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Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

Salvation (62 page)

BOOK: Salvation
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“You’re such a fucking turn-on.” Nate pushed me forward and shoved up my skirt. He quickly found me, grabbing my hips and slamming me down onto his cock.

I cried out, relief as much as pleasure hitting me. Bracing my hands on the steering wheel, I leant forward, trying to ease the feeling of being so damn full of him and lifted again.

Nate pulled me onto him again, fingers digging into my hips as he thrust up to meet me. His hands travelled over my ribs and cupped my breasts. “Sometimes, quick is good,” he reminded me, his tone laced with predatory sensuality.

“God, yes.” I shut my eyes and started to move, chasing the orgasm that had been so elusive all day. The exhilaration of knowing we could be caught spurred me on. Yet as much as I wanted quick and dirty, my pace settled into the rhythm of the music.

“Faster,” he snapped. “Harder. This needs to be quick.”

Holding my hips firm, he began lifting me up and pulling me down, impaling me onto his cock. A flash of perspiration broke out over my skin. My orgasm was imminent, everything pulsing and contracting inside. Beneath me, Nate’s thighs tensed. One hand pushed beneath my skirt and found my clit. “You need to come,” he growled. “Now.”

The tiniest amount of pressure broke me. I came with one of the fastest, most shattering orgasms I’d ever experienced. “Nate,” I cried. My forehead hit the steering wheel, all control of my trembling body gone.

Nate crushed his chest to my back as he came with a muttered curse. For long minutes, he pumped into me, his cock swelling as he released everything into me. Finally, he crashed back into his seat, taking me with him.

“Oh my God!” Stunned, I dropped my head back to his shoulder. Then I started laughing.

“Well, I’ve never had that reaction before.” I felt Nate smile against my damp neck and tried to stifle my amusement. “Not quite the mile-high club, huh?”

“Definitely more thrilling.”

“I’ll say. You’ve undoubtedly brightened many a fellow driver’s day.”

“You certainly brightened mine.” I curled a hand around his neck and shut my eyes. It didn’t take long before the reality of what we’d just done seeped into my thoughts.

As both hands wrapped around my ribcage, Nate rolled his head back and let out a long sigh. “God, Kara. You’re my Achilles heel. I lose focus when I’m with you. I get reckless.”

He sounded like he wished our hot encounter hadn’t happened. I twisted to look at him. “Didn’t you enjoy it?”

“Baby.” He titled my chin and brushed his lips tenderly over mine. “I loved it. Always do. But the idea of that being splashed over the latest gossip blogs is something I
enjoy. Anything that tarnishes our lovemaking doesn’t sit right with me.”

I curled his windswept hair between my fingers. Picturing anyone I knew seeing those images brought home the reality of the situation. It was a spur of the moment thing, but our carelessness could cost us both dearly.

“Having said that,” Nate continued, freeing me from worry, “I definitely plan on letting you take advantage of me again very, very soon.”

“That wasn’t me,” I chided him with a playful smile.

“You started it, I finished it.”

With a swift kiss on his cheek, I clambered back into my seat and attempted to straighten out my clothes.

“Check the glove compartment. Hopefully there’s tissues,” he said, hoisting his jeans back up. I found them and handed some over. Then I cleaned myself up, and thoroughly embarrassed, stuffed the used ones into my bag to dispose of privately.

“Put these back on.” Nate retrieved my panties from his footwell and handed them over. “Don’t like the idea of your ass being bare when Will meets you.” He zipped up his fly and started on his belt, adding, “Don’t think we’ll tell him you fucked me in his car.”

“Oh my God!” I cried again, burying my face in my palms. My embarrassment gave way to an uncontrollable fit of the giggles. It wasn’t long before Nate joined in as we headed towards our destination.


“WELL, well, well. If it isn’t America’s sexiest bachelor,” the mellow voice of a man lilted behind us as we checked in. Nate took our room key from the immaculately coiffed receptionist, smiling as he turned around.

“Cut the crap, Will.” The two men greeted each other with a handshake that turned into an affectionate hug. “And you can keep your bachelor title. I’m very happily taken,” he stated, tugging me to his side.

“Ah, yes.” Will turned to me. “The woman who’s finally tamed my big brother.” He spread his muscular arms wide. “Do I get a hug or what?”

Will pulled me into his solid frame with a force that unbalanced me. He was tall, with playful aquamarine eyes, naturally tanned, and curly coffee-brown hair. Whilst Nate had more of a refined, sculpted face, Will’s features were fuller and more rugged, his body buff from using weights to bulk up.

With a genuine smile, he held me by the shoulders and scanned me up and down with mischievous eyes. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing with a guy like him? Nate is shooting way above his mark this time.”

“Then she’s definitely out of your league, so get your dirty hands off her.” It was a playful warning from brother to brother, but Nate still pulled me back to him, staking his claim.

“Woman,” Will said, “you are frickin’ hot! Let’s cut to the chase—when are we getting hitched?”

“Show some respect,” Nate snapped. His disdain only amused Will further.

“I see the full-on charm offensive is a pre-requisite in your family.” I grinned at Will.

“Didn’t think his silver tongue worked on you, Kara? You made him work his ass off.” Will folded his arms and rocked back on his heels. “Well played.”

Had I missed the introduction bit? I glanced at Nate. His earlier displeasure had gone. Now he was shy over being outed. I hugged his arm. Nate was so
a bashful person.

“Don’t look so surprised,” Will went on. “I’ve heard all about you. Guys talk too, ya know.” Turning to address Nate, he said, “You’re right, bro. She’s gorgeous.”

With a congratulatory pat on Nate’s shoulder, Will turned us towards the lounge. “C’mon, drinks are lined up at the bar. I was expecting you earlier. My car still in one piece?”

“The compensation for your cock is fine,” Nate assured him. I giggled. All distinguished gentleman constraints had gone. Nate was a guy as much as the rest of them. Yes, he spoke dirty to me when the mood dictated it, but listening to the sibling banter showed me another layer of his personality. “We had a great ride in.”

I nudged his side, getting his double-meaning even if Will had no idea what it meant.

“Traffic hold you up?” Will asked over his shoulder as he walked away.

“No.” Nate grinned at me. “We took the scenic route.”

A bellhop arrived and whisked away the trolley stacked with our luggage and garment bags. “I have to freshen up,” I reminded Nate quietly.

His smile widened. “Will,” Nate called, “meet you there in ten. Just need to go upstairs.”

“Man, you’ve lost your touch. Give the girl more than that.” And with a wink at me, Will strolled into the lobby bar.


OVER a meal eaten sitting at the bar, Will held centre court, keenly regaling us with stories about Nate. It was heartwarming to watch their interactions, listen to them trade insults, and watch Nate laugh, relaxed in our company. Will’s good nature and wicked sense of humour reminded me of Liam and raised memories of the teasing my own little brother often gave me.

Will’s large hand covered the slender fingers of the female bartender when she replenished their empty beer bottles with full ones. It lingered discreetly whilst they shared a heated stare. “Thanks, Nicole,” Will murmured, his tone a few levels lower than normal.

Sandwiched between the two of them, I finished my third glass of the vineyard’s finest Merlot as tiredness hit. Stretching, I stifled a yawn. “More wine, Kara?” Will asked, preparing to summon Nicole back.

“God, no. I’m stuffed.”

“Well, I didn’t like to say, but damn, you can put away some food. That burger didn’t stand a chance of getting cold. Where’d you put it all?” Gleaming eyes raked me up and down again.

I glanced at Nate, took a breath, then boldly said, “Having lots of sex with your brother helps keep the weight off.”

Nate dropped his head and burst out laughing, his fingers rubbing his brow as he shook his head. The pink hue colouring his cheeks made me proud. Finally, after all this time, I’d made him blush.

“Jesus!” Will cried, throwing his napkin down on the bar. “A little more information than I asked for!”

“And on that note,” I said, slipping off the barstool, “I’m going upstairs.” I pushed the metal stool in, amused when they both politely stood.

“Everything okay?” Nate asked.

“Yes, just tired. You should stay, though.”

“Kara.” Will stepped away from the bar. “Things were about to get interesting. We’d reached the teenage years. You don’t want to miss them.”

“Tell me tomorrow. I’ll look forward to it.”

“Guess it buys me time to think of some real hideously shameful stories.” He gave me a full-on kiss on the lips, more than surprising me. His daring grin suggested he’d done it on purpose to annoy the shit out of Nate, and from the scowl on my boyfriend’s face, it had worked.

“If he wants to keep use of his legs,” Nate murmured, clasping my elbow and leading me to the exit, “he won’t ever do that again.”

“He’s playing you. It meant nothing.”

“Yeah, well, he might be my brother but that won’t stop me kicking his ass.” When we reached the bottom of the grand staircase leading to the second floor, he turned me to face him, both hands on my shoulders. “You sure you don’t want me to come up?”

“No, I’m going to make use of the huge bathtub then crash.” I placed my palms on his chest and leant in for a kiss. “Spend some time with Will. Come up when you’re ready.”

“In that case, I’ll be there in five.” He squeezed my shoulders and watched me climb the stairs, eyes not leaving me until I’d disappeared out of sight.

THE FARMHOUSE ADJOINING the Lonely Oak vineyard had been extended and converted into a luxury twenty-five bedroom boutique hotel with spa. The vibe was French Provincial with authentic vintage furniture imported from the Loire Valley. Impeccable and elegant, but warm and inviting, decorated in nude tones with pale gold accents.

The bedroom alone was bigger than most hotel rooms, with a huge open fireplace and seating area. A wrought iron chandelier dripping with cut-glass beads hung from the exposed wooden beams—frankly, I wanted to take it home. It was gorgeous. The pièce de résistance, however, lay the other side of arched windows—lush hills covered with grapevines, miles upon miles in every direction you looked, interspersed with the last violets of lavender.

Even after our morning bedroom workout, Nate still had enough energy to drag me on a run in stifling heat. It was a great way to explore the impressive surrounding landscape belonging to the family. And with Will joining us, I was the luckiest woman alive, running alongside two seriously fit men working up a sweat.

“What are you opting for?” Nate asked, strolling into the lounge after his shower. For the past fifteen minutes my head had been stuck in the Spa Menu, deciding on a treatment.

“I’m spoilt for choice.”

“Have whatever you want.” He lifted my bare outstretched legs and joined me on the country style sofa. “My treat.”

He smelled deliciously clean and was dressed in a fitted navy collared shirt and graphite grey trousers. “Do you really have to work? I feel guilty being pampered while you’re in the office.”

“It shouldn’t take long. Will needs me to cast an eye over some business contracts.” He opened up the calendar function on his mobile phone. “We also need to ensure everything is sorted for tonight.”

“Anything I can do?”

“No.” He patted my knee. “I might join you if we’re done in time.”

I returned the menu to the table and took a few grapes from the fruit platter. “Not sure how I feel about another woman’s hands all over your body,” I noted, popping one into his mouth.

He chewed and swallowed, smirking. “Not sure how I feel about one touching you either. Can I watch?”

Laughing, I stood to collect my essentials from the bedroom. “How can you still be so horny after this morning?” I called out, shoving my purse into a white crocheted summer bag.

I jumped when Nate’s hands found my ribs, a brief stop on the way down to my backside. “For you,” he murmured into my ear, “I’m horny all the time. Your ass is looking particularly pert in these tiny white shorts.”

“That’s what you said first thing, right before you sank your teeth into it.” I turned in his embrace, halting his enjoyment. “Hate to think how sexually frustrated you’d be if I wasn’t here.”

“You better believe it.” And with a killer of a smile, he kissed me.


THE outdoor swimming pool was a relief to the intense heat of the midday sun. I sat on the edge and dangled my legs in the sparkling water, awash with a happiness and contentment that had eluded me for a long time. A few middle-aged couples, shaded by cream sun umbrellas, lounged on cushioned sun loungers sipping drinks served by two sprightly young girls in conservative knee-length shorts and white polo shirts.

BOOK: Salvation
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