Salvation (70 page)

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Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Salvation
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“For now,” he growled.

“You’re going to let me have it for as long as I want,” I warned, walking around him.

“You think you’re ready to take us up a notch?”

“Oh, yeah.” I placed my hands on his thighs and lowered my face inches from his. “I’m going to take what I want from you. Make you come so fucking hard. That might be in my mouth”—I grabbed his hand and pushed it between my legs—“or it might be here. I haven’t decided yet.”

God, I never realised being so brazen and dirty could feel so good.

He cocked a brow. “Is that your decision to make?” His mouth hinted at a smile, and his skin was flushed.

I stepped out of reach, allowing his dark desiring eyes to look but not touch. “Open your mouth.” I took some chilled wine into my mouth then leant forward. I opened my lips against his and let the icy liquid trickle into his mouth. With force, he grabbed the back of my head and kissed me, moaning with pleasure. We licked and sucked, ate at each other hungrily, the built-up tension exploding into a fervent kiss. He’d overpowered me again. I pulled at his hair, writhed my hips into his groin to tempt him, frantic to regain some control. It took all my strength to shove his shoulders back and tear away.

“That was very naughty, Mr. Blake,” I gently admonished.

“Suck me or fuck me, Kara.” He yanked my hand to his crotch, his large hand covering mine, making me masturbate his rigid cock. “I need my dick inside you.”

Desire unfurled deep in my belly. My nipples puckered against the satin as my chest heaved. “Tut tut tut. You’re forgetting who’s in charge now.” I removed his tie and opened a few more buttons. Nate watched with salacious eyes as he took a sip of wine. He swallowed, licking his upper lip slowly. I dragged his tie around my neck and tied it, intentionally leaving the knot nestled in my cleavage.

His mouth twitched as he carefully placed his glass back down. I cupped my breasts, smoothing my hands down my torso, over the curves of my hips. Adrenaline pumped through me, making me fearless. “Maybe I don’t want your dick,” I murmured. I pushed my right hand down the front of my panties and found my sex, soaking wet. I whimpered at the desperately sought after contact, only experiencing half the satisfaction because it wasn’t Nate’s hand. “Maybe I’ll touch myself, make you come that way.”

“Not tonight,” Nate bit out, pulling my hand free. He yanked open his belt and buttons on his trousers and pulled down the zip. His cock fell into his palm, throbbing and hard as stone. “Last chance to decide, sweetheart.”

I couldn’t give up now, let him take me and fuck me. I sank to my knees. Nate exhaled harshly, nodding his approval, eyes on fire as I took him in both hands. I circled the head, teasing along the slit with firm flicks of my tongue. He quivered beneath me. I sucked, taking only the head into my mouth. Keeping still, I used my tongue to play. My eyes never left his.

“Goddamn it.” He cupped the back of my head. “Open your mouth.”

He pushed his cock deep into my mouth, hitting the back of my throat. I jerked, blinking rapidly as my eyes watered. He gave me a second to compose myself before bucking his hips, grinding without restraint as my lips created a seal around him and began to suck.

“Harder,” he ordered. The musky taste of his skin, hot and aroused, the satiny softness encasing solid muscle made me groan. I straightened my spine and wrapped my arms around his thighs, needing the support. Glorying in his need, knowing I could be his undoing, I increased the pressure and bared my teeth.

He scrunched my hair in his fist and yanked my head back. “I’m gonna come in your mouth,” he hissed, clutching to keep what little control he had. “Then I’m gonna come in your sweet pussy ’til I’m dripping down your fucking gorgeous legs.”

I groaned, his words almost sending me over the edge. I was a fool to think I could overpower him and not expect any retaliation. I sucked with everything I had, milking his cock until my jaw ached.

His eyes flickered, thighs tensing. “Fuck.” Semen flooded my mouth in hot bursts. I swallowed repeatedly, his legs shaking under my forearms. Both hands were in my hair, their touch gentling to reverent strokes as the last of his release pumped into my wanting mouth. My entire body felt on fire, my nerves and senses alert to the brink of climax.

Nate hauled me to my feet and crushed his mouth to mine. Hungry. Needy. His hands cupped my breasts, soothing the heavy ache as he thumbed my nipples. “Turn around,” he demanded, pushing to his feet. He pushed me against the kitchen island. With one hand at my nape, he gently eased me forward until I was bent over it. “Hold on to the edge,” he whispered gruffly into my ear, “and don’t let go.”

The cold quartz did nothing to absorb my body heat. I was panting, my breath hot against my arm as I stretched above my head. Nate kicked my legs apart and stood between them. “Is this what you were shopping for earlier?” he murmured, trailing fingertips along the edge of my knickers, across my arse.

I nodded.

He snapped a couple of the suspenders sending a sting shooting right to my sex. “Nice.”

I gasped and shifted my legs, restless. The tip of his forefinger outlined the lips of my opening through my panties, then he shoved them aside and eased a finger inside me from behind.

I moaned. My grip tightened, my back arching. I pushed back, welcoming the warmth of his groin and the hardness of his cock as it fell between my cheeks. Nate groaned, a strained sound of yearning for something dark and forbidden. “I can smell your desire, Kara.” He spread my arse and moved closer.

I stiffened. My mind began to fog, his words, his finger, his touch all making me loose my grip on reality and what I wanted. “Be brave, baby. Tell me exactly what I’m going to do.”

He removed his finger and stroked the head of his cock over my opening, masturbating me back and forth. I wiggled my hips, desperate to have all of him, but with his hand at the base of my spine holding me still, nothing was happening until I said it.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I took a deep breath. “Fuck me,” I whispered.

“Fuck” —he pushed into me a little— “or make love?”


With a guttural groan, he rammed into me. He pulled out slow, then back in just as languid, but this was the calm before the storm. His fingers dug into my hipbone as he started to move. “Did you like being in control?” he snarled, his question broken by sharp intakes of air.

“Yes.” I panted.

“Did you forget I can keep going all fucking night?” he grunted, fucking me harder. “I’ll come inside you, then, when you think I’ve had enough, I’ll fuck you again.”

I unfurled one hand and reached behind for him, needing a tender connection to balance out his aggression.

“But, you know I’d never hurt you?” he asked cautiously, slowing and gentling the decadent rolls of his hips. He entwined his fingers with mine and lowered, covering me with a blanket of solid muscle.

“You’re everything to me, baby.” Heat radiated between us, his love for me clear as he wrapped me beneath him and pressed gentle kisses to my shoulder.

“I love you,” I whimpered, the last word lost as I came.

I NEEDED ALL my strength to get out of bed the next morning. Aside from having a hectic last day tying up loose ends at work, I just didn’t want to leave the comfort of Nate’s arms.

My predictions had been right. I’d been busy right up until two when I joined Michael in his office to update him on every project I was working on. “There shouldn’t be any problems,” I assured him, closing my tablet. “The rest of the team are fully capable of running with things for the next couple of weeks.” I knew it was the right thing to do, but I couldn’t bring myself to suggest he could call me if there were issues. I pulled off my glasses and stood.

“One more thing,” he said, his chair creaking as he bounced it back. “The Star presentation in half an hour upstairs? I’d like you to go.”

I opened my mouth to speak but quickly shut it. Michael wouldn’t like what I wanted to say.
What possible use could I have to attend that?
“But,” I spluttered.

“I have to leave early.” He smiled sardonically and slurped his coffee.
So did I.

“It shouldn’t be a big one,” he went on. “They’re unveiling some of the new branding suggestions. The Senior Execs are all there. Think of it as getting that pretty face known.”

It was pointless arguing, and only prolonged my time with him. Begrudgingly I conceded and left his office. He didn’t even wish me an enjoyable holiday.

I skipped returning to my office, figuring Mai would catch up on my whereabouts. Instead, I headed straight to level fifteen.

I didn’t have to make a sound for Nate to know I was there. From where he sat on the sofa, he glanced up. Sharply astute eyes held my gaze for a long minute. I rubbed at my chest, the sudden twinge reminding me how badly I’d miss him.

“I was just thinking of you,” he said, signing the last of the papers in his lap.

I made my way in and sat beside him. I looked at the pen clasped in his hand. “I didn’t realise you were left-handed.”

“The ability to use both hands comes in very handy at times,” he purred, setting the papers onto the table.

“Can’t argue with that.”

He turned towards me, drawing one leg up onto the leather between us. “It’s a shame I can’t demonstrate quite
useful. Unfortunately, I’m about to head to my meeting.”

“I know. I came to see you before everyone arrives.”

The hand draped along the back of the sofa came up and curled my hair around my ear. “Don’t let Michael catch you. He’s one of the attendees.”

“Not anymore. That’s why I’m here.”

Nate stiffened, brow furrowing. “Why send you?”

The way he asked, so rudely, as though it was beneath me, was offensive. “I’ve dealt with ego-driven male executives before. I’m sure I can handle it,” I bit out.

“That’s not what I meant,” he snapped. Before my eyes, he withdrew into his guarded businessman shell. My presence usually calmed him but right now, he looked anxious and thoroughly uncomfortable. Nervous even. The audience we were about to face were Senior Executives, influential people from both companies who wielded a lot of power. There was no room for private emotional attachments.

“Hey,” I said, touching his thigh. “I won’t pounce on you across the boardroom table. I’ll be the consummate professional.” I stroked playfully, edging up to his groin and back again.

Nate laughed nervously, a forced sound and stilled my hand.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” We both turned sharply at the sound of a female who’d entered the office. Her gaze fell to our joined hands resting on his thigh. “Hope I’m not interrupting,” she sneered.

“I’ll be there shortly,” Nate snapped, scowling at the now smirking redhead. Her grey eyes narrowed as she scrutinised me, looking me up and down. Wrinkling her nose, she grimaced.

In a blatant come-on, her arms crossed over her chest, pushing up average sized breasts so cleavage swelled through the opening of her emerald green blouse. Her tongue darted out to wet bright, red lips. Offended and annoyed, I was pleased with my restraint as I patiently waited for her to finish her performance.

“We’re ready,” she said breathlessly. She turned and sashayed out, her narrow hips swaying far too obviously to be natural.

“Well, I haven’t impressed her.” I turned to Nate.

“You have nothing to prove to her. I’m with you now. Don’t forget that.”

I found his reassurance at that moment strangely odd, but I had no time to dwell on it. “I better go in first.” I stood, needing a minute to pull myself together ahead of what was shaping up to be an interesting meeting.

“Will you be ready to leave as soon as we’re done here?” Nate asked.

“I’ve done my handover with Michael so I’m all yours.” I turned when I reached the doors. The bleak shadows in his eyes worried me and sent a wave of unease crawling over my skin. The silence between us spoke volumes of the agitation building inside him.

“You know how much I love you, don’t you?” he asked quietly. “That I’d never willingly upset you?”

“I do.” I swallowed past the lump in my throat, thinking his questions strange and untimely. He still got on edge about how deeply he’d fallen for me, and worried I would never understand the extent of his feelings. That alone told me how much he did. “Do you know how much I adore you?”

Nate replied with a soft smile. Glancing into the lobby to check we were alone, I dashed back to him. “Give me a kiss,” I pleaded, desperate for that reassuring connection. “Go on, no-one’s looking.”

“My forever,” he whispered, sweeping luscious soft lips over mine.

I stepped back, still feeling off. “Don’t keep us waiting.”

The large Boardroom had been set up with concept boards for visuals, and two young men from the creative team were frantically preparing the laptop ready for the presentation. About twelve personnel, all male in business attire, were milling around the rectangular table and taking their seats.

“Can I help you?” A familiar voice asked behind me. I turned and found the redhead glaring daggers at me. “Are you the intern?” she went on, pushing past. “Take a seat at the back.”

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