Save Me (Elk Creek) (16 page)

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Authors: Crystal Lee

BOOK: Save Me (Elk Creek)
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“Wow, it is really hot here,” she said while pulling the collar of her t-shirt away from her neck. 

“Give it a couple of hours, and it won’t feel so stifling,” I reassured her. I grabbed her hand and we made our way to the luggage carrousel. Then, we hailed a cab and rode from the airport to my apartment in the Northwest part of the city. My Dad bought the apartment my sophomore year at Florida State with the condition that if I graduated from college, it would become mine.

As the cab pulled in front of the four-unit building, I noticed Taryn seemed nervous. I had the Ativan Jim gave us, in case she felt too overwhelmed. I squeezed her hand, and kissed her forehead. 

“You ready?” I asked, not caring that the cabbie was waiting for us to get out. She gave me a nod and tentative smile. I unloaded our bags, paid the driver, and grasped Taryn’s hand before making our way inside. 

“Wow, Carter this is really nice,” she said with surprise.

“What, you thought I was a slouch?” I joked.

“Well, you said you lived here while you were in college, and I just pictured a dump with tacky posters and beer signs on the walls. You obviously surpassed my expectations,” she snickered.

“You think you’re funny, huh?” I retorted. “Well, go pick a bedroom, and I will put your bag in there,” I said as my cell phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw it was Mom calling.

“Hi,” I answered.

“Hey, you make it okay?” She sounded apprehensive, and I was immediately wary about what she was going to say.

“Yeah, we just walked in. Everything okay?” I asked, already knowing something was up.

“Well, your Dad just called, because he couldn’t get ahold of you and said he was planning on coming over to discuss Felicia with you. I told him you have someone with you, and now isn’t the time, but he said it was important.”

Great, just fucking crapstastic. Obviously
, Taryn’s vocabulary was rubbing off on me.

“Yeah, okay,” I said, running my hand through my hair. A suddenly felt a headache forming right between my eyes. “Did he say when?” I was dreading the answer.

“I am so sorry, sweetie, but I told him when your flight got in, and so… well, he’s on his way now.”

Fanfuckingtastic! I sighed heavily
. “Yeah, all right Mom, thanks for the heads up. I better go.”

“Just remember he loves you, and he is doing what he thinks is right, even if he is a moron,” she said consolingly. 

“Okay, talk to you later.” I needed to get off the phone.

“Bye, sweetie.” She hung up. Shit, this is all I needed. My Dad fell in love with Felicia two years ago, when I started dating her. She was beautiful, leggy and tall, with a fun personality. At least, that’s what I thought; she was actually a conniving, manipulative and hateful woman who I wish I had never met. I wasn’t ready to talk to Taryn about her yet. Shit, we just got here. I was hoping I would have all day tomorrow before I had to talk to her about it.

When the shit hit the fan with Felicia, my Dad tried talking me into making it work with her. After the horrible things she did, there was no fucking way I was going be stuck with her. He wasn’t happy with me when I decided to leave for a year, either. What he didn’t realize was if I didn’t leave, I would have gone insane. Dad was a great guy, and I loved him, but he always thought he knew what was best for me, and that was rarely the case.

“I really like this apartment. It’s nice—cozy, even.” Taryn startled me when she walked back in, with my thoughts on Felicia. Stupid fucking Felicia.

“Did you pick a room?” I asked, scrambling to figure out what to do. I wanted to tell her myself, but I didn’t have time right now, and I was afraid my Dad might say or do something to force me into telling her. God, this sucked!

“Um…would you mind if I had whatever room is closest to yours?” she asked hesitantly.  I realized how afraid she must have been to sleep in a place she was unfamiliar with, and being afraid of her nightmares on top of it.

“I don’t mind, but I’d rather have you sleep in my bed, with me,” I replied calmly.

Her eyes widened with shock. Like I ha
dn’t been in her bed for almost a week? But, she had the comfort of knowing Ethan and her Grandpa were there if anything happened. “Just to sleep, Taryn,” I added, attempting to ease her thoughts away from whatever perverted thing she was thinking.

“Uh, yeah…I’d like that,” she quietly answered with a blush. I stepped to her, cradled her head in my hands and kissed her. Not sure that kissing her was going to reassure her, but I had waited all damn day for that kiss. She let out a little moan that had all my attention geared on her mouth. I reached down and put my hand on her bottom. She was so sweet, she was giving me everything in that kiss, and she wasn’t holding anything back. 

I was getting so wrapped up in her that I forgot all about my Dad, until the doorbell rang. I groaned as I released her. I saw the sliver of panic cross her eyes, and felt the tension in her body. I placed my hands on her shoulders. 

“It’s okay, it’s just my Dad,” I said as calmly as I could manage. “Apparently he needs to talk to me. Don’t worry, sweetheart, okay?” She gave me a nod and stepped back. I reluctantly turned to answer the door. The bell sounded again as I turned the handle. Impatient much? The porch light illuminated my Dad’s anxious expression. I so did not want to do this tonight.

“Hi, Dad,” I said with exasperation as I let him in.

“I need to talk to you about—”             

“Dad, this is Taryn Dalton, Phil Dalton’s granddaughter.”
I cut him off, not wanting this to be how Taryn found out. I flashed my hand in Taryn’s direction. Taryn stood there, wide-eyed and reticent. My dad didn’t look much better. This was just awesome!

“Taryn, this is my Dad, Cedric.” I was surprised that she stepped forward, holding out her hand. I knew she was nervous, and by the tremors in her outstretched hand, I knew she was battling with herself. I was so proud of her in that moment.

“Mr. Belmont, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” she greeted softly. My dad took a step toward her, and I saw how her shoulder muscles tensed and her legs slightly shook. She was trying not to step away.

“It’s nice to meet you, too. I remember Phil, how is he?” Dad asked as he took hold of her hand and gave a slight shake before releasing her. As soon as her hand was by her side, she visibly relaxed, but there was still a slight tremor in her voice.

“He is doing very well, thank you.”

My dad looked to me, and before he began to talk, I looked back to Taryn. 

“Taryn, do you mind if my dad and I talk on the balcony? It shouldn’t be long.” I hated the confused look she gave me, but I didn’t have a choice at that moment. I needed my dad to say what he needed to say and go home.

“S-sure, I’ll just unpack my bag.” She turned to walk down the hall. 

“Nice girl,” Dad said, staring after Taryn.

“Come on Dad, outside.” I led the way out to the balcony. Once he was out, I shut the French doors. It was thick enough that I didn’t think Taryn could hear anything. I motioned for him to sit at the table, and sat myself.   

“What is it?” I wasn’t going to do pleasantries tonight. My girl was nervous, in a house she didn’t know, in a city she’d never been to, and she was alone.

“Are you seeing that girl?”

I rolled my eyes and let out an exasperated breath. “Really? You came over tonight, just to ask if I’m seeing someone?” 

“No, that’s not why I came over. Look don’t get short with me, I am your Dad,” he said curtly. “I just saw how you looked at her, and wanted to know if there was something going on. I assume there is, or else she wouldn’t be here.”   

“Yes, she is very important to me. Now what did you need to say?” I was getting irritated, too. Just fucking spit it out already.

“I came to talk about Felicia. When you told me you were coming to sign all the papers and sell the apartment, I should have told you that Felicia has been stopping by recently. At first, it was just to say hello. Then, she asked about you, wanting to know where you were, what you were doing, that kind of thing. Yesterday she broke down in my living room crying. She told me you got her pregnant and told her to get an abortion.”

I just stared at him
. I wanted to strangle that horrid woman. God, what a lying cow. 

“And did you believe her?” I asked calmly, showing nothing of the rage boiling inside me.

“Well, of course not. I knew you would never do such a thing. I want to know though, is that why you married her? Did she tell you she was pregnant?”

“Yes, she lied,” I answered, trying not to think of the night I found out how much she had lied. I also didn’t want to talk about this anymore.

“She knows you’re in town.” 

I stilled at that.

“When she came over yesterday, I was putting in that new dishwasher, and your mom called. I couldn’t get to the phone, and the answering machine picked up. Your mom told me to call her when I could, and that you would be coming for a few days. She wanted me to pick up some groceries for your apartment, so there would be something for you when you got here.” He started rubbing his hands together. “Anyway, Felicia heard the message. After she left, I called your mom, and she told me about the petition Felicia filed, and that you were coming with a girl.” He stood up and moved to the chair closest to me. “She told me that you were serious about this girl. I can tell by the worry on your face and the fact you keep looking back at those doors looking for her, you are.” 

I looked back at him. He was smiling a knowing smile. “Yes, I am very serious about her.  She is… perfect.” 

“I see that… I’m sorry for pushing Felicia on you. I really thought she would be great for you. After she said you told her to abort a baby, I knew she was lying. It made me wonder what else she might have lied about,” he said with remorse.

“I know, she can…” I was cut off by high-pitched screaming coming from inside. I bolted from my seat, ran to the doors and wrenched them open. I ran through the dining room, coming to an abrupt stop when I reached the entry. Unadulterated rage swamped me, and my veins filled with a rush of pure adrenaline. My brain screamed at me with only one thought: Protect Taryn.




Chapter 12-Taryn


When Carter’s dad walked in, I could see the similarities between him and Carter. Carter had his eyes and smile, but his dad’s hair was more of a dirty blonde with gray at his temples. He wasn’t quite as tall as Carter, but compared to me, he was a giant, too. When he saw me, he quirked his brow, and stared for a moment before Carter introduced us. 

My insides felt like they were being sucked up by a tornado, but I pushed through it. I could see the approval on Carter’s face, and it left me with a feeling of accomplishment. I was a little stunned and maybe confused when they left to talk. I knew Carter had come to take care of some things—maybe his dad was involved with whatever that was. Carter didn’t tell me what he had to take care of, and I didn’t ask. It wasn’t really my business, and I was so excited about being with him that I hadn’t cared.

I heard him talking to his mom, and whatever they had discussed had him on edge. I could feel the stiffness when he kissed me. Something was wrong, and I couldn’t stop thinking it was because of me.

I made my way to what I assumed was his room; it was the one with the largest bed. The walls were painted a neutral cream color, with several landscape portraits hanging. Gorgeous snow-capped mountains, a field of blooming sunflowers, the sunset over a serene lake. Carter told me he’d backpacked through Europe. I wondered if he took these himself. I’d have to ask him. A huge flat screen TV hung on the wall facing the bed, and the furniture was all done in oak with a dark finish. It was beautiful, and not at all what I was expecting for a college apartment. 

I set my bag on his bed, and began pulling out my toiletries. When I carried them to the bathroom, I instantly fell in love. The bathroom was done in granite, with a huge, glass-encased walk-in shower, and a wonderfully deep Jacuzzi tub. There were double sinks with waterfall faucets, and a long mirror lining the wall. If ever a bathroom could be called heaven, this was it.

I put my toiletries between the two sinks, not sure what sink he used, and made my way back into the bedroom. I decided to leave my clothes in my bag. I hadn’t packed much since it was only for a few days. I put my bag on the chair by the bed, and went to explore the rest of the apartment.

The kitchen was small, but elegant, with granite countertops, cream tile, and white cupboards. Off of the kitchen was the dining room, leading to French doors, and on the other side was the living room. The living room had overstuffed dark brown leather furniture facing a gas fireplace with another large flat screen secured to the wall above it.  What was it with guys and televisions? 

I walked back to the kitchen for a drink of water, trying not to worry over Carter and his mood. I was just about to open the third cupboard, trying to find a glass, when I thought I heard knocking. I stilled, listened, and yes, someone was rapping on the door. I froze, not sure if I should answer it, or get Carter. I was scared to death to answer it.

The knocking became more insistent. I was scrambling with indecision, and fighting the urge to go lock myself in that amazing bathroom. “Quit being such a sissy-lala! It’s a door for, crying out loud,” I said aloud to myself. I squared my shoulders, and gave myself a quick pep talk. “I can open a door, I can open a door, it’s just a door, it’s just a door,” I repeated. I walked to the door on wooden legs. The knocking had become pounding, and my heart felt like it was going to rip out of my chest, like the alien busting out of Sigourney Weaver’s breastplate in “Aliens.” I faulted a step—that was so not the image I needed when I felt like every step I took was taking me to my own demise.

“Come on, Taryn,” I chanted to myself. “People open doors every day, people invite other people in a house that is not their own every day. People don’t die from opening doors. Well, unless there was a crazed psychopath on the other side, or someone wired a bomb to detonate when the door opened…” I had to stop. My thoughts were getting carried away, and not helping.

By the time I reached the door, I felt sweat gathering at my temples, and my hands were shaking so badly, it took real concentration to grasp the door handle. I only walked about twenty feet, but it felt as if I had raced in the Boston Marathon. I took a deep breath, and opened the door.

Standing before me was a strikingly pretty and very tall woman. She had bright red hair with a sculpted face. She was a lot thinner than I was—willowy would be a good description. I glanced up and down, taking in her short black skirt and red halter top that was trimmed with rhinestones. With my gaze targeted to her glaring eyes, I could see she used a lot of make-up. Her lashes stood out like spindly spider legs and her cheeks were painted an unnatural shade of pink.

“Who the hell are you?” she snarled as she pushed past me into the house. I was stunned, and if I was honest with myself, a little terrified. I could see only cruelty in her eyes while she tried to shoot daggers through my skull.

I couldn’t answer. I turned back toward the bedroom, trying to judge the distance and see if I could run. Everything in my body was telling me to get away. I took a step toward my goal, when I felt her hand grab my arm. Her grip was bruising.

“I said, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?” she demanded, shouting the words callously. I was frozen, paralyzed. I couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. Carter, where was he? I needed Carter.

“Are you fucking my husband?” she spat. I caught the word “husband” and looked at her, still trying to take in air. I saw in her eyes what I suppose a lion would look like as it stalked a gazelle. 

“That’s right, bitch, he’s mine. If you think I’m going to let a fat whore like you take him, you got another thing coming.” At her vile words, I felt my entire body start to shake. I was trembling so badly it reminded me of when I was with my Dad and we bought paint at the hardware store. They stuck the paint in this machine, and I watched as the paint can shook and rattled. I was that paint can.

I heard the slap before I felt it, but it pulled me out of my memory long enough to register that she had struck my face, and was currently holding onto my hair, pulling viciously. I felt some of my hair separate from my scalp. My head was swirling from images of the past back to the present, I couldn’t grasp onto one of them. My anchor was gone, I was floating from one nightmare to another. I felt my body moving, but nothing was registering, I was fighting to get back, fighting to find something. 

I could feel pressure on my stomach, and make out snippets of words. The words
husband, married, slut, bitch
resonated through my head. Married? Who was married? Why was she hurting me? I couldn’t make sense of anything, then I heard him.

“Get off of her!” he roared, and although I couldn’t see him, I knew he was picking me up and I was in his arms. Warmth started in my chest and flowed out to my fingers and my toes.  I grasped onto that warmth, knowing the calm would come if I could just hold onto it. Sensations came back to me in increments and when I could feel my hands again, I grabbed onto the closest thing they could grasp. 

“I got you, baby. Oh God, I’m so sorry… Can you hear me, Taryn?” I could hear his scratchy voice beckoning me, but it was like he was talking to me through a tunnel. I tried to talk, I did, but nothing seemed to come out but a moan. I was shaking so hard my teeth clacked together, and my tongue seemed to be in the way. I felt the familiar rocking, and his hand was at my back. I wanted to see him, but my eyes weren’t working. All I could see were flashes of a woman, a mean, hateful woman with red hair, and then I would see Maddox with his crazy, feral eyes.

“Taryn, sweetheart… Please talk to me, please come back.” I could feel his breath at my ear, and make out his frantic plea. I wanted nothing more than to soothe him, for him to know I had him, too. As I became more cognizant, I started to hear more voices, more noise. Was there a scuffle? 

“Dad, in that backpack is a black case with a zipper, I need you to get it,” I heard him say.

“Okay, I’ll get it.”

In a harsher tone
, I heard him say, “You stay right there, or so help me.” Who was he talking to?

“It’s all right, baby, I’m going to give you your medicine. You’re going to be fine, just breathe with me Taryn, think of your breaths. Remember the water, bring it in and flush it out,” he pleaded with me. The more I listened to his voice, the tighter my tether was. Soon, I was able to see him, his handsome face. He looked so distressed, so unhappy. I wanted to change that and make him smile.

I licked my lips and tried to gather moisture in my mouth so I could talk. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone approach us. When I turned my head, I saw it was his dad. His dad? Oh God, that woman. It all came at me like a flash flood, and I grabbed onto Carter with all my might, afraid to be left alone, afraid I wouldn’t be able to defend myself again.

He squeezed me to him and whispered to me, “You are safe, Taryn, I got you. She won’t touch you again, baby. I swear.” I heard his voice crack, and I knew he wouldn’t let her near me.

“Here, son,” I heard Cedric say softly, and watched him hand Carter my medicine case.

“Taryn? Are you with me, baby?” he asked me. I clung tighter to his shirt and croaked out a barely there, “Yes.”

“Do you think you can swallow a pill? I really don’t want to give you a shot, baby, but if you can’t, I will.” He was brushing the hair out of my face, looking at me with such compassion and tenderness it brought the tears too fast for me to try to squelch them. I couldn’t talk with the emotions pouring out, so I nodded in answer. 

“Dad, can you get me a glass of water?” he asked.

“On it.”

As the tears fell, I buried my nose into his chest, inhaling his woodsy scent. His smell was calming and safe. 

“Taryn, here, sweetie.” He shifted me so I was sitting up on his lap, and handed me a glass of water. My mouth felt so dry, the sight of the water had me salivating. He placed the pill in my mouth, and helped me drag the glass to my lips. My hands were still shaky, and I probably would have made a much larger mess than the tears on his shirt if left to do it myself.

The water was a cool welcome on my tongue as I swallowed the entire glass down. I handed him the glass and looked to his face. I noticed a figure in the corner, and turned my head to get a better look. Carter grabbed my chin, and brought my face back to his.

“No, you don’t look at her. She is nothing, don’t pay her any mind,” he demanded, but smoothed over his harsh order by kissing my lips softly.

After he pulled away, the questions I had were trying to surface, but in the state I was in, I knew I wouldn’t be able to retain any answers he gave me, I was totally depleted. My brain was only at half-mast. Between the early morning, the plane, meeting his dad, and then whatever happened with the mysterious red head, I couldn’t take any more. My body was shutting down and I curled back into him, resting my head on his chest, letting the rhythm of his heartbeat lull me to sleep.




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