Royal Love (6 page)

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Authors: John Simpson

BOOK: Royal Love
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“Ready to go back?” Michael asked.

“Why not? I feel like I could use a little nap,” Darren replied.

On the way back, Darren’s cell phone rang, and he looked at the caller’s number.

“It’s my mom,” he said. “Hi, Mom.”

“Darren? How are you?” President Victoria Wilson asked.

“I’m fine. We just visited Canterbury Cathedral, and it was like walking back in time. It’s a really cool place.”

“Are you with Uncle David or Uncle Shane?” she asked.

“No, actually, I’m with Prince Michael. We’re spending the weekend at Hampton Court Palace, just outside London.”

“I’m assuming you have a security detail with you.”

“Relax, Mom, of course we do. We know the rules of the game, and we follow them,” Darren answered.

“Okay, just checking. Do your uncles know where you are?”

“Of course. They’re fine with it.”

“I have a bit of news for you, but we need a secure line. Call me when you’re back at Winfield, okay?”

“Sure, Mom. If it’s real important, I can always go back now.”

“No, no need for that. Just call me when you’re home.”

“Okay, Mom, love you.”

“I love you too. Bye, dear.”

“Bye, Mom.”

“Do we need to go back to Winfield House?” Michael asked in concern.

“Nah. She said it can wait. I have no idea what it is, but I’ll find out soon enough.”

“I hope you’re not being transferred. I would hate to hear that.”

“You would? You’d hate my leaving London?”

“Yes, I would, and you know it!”

“Michael, are we really like… boyfriends?”

“As far as I’m concerned, we are. You’re a breath of fresh air, and one that I’ve needed for a long time. It’s so nice to get away from all the stuffy royal business and be with someone who isn’t aware of who I am every moment I’m with them.”

“Likewise.” Darren grinned.

They enjoyed the ride back to Hampton Court and jumped out of the car as soon as they arrived.

“We’ve got about an hour before dinner. What shall we do?” Michael asked as they walked inside.

“It’s kinda late now for a nap. The tourists are gone, so we can walk around as we like, right?”

“Yes. But I figured we’d go back to the chapel after dinner, if that’s agreeable with you.”

“Sure is. Why don’t we change for dinner and just hang out until then?”

“Sounds good. I’ll let the staff know we’re back. Wait here, okay?”

“Gotcha. I’ll look at the paintings in this corridor.”

Michael ran off to tell the staff they would be on time to dinner. By the time he returned to the hall, Darren had worked his way up one side of a hallway and down the other, drinking in the beauty of the various oil paintings. Darren was so engrossed, he was reluctant to leave them.

“Everything’s set,” Michael said. “Shall we change?”

“You bet!” Darren laughed. “Any chance to see you naked!”

Chapter 5


Darren hurried to the royal apartments, laughing and pushing each other like a pair of schoolboys. They entered their apartment and fell on the bed, panting from their exertions.

“I have so much fun when I’m with you, Michael. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before. You’re kinda special, besides being damn cute.”

Michael rolled over and kissed Darren.

“That was so bloody nice of you to say. I feel the same way. God, you make me feel like a kid again and that wasn’t all that long ago.”

“Can’t we just stay here for the rest of our lives? We can eat, sleep, make love, and watch television. We can even go to church without having to leave the palace if we want!”

“I truly wish we could, but reality is waiting for us tomorrow. However, until then, this is our life. Now let’s get changed for dinner. The staff have prepared something special for us.”

“Sounds great.”

They changed into more formal clothes, with many admiring comments on body parts and a little horseplay. They checked themselves out in the mirror and then checked each other out. As they smiled approvingly, they saw it was time to leave.

Michael and Darren made the short walk to the dining room hand in hand, not letting go until the last second. Tall white candles lit the beautiful room, and at one end of the table, white linen and formal dinnerware and silver were laid out.

“Michael! It’s beautiful. Now I feel like we should be wearing suits or even tuxes.”

They sat down, and Michael smiled at Darren’s reaction to a touch of elegance. The candlelight reflected off the crystal chandelier and the mirrors as a door swung open, and three liveried footmen entered carrying silver trays of food. Serving from the left, the servants offered their trays to each man. Once Michael and Darren had chosen the food they wanted, the men placed the serving trays on the sideboard, and one of them left the dining room. The other two took up stations against the wall in case Michael or Darren needed something more.

“This looks incredible, Michael. I’m so hungry looking at this!”

“Just wait a moment, there’s more.”

The third footman returned with wine, poured each man a glass, and set the bottle on the table.

“You may all go,” Michael announced. “If we need something, I’ll ring the table bell.”

The three footmen stepped forward, bowed slightly, and left silently.

“I want as much privacy with you as I can get. Now let’s toast each other and our weekend together,” Michael said, as he raised his wine glass.

“To us,” Darren said, as he too raised his glass, and they both took a sip of the delicious wine.

They had been served a cut of beef, potatoes and gravy, and carrots, along with dinner rolls. Both were very pleased at the quality and taste of the food as they ate, and Michael noticed that Darren was almost done with his plate and smiled.

“Would you like a bit more?”

“Only if you are,” Darren replied with a sheepish smile.

Michael smiled back and rang the bell. Two footmen returned and one said, “Yes, Your Highness?”

“Would you bring the trays around once more, please?”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

Both men selected their seconds, and Michael smiled at Darren once more.

“Might you want another serving when we’ve finished this?”

“Oh no. This will be quite enough, thank you.”

Michael turned to the servant. “You may remove the serving trays, Edward.”

The footmen bowed and left with the trays. James returned to pour more wine and then left them alone.

“I could get used to this,” Darren said as he looked around the room while chewing.

“I enjoy it myself, but I don’t get this every day. My cousins eat like this all the time, but I imagine I might get sick of it after a while. I especially don’t care for the footmen listening to every word that’s being said. I always suspect they gossip in the pantry. I’d rather be free to talk to you than watch what I say.”

“I agree on both points. But I can only imagine what dining like this during the holidays would be like. I would totally enjoy that.”

“We might have to see if we can arrange it,” Michael replied with a smile and a wink.

They finished their dinner and wine, rang for coffee, declined dessert, and went to the chapel. As they entered the balcony, Darren was delighted to see candles had been lit, and the beauty of the scene moved him greatly.

“Gorgeous, Michael! Look at the light bouncing off the stained glass. This makes me feel so spiritual.”

“I’m glad you like it. I had the staff set the chapel up for what they used to call ‘night prayer.’ The royals had the option of sitting here in the balcony, or below in the first row. On days when a few members of the public were invited to attend, they sat here, and the family sat below. It is peaceful, isn’t it? Shall we go downstairs?”

“Yes, please.”

They exited the balcony by the door they had entered and took a staircase down to the floor below. Michael opened the door, and they entered the main floor of King Henry’s private chapel.

As they walked up the short aisle, Darren turned his head left and right to take in all of the ancient beauty surrounding him. Michael gestured at a seat, and they sat in silence.

“This was the king’s seat,” Michael whispered.

“You mean to tell me, this bench was where Henry sat?”


They looked around, admiring the craftsmanship of the windows and altar. The flames on the candles danced with each breath of air, and Darren was moved to do something he hadn’t done in a long while. He bowed his head and prayed. Michael smiled gently and joined him. After a few minutes, they raised their heads and opened their eyes.

“Thank you for this, Michael. I haven’t been moved like this for months. I wish I could live near this chapel so I could come here every day.”

“We might be able to come here on special occasions, if that would make you happy. I must admit, this place has a similar effect on me. Even St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle doesn’t touch my soul quite like this place.”

After a few more minutes, they got up and left. When they’d gone, a member of staff went in and immediately extinguished the candles. As the great fire at Windsor had proved, old castles and palaces could burn easily.

They returned to the apartment where they found a pitcher of iced tea with lemon wedges waiting for them. Darren smiled at Michael and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you for that, Michael. I do love my iced tea.”

“Just as we love our hot tea. Come, let’s get comfortable in bed and watch some television. If nothing’s on, we can watch a DVD.”

As Darren stripped down to his underwear, he watched Michael do the same and realized he felt incredibly comfortable with this man. He was content to just be with Michael, doing nothing more than getting into bed to watch television. Michael poured Darren a glass of tea, set it on the nightstand on Darren’s side of the bed, and then got in.

They snuggled a bit, kissed, and Michael clicked on the television. They went through the BBC channels and found one of Darren’s favorite British soap operas.

! Can we watch this?” Darren asked.

“Ha! Sure, I like this show myself. It’s been on for years and years, but I haven’t been able to watch it for well over a year now.”

Darren took a sip of his tea and snuggled down next to his boyfriend. All the lights were off except for the small table lamp next to the bed. By the glow of the TV, they laughed and commented on the characters all through the show. When it was over, they watched a show on Masterpiece Theater, which they enjoyed immensely.

Toward the end of the show, Michael’s hands began to wander. He found Darren’s cock and played with it until Darren was hard. Darren kissed Michael’s nipple and flicked his tongue over it as he caressed Michael’s chest. When the show ended, they stopped fooling around and got down to business.

They spent a long time just kissing and caressing each other’s bodies, moaning when something in particular felt good when touched. They were in no hurry. It seemed to both that they were taking their time and getting to know each other’s bodies.

“Darren, you make me very happy, you know that?”

“No, but I know that you make me happier than any man I’ve dated. Most of the men I’ve known were only with me for the sex and because of who my mother is. I don’t feel any of that with you. You’re something special, and I’d like to see you as much as possible,” he said and kissed Michael gently on the lips.

“That makes two of us, then. While I haven’t been with many men, I’ve had my share, and like your experiences, it was mostly about sex and ambition. Those men usually wanted to meet the king, see all the palaces, and be invited to chic affairs. I always felt like I was a path to something they desired more. It left me lonely, more often than not. I could stay in this bed with you for a year and not want for anything else.”

“I have to tell you…. I think I’m falling in love with you, Michael. Does that scare you?”

“Scare me? Why would it scare me? To hear those three words from someone I care about, who actually means it….” Michael took a breath. “I feel the same way about you. You’re very special to me, and I feel I can trust you with anything. If there was a combination to the Crown Jewels, I feel I could give it to you and not be worried in the slightest.”

Darren grinned wickedly. “Actually, I’d like that combination. I’m dying to try on one of those crowns!”

When they stopped laughing, Michael clicked the television off and pulled Darren close. They lay chest to chest and made out for a while.

“Do you wanna make love?” Darren asked.

“I want you to fuck me. Do me like you own me.”

“You sound so American. Better watch that or they won’t let you back in the palace!”

They both chuckled, and then Darren took over. He pushed Michael onto his back and climbed on top of him. He stared down into Michael’s eyes and felt the sting of tears in his own. Michael wiped away one of Darren’s tears and licked the drop off his finger.

“I love you,” Darren whispered.

Michael turned his head away as tears sprang to his eyes. Darren pulled Michael’s head back so they were looking at each other once more and kissed him gently again.

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