Salvation (67 page)

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Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Salvation
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Nate grabbed two towels from the freshly stocked shelves and two bottles of chilled water from the mini fridge. “Looks like the place is ours,” he noted, glancing around the empty gym. “What are you hitting up first?”

“Think I’ll do a few stretches then use the free weights. Finish off with some cardio.”


I followed him to the mats. Whilst I browsed the different weighted dumbbells, he laid my towel on a bench and set a bottle underneath. “What about you?”

“Me?” He grinned, backing up to the leg press facing the mats. “Think I’ll set up right here and watch.”

And he did. There were no focused repetitions of his leg raises to suggest serious effort. Every time I dared face him or caught sight of him in the mirror, he was staring, occasionally lifting and straightening his legs. The sexual tension filling the air between us made me brave, uninhibited.

We sparred back and forth trading moves. For every grunt of exertion he made, I made one louder. Confident eyes never left mine as he did push-ups on the mat while I straddled the bench and lifted weights. I balanced on the ball and did crunches, legs spread direct in his line of vision. I put more effort into my post-weight stretches. When I bent forward and pressed my palms to the floor to stretch my hamstrings, I made sure I faced away from him. With my backside thrust in his face, I knew heat would be firing the sapphire hues of his eyes when I straightened.

He didn’t disappoint.

Invigorated and high on endorphins and female supremacy, I grabbed my towel and water, ready for the treadmill.

As I passed Nate, long fingers wrapped around my elbow, clasping and tugging me close. “You think you’re gonna win this game we’re playing?” he purred. He pressed the heat of his body against mine. In trainers, I was a few inches shorter and had to blink up to his face. The few times I’d teased him like this, his dominant nature had invariably won out. But I was more confident now and knew how to play him.

“Yeah.” I pushed onto tiptoe and kissed him briefly, then took my time walking to the treadmill. A flash of doubt hit me when Nate casually sidled over and stepped onto the machine beside me.

“I reviewed my schedule earlier,” he mentioned coolly, concentrating on selecting his workout settings. “I’m heading to Rhode Island while you’re away.”

The belt on my machine started moving. His indifference threw me until I realised he was intentionally trying to put me off stride. I’d picked up the pace to a small jog by the time his kicked in. Unfazed, I replied, “Oh? What’s happening there?”

“The new Faculty of Arts at RISD has been named in my honour.”

My eyes widened as my breath accelerated. “Wow! That’s fantastic.”

“I made a hefty donation for the privilege,” he said dryly, settling into a fast but steady pace. “They’re having the official unveiling next weekend.”

Nate was a proud man who played down his successes. This was a significant milestone in his career. Nothing would have given me greater pleasure than to be on his arm that night, sharing in his remarkable achievement. “I’m really sad I’ll miss it.”

“I established a scholarship fund last year.” Using his towel, he wiped his sweaty brow and puffed out some air. “I grew up fortunate to have an education that allowed me to realise my dreams.” He shrugged and increased the running speed and gradient. “Some kids aren’t as lucky. Investing in the Design School is an investment in our future, and subsequently my children’s future.”

His enthusiasm for education and giving back was admirable and typical of his generosity and kindness. We ran for another fifteen minutes flat out. In typical mischievous style, Nate pushed me, challenging me to match his pace. I could barely breathe, my heart thudded loud. The waistband of my cropped leggings soaked up rivulets of sweat trickling between my breasts and down my back.

A man entered and gave us a nod hello before making a beeline for the heavy weights, intent on honing his already beefed up physique. I watched him load the discs onto the metal bar. Unlike Mai, I didn’t find the muscle-man appearance attractive.

My gaze slid to the man beside me, his attention now focused on me, his sexual desire clear. There was a line of sweat marking the front of his plain white tank. His face was flushed with heat and exertion, his hair now resembling dark glossy rivers of chocolate. This was more my type. In four days, we were to be separated.

My thoughts briefly returned to last week. “How did you propose to get there,” I puffed out, “if I had the jet in London?”

With no embarrassment, he panted, “In one of the others.”

I hit the emergency stop button and grabbed hold of the handrails.

Nate eased his treadmill to a gradual halt. “So, now you know there’s more than one, does it increase my chances of getting you to use it?”

“No,” I reiterated, drying off my face as I stepped off with shaky legs, “so forget it.” It was a clear violation of company property. Even if the boss agreed it. I downed my water. “Tell me more about RISD.”

After wiping clean the machines, we tossed our used towels into a laundry basket and pushed through the glass doors into a small foyer to wait for the lift. “It’s an accolade I’m immensely proud of.” He followed me into the car and pushed in the keycard to gain access to the condo.

“And number two on America’s Sexiest CEO’s List isn’t?”

“That’s just scandalous,” he shot back with a wicked smile and a naughty glimmer in his eyes.

“I know, right?” With the cool glassed interior against my back, I tugged Nate closer by the wet hem of his tank. “You should be number one if you ask me.”

“If I ask you, there shouldn’t be a list.” His hands came up and pressed firm on my shoulders, eyes assessing with a touch of possession. “So did you win our little game?”

“Actually, I reckon I did.”

He pressed into me, his erection stroking the exact spot where dark heat swirled low in my belly. “Yeah?”

Angling his head, he traced my jaw with his tongue, his breath hot on my skin. My eyes closed on a long sigh, my tired body surrendering. Then he was gone.

He backed up into the opposite corner. Like a caged animal desperate for freedom, he raked me with feral eyes. Grabbing the hem of his soaked tank, he peeled it over his head. “Come here,” he growled.

The doors slid open, the contemporary piece of art on the console spotlit by overhead downlighters. Nate didn’t move an inch, his heaving chest glistening, pumped and ripped.

“Here?” I mumbled, losing my bravado. My tongue darted out to moisten my lips.

He caught the hem of my tank, yanking me forward. Then, with consummate ease, peeled it from my sticky skin and dropped it by my feet. His eyes glittered as dark as his soaked hair. I panted.

He snaked a hand around my back, and as the hook on my bra snapped at the same time his mouth caught mine, I realised I hadn’t won at all.

TUESDAY, I woke with a start. The abrupt jolt stirred the man whose arms I was firmly nestled in.

“Shh,” Nate whispered sleepily, his arm around my shoulder tightening.

With a contented sigh, I stretched my body alongside his, taking a deep breath. I thought coffee was a great aroma to start the day, but nothing could beat the enticing scent of Nate’s warm skin.

“Is it time to get up?” I rubbed my eyes awake, trying to gauge the hour of morning.

Blindly, Nate reached for his phone beside him and held it in front of my face. “Seven-forty!” I yelped. “Shit!” I wriggled free from his possessive grasp and leapt out of bed.

“Come back,” he murmured, sending me reeling with a lop-sided lazy smile and my first glimpse of those brilliant blue eyes. God, how was it possible to be so attractive first thing in the morning?

“You’re supposed to be talking to London in twenty minutes,” I reminded him. “Ross is probably downstairs already, not to mention Maria.” I dipped my fingertips in the small amount of water remaining in my glass and flicked it at his chest.

He didn’t flinch. He ran a hand through his hair creating an even sexier look. “I’ve given Maria strict instructions not to come upstairs until we’ve left.” Throwing the covers back, he patted the space beside him. “Now get your delectable ass back in this bed.”

Shaking my head at his playfulness, I grinned. “No time for that.” I darted to the bathroom before he could persuade me otherwise.

Ten minutes later I was showered and quickly slathering moisturiser over my still damp skin when Nate strolled in. I stopped, struck motionless by the magnificent sight of him naked.

“Don’t mind me.” With eyes keenly fixed on me, he reached up and gripped the doorframe. The pose displayed his ripped physique in all its glory. For a man who spent most of his day behind a desk, he had amazing body strength. My thoughts scattered back to last night, and the frantic fucking that had taken place in the lift. I’d never be able to ride in one again without blushing.

Recovering my equilibrium, I wrapped a towel around me and moved to the basin to brush my teeth, desperate to suppress a smile. He moved in, pressing me into the counter as he pressed into my back, nipping my shoulder. “Ross won’t mind waiting a bit longer.”

It took all my willpower not to concede, but Nate was already late, and I wasn’t about to allow his reputation to suffer because of me. I rinsed my mouth and dried it before turning around. “You should start setting your alarm earlier if we’re going to have lazy morning sex.”

“Who said anything about me being lazy?” Slowly, he untucked the towel from my breast and peeled it open. I allowed it to fall by my feet and put my palms on his chest.

“Who said anything about
being in charge of it?” With a swift kiss, I ducked under his arm and ran out the door. His laughter made my smile widen. He was acting like he didn’t have a care in the world and I loved his carefree spirit.

I picked up his phone and called Riley. I told her Nate would dial into the teleconference from home and asked her to arrange for the other attendants to phone in from the office. Once that had been organised, I called Ross and gave him the update. Feeling pleased with my organisational skills, I went to the closet to dress. My few items of clothing had gradually been on the increase, and I now had a small selection to choose from. I picked out a set of pale blue lacy underwear and slipped on the Brazilian knickers. I’d just hooked up the bra when Nate appeared.

Tiny droplets of water clung to his skin. His hair was a rich chocolate brown, he’d shaved, and he smelt so good I wanted to eat him. I fought the urge to lick the beads of water off his abs as he opened the tiny white towel from his waist and dried off.

“You can call London in half an hour from home,” I told him, wiggling into a pair of light grey tapered trousers. “I’ve brought everyone up to speed.”

“You have?” he asked, retrieving some underwear from the drawer.

“Couldn’t have the boss slacking on the job, could I?” I smiled sweetly as he pulled on a pair of silver-grey trousers. It amused me how we often complimented our outfits unintentionally. “Of course, it wasn’t just to save your sexy arse. Now I’ve time for my favourite morning wake-up.”

“Really?” Nate purred, fastening the last button of his white shirt. He stalked towards me as I slipped a cornflower blue silk secretary blouse over my head. “Then shouldn’t you be getting

My lips pursed. “Correction. My second favourite.”

Nate looked puzzled as he turned me away. He brushed my hair to the side and fastened the two buttons on my shoulder.

“Coffee,” I explained with a smile.

He finished tying a neat bow at the side of my neck then squeezed my waist, tickling. Laughing, I happily allowed him to pull me back into his frame and nuzzle by my ear. “God,” he sighed, “you smell too good. How is it possible to want someone so badly even though you’ve already given me so much more than I deserve?”

I faced him, hating how doubt still lingered in his mind over what he was or wasn’t entitled to, presumably because of his ex. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, a long, heavenly kiss that could’ve easily led to more if I allowed it. Leaving him stunned, I straightened my blouse and casually walked away.

“You drive me insane!” Nate called after me. “Tie me up in fucking knots!”

When I reached the open space of the bedroom, I laughed when I heard him curse again.


GUILT over spending such little time with Mai the past week won out and I decided to take her out and treat her to lunch. It had taken all my feminine wiles of persuasion to get Nate to agree to it. He’d been busy moving heaven and earth to make space in his schedule, wanting to spend any time he could with me.

After lunch, I sat with Mai outside Pinkberry eating frozen yoghurt and finished our conversation about our respective weekends. I was a little mad—actually, really pissed off—with Mitchell. Saturday, he’d gone out with friends for the day leaving Mai home alone. Nothing wrong with that, everyone needs time to themselves. Only it was with a mixed sex group of friends, and he hadn’t returned home until Sunday lunchtime.

The icing on the cake? He refused to provide any explanation for his whereabouts.

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