Save Me (Elk Creek) (15 page)

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Authors: Crystal Lee

BOOK: Save Me (Elk Creek)
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“Well, we have some things to talk about, and you have a lot to do today, so get that cute bottom out of bed and into the shower,” he said with a smile. I was getting really tired of his bossy tendencies.

I sat up with my back against the headboard. “Has anyone ever told you that you are too autocratic?” I asked.

He pretended to think about an answer. “Nope,” he said, making the
sound pop between his lips. “Now get a move on, or do I need to do it for you?” He was daring me, which was so the wrong thing to do. He had that hungry look in his eyes as he waited for me to do his bidding.  Well, I’d show him what’s what.

I slunk back down to my pillow. “Yeah well, you’re going to have to wait until at least nine o’clock, I have a schedule to keep, my sleep included!” I said and turned away from him. He chuckled. Take that, dipwad!

I let out a screech when the blankets were ripped off of me, then Carter scooped me up in his arms, as if I were a baby, and started for the bathroom.

“Put me down, you overgrown jerk!” I yelled, noting his broad grin. I tried to push away from him, only to have him hold me tighter. He bent his head forward and bit at my neck, sucking the delicate flesh in between his teeth. I squirmed, feeling an instant flame ignited between my thighs. He hummed into my throat, relishing my obvious carnal reaction, carrying me through the bathroom door.

Now’s my chance
, I thought to myself,
while he’s distracted
. I snaked my arm between our bodies and maneuvered a swift karate chop to his armpit.

“Oh, no you don’t!” he chided, releasing his lips from my neck and pinning my arm b
ehind my back before dropping me in the bathtub.

I let out a woop of surprise when the cold water turned on full blast, soaking through my pajamas, then the scream turned into outrage. He had turned on the shower and was holding me under the icy spray. The stupid jerk couldn’t even turn on warm water!

I glared up at him and his stupid smile and his stupid gleaming brown eyes and growled. Yes, I really growled.
“You know, I think you’re the reason God created the middle finger! Do you not hear? What the heck is your malfunction?!” I screamed at him.

“Oh, sweetie, you are so darn cute when you’re fired up,” he said while holding me at a distance with his long arms to avoid the frigid spray. “I like it. Now that you’re awake, and you happen to be in the shower, do you think you can get ready on your own or do you still need help?” His voice was disgustingly sweet, and all I could manage was to glare at him. Jerk!

“GET OUT!” I burst out. He chuckled again, and waltzed—really, he
—out the door. After the door shut, I couldn’t stop the grin to save my life. He had hell coming his way.




Chapter 11-Carter


Christ, she was hilarious. The shit she came up with was too much. I left her bathroom trying to hold my laughter, but as soon as I shut the door I couldn’t hold it anymore. My sides hurt from laughing so hard. I hadn’t laughed so much in all my life. God, she was perfect.

After lying with her last night, and hearing about her dreams, learning they were memories more than a dream, I was sick. My gut was churning, my head was swimming, and when she talked about what Maddox had done, I wanted to kill the son-of-a-bitch all over again. 

Picturing her crying out for help had tears threatening to spill from my eyes, and a rage I had never known consumed me. I needed to pound on something. After she had fallen asleep, I got up with the intent to run around the lake. I needed to expel some of the anger and think.

I had run about halfway around the lake before I could start thinking of anything other than the horrible ways Taryn had suffered. The images my mind had conjured up were so vivid that I felt like I was there. I could hear her scream for help and was unable to do a damn thing for her.  They were images I couldn’t stand to see, and the pain I felt at seeing her bruised and bloody, struggling to breathe and crying out, was unbearable.

I remembered the little firestorm of a girl she was when we were kids: demanding, cocky, so sure of herself. I still saw that little princess in my spitfire, but the uncertainty and pain she carried had stolen her confidence and self-worth. She had no idea how beautiful, intelligent, and completely addictive she was. I loved her—crazy and maybe stupid—but, there it was. There was no hope of not loving that girl, she had me hooked the second I looked into her big green eyes. 

How could I love someone so fast? How could someone take up every thought I had? How could I be so consumed by one person? I didn’t have any answers, only that they all equated to love. I loved Taryn, she had become my everything, and damn, all I had done was kiss her. Go figure.

The epiphany left me energized. I felt invincible, could leap tall buildings in a single bound, all that crazy shit. I sped up my run, and even with the pounding my feet were doing, I couldn’t get rid of the smile on my face. I was bat shit crazy over a girl, and I was anxious to get back to her.

Ethan was in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal when I walked in. I was hoping to catch him this morning, but it was really early. I sucked in a few deep breaths before I could talk. Invincible or not, I was winded. 

“You’re up early,” I huffed.

“Yeah, I have to go into Bend today for a meeting. What are you doing up?” he mumbled through a mouthful of cereal.

“Couldn’t sleep,” I shrugged.

“Ah, I see.” And I could tell he did. He had lived with Taryn’s nightmares for years, he knew exactly why I couldn’t sleep.

“Look, I have to leave tomorrow,” I said, swiping the back of my hand across my forehead. “I have to take care of some stuff in Tallahassee, it will be for a few days.” I was trying to get it all out, but was nervous about how he was going to take it.

“Okay, Grandpa and I will be here, no worries, man. You’ve helped out a lot already.” He was up and putting his bowl in the dishwasher.

“Yeah, um… I want to take Taryn with me,” I finally got out. He turned to me with a look of bewilderment and apprehension.

“To Tallahassee?” he asked.

“Yeah, it would be just a few days,” I said quickly, hoping my voice sounded completely calm and even. “I also arranged a meeting with Barlow and the trainer, I thought it would be great if she were with me. We would fly from Tallahassee to San Diego, then home on Sunday.” I finished, hoping he would go along with it. If he was on board, it would make Taryn more inclined to go.

“She hasn’t been on a plane since… our Dad,” Ethan said with a great deal of hesitation. “I don’t know how she will do. She might panic in flight or because someone is too close to her.”  I knew he was worried, and so was I.

I looked at him sheepishly. “I already purchased the tickets, and I think she will be fine.  If not, we will handle it. Have a little faith in her, Ethan. She’s more capable than you think. We can ask Jim if there is something she can take beforehand. It will work.” 

“I’m assuming you haven’t asked her yet?”

“No, I wanted to run it by you first, and I wanted Barlow to be a surprise.” I grinned. I had him.

“Yeah, okay,” he consented, still looking concerned. “But, if there are any problems you call me, and I’ll be there.” His voice was stern. 

“You got it.” 

When it came to Taryn, there wasn’t anything
she and I couldn’t handle together, but Ethan would probably always be protective of her, and I respected that.

I was in the study when I heard Taryn come out of her bedroom. Just knowing I was going to spend four days with her alone, because there was no way I was letting her not go, I was beyond excited. So was my libido. Shit, the constant hard-on I’d been sporting was really driving me fucking nuts. I had jacked off more in a week than I had in a fucking year. It was really fucking depressing.

“Hey, in here,” I hollered as she passed the door. She stopped and walked in. I could see she was still pissy about the shower. The smile on my face probably wasn’t helping, but seriously, her pinched face and bravado were funny.

“You know, your bossiness is really grating on my nerves,” she greeted me without pleasantries. “If you want me to respond to you, then curb it.” She got up on her tiptoes putting her index finger to my chest. “I may be small, but I am not a child. Don’t think I won’t get you back.”

Okay, maybe I went a little overboard, but I couldn’t help myself, she was too damn cute.  Especially now. She had on a neon green tank top and white shorts, the latter of which thankfully went almost to her knees, because if I had to look at her in short shorts, I would explode. I was starting to believe Matt’s phobia of blue balls had merit. I was going to be a living testimony to its validity.

I smiled a big shit-eating smile. I couldn’t help it—I loved it when she scrunched up her nose. “I will endeavor to be less bossy, milady,” I said as I bowed to her.

She patted my bowed head, and walked past me.“Good to know,” she said, and continued to the desk where she sat.

“Now, what did we need to talk about?” She looked regal with her elbows poised on the desk, her hands resting under her chin, and her brows arched. I could see the amusement in her eyes, and twitching of her lips. Funny as she was, this was serious business, and time to get to it.

“I have to leave for a few days,” I began. Her face fell a bit, and I wasn’t sorry it brought me pleasure to know she didn’t want me to go. “You’re coming with me.”              

She seemed a bit stunned, and I could see her mood shift from cocky to meek. I didn’t want to see that
. After last night, I wanted her happy.

“Um, where am I going?” she asked, and I detected a slight tremor in her words. Shit! So not what I was going for. I walked around the desk, and pulled her up from the chair. I knew she liked being hugged to my chest. I could always feel her relax when I held her like that. 

I cradled her head in my hand and tilted up her chin so I could see her face. “Why the long face?” I asked her, really starting to worry maybe a trip was too much for her.

“I don’t want to be a burden to anyone, you don’t have to take me so I can be babysat,” she murmured. Understanding dawned on me, and I felt like a total dickhead. She thought I was only taking her because she needed a babysitter. If I had asked her, maybe she would have understood I wanted her to go. I didn’t want to think about not seeing her for five days. 

“I want you to come with me, Taryn. Ethan and your Grandpa could stay with you if it were just for babysitting. I like being here with you, and although your safety is imperative, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be. I want to spend time with you, and thought it would be nice to get away from everything that’s happening. Just for a few days?”

She was quiet for a few moments, and I could tell she was gauging whether I was telling the truth. She must have figured I was being honest, if the small smile she was sporting was any indication. I bent down to kiss that sweet smile, but didn’t linger for fear I wouldn’t quit.

“Can I ask where we are going?” she asked, and I saw excitement bubbling in her.

“Tallahassee, then San Diego. We’ll be back on Sunday.” I rubbed my nose against hers. She was so fucking soft. 

“Okay, when are we leaving?”

was flooded with exhilaration. Unfortunately for my abused and neglected dick, excitement and Taryn put together was super painful. Hell, her and dog shit would probably have aroused me at that point. I had to step away from her before I did something stupid, like ripped her clothes off and threw her on the desk. 

“We have to leave here no later than three in the morning to make it to Bend in time.  Make sure you pack a suit,” I said with a grin, and walked to the door. I had to get out of there, picturing her in a bathing suit was pure torture.

The rest of the day was spent getting everything ready for the trip. I made arrangements with the attorney’s office in Tallahassee and a real estate agent. I planned on taking care of both issues early on Friday. I also confirmed our meeting on Saturday to meet Barlow.

I was dreading telling Taryn about Felicia and the mess I had been in. I was stalling and I knew it. She deserved to know, and I was being a total ass for waiting to tell her. I didn’t want her to back out of the trip, and figured if it were just the two of us, then she couldn’t kick me out, or run away. Twisted, I know. 

Mr. Dalton seemed happy to let Taryn get away, Ethan was still unsure, and Taryn was brimming with excitement. She flitted around the house all day, finishing her assignments and packing. I think she wore a smile the entire day, and I was intoxicated by her enthusiasm. 

I woke her at two o’clock in the morning. She hadn’t had a nightmare, although I don’t think she got much sleep. We both showered and dressed and were met by Mr. Dalton in the kitchen.  He had put together some bagels with scrambled eggs and bacon for us.

“Sweetheart, I can’t believe you’re gonna leave me here alone with Ethan,” Mr. Dalton frowned at Taryn.

“Ah, come on Grandpa, he can’t be that bad,” she said with mock sympathy. Her grin totally gave her away.

“He don’t cook or clean, and he throws a fit when I want to watch old Perry Mason.”

She laughed, “I think you will manage, and besides, I’m too excited to be pulled into any guilt trip, so you might as well knock it off, old man.”

He hugged her, and kissed her cheek, then looked to me. “You make sure she comes back to me, and nothing happens to her, or I’ll be takin’ a lickin’ to you,” he said with total seriousness.

“Yes, sir.” He didn’t realize that she was the most precious thing in my life, and I would die before I let her get hurt.

It took two hours to get to Roberts Field, during which Taryn slept, then an hour to Seattle, where we connected, and then to Tallahassee. The plane from Roberts Field did not have first-class seats, however there were only two seats on either side of the aisle. When Taryn and I boarded, she was hesitant until she realized it would be just she and I sitting together. I plugged her into her iPod and she zoned into the music, blocking out the plane and the people in it.

Once we boarded out of Seattle, and we were in first class, she fell asleep right after take-off. I sat most of the trip studying her sleeping face, and holding her hand. It was like I had to have a piece of her, to be touching her. It was impossible to claim love was what my feelings amounted to for Taryn. The word seemed so inadequate, like a word needed every letter in the alphabet to even come close to equal what I felt. I did know without a doubt that she was mine, and I belonged with her.

After touching down in Tallahassee, we walked onto the jet-way and were both assailed by the muggy heat. I had forgotten how stifling the summer heat in Florida was. Taryn had no idea what to expect with Florida weather, it seemed to suck the air out of her. She gasped, then coughed. I pulled her into the airport, where the air conditioning would cool her. 

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