Saving Little Amy (An Age Play Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: Saving Little Amy (An Age Play Romance)
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He unfastened his pants quickly, sliding them down with his knees. His cock quickly swelled up to the same size it was when I had it buried in my throat earlier.  I was scared—scared to death.  His cock was enormous, and I had been okay with the idea of him letting me control the pace, but to completely surrender myself to him was absolutely frightening.  I steadied my emotions and tried to control my heart, which was thundering in my eardrums.  Our naked bodies pressed against each other as he gripped my right thigh and opened my legs.  He slid between them, placing a hand behind each knee and forcing my toes to point towards the heavens.  He let his cock fall against my pelvis and I got a visual representation of just how far inside it would be.  I was certain the damn thing would crack a rib if he went all the way in.  Thankfully, he didn’t give me much time to think about it.  He slid it back until the head was pressed against my labia and started to push it inside.

“Oh god…”  I felt my hymen tearing away.  Most of it had been broken over the years, but the last pieces of it were shattered as the head slid inside.

“This will be the first and last cock you ever have inside of you.”  He said with a growl as he started to penetrate me.

The thought of that made me smile, despite the pain that was shooting through me.  So many girls my age went all the way with the first man who showed an interest in them, but I had saved myself for the right moment.  I was happy to be claimed by Solomon, and to be his little girl.  He got a couple of inches inside and then he was forced to slip it out and push it in again.  He repeated the process, each time stretching my vaginal walls even more.  I tried to relax, but my body was tingling with desire.  The pain was igniting more fear as he got deeper, and I knew that was making the experience even worse on me.  I finally found the courage to close my eyes and calm my nerves, which allowed him to slide in and out a lot easier.  The unexplored territory still hurt as he went deeper, but the initial shock started to wear off.  I wrapped one arm around his shoulder and one around his back as he started to deliver slow and steady thrusts.

“Is that the best you got?”  I asked with a grin.  I could tell he was still holding back.

“Oh, you’re asking for it now.”  His gravel soaked voice got deeper and his face turned to a snarl.

He pressed my legs even further back and positioned himself over me with his cock about halfway in.  He stared me in the eyes and then drove it the rest of the way as hard as he could.  I nearly shrieked as my pussy was stretched even further and his balls were pressed against me.  I knew I shouldn’t have taunted him, but I wanted to feel his satisfaction.  He began to rise and fall between my thighs, positioning a hand on each side of me.  The force of his thrusts were enough to keep my legs where they needed to be without him holding them any longer.  His abdominal muscles heaved with each thrust and I saw them tighten as he picked up the pace.  I was caught somewhere between pleasure and pain as he drove his cock in over and over.  I allowed myself to fully relax underneath and the pain started to subside.  I also began to feel something I had never felt before, an overwhelming sensation of pleasure deep inside my pussy.  I realized it had to be my g-spot, which was stimulated each time his cock slid all the way in and was then withdrawn.

“That feels so good.”  I whispered with a moan.

“It’ll get even better with time.”  He leaned in and kissed me, bouncing between my thighs with a ferocity I didn’t know was possible.

I knew he was telling the truth.  The pain was still there when he drove him cock in deep, but it was getting better with each thrust.  Thankfully, my fear for my ribs was unfounded as I was able to take all of him without any broken bones.  I traced his body as he continued to fuck me.  I couldn’t believe I had managed to find someone as amazing as Solomon.  Watching the hunger brew in his eyes as he leaned in for another kiss made all of the fear melt away.  The moment consumed me, and I was so thankful to be his little girl.  Slowly but surely, all of the pain slipped away.  I was glad we saved our first moment for the bedroom instead of trying to hastily do it in the living room—there would be plenty of time for that in the future.  I gripped both of his hips around his pelvis muscles, feeling the thrust coming before it landed in the deepest spot and sent another wave of pleasure through my body.  It was so much different than simply having my clitoris touched, and a whole lot better than simply having his tongue tease me until I couldn’t take anymore.  I bit down on my lip as I felt myself going over the edge.

“You’re going to cum, aren’t you?”  He drove himself deep and started to pound my pussy with quick, erratic thrusts.

“Yes…”  I let out a slight shriek.

There was certainly no way to hide the expression on my face.  I was so caught up in the moment that I lost control and my head rolled back against the pillow.  My back arched and my chest heaved with quick, hurried breaths.  I could feel his cock pulsating and throbbing inside of me.  I had felt that before right before he unloaded inside of me earlier.  I didn’t know if he was as close as I was, but I knew he was definitely headed in that direction.  It was all I could do not to scream, although I’m certain my eardrums betrayed me and I was a lot louder than I thought I was.  His muscles tightened and his cock seemed to swell even more, which sent me over the edge as it slid across my g-spot.  I felt the orgasm start to surge through my body and his breathing got even heavier.  Shorter, quicker thrusts followed and then I felt him begin to cum.  I could practically feel it rushing through his cock as he exploded inside of me.  It felt like our souls connected on a level I didn’t know was possible as we both experienced the ultimate form of bliss.  He thrust his cock in a few more times, emptying the last bit of his cum.  My body quivered as my orgasm finally subsided.

“Don’t go anywhere.”  He said as he slowly slid out and stood up.  “I’m not done with you yet.”  He lit a cigarette and sat down on the side of the bed.

“What do you mean?”  I rolled over to face him.

“I mean I’m going to fuck you again as soon as I’m done with this.”  I could see that his cock was still semi-hard.

“Again?  Wow…”  I tried to steady my trembling legs.

“I told you, it gets better with practice.”  He exhaled a stream of smoke and pushed my legs apart, fingering my cum soaked pussy as he continued to smoke.  By the time he was finished with his cigarette, I was ready more than ready for round two.




For several months, everything was perfect.  I got up in the morning with him, a little earlier than normal, and he got me ready for the day.  He went to work and I stayed at home.  My schoolwork kept me busy during the day, and sometimes it kept me busy into the night.  I was doing fairly well in my classes, but they were boring.  The thing that kept me going was the rewards I got every time I showed him a good grade.  Even if he put in a ten hour day, he was never too tired to spread my legs and make sure I knew how proud he was of me.  Sex went from being something I didn’t understand to something I craved and enjoyed daily.  He took care of me, keeping bottles in the fridge and baby food in the cabinets.  As disgusting as it was at first, I actually began to look forward to it.  The only part I really didn’t enjoy was waiting on him to come home every evening to get my diaper changed, but I wasn’t brave enough to defy him.

“Hello?”  I picked up the phone after waddling over to it and grimacing at the feeling between my legs.

“Is this Amy?”  I didn’t recognize the voice.

“Yes, who is this?”  I held the receiver closer to my ear.

“Hey Amy, it’s Chloe.  I wasn’t sure if you still lived with dad.”  She sounded out of breath and in tears.

“Yes, I still live here.  What is going on, Chloe?”  I felt something stabbing me in my gut—a sense of worry swept over me.

“Amy, he got shot.”  She started to sob.  “They said he’s not going to make it.”

“What!?  Chloe, where is he?”  I felt tears welling up in my own eyes.

“Benton Regional.  If you want to say goodbye, you should come as quickly as you can.”  She started to cry and then I heard the line go dead.

“Chloe!  CHLOE!”  I screamed into the phone, but it was too late.

I started towards the door, but I realized I couldn’t leave the house the way I was dressed.  I ran upstairs and threw the diaper on the floor, sliding into regular clothes.  I barely took time to slide a pair of panties and a sports bra on, but I ran downstairs with my t-shirt and jeans in my hand.  I grabbed my purse and bolted out the door.  I realized I didn’t know how to get to Benton Regional, but I knew there was a public transportation stop at the end of the street.  By the time I got there, I was out of breath and my legs were tired.  I stared at the schedule and prayed there would be one coming soon.  When I spotted the bus, I ran down the street, desperately flagging it down.  The driver seemed a little confused, but he stopped and pushed the door open.  I cleared two steps and had to catch myself on the rail as I jumped on it.

“Does this bus go to Benton Regional?”  I asked quickly.

“No ma’am, I’m sorry.”  He shook his head.

“How close can it get me?”  I felt tears welling up in my eyes again.

“Once we clear the residential area, there’s a taxi company…”  I didn’t give him time to finish.

“That’s good enough, thank you.”  I dug into my purse and threw money at him, not even checking to see how much it was.  If there was any other procedure he was supposed to follow, he skipped them.

The bus ride was a blur.  I just wanted it to go faster.  I practically shoved people off of the bus when it stopped, and that the bus driver threatened to leave me on the side of the road if I did it again.  I settled back into my seat and just started crying.  Everyone on the bus stared at me like I was a crazy person, and I guess I was, but I didn’t care.  The only man I had ever loved was dying, and all I could do was wait for the bus to slowly crawl into town.  When the taxi company was in sight, I jumped out of my seat and pulled open the door before he fully stopped.  I ran through traffic without any care for my own life, flagging down the first one I saw.  The driver was a little taken aback by the crying, red faced woman that ran at him like a tornado, but he opened the door and slid into the driver’s seat.

“Where to?”  He asked as his fingers clicked the meter.

“Benton Regional, and you can have every penny in my purse if you floor it.”  I said with a sob.

“Okay, you got it.”  The tires squealed as he pulled into traffic.

Even the taxi didn’t seem to move fast enough.  I felt like I was living in slow motion as I watched the hospital draw closer.  I wanted to jump out and run, but I knew I would get there faster if I could just hold on.  When the cab got to the line of cars, I dumped my wallet into the front seat and ran to the doors.  The cab driver said something I couldn’t understand, but I didn’t care. I just had to get inside.  I looked for a sign that pointed me in the direction of the emergency room and I saw Chloe leaned against a wall crying when I got there.  I panicked, thinking I was too late.  I ran to her side and spun her around.  She broke down and hugged me, but a hug wasn’t going to answer my questions.  I pushed her away and shook her a couple of times, trying to bring some form of reality back to her.

“Where is he?  Am I too late?”  I asked quickly.

“They won’t let me see him.  He’s in surgery…”  She latched onto me again.

“What happened exactly?”  I held her close, but I still needed answers.

“I don’t really know the full story.  His partner is over there…”  She pointed to an older black man who had his face down in his hands.

“Let me go talk to him.  Chloe, you gotta let go.”  He finally pried her hands free and ran over to him.

“Um, hi… I’m Amy, I’m—”  He looked up at me before I could finish my introduction.

“The Amy?  Solomon talks about you all the time.  I think he might be in love with you.”  He tried to add a little humor to his tone, but I wasn’t in the mood for it.

“What happened?”  I asked as I sat down next to him.

“We were investigating what should have been a cold case.  It was the first one we got when Solomon was moved to homicide and became my partner.  He just couldn’t let it go unsolved.  We tracked a person of interest to an apartment downtown, and when we got there, he just opened fire.”  The older man shook his head.

“How bad is it?  Chloe said he may not make it.”  I tried to blink and stop myself from crying again.

“She’s telling you the truth.  The doctor said the odds are against him.  He’s got one bullet lodged in his lungs and one near his heart.  They can’t leave them in, but taking them out might kill him…”  He sighed and shook his head.

“Tell me you killed the bastard who did this.”  I said angrily as rage swept over me.

“Solomon did, even with two slugs in his chest, he still took the mother fucker out.  Probably saved my life too, I didn’t even have my gun out of my holster yet.”  The older man shook his head again.  “I’m Marcus by the way, Marcus Abernathy.”

“I wish we were meeting under better circumstances.”  I sank into the chair.

“Me too.  I’m going to go talk to Chloe.  Let me know if you need anything.”  Marcus stood up and walked towards Solomon’s daughter, who was still huddled against the wall and sobbing.

Two hours later, he was still in surgery and all of us had managed to calm down a little bit.  My stomach was a tight knot of frustration waiting on word from his doctor.  Marcus and Chloe seemed to take a cigarette break every five minutes, so I was left alone in the waiting room with my own turmoil boiling over.  I was never one for faith or God, but I prayed silently like I had been a good Christian my whole life.  I knew he had a dangerous job, but he never really talked about it.  It started to sink in that it was my fault he was even in homicide to begin with.  If he hadn’t busted me for shoplifting, he would have never gotten the promotion.  He might have been miserable, but he wouldn’t be fighting for his life.  Marcus and Chloe returned from their latest walk outside and sat back down in the chairs across from me.

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