Scandals (10 page)

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Authors: Sasha Campbell

BOOK: Scandals
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“So you gonna do this party with me or what?”
I swung my Prada purse farther onto my shoulder and reached for my rolling backpack as I followed Honey out of the club. I was ready to shower and go to bed. The night had been long and I'd swung around that pole one time too many, trying to show off in front of this music producer who frequented the joint, and I thought I pulled a muscle or some shit.
“Treasure ... are you listening to me?”
No, I was ignoring her. I had something on my mind that was more important than some damn party. The week had been slow and so far I hadn't even made close to the money I normally made, and I had rent due next month. Don't get me wrong, I had decent savings, but why spend my own money if I don't have to? “What kinda party?”
“Have you been listening to anything I said? It's for Lil D. He might be getting outta prison next month and Dollar wants to throw him a huge party at Halo's joint. They wanna few girls to come and mingle with the crowd.”
We walked across the parking lot and I waited until we had almost reached my car before I looked over at her. I liked to be in control of my environment, and at private parties you had no control. “You know good and damn well I don't wanna have shit to do with Halo or Club Swag.”
“C'mon, Treasure,” she whined. “Dollar's just holding it at Halo's club. He's willing to pay for top shelf.” She rattled off an amount that made me do a double take.
“Damn! It's like that?”
She nodded, grinning. “Said he wants me, you, and one other girl.”
“And who's gonna be the third chick ... Mercedes?”
Honey sucked her teeth. “Nah, she don't believe in sharing the wealth. I need someone else. So will you do it? Pleeeee-assse.” She was practically begging. I bet you Dollar told her she was out if I wasn't in.
“I'll let you know next week.” It wasn't the answer she wanted, but it would have to do for now. I wasn't sure if being around Halo even at his hip hop club was a good idea. Just like his home, that paranoid fool had video cameras everywhere and had this thing about people watching. Just the thought of him sitting in that small room in the back, watching me while I worked the crowd, gave me an uneasy feeling. I knew Honey needed the money so she could get her life together, but she was asking a whole helluva lot.
I noticed her walking over to a black Charger. I wasn't even surprised. “I see you and Jordan are back together.”
She swung her weave away from her face, grinning. “Girl, you know I'm a slave to that dick.”
That ain't all she is.
The chick just didn't get it. Men like Jordan never changed. He was going to keep beating on her ass because as far as he was concerned, every time she took him back, she was telling him it was okay to beat her again.
I glanced around, making sure Halo wasn't anywhere in sight. For the last three weeks, I'd found him sitting in his SUV waiting. Every time he tried to get out and talk to me, I jumped in my car, then drove around in circles until I made sure I wasn't being followed.
As soon as I ensured the coast was clear, I hopped into my beautiful red devil and peeled out of the lot. I loved driving fast and my amazing new car made that possible. The moment I turned onto my block my entire body relaxed and I felt a comfort that I couldn't begin to describe. Pride was one explanation. I lived in Richmond's prestigious West End, where everyone knew you had to be somebody. It was close to shopping and the interstate.
Reaching for my sun visor, I pushed the button raising my garage door and slowly pulled inside, then climbed out. As soon as I did I lowered the garage door, stuck my key in the side door, and went inside.
I stepped into the kitchen, lowered my purse to the counter, and looked around in admiration. I'd been living in my town house for six months and still couldn't get over how far I had come. I looked at my chocolate granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and the cherrywood that covered all the floors. I had French doors out onto a private balcony, two bedrooms, and two baths. But the best part about it, the place was all mine.
I moved upstairs to my bedroom and immediately changed out of my clothes. The first thing I did whenever I got home was take a shower. I let the water run for about five minutes, then stepped into the walk-in shower and let the grime from the night run down the drain. I scrubbed my body until it was almost raw. We had showers at the club, but everybody and their mama used them and there ain't no telling the last time they'd been cleaned.
Thirty minutes later I stepped out of the bathroom feeling completely refreshed. I climbed under the covers and had just turned on the television when my cell phone rang. I smiled when I recognized the name that flashed on the caller ID.
“Yo, Robin ... just checking to make sure you made it in.”
“I did. How's Kyle?”
“Knocked the hell out. We sat up and watched
one through four while we fed our faces. He's out for the count.” I just loved the way Trey's voice sounded over the phone, like he had been sleeping and just woke up. Real deep and sexy.
“Well, good, maybe I'll get to sleep in late.”
“No problem.” He chuckled, then the phone got quiet for a few moments. I thought maybe Trey had dozed off to sleep. “So did you make that booty clap tonight, or what?”
“You know I did.” I had to laugh. Trey is too much.
“You know I'm gonna have to come and see you in action, right?”
I wasn't sure how I felt about that. It was one thing to strip, but to have him see me—I don't know. I guess I was afraid his opinion might change about me, and for some reason his opinion mattered.
The last few weeks with Kyle and Trey were something else. To keep Kyle on a sleep schedule, either Trey dropped by to pick him up on his way home from the restaurant or I came by his apartment early enough to have dinner and take a nap before heading to the club. It was cool for me because that sexy dude could cook his ass off. After we ate, I'd play with Kyle then curl up on the couch and doze off while Trey got Kyle ready for bed. Some evenings I woke up early enough for the two of us to talk until it was time for me to leave for the club. It was nice. Just us sitting on the couch shooting the shit with each other. It's crazy, but on those nights when it was the three of us together, watching television or playing Xbox 360, I felt like a family. I know, that's weird, right? But it's true. I had this feeling that this was what having a real family was all about. Like I said, Trey is good people and I was really feeling him. I didn't want to but I did. But I wasn't looking for a relationship, and as far as I knew he wasn't either.
“Robin?” I heard him say and realized I had zoned the fuck out.
“You should have come over here when you got off.”
I sucked my teeth. “Why? You only got one extra bed, and except for naps, I don't do couches.” We've been flirting back and forth for weeks.
“Who said anything about you sleeping on the couch? You would have got right up in this bed with me.”
“Oh really?” I said, trying not to smile. Like I said ... I was really starting to feel this dude.
“Oh yeah ... no doubt.”
I rolled over onto my side, giggling. “You sure are cocky.”
“Nah, boo. I'm just confident. You know you're feeling me, so why don't you stop playing?”
“Who's playing?” I barked with laughter and he joined in with me. Did I mention I loved his laugh? I even noticed the other day he had a deep dimple on the left side.
“What're you wearing?” he whispered into the phone.
I glanced down at the sports bra and bikini panties and grinned as I whispered, “Nothing.”
“Damn, why you wanna hurt a brotha like that?” he groaned.
He was too funny. “You asked.”
“Yeah, I guess I need to be careful what I ask for.” We were quiet for another few moments before he finally said, “How about breakfast at Cracker Barrel tomorrow. Say ... ten o'clock?”
Pancakes sounded really good. “I'll see y'all there.”
We talked a few more minutes, then I hung up with the biggest grin on my face. I really liked Trey. And for once it wasn't at all about the money.
It was Friday afternoon and I was on my way to his house. We'd been dating for three weeks now, and I must say I really liked him. He was funny, considerate, compassionate, and always found a way to include my girls in any decisions that we made.
Tremayne lived in a three-bedroom home five minutes from the coffee shop. I pulled into his driveway and parked, then looked at my reflection in the mirror. I ran my fingers through my short spiky hair, still loving the look, making sure everything was in place. Lipstick. Hair, even checked my nose for any lurking critters. Just as I expected, everything was in order, but, hey, it never hurt to look. I climbed out and straightened my chocolate sundress and glanced down at my new gold sandals. I looked as fabulous as I felt.
The front door was open, so I knocked, then stepped inside. “Hey baby. I'm here.”
“Come on back.”
I walked through the Colonial-style house. I loved the earth tone décor. The house had been decorated by the last owners with dark wood floors and cream walls, and Tremayne liked it so much, he'd left it that way.
“Man, something smells good,” I purred as I walked into his small kitchen.
He swung around and gave me one of his sexy smiles, showing off all his straight pearly white teeth, then lowered the spatula and came over and wrapped his arms around me and pressed those juicy lips to mine. I could taste coffee on his breath. I closed my eyes and gave in to the wonderful feeling I got every time he touched me.
“Damn, baby, you look good.”
I loved when he complimented me. During the last year of my marriage, Anthony broke my spirit telling me I had gained too much weight and complained about how much my breasts sagged after giving birth to Liese. What breasts? I used to ask him. I never had much to begin with.
“Sexy, why don't you go into the living room and make yourself comfortable while I finish cooking in here.” He playfully patted me on the butt and shooed me into the other room.
Smiling, I went into the living room and flopped down on a comfortable overstuffed couch and watched
The View
. I slipped off my shoes and was snuggling in the cushions when my cell phone rang. It was Anthony.
“What's up?”
“Hey, I wanted to know if I could have the girls again this weekend?”
Every time he called it amazed me because he'd been spending so much time with the girls lately. Maybe he was finally growing up and realized the girls were just as much his responsibility as they were mine, or maybe it was because of Rosa. According to Liese, Anthony's girlfriend was very nice to them. She was so nice she had been taken the girls on shopping trips. Last weekend they came home with bags from Saks Fifth Avenue. It seemed that every weekend they shared, she was always a part of their outings. But now that I was working at the club, every moment I had with the girls was important to me. I wasn't planning on working Saturday night so that I could spend some quality time with them. “Anthony, I planned on spending the day at the spa with the girls.”
Anthony released a heavy sigh. “At the last minute Rosa got her hands on front-row tickets to the Justin Beiber concert. She thought the girls would love to go.”
He knew damn well the girls were both in love with Justin and would be devastated if they knew I had told him no. “I guess you can have the girls again.”
“Excellent. Thanks, Monica.” He cleared his throat. “Have you gotten your car taken care of?”
The concern in his voice was surprising to hear. “Mmm-hmm, I caught up on my payments.”
He cleared his throat again the way he does when he's up to something. “Listen, I've been, um ... thinking. And I'm going to increase my child support.” He then rattled off a number that made my jaw drop.
“Okay, Anthony, you're up to something and I wanna know what it is.”
He quickly denied it. “I'm not up to anything. I just realized the girls are a lot more expensive than I imagine.”
“Ya think?” I'd been trying to tell him that for months. I was glad he finally figured it out, although I was sure Rosa had a lot to do with that. I hadn't even met the woman and I liked her.
“I appreciate it, Anthony. Really I do.”
“No problem. The girls mentioned you're working on the weekends?”
My heart started pounding wildly in my chest. “Uh, yeah, I'm working as a receptionist on the night shift at the hospital.”
“Really, which one?”
Damn, why does everyone always ask that? “John Randolph Medical Center,” I lied. It didn't matter. There were enough floors that he would never find out the truth anyways.
“That's good. I'm proud of you, Monica. Really ... I am.”
That meant a lot coming from him. It's been a long time since we'd been at this place where we could have a civilized conversation without getting into a fight.
“The girls really like Rosa,” I teased. I wanted him to know I was okay with him having another woman in my girls' life. “Sounds like she's a really nice lady.”
“Thanks. She's really special. I can't imagine her not being in my life.”
At one time I would have felt jealous, hearing him talk that way about another woman, especially since the reason we had gotten a divorce was because he wanted the freedom to see who he wanted when he wanted. But now that I had gained my independence and had a wonderful man in my life, I was happy for him. We talked a few more minutes and scheduled a time for him to pick up the girls on Saturday and then I hung up.
“Baby, I hope you got an appetite, because your man was working up a sweat up in the kitchen,” Tremayne said as he stepped into the room carrying two plates of food.
“Ooh, it looks good.”
He took the seat across from me. “Okay, test it and tell me what you think.”
I took the fork from his hand and brought the omelet to my lips. “Mmmm, crab ... delicious.” I wasn't just saying that. It was good.
“Good. I was hoping I got the recipe right.”
“You did good.”
He looked pleased with himself. That was one thing I liked about Tremayne. He catered to a woman.
I had barely eaten my omelet when we started kissing and touching. His kisses were thorough and gentle. I hadn't had any in over a year, so my body was on fire. There was no way I was going to deny myself a second longer. When he pulled my panties down over my hips, my stomach stared to quiver with anticipation. I couldn't wait to feel him inside me. However, it suddenly dawned on me that the only person that was naked from the waist down was me.
“Aren't you going to get undressed?”
“Not yet. Now open your legs,” he said, standing over me.
The way he was looking had me squirming against the cushions. I was nervous and self-conscious at the same time. I preferred having sex with the lights off. But it was the middle of the afternoon and the sun was shining outside and I was lying back against the couch with my coochie on display.
“Damn, your pussy is pretty,” he moaned and lowered onto his knees, then reached out and started touching me down there. My eyes closed on contact, and when he slipped a finger inside, I think I came right then and there.
“You like that?”
“Yes,” I purred.“That feels wonderful.” That was an understatement.
He slowly pulled his finger out and my eyes slid open. And that was when I saw him do what I never could get Anthony's tired ass to do—he lowered his mouth to my kitty cat. I kid you not, I had an out-of-body experience. I don't know where I was floating to, but it had to be somewhere close to heaven. His tongue found my clit and I about jumped off the couch, it felt so good. He licked and sucked and slipped his finger inside again and found my G-spot and I was crying out his name.
“Tremayne ... baby ...
“That's it. Come for me.”
He didn't need to tell me twice. As soon as he applied a little pressure to my clit, I came so hard I think I threw my back out. He waited until my breathing slowed before he lifted me into his arms and carried me back to his bedroom. I was more than ready for whatever he had in store.
He settled me at the center of the bed and I watched with half-lidded eyes as he lowered his pants and his boxers. His dick wasn't small by any means, but he had nothing close to Anthony's big dick. I was starting to think maybe that was a good thing, considering I always felt like he was ripping my insides out.
I watched as Tremayne rolled a condom on, then walked over to the bed and moved between my thighs. “Baby, wrap your legs around me.”
I followed his lead and within seconds he slipped inside and was moving at a steady rhythm. I never knew sex could feel that good. He grabbed onto my hips and pumped deeper. I opened my eyes and found him staring down at me. All I could do was breathe hard and stare back.
“You like me being inside you?”
Like was a fucking understatement. I loved what he was doing, and the way he made me feel—I couldn't even begin to put it into words because there were none, except that Anthony had fallen short all those years in the pleasure department.
“Monica, look down. I want you to watch my dick slide in and out of your pussy.”
I raised up on my elbows and looked down between us. Oh. My. Goodness. I was wet and my juices were coating his chocolate goodness. Tremayne reached down between us and started playing with my clit again, and that's all it took.
“I'm ... finna ... come ... again.
” I cried. And no sooner was I done than he came right behind me. We lay there for a while holding each other before Tremayne got up, warmed our plates, and carried them into the bedroom. Like I said, he was thoughtful like that.
“I was hoping we could catch a movie tonight.”
He looked so happy I hated what I was about to tell him. “I've gotta work tonight.”
“Oh damn, I forgot about that. Maybe I can drop by the hospital on your break and bring you an early breakfast or something.”
I gazed down at my plate, purposely avoiding eye contact. “Since I only work six hours, I only get a fifteen-minute break. Not long enough to do anything but swallow down a sandwich and get back to my desk.”
“Okay, what about tomorrow?”
This time I looked up at him. “You know I work Saturday nights.” I don't know why we went through this every weekend. I hadn't planned on working, but since Anthony was going to have the girls, I might as well go in and make some money. That way I could take off next Saturday.
Tremayne rubbed a hand across his head and grew quiet as he finished his food. I felt so guilty that I had to say something.
“Listen ... as soon as I graduate I'll have more time. I'm sorry, but I gotta work.”
He nodded and looked sincere. “I understand. It's just I wanna take my woman out on the weekends and show her off.”
I grinned, loving the way he called me his woman. “Eighteen more weeks and it will all be over.”
I thought about Anthony asking about my job. Graduation couldn't come soon enough.

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