brown tweed pants and button up shirt. He was younger than he dressed, like he was trying overly hard to appear authoritative.

“Well Miss O’Brien…we’re waiting.” He said.

A few students laughed and his mouth pulled up at the corners in pleasure, he was enjoying this. He loved to humiliate his students every chance he could get.

"Sorry Mr. Mendoza."
I said.

He cl
eared his throat and continued with his interrogations. The other students turned back around and my body shuddered in relief. If that never happened, again it would be too soon. I twisted in my seat and narrowed my eyes at my
best friend.

for the help." I whispered.

snorted back a laugh. "Anytime, besides I didn’t know you were spacing, I'm not your mother."

The bell r
ang and the other students shoved their books into their backpacks. I put away my own and fell into step beside Rhiannon.

She wa
s a classic pretty girl, medium height, with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. The only things that set her apart from the "bobble heads" was the shiny silver stud in her nose, thick dark eyeliner, and an attitude that screamed don't F with me.

I was
on the short side and somewhat thin. I have thick auburn hair that’s more annoying than pretty. If there's so much as a drop of water in the air, it gets crazy. My eyes are by far my best feature. They move between pale gray and deep violet depending on my mood. The rest of my features are slight and subtle, I didn’t really consider myself pretty, just average, normal even, and forgettable.

Lost in thought
with my eyes on the floor I didn't see the other person until it was too late. When we crashed, I fell onto my butt in a less then graceful fashion. I looked up into a startled face. He was tall and built nicely, with thick-corded muscles running down his arms.

hat the hell?" I said up at him. He was a walking bulldozer.

"Nice one Pacey
…” Rhiannon snorted. “Are you going to help her up or what?"

tapped her foot impatiently and gestured to my body sprawled across the shiny linoleum.

He reached
down to grab my hands and pulled me to my feet. When our fingers touched, we both sucked in a breath of surprise. Invisible lightening exploded between us. The hair on my arms and the back of my neck stood up high.
What was that?

"Sorry guess
I shocked ya." His lazy voice was deep and as smooth as whiskey, and it warmed me all the way to my toes.

Stop it Pacey that
ape just knocked you down.
I thought.

"Uh yea
, you should watch where you're going." I jerked my fingers away from his.

He wa
s at least a foot taller than I was and more solid than a damn wall. Dark hair fell messily across his temples, and his eyes were a bright viridian blue. The smell of musky wine and warm honey drifted from his body. I breathed it in and couldn’t help but groan. The urge to lick his skin overcame me.

What in the world i
s wrong with me?

"You weren't exactly paying attention either. Bes
ides I'm new, Dean Charleston." He held out his hand in greeting.

I stare
d at it like it was a snake, afraid to touch him. What if I tried to yank him closer to get a real taste? Rhi snorted again and hauled me forward.

Butch, we're late." Her voice was full of amusement as she drew me along beside her. I turned and watched him as we left.

"Nice to meet you ladies." He smi
led and I held my breath again. He was gorgeous.

Suddenly I didn’t feel so
irritated anymore, he could knock me on my butt all day long if he wanted to. Rhiannon strolled silently beside me. I knew she was staring at me but I didn’t care. My head was floating. I wondered why the whole school wasn’t talking about the new hot boy. Hot or not, new boys were always breaking news.

Rhi snickered
loudly so I looked towards her.

"What?" I said

"Just you, you're all love str
uck. Its freaking hilarious."

My eyes
tightened and I followed her into the classroom. I took my usual seat next to her in the back of the room, and stared at the computer screen. I hated typing class but it was an easy elective. The bell rang and our monitors activated.

reached into her backpack and pulled out a piece of paper. I recognized the scribbling immediately. Written across the top were three thick words.
Bad Girls Club.
I sighed and looked away. I knew what she wanted; this was her final attempt at getting me to join her devious master plan. I’d been shining her on for weeks trying to come up with a viable reason not to get involved.

started the Bad Girls Club two years ago, not long after we started our sophomore year. Rhiannon had decided to go out for cheerleading. She was tall and graceful, and danced well to a beat, but we were outsiders…losers really. When she told me she was trying out, I was surprised and a little pissed.

At the time, I was afraid
she'd join and become just another bobble head, but she swore she was only joining because of the benefits. She had a huge crush on the captain of the football team. Trevor was super tall and caramel skinned, had pale green eyes and a heart-stopping smile. He was hot, I had to give her that, but completely unattainable.

What Rhiannon
didn't count on was that despite her ability and fun attitude, someone was standing in her way…Lexie Vega…Evil incarnate. Lexie was the leader of the bobble heads. They were a group of girls best described as perfect, plastic, fake and hollow headed, hence the name bobble heads.

They we
re beautiful, and they knew it. Lexie was the worse, she was the queen of bitchiness, and she made fun of the other girls. Occasionally, when the timing was perfect for her evil, sadistic, cold-hearted nature, she tortured some poor unsuspecting girl. The girl at the beginning of our sophomore year was Rhiannon.

It started out playful, not even viscous enough to hit our radar. Simple rumors, like how
Rhiannon was so bad at math her mom had to sleep with the teacher to get her grades up. At first we laughed, her mom was hot, and people always said derogatory things about her. That’s why we didn't notice at first, when the rumors started getting worse.

Lexie pretended that
the rumors offended her, telling Rhiannon she was going to kick whoever's ass was spreading them. She told Rhiannon that some cheerleader who didn't make it on the team was jealous that Rhiannon got their spot. She even offered to set Rhiannon up with Trevor.

didn't believe Lexie at first. I kept thinking it was some lie to hurt Rhiannon. As soon as Trevor started calling Rhi, texting, and sending her flowers, she was all in. Not long after that, they started hanging out together. He'd hold her hand and walk her to class. A few months later, everything blew up.

At a party after
a football game, she found out the truth. Displayed for everyone to see, were letters and videos of Lexie and Trevor planning their attack on Rhiannon. But that wasn’t even the worst part. At some point, Rhiannon had let Trevor take risqué pictures of her.

She didn’t know what he planned to do with them. She
was just another teenage girl caught up in the lies of someone she trusted. She loved him. I knew how happy she was for the few months they were together, and he’d ripped out her heart and let Lexie dance on the pieces.

thought that was going to be the end of it. Rhiannon missed a couple days of school and tried to lick her wounds gracefully. When she got back, the rumors started. After a week, her mom was a prostitute and Rhiannon's father was some nasty john who knocked her up. Then Rhi was a crank whore, that’s why she was able to stay so skinny. She paid for her habit by doing some of her mom's regulars. It went on and on, Rhiannon was humiliated.

Her mo
m went down to the school and raised hell, but because they were only rumors, there was nothing anyone could do. The pictures circulated, people whispered horrible things behind her back, and somehow Rhiannon survived it.

That’s when
she started the Bad Girls Club. She figured that with her already tarnished reputation, she had no other options, and she wanted revenge. For two years, she planned every tiny detail of her takedown of Lexie Vega. She forgave Trevor; he like her was just some pawn in Lexie's evil plan.

I glance
d back down at the familiar piece of paper. Rhiannon recruited other girls throughout the years. We had 11 members in all, other outcasts, or victims of Lexie’s evilness. It wasn't like I didn't want to be involved. I hated the girl that hurt my friend, but turning around and going after her just didn't seem like the right thing to do. Didn't it make us just as bad as she was? Weren’t we becoming exactly like her?

whispered next to me. "Do you think your dad can make that thing we talked about?"

groaned and bobbed my head in agreement. Rhiannon smiled and glanced back down at the paper. She scribbled a few notes and put it away before Mrs. Gonzales could see it.

"How are y
ou girls doing today?" Mrs. Gonzales asked.

She wa
s wearing a bright colored floral dress with her dark hair pulled into a side braid. She was young for a teacher and pretty, but the boys said terrible things about her. I liked her even if she was strict.

"Fine Mrs. Gonzales, and you?" I said.

She looked at our empty screens. "I see you two haven't started your lesson, is something else occupying your time."

We both shook
our heads in unison. She snorted and walked away.

"I b
etter see those fingers dancing.”

and I turned to start the stupid Keyboarding lessons. They were always the same boring exercises. I didn't realize that the new guy was sitting in the classroom until I looked up and saw him staring at me from a few rows over. My heart started racing and I quickly looked away. I could feel his eyes on my face and I looked over at Rhiannon for help.


She glanced over at me and smirked. " hot boy is staring at you.”

a, I noticed. What do you think he wants?" I asked.

whispered so low no one else could hear. "I'd think that was fairly obvious stupid, he's looking at you with every intention of doing nasty dirty things to you."

My face heated
...Rhiannon was definitely playing with me. I brushed my cheek against my shoulder and looked over at him. His deep blue green eyes were still staring in my direction. I turned my head again and tried to will myself not to blush. I could feel the heat creeping up my neck and into my cheeks. Rhiannon elbowed me and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

he wants you baaaddd!"

I cover
ed my cheeks with my hands and tried to think about something other than what she was saying.

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