Save Me (Elk Creek) (11 page)

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Authors: Crystal Lee

BOOK: Save Me (Elk Creek)
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“Yeah, we did when we got the first one,” he nodded. “The letters you read are just copies, they have all the originals. While you were out, an officer came and picked up the new one,” he answered.

“Well, what the fuck are they doing about it?” I asked, getting pissed off again.

“There isn’t anything they can do, there isn’t any evidence left on the letters, and they have no way of knowing who sent them, or where they came from.”

I sighed, that should have been obvious, but being overwrought with exhaustion, I didn’t see it. I finished off the second bottle of water, and threw both bottles in the recycle bin.

“I think I’ll head to bed then, I’ll see you in the morning,” Ethan said. “Just FYI, she will probably wake up from a nightmare, when she does, you can come get me, or just take care of her like you did earlier. Uncle Jim checked on her before he left, and she was still sleeping.”              “Okay, I will,” I said with a little apprehension. I started for Taryn’s room as we both said goodnight.

I was happy to see her still sound asleep when I walked in. I pulled her desk chair over to the side of her bed, sat down and propped my feet on her bed. The chair strained under my weight, and I prayed it wouldn’t break. As I studied her face, and watched her chest rise and fall, I was consumed with sadness and grief. She was so gorgeous and innocent. I tried to understand or reason why: Why her? I could come up with nothing, and I soon let the exhaustion overtake me, and fell asleep. Until she started screaming.




Chapter 8-Taryn


              Blood, too much blood, can’t stop the blood. His eyes, Oh God no, his eyes. Hands grabbing, pulling me, and pain so much pain. Cold eyes.“Bitch, you’re gonna pay!” I’m terrified, he’s ripping my clothes, I scream, he hits me in my face, my stomach, my back, God my back. Searing, burning pain, more blood, I’m cold. “It’s your fault, you fucking bitch!” Bitch, bitch, I’m choking, I can’t breathe, I see him, his vile eyes, I can’t get air, he’s choking me. “Bitches like you die.” He found me, he’s here, I scream. “Keep screaming bitch, no one will come for you!” No one will come, no one will stop the pain, no one will save me, I scream.

“Taryn, wake up!” I heard someone saying, but it seemed far away. “Taryn, wake up!” It got louder, and hands, I felt someone’s hands on me. I jerked awake with a scream, and tried to scramble from the hands holding me.

“Taryn, you’re okay! I’ve got you.”

Ethan? No, it was Carter holding me. I blinked my eyes, trying to focus, and I saw Carter’s worried gaze. I was in his lap, and he was brushing my hair from my face. I started to settle, but was too stunned to say anything. Why was Carter in my room? Was I in my room? I looked around, and saw that yes, I was in my room.

“Carter?” I sobbed, looking at him.

“Shhh, it was just a dream, you’re okay now,” he crooned softly. “I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he said while rocking me. I couldn’t hold the onslaught of emotion that always followed my dreams, and was instantly wracked with sobs. He continued to rock me, running his hands through my hair, and then he kissed my forehead. 

I grasped his middle and tried to stop the crying, but when he squeezed me into him, I cried harder. I buried my face into his chest, knowing I was soaking his shirt. His clean smell was oddly comforting, and I breathed it in with every breath, soaking it up like I was a sponge and his scent was water.

“Shhh, baby, you’re all right now. Just breathe it out, sweetheart,” he whispered as he rocked and rubbed my back. I felt the calm with every breath I took, so I kept breathing, counted my breaths, until the crying stopped.

“There you go, you’re doing great, just keep breathing,” he soothed. He kept up the litany of encouragement and praise until I was completely still, and my breathing even. I shifted so I could see his face, his beautiful brown eyes, square jaw, slightly crooked nose and full lips. His hair was a total wreck, standing on end, and as I looked closer I could see he looked tired, and maybe sad.

“Carter? What are you doing in my room?” I managed to ask.

He chuckled softly. “Well, after you scared the sh—uh, crud out of me, I wanted to sit in here while you slept.” He smiled sheepishly.

“Ah, I’m sorry about that.” I started to say as I moved off of him, but he tightened his hold on me. I looked up to him in confusion. His eyes were locked on mine.

“I just need to hold you a bit longer, sweetheart, that’s all,” he said, so I leaned back into him, resting my head on his chest. Honestly, I was really liking him holding me. It was disconcerting how much I liked it. I felt safe and secure, probably because he was such a giant of a man. At least that’s the only conclusion I cared to admit.

“Do you want to talk about your dream?” he asked, and I felt my body go rigid. I never talked about them, I hated them, and wanted to forget, not rehash them.

“No, I don’t really remember what it was about anyway,” I lied.

He snorted, and tilted my chin up toward his face. “You, sweetheart, are a really bad liar.  If you’re not ready to talk about it, just say so. I won’t push you.” He said it so matter-of-factly, like it was pre-ordained that I would eventually talk about it. It made me mad, and I scowled up at him, before snuggling back to his chest.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I offered.

He tilted my chin back up. “You know, you’re going to give me a crick in my neck if you keep doing that,” I said half-heartedly.

“How ‘bout I kiss it better?” he asked, stunning me. Was he joking? I felt flutters in my belly at the thought of him kissing me, and it was startling to say the least. The feelings I had when I was around him were nerve-wracking, scary, and wonderful all at the same time.

“Um, I guess?” I squeaked, making it a question. Of course he chuckled at me. I was beginning to think I was around for his personal amusement. 

“May I kiss you, Taryn?” he asked with all seriousness, and the look in his eyes had changed. They looked like they did when I thought he would eat me down at the lake.

I shakily nodded my head. He softly cupped my chin, and lowered his mouth to mine.  When our lips met, I was shocked at how soft his lips felt as he lightly brushed them across mine. He kissed one corner of my mouth, then the other, before kissing me fully. Oh, it was heaven, complete nirvana. I greedily wanted more.

I put more pressure to his lips, until he swiped my top lip with his tongue, and I gasped. I was shocked, not sure if it was that he was using his tongue or because I liked it so much. With my mouth slack, he pushed his tongue barely into my mouth, and hesitantly I touched it with mine. I couldn’t put a name to the way he tasted, only that I liked it. He let out a groan, and I pulled back.

“Should I not do that?” I asked, feeling stupid for not knowing how to kiss someone.

“Baby, I liked it when you did that, please don’t stop.” He lowered his lips to mine again, cupping my cheek.

Feeling slightly more confident this time, I met his tongue with mine. He rubbed, licked, and sucked. I wasn’t quite as forward, but each time I responded, he groaned, squeezed me tighter, and became more insistent with his mouth. I loved it, if I hadn’t already been on his lap, I would have melted through the floor.

By the time he pulled back, we both were panting, and our chests were heaving with each breath we took. I laid my head back to his chest, curling into the comfort of his arms. I wasn’t not sure how long we sat like that, but with the soft brushes of his thumb against my cheek, and the constant beat of his heart against my ear, I started to feel drowsy.

“Thank you,” I said sleepily.

“For what, baby?”

“For my first kiss,” I replied, letting my eyes flutter closed. I thought I heard him say, “You’re too perfect,” before I fell asleep.


The increasing pressure in my bladder woke me up. I tensed and held my breath when I felt large muscular arms wrapped snugly around me. Not understanding why or who was in my bed, I quickly tried to extricate myself from his hold, only to have him pull me harder against him.

“Shhh, you’re all right, Taryn.” Carter? Frozen still, I tried to recall why he would be in my bed. All at once, memories flooded my mind, and I recalled our date, the mailbox, and the letter, him holding me, my dream, and the kiss. Out of everything that had transpired last night, my thoughts were directed to that kiss. Having oriented myself, I still didn’t quite understand why he was in my bed.

I turned my body to face him, and drew in a sharp breath when I met his eyes. Gone was the redness and fatigue, in their place was a look I had come to realize as hunger. Startled by the intensity of his gaze, I started rambling.

“You kissed me. I mean, we kissed, ah I meant, I let you kiss me, with our tongues,” I bumbled out. Holy cow, did I really just say all that? “I’m sorry, it’s just you’re in my bed, and we slept together, in the same bed, in my room… in my bed… together…” I needed to shut up.  My face felt like it was under a heat lamp. It must have been as red as a tomato. I closed my eyes and groaned.

He chuckled, “Good morning, Taryn,” was all he said. 

I opened one eye only to see a broad smile on his lips and amusement lighting up his face. I groaned again, burying my face into the pillow. I felt him shift, and place a kiss on my ear.

“Don’t worry, nothing inappropriate happened. Your virtue is still intact,” he whispered.  He gave a light laugh.  The warmth from his breath on my ear made me shiver, and when his hand moved slowly from my shoulder to the small of my back, I sighed.

“Are you going to come out of hiding anytime soon?” he said, still amused.

I wanted to tell him NO, but the pressing need for a toilet halted that response. I raised myself up, looked at him, amazed once again by his masculine beauty. I snapped myself away from that line of thinking before my bladder exploded.

“I need the bathroom.” I rushed out, feeling a blush sear my cheeks, again.

He grinned, nodded toward the bathroom door. “I believe it’s right there,” he said, and I realized I was just staring at him. Quickly, I moved from the bed and practically ran for the bathroom. 

Feeling much better after I had relieved myself, I walked to the sink to brush my teeth.  As I was brushing, I took note of the state I was in. Disheveled and homely were the words that came to mind. My hair was a matted, tangled mess, so much that I winced at the thought of brushing it.  My eyes were bloodshot, slightly swollen, and marked with dark circles. I was still in my dress from yesterday, and it lay skewed and wrinkled. With a sigh, I finished brushing my teeth and quickly washed my face. 

After opening the bathroom door to find my room empty, I quickly grabbed some clothes and locked myself back in the bathroom for a shower. Forty-five minutes later, I was showered, my hair brushed, and I was dressed in a pair of jeans and my Mom’s old Bob Marley t-shirt.  I felt refreshed. 

Padding barefoot to the kitchen, the smell of bacon assailed my nose. My stomach growled, and I realized I was starving.  I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast the day before, being I was too nervous to eat, and, well, we never made it to Carter’s house for dinner. That thought soured my mood, and I knew that I would have to live through what happened last night again with Ethan and Grandpa.  But, first I was going to have some breakfast.

I was greeted by Ethan, Grandpa and Carter in the kitchen. All three looked ten times better than I did. Carter had showered, but was still in the same clothes from last night. I idly wondered if he decided to go commando, or if he was wearing dirty underwear. I chose to think the former; the latter was disgusting, and the former was way too interesting.

Carter met my gaze, and smiled a knowing smile. I averted my eyes in an effort to quell the rushing blush. If this kept up, my cheeks were going to burn right off my face. I heard him chuckle softly, and felt my cheeks grow hotter. I quickly looked to Grandpa, who was at the stove turning bacon and eggs in the skillet. Ethan was standing in front of the toaster, buttering toast. He glanced at me, and if the smile on his face was any indication, he noticed my blush.

Trying to ignore the two of them and look somewhat assured, I walked between them to the refrigerator, where I grabbed the orange juice. Still avoiding looking at them, I took a glass from the cupboard, made my way to the breakfast bar, and sat on the stool.

“Taryn, usually it’s polite to greet your elders in the morning. Some might even say it’s disrespectful not to” Grandpa said with a straight face. If it weren’t for the gleam in his eyes, and the slight twitch of his lips, he would be almost convincing.

I smiled. “I’m so sorry, Grandpa. I figured with you being so
and all, you wouldn’t hear me if I told you ‘good morning.’ I was only thinking of saving your pride in front of Ethan and Carter,” I replied in a thickly sweet voice. 

He let out a bark of laughter before turning to me. “You just keep that saucy mouth of yours, and see that I don’t switch your backside.” He chuckled more as he turned back to the stove. I couldn’t help but giggle. I loved my mornings with Grandpa.

We all sat at the kitchen bar eating breakfast with light conversation. I would catch glimpses of Carter out of the corner of my eye, and darned if I didn’t blush every time.  I know Ethan noticed, because he kept prodding me by asking, “Taryn, is it hot in here?” “Taryn, do you have a fever?” “Taryn, are you wearing
?” I honestly wanted to strangle him. Thankfully, Carter didn’t say anything. I could only imagine what the two of them would do together.

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