Royal Love (4 page)

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Authors: John Simpson

BOOK: Royal Love
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“No! Don’t stop, shag me good!”

Darren put more force into his strokes, and each time their bodies made contact, a loud slap was heard.

“I’m fucking coming!”

“So am I!” Michael replied.

Darren climaxed and felt at least eight ejaculations as Michael came underneath him. When he finally finished, he collapsed on Michael’s back, both of them breathing hard.

Darren pulled out, removed the condom, tied it in a knot, and threw it in the rubbish bin. Michael rolled over and found he and the bedspread were sticky with cum.

“Ugh, nasty and cold! Grab me a wet washcloth from the bathroom, please?”

“Just stay put, I’ll take care of you,” Darren replied.

A couple minutes later, Michael was clean, and the bedspread had been removed from the bed. They took another shower together and went back to bed.

“How are you going to explain the bedspread to the housekeeper?” Darren asked.

“I’ll just say I spilled something on it. What is she going to do, berate me?”

“You might wanna consider getting a houseman for this sort of thing, so you don’t gross out the ladies.”

“Maybe so. A nice young, cute one,” Michael teased.

“Go right ahead, it’s not like I own you or something. We’re just dating, right?”

“Yep! I’m going for a couple bottles of water, and then we’ll get under the sheets and talk a little and get some sleep. Sound good?”

“Sounds brilliant.”

“You don’t sound so much like a Yank now.” Michael laughed as he left the bedroom.

They talked for about a half hour, and the final thing Darren asked Michael made him laugh again.

“So, how does it feel to have your cherry taken?” Darren laughed. “You’re a man now.”

“Frankly, I loved it for two reasons. One, it felt good, although I think I prefer to be the top, and two, it was you. I think that officially makes you a butt pirate!”

When they stopped laughing, they finally turned out the lights, and Darren wrapped his arms around the man who had just given him a very special gift. They slept well that night and didn’t want to leave the bed in the morning.

When they finally got up and dressed, they went down to a late breakfast prepared by a cook who had other house duties as well. A minor prince only had a maximum of three domestic assistants, as Michael called them.

When breakfast was done, they kissed good-bye at the door.

“Thank you for a wonderful evening. I loved the club in spite of the drunk boys, and thank you again for giving me what you did.”

“You’re welcome. I hope to see you again and again. My cousin, the king, has informed me that I’ll be given some new duties at the palace, so I might be a bit busier. But I’m sure we can work things out.”

“You better, mate, or I’ll have to have a chat with the king!”

Michael laughed. They kissed again, and Michael opened the door. Agents of Scotland Yard were sitting in the car, but got out when they saw Darren and Michael.

“Good morning, Your Highness, Mr. Wilson.”

“Good morning, Officer,” Darren replied.

“Rob, would you be kind enough to see that my guest gets back to Winfield House safely?”

“Of course, sir.”

He opened the car’s back door, and Darren waved good-bye as he got in. As they pulled away, Michael waved once more and closed the front door. Twenty minutes later, Darren walked into Winfield House.

“Good morning, Blaine. Where is everyone?”

“Good morning, sir. Your uncles are in the study, and the puppies are with Jack in the backyard. Your Aunt Mary is walking through the garden, I believe.”

“Thank you. Do you ever get a day off?”

“I take a couple of afternoons and a morning or two off. That way I have time to get personal things done but still make sure everything is done correctly in the house.”

“That must be a drag. What about vacation?”

“I take an annual holiday when the ambassador is away.”

“Okay, just wanted to make sure you weren’t an indentured servant or something,” Darren said with a smile.

“I believe, sir, you’ll find we did away with that particular custom a century or so ago.”

“Good to know,” Darren replied as he headed into the study.

There he found David and Shane having coffee and watching international news.

“Well, well, look who decided to honor us by returning home.” David smiled.

“Ah, our little lovebird,” Shane said. “Did you have a good time last night?”

“We did. There was an incident at the club, but other than that, I had a great time.”

“Incident? What incident?” David wanted to know.

“Oh, nothing much. Two cute but really drunk boys who had no idea who we were wanted to play hide the salami with us and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Security handled it, and those guys are barred from the club.”

“Did you have a good time at Michael’s?” David inquired.

Darren blushed a deep red. “Uncle David, please, you embarrass me with those types of questions!”

“Really? As I recall, when I was president, you weren’t too embarrassed to ask me how to get laid with the Secret Service all over you.”

“That was different. I was a teenager, and I really needed your advice.”

“So, now it’s mind my own business? Okay, I understand. Did you play safe last night?”

“Oh my God,” Darren exclaimed. “Yes, we played safe, and I was the top!”

“Okay, I didn’t need to know that much. Point taken,” David said.

Shane laughed. Jack heard the laughter all the way in the backyard and came running into the study.

“What did I miss? What’s so funny, Dad?”

“Nothing much, we were just talking about Darren’s date last night, that’s all,” Shane answered.

“Did you get laid, Darren?” Jack asked brightly.

All three men responded indignantly to the question, reducing Jack to tears of laughter.

“You guys get so uptight whenever I ask a question like that.” Jack giggled.

“That’s the point, young man. You shouldn’t be asking questions like that!” David said.

“That means no one will be asking me if I got laid on a date, then, right?” Jack came back.

“What? Okay, subject closed, and you’re not getting ‘laid’ for some time,” David said with finality.

“Sucks to be young, don’t it?” Darren said, rubbing it in just a little.

The Scotties came running into the study, bouncing like they expected pets on the head, which they got from everyone.

“Aren’t they getting big?” Jack said.

“Yeah, they are, but they’re still so cute,” Darren said.

“I’m gonna take a little nap. I’m still tired for some reason,” Darren said with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“And I’m not supposed to say anything to that kind of a comment, huh?” Jack asked with an evil grin.

“That’s right. Be a good boy,” Shane said.

“I’m always a good boy. I can’t wait to be a bad boy!” Jack said and ran from the room with the dogs right behind him.

“Oh my God. I’ve never really thought about Jack being in the arms of a lover one day. He’s getting older so fast,” David said.

“Well, at least we don’t have to worry about him getting pregnant!” Shane chuckled.

“No, but we do have to worry about other things, like diseases.”

“Don’t even think about that! I suppose we have to have a talk with Jack soon. Hell, he’s already kinda randy. What’s he going to be like at seventeen?”

“Maybe we should have him get the HPV vaccination,” David said.

“That and hepatitis B.”

“I suppose. Let’s talk to the doctor at the embassy and see what he says.”



went by in a flash, during which Michael and Darren talked or texted almost daily. They could spend hours on the phone talking and never get bored. So when Darren saw Michael’s number on the screen, he answered right away.

“How are you?” Michael asked.

“Fine. You?”

“I’m well, thank you, and I have an idea for a unique weekend.”

“I’m intrigued. What is it?” Darren asked.

“Have you ever heard of Hampton Court?”

“Um, not really. Is it a courthouse?”

“No,” Michael answered. “Hampton Court is the palace built by Cardinal Wolsey. King Henry VIII took it when he saw how beautiful it was. History says that Wolsey knew the king was getting ready to get rid of him, so he handed over Hampton Court in an attempt to save his life. I suppose it worked, as he died two years later of natural causes.”

“Sounds like a pretty cool place. Are we staying in the area and getting a special tour?”

“No silly. We’re going to spend the weekend at Hampton Court. There are private apartments for guests of the Crown, and we’ll stay in one that was built for King William III in 1702. Sound interesting?”

“Wow, it sounds great! I can’t wait. What’s the plan?”

“I’ll pick you up later this evening, around six, and we’ll drive down. We’ll return after lunch on Sunday. There’s a small staff to serve members of the family when they’re in residence, so we’ll be well taken care of.”

“I’ll see you at six, then. Do I need to pack anything special?”

“Not at all. Just bring comfortable clothing.”

“Okay. Bye for now.”

Darren hung up and let out a whoop. He couldn’t believe he was going to get to do something so special. He ran to the computer and googled Hampton Court Palace. After he finished his research, he went in search of his uncle David.

He found David by himself in the study and sat across from him.

“What’s up? You look like you swallowed a canary,” David said.

“That’s a weird saying.”

“Yeah, I suppose it is. So?”

“I just got invited to go away for the weekend, but you’ll never guess where,” Darren said cockily.

“How many guesses do I get?”

“Just one.”

Jack came into the room and sat. “What’s going on?”

“I’m not sure, but we’ll both find out in a second. Where are you going this weekend? Hmmm, are you going to spend the weekend with Prince Michael at Hampton Court Palace?” David smirked. “What do I win?”

“How could you possibly know that?” Darren exclaimed. “I just got off the phone with Michael ten minutes ago!”

“No big secret. Michael asked the king, the king told security to cover the palace, their security talked to our security, and our security talked to me. And that’s how I know what you’re doing this weekend.”

“Damn! No secrets in this house!”

“Not when it comes to the members of this family, which includes you and your brother, by the way.”

“So I take it you have no objections?”

“None. I hope you have a great time, and while you’re there, you might want to learn the history of the place. You’re having very unique experiences for someone so young.”

“Well, it doesn’t hurt that I’m the son of the president.”

“Yes, but that’s not why you got the invitation.”

“Hell no, it’s because the prince wants to fuck Darren!” Jack blurted out and then blushed. “I’m sorry. I can’t believe that actually came out of my mouth.”

David sighed, and Darren blushed while laughing.

“You need to be glad that your daddy didn’t hear that statement,” David said.

“Can I go along? And stay in a different bedroom, of course!” Jack asked hopefully.

“I can definitely say no to that,” Darren said.

“I never get to do anything cool.” Jack pouted.

“Jack, Darren is an adult and entitled to privacy on a weekend date. Boys, no matter how mature, do not belong in that situation. Okay?”

“Just don’t ask to come along on any of my dates then!” Jack said.

“You won’t be having any dates for at least a couple years. Your daddy and I want to have a talk with you about that.”

“Whatever.” A dejected Jack left the room.

“I feel bad now,” Darren said. “But I can’t just tell Michael that a kid is gonna be with us.”

“It wouldn’t be like he would be in your bed, now would it? He’d be able to learn some history like you, but I understand, believe me. One day, you can all double date and save security some man hours.”

“Yeah, well, that would be different. When Jack is eighteen, we can do that. Maybe I can hook him up with another prince!”

“You do that before your brother and there will be hell to pay.”

“Yeah, I know,” Darren said. “I have to pack a weekend bag and be ready. Michael’s going to pick me up in a little over an hour.”

Darren left and bumped into Blaine on his way out the door.

“Blaine, I’m sorry about the short notice, but I won’t be here this weekend. I’ll be with Prince Michael.”

“I take it that includes tonight’s dinner, sir?”

“Yes. I’ll be leaving in about an hour. We’re going to Hampton Court Palace!”

“Enjoy yourself, sir.”

Darren bounded up the stairs two at a time. He went in and packed, taking care to select his sexiest underwear.

Chapter 4


six o’clock, Michael’s Land Rover, followed by a detail of guards from Scotland Yard, pulled up to the front door of Winfield House. Michael got out and came in to see if Darren was ready to leave.

“Hi, Michael. I just have to say good-bye to my uncles, and we can get going.”

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