Scandals (11 page)

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Authors: Sasha Campbell

BOOK: Scandals
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I was up watching reruns of
The Bernie Mac Show
when Trey called.
“I thought you were bringing Kyle home at noon.” Can you believe? It'd been six weeks and I already considered my casa his casa. Like I said, the boy had grown on me. I didn't know how he managed to wiggle his way into my heart, but I wished I knew because I could have packaged that shit and made a fortune.
“I was on my way, but I had an idea I wanna run by you first,” Trey began in that panty-dropping voice of his. “I'd like to take you to dinner tonight.”
“On a date?”
“Yeah, a date. Just you and me ... no Kyle.” I could hear the smile in his voice. Thank goodness he couldn't see the big shit-eating grin on mine.
I couldn't remember the last time I had gone out on a real bona fide date. I let most men take me out because they had already paid for the evening or because I was determined to take everything they had in their wallet before the night was over, but a date with a man who so far didn't seem to have a hidden agenda—now, that was new for me. “Who's gonna watch Kyle?”
“My sister will.”
Sundays were my open invitation night. I had sponsors I met on the regular at hotels around the city for a little romp in the sack. I had one regular, an overweight white guy who only wanted to watch me play with sex toys while he sat in a nearby chair and beat his meat. That was the easiest money, and then there were the clients who just simply wanted to fuck. My number one rule was I brought my own condoms and I always picked the hotel. I was supposed to meet Deke, one of my regulars, around nine for a little foreplay, but to hell with that. I could get up with him tomorrow or the day after. “Yeah, that sounds cool.”
As soon as I got dressed I headed to Dillard's at Shore Pump Mall and found something to wear. Trey hadn't said where we were going and I wasn't about to call and ask. I figured jeans were always the safest way to go.
I bought a pair of bad black BCBG pumps and paired that with skinny jeans and a white blouse that plunged in the front and back. Honey had called looking for me, so I told her to come and help me accessorize my gear.
We had barely been in Macy's five minutes before she asked, “So who's this dude?” Curiosity was written all over her face.
I made sure I focused on the jewelry at the counter and played it nonchalant with Honey. She's my girl and all, but she has a tendency to ask too many damn questions about my personal life, and some things I just believe in keeping private. “A friend of a friend. No big deal.”
I guess my answer wasn't good enough because she sputtered with laughter. “Bitch, he's gotta be something if you out buying shit to look good for him.”
“Honey, I don't know what you're talking about. I
look good.” I glared in her direction, daring her to say otherwise. She just rolled her eyes and picked up a pair of earrings with way too many rhinestones for my taste. I turned up my nose and reached for a gold pair of hoops.
“Have you decided yet about doing the party with me?”
To be honest, I hadn't even given it a second thought. “Nope.”
“C'mon, Treasure! Girl, it's gonna be so much money up in there I might finally get Sophia back.”
I sighed. “Do you even
when he's getting out?”
“Sometime next month ... I think.” She looked at me with those large eyes of hers, looking pitiful as shit. I hated feeling sorry for her. Honey lived in a one-bedroom apartment with less furniture than you found in a motel. Part of me thought her daughter was probably better off without her, but the side of me who spent years being abused in the foster system believed otherwise.
“I'm still thinking about it, but if I agree, tell Dollar I need half my money up front or no deal.”
“I know that's right.” She was grinning like a damn fool, like I had already agreed.
“I said I'm still
about it.”
Chuckling, Honey gave me a dismissive wave; then for the next hour she spent so much time talking about the party and how much money she was planning to make that I hurried up shopping and headed back to my town house, alone.
Trey ended up taking me to the CineBistro at Stony Point Mall. I had never been there before but I actually enjoyed it. It was a dinner/movie theater where you got to eat a three-course meal and watch a movie at the same time. Folks had been raving about the new Tyler Perry movie, so we saw that while we ate. Afterward we went to a coffee shop and just talked. I asked him all kinds of questions about running a restaurant, and he asked me about my life as a stripper. I flirted like crazy and made sure my answers were as sexually arousing as the woman sitting across from him. “When's the next night you work?” he asked after he pulled into my driveway and turned the engine off.
“I'm working Friday night.”
“I wanna come watch you.”
“You're kidding.” He'd said it before, but I figured at this point he was just joking.
He shook his head. “Why would I kid about something like that? I wanna see you in action.”
We grew quiet then and I felt awkward, which was crazy because I am always in control of the situation, but with Trey, I didn't know which way to go. “Would you like to come in for a few minutes?”
Trey stared like he was thinking about my question before he finally shook his head. “Nah ... I better get home. I've got a busy day tomorrow.”
I nodded, not quite understanding. I guess I wasn't used to a man saying no to spending time alone with me. “You got a girl?”
He laughed. “Nah, what made you ask that?”
I tried to shrug like it didn't matter to me one way or another, but I was lying. I wanted Trey to be available and at my disposal. “I've heard you talking to her on the phone.”
“I don't know who you heard, but it wasn't my girl. I haven't been serious with anyone in almost a year. The last chick I was kicking it with ... I was looking for something long term and she wasn't.”
If he wasn't seeing anyone, then what was his deal? I wondered. He hadn't tried to touch me or anything. And I knew he wanted to because I could see it in his eyes, and when we weren't hanging out he would call me out of the blue just to flirt. If that didn't mean he liked me, then I don't what did. Men usually broke their necks to try to get at something as fine as me. Trey was hard as hell to figure out, and I was starting to wonder if maybe he might be gay.
But then he did something that erased that idea from my mind. He kissed me. And not just any old kiss. He leaned over and wrapped his arms around me and slipped his tongue between my lips and stroked my mouth with confidence. The brotha had mad skills, and my kitty was purring for some undivided attention. I put my arms around his neck and leaned into the kiss, making sure he felt my hard nipples against him. He was feeling me, that much was a given. It was in the way he kissed.
After kissing for what felt like forever, I figured if we were ever going to get this party started, then I was going to have to initiate it. I reached my hand down between us and unzipped his jeans, then reached my hand inside. I needed to know what he was working with before I wasted my damn time. You gotta watch them pretty muthafuckas. They might be fine as hell but coming up short in the dick department.
In a matter of seconds I had slipped my fingers inside the opening in his boxers and had my hand wrapped around his dick—correction—almost wrapped around, because Trey was packing a baseball bat. He moaned when my thumb grazed the head and I couldn't wait a second longer. I just had to see it for myself. I pulled it out and feasted my eyes on all he was working with. Let me just say Trey was fucking blessed. He had width, length, and a lip-smacking delicious-looking dick.
“You know you wrong for that, right?” he said with a shaky breath.
“Why?” I said all innocently. “If anything, I'm wrong for what I am about to do next.” Before he could respond I had wrapped my lips around his dick. It was crazy but I had this overwhelming need to taste him, and yes, he tasted finger-licking good. I slobbed on him like I was sucking a cherry lollipop. One thing that can't ever be said about me is that I don't give bomb-ass head. In under five minutes, I had Trey moaning and speaking in tongues. I could tell he was seconds away from coming in my mouth when he did something that blew my mind. He pushed me away. What the fuck?
“I better stop and let you take your fine ass inside.”
Was he for real? What man turns down getting his dick sucked unless he's gay? “Why don't you come in with me? I'll make it worth your while.” I was licking my lips, reminding him how good I'd made him feel.
He looked like he was weighing his options before he finally shook his head. “It ain't that kind of party.”
All he did was piss me off. Trey didn't seem to have a problem with me unzipping his jeans and wrapping my lips around his dick a few minutes ago. I rolled my eyes and reached for the door handle. “Whatever.” He obviously had no idea how many niggas would kill to get a piece of me. Before I could even get out of the car, he grabbed my wrist and kissed me again.
“I got mad respect for you, but I can see you don't know nothing about a man respecting you. Yeah ... I could take you inside right now and fuck the shit outta you, but that ain't what this is about. I like you, but first you gotta start liking yourself.”
No, he didn't just go there. “What the fuck you mean, liking myself? Hell, if I don't love me, then nobody will.”
“What I'm saying is you're a lady, Ma. You can't be sucking niggas off after one date. How're they gonna respect you in the morning?”
Who gives a fuck! As long as they fatten up my pockets and I can go to the mall, who cares? But with Trey I wasn't looking for a payout. I really liked him, and it bothered me more than I was willing to admit that he thought I was playing myself. Hell, I was just trying to give him a freebie. That's what I get for tryna donate to charity.
“Make a nigga earn getting between them thighs. It's one thing when you working the club, but when you tryna get to know a dude on a personal level, you gotta make him earn your respect.”
As much as it pained me, I knew some of what he was saying was true, but what he didn't understand was that sex had always been about getting what I could. I learned early on that my pussy was worth a lot of money, and the better I fucked a nigga, the more he was willing to pay to get it. Trey wasn't interested in that. And for that I felt humiliated. I tried to come at him like all them other tricks and the shit backfired on my ass.
I didn't want to hear shit else he had to say. I snatched away from him and went inside and slammed the door. I was mad because I had broken my rule and allowed a man get to me.
“Tell me you're joking,” I screeched, hoping that I was being punked and Ashton Kutcher was somewhere in the bushes lurking. But when the man didn't even crack a smile, I knew this was no joking matter.
“I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm afraid your air-conditioning system needs to be replaced.”
This was not happening. It couldn't be. I had bought the house shortly after my divorce with the hope that I wouldn't have to worry about any problems for years. Wasn't that why I paid for a home inspection? Now I was regretting not renewing my home owner's warranty, which had expired last night. “Do you have a payment plan?” I asked with a sheepish grin.
He gave me a look like my question was ridiculous. “No, but we have financing if you're interested.”
How in the world would I get approved when I didn't even have a legitimate job? He gave me an invoice and I paid the hundred dollars for his service call, then watched him walk out of my house toward his service truck in my driveway.
I looked up at the ceiling fan overhead, blowing in the foyer. It wasn't doing anything but stirring hot air. There was no way the girls and I could stay in that hot house without air-conditioning. I didn't have fifteen hundred dollars I could just spend. It was two weeks before I would get any more money from Anthony, and what little I had needed to last. Damn. If I had known days ago, I wouldn't have splurged on the trampoline out back for the girls or the new bikes.
It was times like this I got depressed and started hating my life. At one time all I had to do was pull out a gold card or write a check, but not anymore. I didn't have it like that. I took a seat on the couch and thought about what to do. The girls would be home in a couple of hours. I needed to figure out how I was going to be able to keep my babies cool. Putting my pride aside, I did the only thing I could. I picked up the phone and called Anthony.
I stepped into the large building on Coach Road. The floor was gleaming and the white walls were fresh and clean. I walked down the hall to the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor. While I waited, I took in my appearance in the reflection of the door. I was wearing a slamming blue jean jumpsuit with a black belt around my waist and open-toe sandals. I wanted to look my best. With all that dancing I'd been doing, I had lost ten pounds and was in love with my newfound curves.
I stepped into the elevator. The only person in there was a man with a receding hairline and a thick waistline.
“Good afternoon,” he greeted me with a smile that was far too eager.
“Hello.” I didn't even bother to make eye contact because if I did, he would be hitting all over me. Just as I thought. The second the elevator doors shut, he turned and stared dead at me.
“Excuse me, but you look so familiar.”
Was he fucking kidding me? I gave a rude snort and rolled my eyes. That question wasn't even worth answering.
His brow crinkled. “Seriously, I've seen you somewhere before.”
“I've been told I have that kind of face.”
“I'm Greg, by the way. I own Richmond Investment Fund.”
My head whipped around. He was Anthony's new partner. The corporation had grossed over a billion dollars for their clients last year. “It's a pleasure meeting you. I'm Monica. Anthony's ex-wife.”
His brow drew, and I could see my announcement shocked him. “Damn, I didn't know you were that beautiful. I'll definitely have to tell Anthony he's a fool for letting a woman so beautiful outta his life.”
I put on a fake grin. He took my hand into his, which was slimy and wet. He held it a second too long and brought it to his lips. I tried not to flinch, because he was Anthony's partner and right now I needed to be on my ex's good side.
The doors opened and I said good-bye, then sashayed down the hall. I knew his eyes were following my ass. I glanced over my shoulder, winked, and never broke stride.
At the end of the plush hall, I spotted Melody sitting behind the desk chatting on the phone. The short mousy woman had been Anthony's assistant for over seven years. If anyone knew the gossip of the office, it was her. I think part of the reason was that she started most of it. I was certain she'd been eavesdropping on his conversations for years and knew every painful detail of our divorce.
“Hey, Monica,” she chimed as she ended her call.
Smiling, I waved. “Hello, Melody. Is Anthony around?”
I saw her sizing me up, checking out my slim curves and fierce new hairstyle. What? Did she think after the divorce I was going to fall apart and look a hot mess? “Yes. He's expecting you.”
After finding out how much it was going to cost to install a brand-new cooling system in the house, I had mustered up the nerve to call Anthony and ask for the money. Instead of belittling and treating me like a child, he told me to come over to his office.
“Go on in.”
I nodded and was getting ready to knock when his office door flew open and a handsome black man stormed out. I had seen him with Anthony several times before and smiled up into his angry greenish brown eyes, yet he barely looked in my direction and headed toward the elevators.
Anthony was sitting behind the desk in his large corner office, which had windows for walls. Everything was white from the ceiling all the way down to the bone white marble flooring. He motioned for me to take a seat on a white upholstered chair across from his desk while he finished his call.
I sat down, crossed my legs, and took a moment to take in his profile. Liese had his small pudgy nose, while Arissa got his good hair and beautiful chocolate eyes. Anthony had always been a vain son of a bitch. He knew he looked good. You could see it in his thousand-dollar suits and his expensive wingtip shoes. He finally ended his call and swung around in his seat.
“Sorry about that. You know I'm always in high demand.”
“What else is new?” I said with a phony laugh, hoping he didn't notice. He leaned across the desk, staring me in the face. “So what's up? You were saying something on the phone about needing money.”
I nodded and put on my little-girl face the way Arissa did when she wanted her way with her daddy. “The central air unit went out. I wouldn't ask you if I didn't really need the money, but I really can't afford it this month, and as hot as the house is, I can't imagine letting the girls sleep in that heat.” I knew I was rambling but I had to make sure I put a plug in about the kids so he wouldn't have a chance to say no.
“No problem,” he began with this grin like he was about to tell me something good. He reached inside his desk drawer and pulled out a checkbook, then reached for a pen.
I couldn't believe it had been that easy. “I just need fifteen hundred.”
“Absolutely,” he said, then grinned and quickly scribbled out a check. I waited eagerly. I had already called the man before I left and told him to come back to my house first thing tomorrow morning. I was off tonight, so the girls and I were going to stay the night at the Marriott. I knew they would enjoy that. Reyna had enough hotel points that the room was free. Thank goodness for best friends.
“Here you go.” He reached across the desk and handed me the check.
“Thank you.” I started to fold up the check and stick it in my purse, but something told me before I did that to look down at the amount. When I did, my eyes grew large and my jaw dropped. “This is for a hundred thousand dollars!”
“Yes ... it is.”
Before I could question him, there was a knock at the door and I turned to see a beautiful woman stepping into the room. Tall, thin, with a professional weave. It looked almost real, but I knew enough to know a fake when I saw it.
“Hello, you must be Monica,” she said, then sashayed her narrow hips over to me and shook my hand.
I smiled up into her gray eyes and realized she was truly beautiful beneath the painted eyes and tinted lips. “Yes, I am, and you must be Rosa. I've heard a lot about you from the girls.”
“They're wonderful kids.” She moved around the desk and wrapped her arm around Anthony, and he kissed her so passionately, I turned my head for a brief moment to give them some privacy. I couldn't remember if he had ever kissed me like that before. The two of them obviously had something Anthony and I never had.
I was ready to go, but I still had an issue to address. I gave them another five seconds and when I realized they must have forgotten I was in the room, I cleared my throat rudely and said, “Anthony, we need to talk about this check. As much as I would love to keep it, I can't.”
“I owe it to you.”
Rosa looked at him and they shared a look that passed between them. “Sweetheart. Have you talked to her yet?” she asked with a nervous glint in her eyes.
He purposely avoided looking my way as he replied, “No, I was just getting ready to.”
I suddenly had a bad feeling as I looked from her to him. “Talk to me about what?”
Anthony reached over and squeezed Rosa's hand, then replied, “Monica, we would like to spend a lot more time with the girls. I miss them and Rosa adores them.”
“That's fine. You know I've never had a problem with you being with them.”
Rosa shook her head like I was stupid or something. He patted her hand. “Monica, yesterday I asked Rosa to marry me.”
For the first time I noticed the large rock on her finger. It had to be five carats or more. Damn! My ring had barely been one carat.
“Congratulations,” I said as she wiggled her fingers so I could get a closer look.
Anthony took her hand in his. “Right now I think ... we think it's important that you focus on your education and get your nursing career off the ground. I've talked to Rosa, and we would like the girls to come live with us.”
What the hell did he just say to me? “Live with you?” I rolled my eyes and lowered my gaze to the check. “Is that was this is all about?” I knew he had been up to something all these weeks. I just had no idea what. Now I knew.
“I want you to have the money so you'll know that I'm willing to help. If you agree, I will give you two more just like that.”
“Anthony, you can go to hell!”
Rosa gasped and I watched a tear roll down her painted cheek. “Please, I can't have kids, so I would love to raise your girls as my own.” She looked desperate.
“As your own? Excuse me, but they already have a mother.”
She got ready to say something but Anthony stopped her. Good move, because I was seconds away from snatching that weave from her head. How dare she try to steal my babies! Anthony leaned back in his chair like he didn't have a worry in the world. “Arissa's been saying you work late and when you're home you're either tired or busy studying. All we want to do is make life easier for you.”
“Really ... and what happens after graduation?” I asked with straight attitude.
Casually he replied, “We'll be more than willing to give you reasonable visitation.”
“Reasonable?” I sprung from the chair. “I don't know if you know this or not, but those are
girls. They came outta this coochie over here, not hers, and I'll be damned if I sell them to you for a price!”
He leaned back in his seat, then had the nerve to say, “I'm sorry you feel that way.”
I snatched my Gucci purse from the chair and tucked it under my arm. “You should be sorry for even bringing something like that to me!”
“I think we provide a more ... stable home environment. Monica, I hate to get the lawyers involved, but if I have to ...” He purposely allowed his voice to trail off. I didn't miss the threat.
“Bring it, baby.” I ripped the check in two pieces, tossed it at him, then stormed out of the office. If he wanted a fight, then he'd just got one.

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