Saving Little Amy (An Age Play Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Saving Little Amy (An Age Play Romance)
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“Oh gosh, what is this?”  I scrolled down his page.

Nothing on his profile actually mentioned his name or contained any pictures of him that showed his face.  The only reason I realized it was his profile was because the picture, a shadowed police officer, was the same one he had as a background on his laptop.  The age and stats checked out, which confirmed I was in the right place.  Everything else was like a slice of twilight zone pie.  His profile described him as a strong, dominant man who was looking for absolute submission from his partner—with dire consequences for misbehavior and foolishness.  My mind quickly returned to the conversation we had one of my first nights living there, where he threatened to put me over his knee for that very type of behavior.  I couldn’t read anything else.  It felt like I was invading his privacy.  I shut down the browser and then the laptop as I sat there in the chair staring at the smoldering fire.

“Was he testing me?”  I asked myself quietly.

I went to bed confused.  I understood there were various fetishes and some people were into some rather interesting things.  Having little to no experience made me unsure what I was or was not into.  Seeing his profile had suddenly put a cloud of uncertainty on our arrangement.  The similarities between what was in his dating profile and what he said to me were definitely there.  I wondered if there was a chance he had once hoped I would be the submissive partner he described.  If there was interest, he had not gone out of his way to show up.  I made a decision that I knew was foolish and could change everything between us, but I had to know.  My heart beat in my ears just thinking about it and my stomach felt a bit uneasy.  I wasn’t sure if I could go through with it, but I was definitely going to try—I was going to try and earn myself a spanking.





“What to wear…”  I asked myself as I looked through the closet.

Admittedly, I had no idea how to flirt or tease.  I settled on a t-shirt that I liked and then looked through the rest of the closet.  I had bought a few things with the loan money, so I wasn’t wearing his daughter’s clothes, but I didn’t like anything I had bought—at least not for what I had in mind.  I didn’t want something too thin, and I didn’t want something too thick.  Would I even keep it on when I went over his knee?  Panties!  I needed to make sure I had a pair which would tempt him if he did take down my pants, but it couldn’t be too obvious.  I settled on some hip huggers I had bought which cut right across the lower part of my bottom, leaving some of it exposed.  I went through my drawers and picked out a pair of pajama pants which were similar to what I normally wore.  They were white, with tiny red hearts all over them.

“Easy to pull down.”  I said as I tested them a couple of times.  “But not too easy.”  I pulled the string on the front tight and tied it off.

As I went down for Sunday breakfast, I asked myself what in the holy hell I was thinking at least ten times.  I wondered if I should just come clean and ask him about what I had seen rather than plan an elaborate set-up which would end with me over his knee.  No, I said to myself.  It had to appear organic.  That way, if he did reject me and had no interest, I wouldn’t be bound to a confession I couldn’t take back.  Plus, time seemed to be of the urgency, because there was likely to be someone who found his profile and did share the other side of his interests.  If I didn’t pursue things at that moment, he could end up with someone else.  I steadied myself at the base of the stairs before I walked into the kitchen.  I could hear his fork cleaning his plate, which meant he was almost done with his breakfast.

“Good morning.”  I said as I walked into the kitchen and started fixing myself a plate.

“Good morning, Amy.  You were up late last night.”  He said as he lit a cigarette and sipped his coffee over his empty plate.

“Yeah...  You know, you really shouldn’t smoke.”  I took it out of his fingers and tapped it out in the ashtray.  “It’s bad for you.”

“What are you, my mother?”  His tone took on an annoyed ring and he picked up his pack.  “Don’t do that again.”

My plan was already moving in the right direction.  I finished my lunch with an invisible smile behind my humbled expression.  I could tell he was a little disturbed by my action and he kept one eye on me throughout the day, whether I was working on school stuff or just watching television.  My swan song was coming.  I excused myself to go to the bathroom around four o’clock and set a trap where the only victim was me.  When he stubbed out his cigarette and leaned forward in his chair around five thirty, I knew the moment was coming.  He walked into the kitchen and my heart started to pound in my ears.  I had spent a whole day setting myself up for the fall, and there was no turning back.  I listened to each footstep, knowing they signaled my doom, and the next step in my life.  Either I would find myself across his knee or I would find out that he wasn’t serious about what he had said.  I listened intently as he opened the fridge, and then I waited for the realization to strike home.

“What the fuck…”  His growl echoed through the lower level of his house, and then his footsteps came stomping towards the living room.  “Amy!  Did you pour out my beer!?”

“You shouldn’t drink.”  I said nonchalantly.  “It is bad for your liver.”

I could sense the gears clicking, each turn igniting more anger in his subconscious.  He stared at me for a couple of seconds before his blood started to boil and his face turned red.  I had taken the beers from the fridge and popped the tops one by one, setting them in the sink upside down.  If I had learned anything about Solomon, it was that his vices seemed to take center stage in his life.  He glared at me, and I gave him the most innocent look I could muster.  It wasn’t as successful as I hoped, but it got the point across.  I waited for the hammer to fall, the moment of my comeuppance, yet it didn’t immediately register.  He simply put his hands on his hips and stared at me, seemingly disappointed at me.  He shook his head a few times and walked into the living room.  He sat down and stared at me for a few seconds before speaking.

“Amy, what the hell is going on?”  He asked in a confused tone.

“I…”  My words got tangled in my throat.

“What?”  He asked quickly.  “What is it?”

“I have no fucking idea!”  I said angrily.  I stood up and stomped upstairs to my room with tears flowing down my face.

Nothing happened the way I imagined it.  I slammed my door and stripped off the stupid pajama pants I had worn, sliding into bed.  I felt rejected, humiliated, and stupid.  I clutched my pillow close and cried into it.  I was nothing more than a stupid child who had no idea how to get the man I had fallen in love with.  It was hard to admit that.  I felt like I had tried everything and come up short.  Clearly, I had misread the signs and had no idea what I was trying to do.  I sobbed as quietly as I could until I heard him coming up the stairs.  When my door opened, I rolled over and stared at him.  He had a look on his face that was a mixture of confusion and disappointment.  I knew he would want an explanation, but I didn’t have one to give.  I was heartbroken and unable to process what I had done.  I certainly couldn’t play it off.

“Amy, what is wrong with you?”  He stepped into my room and towered over me as I looked up at him.

“I don’t know…”  I didn’t have anything else to say.

“You’ve been acting weird all day.”  He folded his arms and narrowed his eyes at me.  “Tell me what is going on.”

“I’m an idiot, that’s all.”  I wiped away tears.

“What do you mean?  I’m having trouble processing what is going on here.”  He took a step closer and looked down at me.

“I saw your profile, okay!”  I clenched my face to stop the tears.  “Strict Benton Daddy…”

“What?”  He took a step back.

I confessed everything.  I told him about finding the porn on his computer, and then finding his profile on the dating website.  I told him about my conflicted feeling with tears streaming down my face.  All of my plans—all of my hesitation—it became an afterthought.  He remained stoic as he listened to my words, and I had no idea what the result would be.  I wasn’t even sure what I wanted him to say.  I had tried so hard to make it organic and natural—maybe too hard.  I realized I was bared, completely exposed in his eyes as the last bit of it left my lips, destined for his ears.  There was no turning back.  All I could do was wait for him to process it and decide my fate.  If everything came crashing down around me, it would be no different than the rest of my life.  It would just be another chapter filled with failures I would be forced to overcome.  I watched the gears shift in his head as my final words were spoken.  He took a deep breath and dug into his pocket, lighting a cigarette as he stared at me.

“I’m a very complex man.”  He said finally.  “I’ll admit, when I brought you home and watched your radiance light this place up, part me couldn’t wait to light your bottom up and feel your submission as you crumbled in my hands.”

I blinked a few times, listening intently to what he said.  “And now?”  I asked.

“Amy, you’re strong.  You’re not the little girl I thought you were, you’re something more.  You have ambition, drive, and the potential to be something special.”  He sat down on the edge of the bed and took a long drag off of his cigarette.

“I’m not.”  I shook my head.  “I’m only strong because you made me strong.  You gave me purpose.”

“Amy…”  He sighed as he took a drag off of his cigarette.

“I need you.”  I sat up and perched myself next to him.  “I would give it all up to be the little girl you are looking for.”

“You wouldn’t last a day.”  He leaned over and ran his fingers down the side of my jaw.

He left me there in the midst of my turmoil and confusion.  Sleep didn’t come easy, even with the comfort of the bed that had brought it on without effort so many nights before.  It was the middle of the night when I finally did drift off and I woke up early with my eyes still rimmed from the swelling of my tears.  I went into the bathroom and cleaned myself the best I could.  After I was done with my shower, I used the hair dryer to blow away the dampness in my locks.  I didn’t even want to go downstairs to face him.  I wrapped a towel around my body and walked towards my bedroom.  Everything that happened the night before was still flashing in my mind and I cringed at every moment.  I had set out to make it seamless, but all I had managed to accomplish was a personal embarrassment even worse than my arrest.  I pushed my door opened and stepped into my room.  I stopped in my tracks when I saw him sitting on the edge of my bed.

“Good morning, Amy.”  He sat up and stared into my eyes with a cold expression.

“Uh, good morning…”  I pulled my towel tighter.  “What are you doing in here?”

“Why do you think I’m here?”  He tilted his head, but maintained eye contact.

“I don’t know.”  I admitted with my confusion echoing in my tone.

“You were a very naughty girl yesterday, and I think we both know you deserve a spanking.”  He said stretched out his hand and motioned for me to come to him.

The reality of getting what I was practically begging for the day before made my heart start to beat hard in my ears and my stomach felt queasy.  I had pushed those thoughts of my mind and did not think it would actually happen.  The pants I had spent an hour obsessing over and the panties I had carefully chosen were laying in the dirty clothes hamper.  Underneath my towel, I was completely naked.  It was nothing like I had planned, and he didn’t look like he was going to take me lovingly in his arms.  The expression on his face, which seemed to grow angrier as I hesitated, was the same scowl that he had the day he arrested me.  I took a step forward and then froze in my tracks.  My leg muscles would not budge or go any further.  I started to tremble as the realness sank in.  It was no longer a fantasy; it was really going to happen.  In my mind, the day before, I had painted it into something romantic and fun.

“I’m scared…”  I said as I tried to take another step.

“You should be scared.  I’m going to wear your ass out, young lady.  The longer you stand there thinking about it, the worse it is going to be.  Drop that towel and get over here.”  He motioned for me again.

I tried to swallow a lump building in my throat.  I had never been naked in front of a man before.  I fumbled with the fold around my breasts and took a deep breath.  I knew there was nothing special underneath the towel, at least not as far as he was concerned, but the thought of actually showing my naked to body to him made me quiver.  I closed my eyes and let it fall, expecting my whole world to come crashing down.  I knew from looking at other girls that my breasts were above average, and I had always kept myself in fairly good shape, despite having nobody to appreciate the hourglass my figure formed.  My nipples were hardened from the anticipation and the coldness which swept over me once I was naked.  I lifted my head and looked at him.  He eyes scanned me from head to toe and he nodded with a slight smile creeping up on the edge of his lips.  He moved a finger back and forth, summoning me to him once more.  I knew the few steps that separated us were going to be the hardest ones I had ever taken, but I had to take them.  If there was any future for us, I had to submit to him and accept the punishment I had earned for myself.  I finally forced my trembling knees to walk to him.

“Do you understand why you are going to get a spanking?”  He asked as he looked up at me.

“Yes sir.”  I said with a nod.

“I do not tolerate bratty behavior.”  He took me by the wrist and guided me across his knee.

“I know.”  I looked over my shoulder at him as he adjusted my bottom and placed his hand on it.

“Eyes forward.”  He said and as soon as I looked away, I felt a hard smack on my bottom.

“Oww!”  I lurched forward, but he held me in place.

The thought of getting spanked and the actuality of feeling his hand on my bare bottom were two very different things.  I had romanticized it in my mind, but the reality was it really hurt.  His hand came down on my bottom rapidly, moving from one side to the other.  It only took a few well-placed smacks for my bottom to sting.  Each one that followed just amplified the effect.  I wasn’t being seduced, nor was I seducing him, I was being punished for what I had done wrong.  I had pictured myself lying across his lap and accepting it, but my body had different plans.  I jerked backwards and forward, squirmed around, and twisted to try and escape his wrath.  He was a lot stronger than me, so my efforts were futile.  He held my bottom in place, despite everything else I did, and each smack was landed with perfect accuracy.

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