Salvation (64 page)

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Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Salvation
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“Mel, you look fantastic,” I told her when she arrived. Wearing a floor length black one-shouldered gown, her light brown hair was styled high on her head to highlight a swanlike neck.

“Spanx” she confided with a wink.

“Oh, yes,” I laughed. “Me, too.”

“That’s exactly what I should be giving you for being such a naughty girl,” Nate growled into my ear. I’d never been into that kind of thing, but had to admit, with him in charge I couldn’t fail to get excited by the suggestion. He smirked and fondled his newly acquired pocket square.

I was relieved when we were asked to take our seats for dinner.


“YOU and Will organised all of this?” I asked Nate quietly as we finished our vichyssoise, one of my favourite soups.

“Why are you surprised? You told me I had the whole wining and dining seduction mastered to perfection.”

The dinner setting was one of the most romantic I’d seen. Fairy lights twinkled on clipped miniature hedges and topiaries lining a rectangular stone terrace. Seven round tables draped in fresh white linen had been set for eight, all with individual heaters to ward off the night chill. The table centrepieces were large pillar candles in glass bowls, decorated with lavender and herbs that fragranced the air.

“Hope you’ve brought that appetite of yours.” Will, sitting on my right, patted my shoulder and winked as the main course was placed in front of us—a Provençal style sea bass with steamed vegetables. “I’ve definitely worked up a hunger.”

“Have you been in the gym?” I asked, sipping my champagne.

“Kara.” With a lewd grin, Will shot me a narrow-eyed glance. “Her name’s
, not Jim. Male on male shit—not my thing.”

I promptly choked on my bubbles which made him howl with laughter. Even Nate grinned. Luckily, the rest of the table didn’t hear. Thomas, Sadie, Mel and David were in deep conversation. According to Nate, Bethany was a nice, well-behaved girl, and Will’s go-to-date for special occasions such as this. One you share with the family and not the boys—his words, not mine. I’d been speechless when he confirmed it had actually happened before. The pouty brunette seemed a little put out by the fact I was sat between easily the two most attractive men in the room and not her.

By the time dinner was over, the corset of my dress was definitely snugger. I’d been drinking since early afternoon in the spa and the warm fuzz of alcohol was also threading through my veins.

“Once again you haven’t let me down.” Will nodded an acknowledgement to my empty plate.

“Hell would have to freeze over before I left any of that Clafoutis. So bad for me, but so good.” I wiped the corners of my mouth with the napkin and set it beside my plate.

Nate’s arm immediately came back around my shoulders when I sagged into the back of my chair. He leant closer, turning his head away so no one could hear, and murmured, “You look so damn beautiful. I can’t take my eyes off you.”

It was true. Even during the times he couldn’t physically look at me, he was connecting through touch, as though his fingers could convey what he was so desperate to see with his eyes. Had it been anyone else I’d have found it suffocating. But I loved knowing Nate needed me that much. I felt exactly the same.

“I noticed,” I whispered back, “and I like it.” Shy, I bit my lip when I caught Mel observing us. “Even if you are just protecting your investment,” I pointed out, jangling the bracelet so the precision cut gems sent shards of light bouncing across the table.

Nate drew his head back. “You are far more precious to me than any piece of jewellery.” He pressed warm lips to my wrist, then worked his way back up to my ear. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten you’re gloriously naked beneath this dress.”

Everything deep inside clenched at the husky tone and implication of his words. “Nor I you,” I replied, stroking his thigh.

His fingers were blindly toying with the bracelet. “I need to fuck you so badly.”

“Shhh.” I placed a finger to his lips, hoping he wasn’t heard. I doubt he’d have cared if his broad grin was anything to go by. I stroked his face, following the strong, smooth jawline with my fingers. Then I leant in and kissed him. I wanted more but was conscious of the eyes watching us.

“Put her down, man.” Will pushed out his chair and stood. “Mom wants us up front.”


A large sandstone sculpture framed with an iron arbour separated the dining area from the dancing section. Behind that, a stage for the band waiting to play. Nate, his parents and siblings, stood centre stage in front of us all. As the eldest son, Nate gave the speech.

The consummate professional was present, but his demeanour and words were relaxed, full of respect and admiration for his parents. “You inspire me. Give me hope that everyone has a soulmate, and to never take it for granted if you’re fortunate enough to find them in this life,” Nate continued, bringing what had been a humorous, lighthearted speech to a close on a more serious note.

He turned to his parents, both teary-eyed to his left. “Dad, if I make my future wife half as happy as you’ve made mom, I’ll be doing my job as her husband.”

Thomas acknowledged Nate’s sincerity with a pat on his shoulder. Nate cleared his throat, then the entire focus of his speech altered. He glanced up, intense blue eyes locking me firmly in their sight. The air thickened, like the calm before an impending thunderstorm. The crackle of chemistry was instant, like someone had flicked on a switch.

“Dad always told me, when you find the one who resides in your head—the one you can’t go a second without thinking about, the one you’d lay down your life for—never let her go. Because she is the one who will forever live in your heart.”

Enraptured, love bloomed inside my chest. Bethany offered a dreamy sigh of awe, but I was too caught up in the man of my dreams to respond. Suddenly, the world shifted, righted itself, then started spinning again, smoother and more purposeful than before.

He talked to
, heat firing from his eyes. Mere seconds passed, yet it felt like time stood still. Will shuffled closer and spoke into Nate’s ear. Nate took a minute to compose himself, then straightened, turning to his parents. “You are each other’s forever. I love you both.” He raised his glass high in the air, voice breaking with emotion. “Happy Anniversary.”

I scrambled for my champagne and stood on shaky legs, toasting Thomas and Sadie. Everyone gave a rousing round of applause as they stepped onto the dance floor while the family returned to the table. “That was beautiful,” I said to Nate when he joined me again.

“That last bit was for you.”

I waited for him to lower the champagne flute from his mouth before kissing him. “I know.” Resting my head to his, we watched his parents dance in a contented silence, arm-in-arm. The way they moved across the black tiled floor so easily, and in perfect synchronisation, reminded me of being a young girl and watching my own parents dance.

I felt Nate tense before he muttered under his breath. “Christ.” The couple I’d seen at the pool earlier were making their way over. His mouth thinned as he greeted them stiffly. “Angela. David.”

“Nate, so lovely to see you again.” The woman’s smile was tinged with shame. Mel watched with caution whilst Will looked like he was ready to jump in at any moment. Their concern baffled me.

“Yes, it’s been a while.” Nate brought me into the conversation. “This is my girlfriend, Kara.” Then he turned to me. “Angela and David are old family friends.”

I reached out a hand to each of them. “Hello.”

“My, she’s a pretty one,” David said, clasping both sweaty hands around mine. Nate’s vice-like grip on my waist tightened possessively. The tension between the three of them was strained, the atmosphere decidedly cold. The older couple fidgeted awkwardly as an uncomfortable silence descended upon us.

“So, we’ve heard a lot about you again lately,” Angela started cautiously, almost afraid. I would be too if I was on the receiving end of the withering glare Nate gave her. “Will we see more of you, too?”

“Highly unlikely,” Nate replied stiffly.

Angela recoiled, but quickly regained her demure composure. “Thank you for giving her another chance.”

Nate snorted. “Like I had a choice.” He glanced over his shoulder, ignoring Angela’s genuine gratitude. “Please excuse us,” he addressed them both. “I’d like to dance with the love of my life.” With a diplomatic goodbye, he ushered us onto the dance floor to join the other guests.

“Why the frosty atmosphere?” I asked, nodding to the couple as I settled into his hold.

“No reason.” We began to sway in time to Van Morrison. There was no mistaking the way Nate held me so close demonstrated his familiarity with my body. The slow, almost indecent movement of his hips pressing his groin to mine. The one hand resting on the curve of my backside, the other stroking the exposed skin on my back. Our synergy was perfect, like we’d been dancing together for years—the way we were in bed together. The longer we danced, the more the strain eased from his highly strung frame. Nate leant his head to mine and began to sing.

“I love when you sing to me,” I murmured, closing my eyes.

I felt his smile. “You’ve noticed?”

“Every time.” I took a long inhalation, his heady scent making me sway as much as he did, leading me in the slow dance. As the song finished, he dipped me in one last extravagant move that had the crowd clapping. With anyone else I’d have been thoroughly embarrassed, but in Nate’s arms I was invincible. He urged me back into his frame, holding my hand to his chest, the other wrapped around my waist.

“The love of your life, huh?” I repeated, his earlier statement filling me with contentment.

“My forever.” And in case I needed further reassurance, he dipped his head and kissed me. My hand broke free and slid up his chest to join the other at his nape. The hand that came to the back of my head held me in place as the innocent meeting of lips turned more amorous. My tongue flicked out, mapping Nate’s full lips, searing them to memory before losing them as he opened his mouth. His tongue was quick to find mine, the sweetness of black cherries coating the heat of his kiss.

Love overflowed between us as Nate staked his final claim of me. Everyone and everything around us disappeared.

“I can’t believe we just did that in front of everyone. In front of your family!” I buried my face in his neck.

“They’re lucky it’s all they witnessed.”

I pulled back. His face was flushed, eyes bright. He gazed at me like I was all that existed in his world. All he could see—all that mattered.

I needed us to be alone, away from the distraction of guests and music. I didn’t want to share him, or our precious time, with anyone else. For a little while, I wanted him to be mine.

I took a deep breath. “Can we go somewhere quiet?”

NATE LED ME through the courtyard and into the hotel. He pushed through the private staff doors into the kitchen, bidding the surprised chefs and wait staff a good evening without stopping. Holding his hand, I hurried behind him. As we passed the wine cellar, he grabbed a bottle of champagne.

“Where are we going?” I asked excitedly.

“You’ll see.” We exited through a fire door into the darkness of night. “This way.”

The sounds of laughter and music faded as we left the hotel behind us. The three-inch heels of my shoes were not ideal for the gravel pathway crunching beneath us. I stumbled more than once.

“Here.” Nate handed me the bottle then turned and crouched. “Hop on.”

“I’m butt naked. I can’t hitch up the dress to climb on your back.”

The lazy smile spreading to his dark gaze when he faced me seared through me like a scorching flash of lightning. “How could I forget?” he purred, scooping me over his shoulder like a fireman.

“You’re crazy!” I yelped, clinging one-handed to the tail of his jacket.

“Hold tight.” He smacked my backside and started off again into the inky blackness. The crunch of gravel quickly gave way to the silent tread of grass. When Nate eventually set me back on my feet and turned me around, I gaped with wonder. The stillness of a vast lake was illuminated by the full moon shining in the clear night sky.

“Okay, now you’ve
excelled yourself.” Whilst I marvelled at the beauty in front of me, Nate shrugged off his jacket and lay it on the ground, then loosened his bow tie, leaving it hanging around his neck.

“You bring out the best in me.” He took the bottle and made quick work of opening it, giving the base a twist until the cork popped.

“We don’t have glasses.”

“What? You’ve never drunk champagne from the bottle before?” He grinned and passed it over.

“Not one costing hundreds of dollars, no.” With an impish smile, I took a sip. Bubbles fizzed on my tongue as I swirled the pink liquid around and swallowed.

“Taste just as good?”

I shook my head. “Better.”

Nate sat and pulled me onto his lap, leaning me back to his chest. The organza layers of my dress fell around our legs, the tiny sequins catching the moonlight. “I knew this dress was perfect for you the minute I saw it.”

“When exactly was that?”

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