Saving Little Amy (An Age Play Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Saving Little Amy (An Age Play Romance)
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“He’s a nice man.”  I said quietly.

“Right…”  She said as she reached into her purse and dug out a pack of Marlboro Lights.  “Want one?”

“No thank you.”  I said as I declined.

“Don’t tell the warden.”  She said as she took a drag.  “He may not have whipped my ass for getting thrown out of school, but he’d definitely do it if he caught me smoking.”

“Your secret is safe with me.”  I replied.  “So, was there a lot of that growing up?”

“You don’t even want to know.”  She shook her head.  “He’s a dictator.”

Part of me wanted to share my secret with her, but I knew I shouldn’t do that without Solomon’s consent.  Eventually, she went up to the guest room and I helped her carry a few bags upstairs.  It was no easy ordeal with the pain still radiating from my bottom, but I managed it.  I wondered to myself what would have happened if she came home only an hour before and found me across her father’s knee.  I was screaming so loud that it would have been impossible to hear her until she was already upstairs and bearing witness to my humiliation.  Solomon would have had a hell of a time explaining that one, and her news might not have been quite so bad for her to deliver.  Either way, we had dodged a proverbial bullet with it.  She got settled in and then I went downstairs to wait on Solomon.  I had no idea where he went or when he would be back, so I watched television.  Chloe came down a few times and then retired to the guest room and I fell asleep in his chair with the television still on.  I was awakened at some point later by the sound of the front door slamming.

“Solomon?”  I asked as I heard uneven footsteps.

“Yeah, it’s me.”  He walked in and sat down.  I could tell he was intoxicated, but not completely gone.  He sat down and lit a cigarette.

“Are you okay?”  I asked as he rubbed his brow.

“I’m fine.  I’m sorry I put you in that situation earlier.  I had no idea she would be coming home.”  He said with a long drawn out sigh.

“Come over here.”  He said as he leaned back in his chair.

“Okay.”  I stood up and walked over to him.  He guided me into his lap with my knees on either side of his hips.

“This doesn’t change anything between us.”  He said sternly.  “My daughter will just have to accept that you are a part of my life.  You might get away with a little more than you would normally since I can’t just throw you over my knee, but you’ll still get your comeuppance eventually.”  His hand squeezed my ass tightly.

“Ouch.”  I remarked with a wince.

“Still sore?”  He brought his other hand around and squeezed the other side.

“Yes!”  I squirmed forward a little bit, but he kept his hands in place.

“You can’t even begin to imagine how much I want you right now.”  He rubbed his hands up my ribs.

“Chloe is upstairs…”  I said cautiously.  “Her bed is literally right above us.”

“A tank couldn’t wake her up.”  He reached behind me and started to unzip the dress.

“You know I’ve never done this before, right?”  I asked as my dress fell off of my shoulders.

“You’re on top.  Go as fast or as slow as you want to.”  He pulled me closer and stubbed out his cigarette.

“Wasn’t there something you wanted to tell me earlier?”  I asked as I recalled our last conversation before Chloe interrupted us.

“Later…” He said as he locked his lips with mine.

Our first kiss was like an explosion of grandeur.  I could feel my pussy getting wet against his jeans, which were slowly getting tighter as his cock swelled.  He held the back of my neck tightly, forcing his tongue into my mouth as our heads tilted and our eyes closed.  My breathing got heavier as I started to feel overwhelmed by passion.  Part of me still wanted to hold back knowing that his daughter was upstairs, but the rest of me was on fire.  I started to grind my hips into his jeans, ready to feel what was hidden behind the denim inside of me.  I had waited my whole life for the right man to come along and claim me.  I had no idea it would be under such strange circumstances.  I was right where I wanted to be, embraced by a man I loved, ready to give myself to him.  I knew I would submit to him in any way he wanted and do anything for him that he asked.  My fingers fumbled with his button down shirt as I felt his lips move down my neck.

“Is there anything I should do?” I asked as my hips moved against his zipper.

“Just keep doing that.”  He whispered as his lips moved further down my neck.

“Okay.”  I whispered back.  He started to match my ferocity with his own hips lifting up against me.

“God, I can’t wait to be inside you.”  He reached for his zipper.

“What was that?”  I asked a second before footsteps sounded from the stairs.

“Shit, it’s Chloe.”  He said angrily.

I slipped my dress back onto my shoulders and ran towards the kitchen as he tried to casually conceal the erection in his jeans.  I slipped into the bathroom and pushed the door closed, not bothering with the lights.  I got the zipper on my dress up and realized my thighs were damp when they came together.  I wasn’t sure if I should pretend to be using the bathroom and come out, or just sit silently and wait for Chloe to go back upstairs.  I couldn’t hear what they were saying because of the closed door, and they were also speaking softly.  I waited for nearly ten minutes before I heard her footsteps on the stairs again and slowly opened the door.  He was sitting in his chair with a scowl on his face and a cigarette in his lips.  All of the passion and desire seemed to be gone from him.  I walked into the living room and sat down across from him.  He didn’t even acknowledge me for a moment, but then seemed to snap out of his trance and look over at me.

“Is everything okay?”  I asked cautiously.

“Yeah, it’s fine.”  He said with a hint of anger in his voice.  “Chloe won’t be staying her after all.”

“She won’t?  Where is she going to go?”  I looked at him with a confused stare.

“She’s moving in with one of her friends, some fucking dropouts who all work retail downtown.  There will be four of them crammed into one tiny apartment.”  I could tell he wasn’t pleased.

“That news couldn’t wait until morning?”  I asked, feeling my legs still slightly trembling from our kiss.

“She actually came down to apologize for earlier.  She said she couldn’t sleep.”  He took a drag off of his cigarette and then stood up.  “I’m going to bed.”

“Okay…”  I watched him walk upstairs and then curled up in his chair.  It was clear that our moment was gone.





The next day, Solomon and I helped Chloe move all the stuff I had just helped her move into the house back to her car.  It was clear there was a lot of tension between them, so I just carried what I could and waved goodbye once the car was packed.  They had a long conversation by the car and when he came back in, he slammed the door in anger.  He immediately popped a beer, despite it not being eleven in the morning and sat down in his chair.  I cautiously walked into the living room and sat down across from him, unsure what to say exactly.  I waited for him to settle down some and start the conversation.  I was afraid of upsetting him even more and I didn’t want to ask him about the argument unless he wanted to talk about it.  After a couple of cigarettes and the beer were finished, he finally looked over to me and shook his head.

“I failed…”  He shook his head again.  “I failed as a father.”

“What do you mean, you didn’t fail.  She did!”  I furrowed my brow together, coming to his defense—against himself.

“I thought I had done a good job of raising her.  I thought she was mature enough to go out on her own, but I was wrong.”  He walked to the kitchen and got another beer.

“You did the best you could with her.  She made her own choices when she got to college.”  I looked up at him when he came back into the room.

“It is just so damn frustrating…”  He said angrily as he sat back down.

“Let me help you with a little bit of that frustration.”  I dropped to the floor and crawled over to him, moving up between his hips and massaging his inner thighs.

“I’m feeling less frustrated already.”  He said as he looked down at me.

I had a general idea how to perform oral sex, although I had never actually done it.  Like a lot of girls my age, I had practiced with bananas and Popsicles when nobody was watching, envisioning myself one day being able to please a man with my mouth.  I rubbed my hand up his zipper, feeling his cock getting hard behind the denim once again. I leaned forward and kissed up the length until I got to his belt and then I started to unfasten it.  He shifted to give himself more room as I continued to rub.  His hips slid forward and he let out a gasp of pleasure.  I needed to see the confident man I had always known, not the angry one Chloe had left behind when she drove away.  I pushed the button through the hole on his jeans and then slid the zipper down.  He leaned up so I could tug them the rest of the way down and I pulled them to his knees, pushing his shoes off and pulling them completely off.  His boxers were tight and when my fingers slipped into the waistband, I saw his cock getting even harder.

“Have you ever done this before?”  He asked as I slid the boxers down.

“No…”  My eyes got wide when I saw exactly how well-endowed he was.

“I’ve been told it is a challenge.”  He grinned as it swelled even more.

“They were right…”  I wrapped my hand around his enormous shaft.  My fingers didn’t even touch.

It was a great idea, but he execution was going to be more than a challenge—it looked like an impossibility.  I stroked up and down his cock with my hand, feeling it throb against my palm.  I pushed it against his chest and started to kiss the bottom of it, slowly bringing my tongue up the middle until I got to the head.  I kissed and swirled my tongue around the tender spot right under the head until he was moaning with pleasure.  I made a mental note of the places he liked to be touched as I rolled my tongue around his massive cock, returning to them often as I continued to explore it.  I kissed down to his enormous balls and started to move my tongue across them, which brought a loud groan of pleasure from him.  I kept his cock pressed against his abdomen so I could continue to work on the underside as I kissed and licked them.  He slid down so that it was almost vertical and he seemed overwhelmed by the pleasure so I continued to work on the meaty orbs.

“That feels so good…”  He said with a gasp.

I picked up the intensity, moving up his shaft again with my tongue until I reached the head.  I gripped the base and slowly brought it forward into my open mouth.  The head was gargantuan and I could only allow part of it to touch my tongue.  I stretched my jaw wider, determined to overcome the challenge.  Slowly but surely, it slid between my teeth without them touching it and the biggest part of his cock was against my tongue.  I moved my head down onto it further, letting a couple of inches slip between my lips.  I paused there and started to bob my head up and down, pulling my neck back as far as my muscles would allow.  I started to lightly massage the lower part of his shaft as I worked on the top.  There were constant moans of pleasure, so I continued to keep the same motion and momentum going.  A little bit more of his cock slipped into my mouth after I was able to easily work on the top part and then I felt it seemingly swell even more, forcing me to widen the entrance to allow it to easily slid in and out of my lips.

“You’re getting the hang of this real quick.”  He said with another moan.  His hand rested on top of my head and he started to push his cock in even deeper.

I let him push as much as he wanted, struggling to get it down.  When he got to the back of my throat, I tried to practice what I had done in the past when I was messing around with various fruits and frozen treats, but it proved to be a bit more difficult.  I started to gag on it and he released his grip.  He let me slide up to the top and go back down until he was pressed against my throat again.  I struggled with it for a few more seconds until I was gagging once more, and then I moved back up to the top.  He tensed up as I continued to methodically work to get his cock down my throat.  I was determined for him to get what he wanted, so I kept trying until I finally felt it push through the barrier at the back of my throat.  My lips met my hand and then I released my grip on his cock, sliding down until I was against his pelvis muscles.  I felt a huge sense of victory as I felt him deep within me.  He seemed to relax a lot more once the feat had been accomplished.

“There you go.”  He moaned.  “Just like that.”

There was still a threat of choking involved, but he massaged my head with his hand and let me slowly move him in and out until I had the hang of it.  There was a lot of emotion involved with it, not just because it was the first time I had done it, but also because he seemed to be a lot happier without the stress of Chloe’s recent issues in the forefront of his mind.  I continued to move my head up and down, picking up the pace as much as I could without gagging myself.  The pressure on my head got more intense as I started to caress his balls with my hand while I let him slide deep into the back of my throat, and then down into the spot he wanted.  Once I had good momentum worked up, I could feel his cock throbbing in my throat and his hips started to grind, shifting forward each time.  I knew that he was close to the end, and I couldn’t wait to feel it.  A slight panic crept up when I realized I had never tasted or swallowed cum before, and I hoped I was up for the task.

“Almost there, Amy.  Keep going…”  He was hardly able to push words out between his gasps of pleasure.

I pulled the head of his cock out to the edge of my lips and I tasted the first hint of his cum on the tip.  It was salty and the texture was strange, but it was a part of him, and I wanted to have it all.  I slid his cock down my throat and felt his tense up.  His cock throbbed and let out a load growl of pleasure.  His hand clenched down on my head and he lunged upwards, driving his cock in even deeper.  An explosion of warm, sticky cum drowned the back of my throat and I struggled to swallow it.  He groaned and another knot of cum surged out into the accumulating pool.  I finally swallowed enough of it to soak in breath, which was the only one I got because he was once again unloading his manhood in my throat.  After several surges of it, he slowed down and I felt the tension start to leave him.  He released his grip on my head and his hand fell loose at his side.  He reached over and lit up a cigarette as I pulled his cock to the edge of my lips once again and drained the last bit of it off.

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