Scandals (12 page)

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Authors: Sasha Campbell

BOOK: Scandals
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I was working the pole when I spotted Trey stepping into the club. Other than discussing who was going to pick Kyle up from school, he hadn't said two words to me about the other night, and that was okay with me. He'd left me feeling cheaper than any of the tricks that paid me.
I removed my bikini top and made sure I was staring straight at him as I did a slow striptease. Just as I suspected, his hazel eyes were glued to me. He was too far away to know for sure, but I was certain he was licking his lips and kicking himself as he saw everything he'd missed out on the other night.
For the next two songs I worked the stage, batted my eyes, jiggling my ass and collecting money along the way. By the end of my set I was sweating and breathing hard, holding a fistful of money.
When I came off the stage Trey was standing there waiting for me. I tossed him a cold look so he would know that after what happened the other night, any possibility of me and him was history.
“Yo, how much for a private dance?” he cooed.
Money was money. It felt good inside knowing I worked the pole so well I had his dick hard.
“Depend on what all you want.”
He held up a hundred. “What can I get for this?”
I snatched the money from his hand and walked up to the VIP section. As soon as I reached the balcony, I moved to the couch at the far end and signaled for him to take a seat. The music changed to Nicki Minaj and I moved my body to the beat of the music, swaying my hips and playing with my nipples. Trey sat back on the couch, eyes glued to mine. I could tell when his tongue slipped out from between his lips that he was aroused. I gave him a deep, penetrating gaze, then dropped down to his crotch and started rocking my hips.
“I miss you,” he finally said.
He didn't have to tell me. His hard dick was evidence of that. “So what? You missed me.”
His hands came and grabbed my hips. He tried to pull me closer but I pushed them away. “There's no touching.”
“You know you want my hands on you.” Boldly he brought them back to my hips, and his hand moved around to stroke my belly. “Yo, I've got mad respect for you, Robin.”
I moved off his lap and swung around and straddled him. My nipples were only inches from his lips and I could feel his warm breath as he spoke.
“I don't wanna be another one of them muthafuckas you fuck ... I wanna make love.”
I ain't gonna lie. His words did crazy things to me. I couldn't remember the last time a man said that to me.
“Robin, I want to be with you ... not just for sex,” he whispered.
He rocked his hips and I followed his rhythm. My eyes were locked on his when he leaned forward and captured a nipple between his lips. I tried not to moan too loud because a bouncer was at the end of the balcony and the last thing I wanted was to draw attention to us. Thank goodness it was dark.
“How about we go to the zoo Saturday? You, me, and Kyle?”
“Okay,” I heard myself say. I wanted to stay mad but I couldn't. Not with him looking at me that way. Besides, I liked Trey. I liked him so much it scared me. One thing for sure, I didn't want to lose him.
When the second song ended I climbed off his lap, grabbed my dress, and headed toward the stairs.
“Can I buy you a drink?” Trey asked as he moved up beside me.
I grinned. “Sure.”
We were heading down the steps when I noticed Halo standing down there waiting for me. The look on his face said he was ready to start some shit.
Dammit. He spent so much time at Scandalous, who would have known he owned a hip-hop club in Colonial Heights? Club Swag was the hottest club in the city. So why the hell was he always here sweating me? I tried to pretend I didn't see him and walked past him, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward him.
“Hey, take yo muthafuckin' hands off her!” Trey jumped all in Halo's face. He loosened his grip, then moved to stand in Trey's face. The last thing I needed was a fight to break out up in here so the club manager could come down hard on my ass.
“Trey ... please ... let me handle this.”
He had his hands balled in fists at his sides and was breathing fire like a paranormal dragon. “Then handle your business, but if I see that muthafucka grab on you again, I'm going to make it my business.”
Halo laughed. “Yeah, my bad, nigga.” Before he could say anything further, I grabbed his arm and pulled him off to the right.
“Halo, what the hell you want?”
“What you mean what I want? Maybe I want a lap dance so I can feel that wet pussy stroking my dick.”
I rolled my eyes. “Halo, it's over between us. When you gonna get that shit in your head?”
“Baby it ain't ova till I say it is. Now can I have a lap dance or what?”
I blew out a heavy breath. Sometimes I felt like I was talking to a fucking brick wall when it came to this dude. He just wasn't ready to let go. Damn, I know I got some bomb-ass pussy, but this shit was getting beyond ridiculous. “I said no.”
He grabbed my hand and laced my fingers with his. “Oh, so I see how you are. I'm not good enough but that muthafucka ova there is.”
“Damn, Halo, either leave me the fuck alone or I'm calling security.” I snatched my hand and signaled to Trey that I would be right back. I was so sick of Halo thinking I still belonged to him.
I strolled into the girls' locker room and Honey was in back, changing into a short orange dress with high splits on each side.
“Can I bum some baby wipes?” she said.
I nodded and turned the combination to my lock. The whole time I could feel her eyes on me. “What?”
“That dude I saw you wit is so got damn fine!”
Despite Halo's drama, I couldn't resist a grin. “Yeah, he's a friend of mine.”
“Friend, huh?” Intrigued curiosity was written all over her face, although I could tell she was trying to hide it. “Well if that's the case, can a sistah get a hook-up?” I guess something in my face told her hell no because her eyes got big. “Oh, hell nah! Is that the dude you went out with the other night?”
I shrugged. “Yeah, something like that.” I handed her a wipe, but before she took it from my hand she looked me dead in the eyes.
“Girl, you know Halo will kill you if he finds out somebody else is getting his pussy, right?”
She was joking, but I was starting to think that there was some truth to what she was saying.
I lay in bed with my arms wrapped tightly around Tremayne as I waited for my breathing to return to normal.
That man was an amazing lover, to say the least. After making him wait almost a month before I finally decided to give him some, we'd been trying to steal moments alone together every chance I got. Fridays had become our time to share. With the girls at school and me not having any classes, he usually played hooky part of the morning to come over and make sure I was made love to. And what a wonderful job he did. Anthony had been my first, but thank goodness he hadn't been my last.
Speaking of sex ... my hands traveled across his hip and down between his legs, where I started stroking him. Within seconds I felt him spring to life. He groaned. “If you wake Joe up, I'm gonna have to put him somewhere.”
“That's the plan,” I purred.
True to his warning, Tremayne flipped me onto my back and slid inside. He then rose up on his forearms and stared down into my eyes. I loved watching his expressions while we made love. With every pump we stared at one another, and I always knew when he was close to coming. He slowed down his pace and ran kisses along my neck, then traveled down to take one of my nipples in his mouth. While he sucked, he thrust in and out of my body. I rocked to meet each one of his strokes with one of my own.
“Feel good to you?” he breathed against my neck.
“Yes, baby. It feels
good.” I whimpered and then I pulled him even deeper so he was hitting my spot, and within seconds I was crying out his name.
Afterward we lay in each other's arms and drifted off to sleep. The alarm was set for one o'clock, so we had plenty of time for another round and a shower before the girls arrived home from school. I was slobbering on his chest when I heard the doorbell. I tried to ignore it, figuring it couldn't have been anybody this time of the day but a Jehovah's Witness or a delivery, and I wasn't expecting anything. But when the ringing persisted, I finally groaned and got up from the comfortable bed and reached for my robe on the back of the door and headed downstairs. I looked through the peephole and wanted to scream.
It was Reyna.
I swung the door open, ready to give her a piece of my mind for ruining my perfect afternoon. She knew I was spending it with Tremayne because I had called her last night to cancel our weekly ritual. Over the phone I could tell she was pissed off at me because I was putting a man in front of our friendship, but Reyna knew as well as I did a good man was hard to find.
Any thoughts of yelling at her crashed and burned when I saw her red eyes. “Reyna, what's wrong?”
She pushed past me and stormed into the house. “You will not believe what that bastard did,” she said, bottom lip quivering uncontrollably.
“What bastard?” I don't know how many times I've told Reyna she has a bad habit of starting at the middle instead of the beginning of the story.
“Who is Monty?” I asked, because for the life of me I couldn't keep up.
“This guy I met a couple of weeks ago.” She moved into the living room and flopped down onto a wingback chair, which meant she had no intention of leaving any time soon. Sighing, I decided to play along for a few moments, then I was putting her the hell out. I just wasn't in the mood for relationship drama.
“What happened?”
She had to take several deep breaths just to calm her nerves enough to speak. “Well, after you
on me last night, I decided that maybe I needed to start spending more time getting to know Monty, so I gave him a call. He was happy to hear from me and invited me to have breakfast with him. You know I never pass up a good meal, so I met him for breakfast. Afterward, he invited me back to his place. I followed him there and one thing led to another and we were in his bedroom.”
I kept thinking about Tremayne lying upstairs in my bedroom naked, where I should be instead of down here listening to my girl getting her freak on with another dude she barely knew.
“Anyway, we had sex and I drifted off to sleep, then we had sex again. It wasn't until I woke up with Monty fucking me that I realized there were two of them in bed with me.”
My head whipped around so fast, it's a wonder I hadn't gotten whiplash. “What do you mean, two of them?”
“He and his twin brother! I hadn't fucked one man, but twins. They were laughing and talking about how good the pussy had been and then tried to slide back under the covers with me for a ménage à trois.”
My bottom lip dropped. I couldn't have even begun to imagine how embarrassed she had been.
She started crying. “I have never felt so violated in my life!”
I felt so bad for Reyna. I wrapped my arms around her and tried to comfort her. I would have thought she was into that kind of freaky shit, but I guess I was wrong.
“I couldn't get out that apartment fast enough. They had even taken digital pictures! It was some kind of sick joke.” My heart went out for my best friend. Nothing worse than a man, or in her case, two men making you feel like a whore.
I released her and watched her wipe the tears from her eyes. She then looked down and started giggling. “You really don't have any titties, do you?”
I noticed my robe had fallen open. Frowning, I pulled it tight and adjusted the belt. “
. According to my man, I have plenty. Anyway, I'm sorry that happened to you, but you are interrupting our quality time.”
She jerked back like she had just been slapped.“You're kidding, right? I just told you I had been used by a couple of perverted twins and you're ready to kick me out?”
“Reyna, I'm not gonna kick you out. You're more than welcome to stay if you wanna, but I got a man who took off to spend the afternoon with me and I plan to do just that. If you want, we can hang out this evening before I head to the club. Maybe take the girls to McDonald's so they can play in the jungle gym.”
Her eyes narrowed and she glanced up the stairs. “I thought you were supposed to be my best friend. Where was your man last week when you needed fifteen hundred dollars for a new air conditioner? Whose shoulder did you cry on when Anthony threatened to take custody of the girls? I'm always there for you, but lately you don't seem to have time for me anymore. I thought we were best friends.”
I hate it when she's right. After that whole double-team bullshit with Anthony and Rosa, I headed straight to Reyna's boutique and vented. Reyna had even locked the door and put up the
sign so we wouldn't have any interruptions, then she listened patiently to every detail. I still couldn't believe Anthony had tried to get me to sell my kids to him and that fake-ass Barbie. As a result, we were back on our regular scheduled visitations according to the divorce decree. You should have seen his face when I told him he was about to meet the bitch in me. He called, tried to apologize, and even offered the money to fix the air conditioner but I told him to kiss my ass and accepted Reyna's offer. I hated to take it, but it was either that or burn the fuck up, and that wasn't happening. I'm sure Tremayne would have loaned me the money but I didn't even want to go there. I already depended on one man, and I wasn't about to do that again.
“Reyna, I am your best friend.”
“Best friends don't let anyone get in the way of their friendships.” She was talking loud, but she looked more hurt than angry.
“Sorry, but you can't fuck me like he does,” I said, teasing, but she didn't see anything funny.
“Monica, men come a dime a dozen but friendships are forever. You know you're the closest thing I have to a sister.”
“And so are you, but I've got a man and needs.” I couldn't believe she was even trying to go there. “Damn, Reyna, quit acting like you don't understand.”
“It's not that I don't understand ... I'm just jealous.” She playfully stuck out her lip and I gave her a big hug.
“You'll find a good man soon enough.” I already had a good man, probably better than I deserved.
Rising, she headed toward the door. “I'm glad you've got faith because I'm starting to wonder if I ever will.”

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