Save Me (Elk Creek) (23 page)

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Authors: Crystal Lee

BOOK: Save Me (Elk Creek)
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“Sorry,” she muttered as she straightened out and drove down the road. I was thinking I might need Jim to check me out by the time this lesson was over.

After o
ne mailbox, three ran stop signs, and a near feline casualty, we made it back to the house. She was a horrible driver—worse than that, she was a menace to driving society. My fingers were permanently imprinted on the door handle, and I think I pissed a little when she swerved to miss a pile of horse shit on the road, only to run into Mrs. Tillman’s mailbox. 

, Carter, that was fun. When can we go again?” she asked, smiling. My God, I was going to have PTSD from driving with her. Go again?

“Um, maybe tomorrow?” I answered
. I was such a damn sucker when she smiled. I only hoped putting my life in grave danger for her would get me points with God when I died.

“Great!” She beamed as she did a little bounce on the seat, which certainly drew my gaze to her chest.
Weren’t near-death experiences supposed to ramp up the sex drive? I was definitely ramped up.

“How about that make-out session?” I growled as I pulled her over to my lap. She only giggled before putting her arms around my neck, and I
got lost in her eager kisses.

We practiced driving, stretched and meditated every day after. She was a fast learner, and was soon becoming better with driving, as well as more limber. She was able to get in and out of the truck herself, and her confidence only continued to grow. We ate at the diner several times, and she managed to get a new
driver’s permit so she was able to learn driving in town as well.

There hadn’t been anymore letters or sightings of the blue Tahoe, and everyone had become more relaxed. I finally took a room on the second floor, although I still slept with Taryn at night. The one night I stayed up with Ethan, she screamed from a nightmare, and from then on I didn’t bother sleeping upstairs. 

We had been able to sneak away twice to be together, and each time with her only drove me more insane to be with her. It took all my willpower not to ravage her anytime someone wasn’t looking. I felt like I was a teenager, trying to sneak behind my parents to be with a girl. I guess that was exactly what we were doing, it just wasn’t my parents we were hiding from. 

Next week
I was going start my job for DFW, and today Taryn had an appointment for her driver’s test. It seemed so many things were changing at once, and I wasn’t ready to not have her during the day, and sadly be relied on to drive her around. I was incredibly happy for her, and hoped that Taryn passed—it just felt I was losing a part of something.

“You ready?” I asked an obviously
nervous Taryn.

“I think so.” 

“You’ll do great, just remember to watch the road, and if you see horse shit, run it over,”  I smirked.

ha, very funny. That only happened twice. I’m much better now,” she huffed.

I chuckled. “That you are. L
et’s go.”

We pulled into the DMV parking lot, and Barlow and I walked in with Taryn. After Taryn checked in for her appointment, a short balding man walked out
, calling her name. He introduced himself as Steve and scowled when he saw Barlow. I instantly disliked him. 

We walked outside, where he proceeded to go over my truck, checking blinkers, brake lights, and the horn.

“Okay, looks fine. We can get in and I will direct you where to go,” he said to Taryn.

,” she said meekly. When she opened the driver’s door, Barlow hopped in, as Steve opened his door.

“The dog can’t go on the test
,” he said with disgust.

I started to move forward to tell him to eat shit, and the dog was going, but Taryn pulled out Barlow’s papers and handed them to him.

“My dog will come with us. If you have a problem with dogs, you will have to get someone else to test me,” she stated matter-of-factly.

“This says he’s a service dog, what
’s your disability?” he demanded.

“I’m sorry, but it isn’t your business, nor does it interfere with my driving ability
,” she said sternly. I couldn’t have been more proud or turned on, and if the shit-eating grin on my face didn’t give me away, the boner I was sporting sure would.

After an indignant huff, Steve directed Taryn to buckle up, and soon she was driving. I waited in the coffee shop next to the DMV for about twenty minutes before I saw my truck pull into the parking lot.
I watched through the window, marveling at how much more confident Taryn was. She was alone with a stranger in a truck. Although Barlow would seriously eat off Steve’s face if he so much as touched her, I was incredibly proud.

As Taryn got out of the truck, I walked out of the shop toward her. I could make out her beaming smile, and I knew she passed. As soon as Steve walked away, she let out a squeal and did a happy dance before grabbing me by my middle and pulling me into her while chanting, “I did it!  I did it!” I could only laugh with her. To her this was monumental, and I was honored to be part of it.




Chapter 18-Taryn


It was the second day that I was a legal driver. I was watching Maddie today, as Aunt Mel had agreed to go to a golf tournament with Uncle Jim. I don’t know what he bribed her with, but she was all too willing to go. 

Maddie and I were making cookies in the kitchen with Barlow sniffing around for any crumbs that might have fallen. He had become such an important part of my day. I hardly went anywhere without him, and the comfort he gave m
e was indescribable. I wanted to do something nice for Carter, so Maddie and I were making a basket of goodies for his first day of work. I figured I owed him something nice after the outrageously successful payback I executed on him a few days ago.

Last week,
Carter begged me to get these lacy underwear and bras at Wilkins, one of two department stores in Elk Creek. “Come ooooon!” he tried to persuade me, holding up a frilly black thong about the size of a toothpick. Two older ladies nearby in the sportswear section looked up to stare at us. I was completely mortified, and felt my entire face grow red and hot. “Come on!” he said again, much to my horror. “These would look great on you!” I was so embarrassed that I had to walk out of the store.

The next morning, when I got out of the shower and began putting my underwear on,
I was bewildered to find that the entire crotch was gone. I placed my legs through the leg holes, but the crotch was crudely scissored out. I was stumped. I reached for another pair only to find all my underwear had become crotchless. I was more appalled when I saw all my bras had the cups completely cut out of them. I was forced to go without underwear or a bra for the day, and Carter made it plainly obvious how much he enjoyed knowing I was underwear free. 

That night I waited until after he fell asleep and crept into the bathroom. I pulled from the back of the cabinet the waxing kit Aunt Mel had given me
one of the many times she bought me cosmetics and girly stuff. I had never used it—why anyone would want to torture themselves with ripping hot wax from their skin was beyond me—so the box was a little wrinkled and dusty. I hadn’t even thought about it in years, but right then, I was very happy that Aunt Mel had thought to give me the kit.

I quickly read the directions and heated the wax
under hot tap water. Once that was done, I grabbed the container of wax, a wood stick that looked like a tongue depressor, and the white strips that were used to pull off the hair.

Quietly, I went
to the side of the bed, and removed the blankets from Carter’s chest. I used the wooden stick and began carefully running the wax over the hair on his chest, making sure to put a strip down on the wax before it cooled. He stirred on the second pass, but didn’t wake, so I continued until I had the word PAYBACK spelled out in white strips across his chest.

e was still sound asleep, so I moved the blankets lower and started on his legs, making sure to get his lower legs first, but when I got to his thighs, he stirred again, mumbling incoherently and rubbing his face with his hand. I figured I wouldn’t press my luck, and covered him back up. After I put away all the supplies, I crawled back in bed and fell asleep.

That morning when he pulled me to him, I woke easily, and remembered what I had done. I la
y there waiting for him to fully wake, trying my hardest no to laugh. His legs brushed against mine, causing one of the strips to pull.

,” he murmured, then rubbed against my leg again.

“What the hell?” He sat up, and I took that moment to
roll off the bed. He looked at me in confusion before rubbing the spot on his leg. His eyes widened as he pulled the blankets back, then he noticed his chest. 

“Taryn, what the hell did you do? Is this wax?”
he asked, horrified.

I giggled
. “You liked me bare so much, and I thought you should be, too,” I said sweetly, as I quickly walked to the door.

shit! Taryn, come back! How the hell do I get this crap off?” he yelled as I shut the door, laughing.

Cousin Tare, these cookies need marshmallows,” Maddie said, pulling me out of my musings.

“Marshmallows you say? Well, let’s see if we have marshmallows
,” I said, making my way to the pantry. 

“Sweetheart, we don’t have any marshmallows
,” I said after conducting an unsuccessful search. Since becoming a new driver, I was ecstatic at any opportunity I had to drive. A trip to town for marshmallows was a great excuse to get behind the wheel. “Come on, let’s go tell the guys were going to the store,” I said to Maddie.

“Can Barlow come?”
she pleaded.

“Of course Barlow will come, come on.”

Maddie, Barlow and I made our way out to the shop, where Ethan, Carter, Matt and Blaine were supposedly working on Ethan’s car. Grandpa had to leave for Portland early that morning and I had been using his car, so I’d have to weasel one of the guys into letting me use one of theirs.

When we
walked in, Ethan was inside his Camaro in the driver’s seat, Blaine was in the passenger, and Carter and Matt were sitting in camping chairs in front of the car.

guys!” I yelled over the music echoing through the shop. The music quickly shut off, and Ethan got out of the car, followed by Blaine.

“How do you like the new stereo?” Ethan asked.

“Um, it’s cool?” I remarked.

“Cool? Tare, that stereo is...” he looked at my blank face. “Never mind, yeah it’s cool,” he said with a grin.

Carter had come behind me, as Maddie ran to Ethan. I could feel the warmth of his body behind me, and when his chest hit my back I shivered. I didn’t know if I would ever get used to the way my body reacted to his nearness. 

“Did you need something?” he asked huskily in my ear.

“Mmhmm,” I murmured, trying not to moan when he put his arms around my waist. I heard Ethan clear his throat, and I realized they were all watching me. I blushed. Carter chuckled.

I tried to pull away, but Carter’s grip only tightened. “Um, Maddie and I are going to town. We need marshmallows, and so we’re going to drive to town… together… now,” I rambled.

Carter chuckled again. “Okay, I’ll take you guys,” he said.

“No, I want to drive, just me and Maddie. Well, and Barlow too,” I said as I reached down and rubbed Barlow’s ears. 

“Are you sure? I can watch Maddie while you go,” Ethan said. 

“Yes, I’m sure. Now whose car can I take?” I snapped. I knew Ethan was worried about my driving abilities. 

“Cousin Etan? Will you take me to the lake? I wanna swim,” Maddie asked Ethan.

“Maddie, I thought you wanted to go to the store?” I said, not wanting to lose my chance to drive.

“You go to the store, I wanna swim, then eat marshmallows,” she stated with a nod of her head, and arms folded across her little chest.

I smiled. “Okay, Barlow and I will go, and you go swim with Cousin Ethan.” I turned to look at Carter, “so can I use your truck?” 

“Um yeah, but are you sure you don’t want someone to go with you?” he asked, looking kind of sad. But it was important for me to do things on my own. Besides, I had Barlow with me.

“I’m sure, I want to go by myself,” I replied with a smile.

“Can Barlow swim with me?” Maddie whined as she wiggled herself down from Ethan’s arms and ran over to Barlow.

“No, sweetie, he wants to get marshmallows with me,” I replied, hoping she didn’t throw a fit.

“No he doesn’t, he told me he wanted to go swimming. He said he wants to give me a ride in the water. You will hurt his feelings if you don’t let him,” she pouted.

Seriously, what could a person say to that? Her big, blue eyes were wide and pleading with her little lip poked out. It was scary how she could manipulate people and be so young. It was just a quick trip to the store, I could manage by myself. I had been to the store once with just Barlow, and I did fine. I could do this.

“Maddie, Barlow has to…” Carter started before I cut him off.

“Okay, Barlow can go swimming with you, but you have to wear a life jacket,” I told Maddie, noticing the worried look on Ethan’s face. I turned to see a stormy look on Carter’s face, and knew he was mad. I sighed.

“Well, swimming sounds good to me, we don’t have that many days left of swimming weather. Ethan, can I borrow some shorts?” Matt asked.

“Please say you have shorts, he doesn’t wear underwear,” Blaine said.

“Hey, it takes too much time…” He looked around and then at Maddie. “Uh, when I’m in a hurry,” he finished. Over the last couple of weeks I had come to find Matt as a total horn bucket. I think that was all the man thought about.

“Yeah, come on. Maddie, go get your suit on,” Ethan directed as they all started for the door.

“I’m taking you,” Carter growled in my ear.

“No, Carter. I want to do this on my own. I will be fine, I’m just going to the store and then right back. I can do this,”  I pleaded

“Barlow! Barlow!” Maddie called from the door. He looked up to me for an okay before trotting off with Maddie.

“You need Barlow with you,” Carter stated. I loved him, but sometimes he was too protective, and worried too much.

“Look, if I start to feel like I can’t do it, I will turn around and come home. You have to trust me to know my own limits. I can do this, okay?” I said, hoping he would relent. When I saw his eyes shift, and his face slacken, I knew I had him.

“Okay, but you call me when you get there, and when you leave. Understand?”
he demanded.

“I can do that.” I smiled and held my hand out for his keys.
He sighed audibly and handed me his keys. I reached up and meant to give him a quick kiss, but as usual, it started to turn heated. By the time I heard Ethan calling, I was wrapped around Carter with his hands under my bottom pushed against the door.

,” he groaned as he let me slide down his body. He was breathing hard, his face flushed, and his jeans were considerably tighter at his groin. I couldn’t stop the giggle that came out.

“I’m sorry
,” I said as Ethan hollered again. 

Carter moved back with a slight grin
. “Later,” he said as I opened the door and walked out.

“Taryn, Maddie wants
Popsicles, too,” Ethan yelled across the yard.

“Got it
!” I hollered back as I walked to Carter’s truck. I opened the door and climbed in, feeling the slight pinch at my hip. I was able to get in and out on my own, but I could still feel it.

“Don’t forget to call me
,” Carter said from beside me. 

“I won’t, now move so I can go and get back
,” I said and leaned over to kiss his cheek.  He backed away from the door, mouthing “I love you” as he shut the door. I mouthed it back and started the truck.

I had made it two blocks from the grocery store before I started to get nervous. I tried pulling out my inner
diva, and when that didn’t work, I tried the flushing. It wasn’t until I was in the parking lot and thought of how much more Carter would fight about me going out on my own if I failed, that I felt my insides slow to a dull quiver.

I parked the truck, pulled out my phone and decided to text Carter rather than call. I didn’t know if hearing him would make me waiver, and thought
I better not chance it. I put my phone back in my purse, and stepped out of the truck. 

found the marshmallows and the Popsicles, putting them in my basket, then stopped at the candy aisle and picked out some gummy worms and M&Ms, thinking Maddie would have fun decorating the cookies. As I made my way to the checkout, my nerves rattled, and I faltered a step before getting to the line. This was the hard part.

Visions of the convenience store clerk flashed through my mind—
her pale, trembling face, streaks of tears shimmering on her cheeks—and then I would see Malcolm, and his eyes, the eyes of pure madness, staring out at me, along with my Dad’s face as he left me. The images were like a flash bomb in my head before I could start counting my breaths and remember where I was, and what I was doing.

It took a few long moments before I regained enough sense and courage to move forward to the line. I was sure some people were looking at me, but if I concentrated on that, I would lose it. So, I pictured Carter and the way he loved me
; I pictured the pride that would be in his eyes when I got back home. I thought about how I had to help him rip off the wax strips, and how hard I laughed when I saw tears in his eyes. That thought made me chuckle.

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