Royal Love (19 page)

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Authors: John Simpson

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Did he just ask me to marry him?

“Did you hear me, Darren?” Michael asked.

“Did you just ask me to marry you?”

“Yes. I want you always at my side.”

Darren’s eyes welled up, and he said, “Yes, Prince Michael, I will marry you!”

Michael took the ring out of the box and placed it on Darren’s finger. It fit perfectly and looked like a million dollars.

“This was one of Edward VIII’s favorite rings. It has a twenty-one-carat emerald, with four diamonds. King William gave the ring to me to give to you, when I asked you to become my husband. It’s a historical ring as well as a family ring, a family that now includes you.”

Darren threw his arms around Michael and hugged him for all he was worth. They kissed, and when they pulled back, both were crying with joy.

“But what if the rest of your family is against us? What about the British people? The press? The White House?”

“All of these issues will be nonissues. The king approves of your marrying into the family and the rest will go along with it whether they like it or not. And frankly, I don’t care if any do disapprove. William also said I could invite you to Balmoral for the Christmas holidays as a member of the family. That says it all.”

“My God, I have to talk to Mom and Uncle David and Shane as soon as possible,” Darren said.

“I have a feeling David and Shane already know all about this.”

“How? How could they possibly know that you were going to ask me to marry you?”

“Haven’t you wondered how your engagement ring fit so well?” Michael asked with a smile.

“Come to think of it, yeah, why does it fit so well?”

“Shane borrowed one of your rings, and I had the royal jeweler adjust the size to match. Thankfully, you have large hands or such a large emerald would look gaudy.”

“Was this ring caper pulled off this past week, by chance?” Darren asked.


“That’s why Shane was late to dinner. Did you return the ring yourself?”

“Yes, while you were at the embassy Thursday, I brought it by and gave it to Blaine with instructions to give it only to Shane.”

Darren stared down at the ring and began to cry once more.

“It’s so beautiful, Michael. How will I ever get you anything to compare with it? How do I match your ring with the one you’ve given me?”

“You needn’t buy me anything elaborate. For now, a simple band of gold will be more than sufficient, and I’ll wear it on my right hand.”

“Yeah, I guess we’ll both have to be kinda careful in public for a while.” Darren frowned at the thought of having to hide his relationship with Michael.

“Let’s not talk about that now,” Michael said. “For now, let’s just walk and be happy until we have to go in. There are more and more clouds, and it looks like the sun is gone for the day.”

Chapter 15


Darren took a short walk, and then headed back through the gardens into the palace. They went to their bedroom to watch a little television and talk about the wedding.

“TV sucks, as usual,” Michael complained.

“That’s why God invented DVDs,” Darren replied.

“I don’t have any really good ones that I’d want to watch again. So, that leaves talking about our wedding. Okay?”

“Of course, it’s okay! Where will the wedding be held, and who will officiate?”

“We can’t use Westminster Abbey because the conservatives would get their knickers in a twist. I imagine any other venue would be all right with the king. It is all right that we marry here in Britain, isn’t it?”

“Since you asked me to marry you, yes, Great Britain would be more than fine.”

“Which castle would you like to be married in? We really should use one of those for security purposes. More than likely, the entire royal family will attend. Do you think your mother and stepfather would attend? Your brother? Oh my God, I didn’t even think about American VIPs. This might be a security nightmare for MI5 and 6, not to mention Scotland Yard.”

“I don’t know. I can’t really see my mom skipping the wedding, but governing the United States has to come first. So, it will depend on what’s happening on our wedding date. Maybe that’s the first thing we should decide on.”

“I think we should give our engagement some time, at least, so both of us have a chance to be sure about this.”

Darren nodded. “That makes sense. What do you think about midwinter?”

“But you do see my point about waiting, yes? I want you to be sure you really love me, as in love me for life. Royal divorces are so damn messy!”

“Divorce! We’re not even married, and you’re worried about divorce? Maybe I should be the one who asks you if you’re certain you wanna marry for life!”

“Relax, I’m just being practical. You remember the uproar over the previous divorces in the family. The world press ate it up as if it was their last supper. Forget I asked.”

Darren thought for a moment and then said, “I understand why you asked. But let me assure you, I want you for life. In fact, maybe we can even adopt a kid down the road.”

“Another issue to be discussed, but I have to say, I have no immediate objections to that as long as we have the income to support a child properly. Your brother was lucky to be adopted by the vice president of the United States. Money was no object. I have to work, just like you, so income is a factor.”

“Okay, we’ll discuss that later, but knowing that you’re open to the idea pleases me. As far as the date, why don’t we set it for the beginning of winter, before the snow starts to fall?” Darren suggested.

“What, like November or December?”

“Well, it’s August now, so how about the first week in December? Christmas decorations will be up in all the churches. Of course, we haven’t decided on that yet. I know that December shortens our engagement period, but I like the idea of a Christmastime wedding.”

“All of the castles have small chapels. Obviously, the chapel you fell in love with at Hampton Court wouldn’t do as there are so very few seats. St. George’s Chapel at Windsor might be big enough, if the guest list is small. I’ll talk to William and see what he suggests. You really need to find out if your mother will be attending. Let’s set the date as December the first. Is that all right with you?”

“Yeah, I think that’s a good date. I’ll call my mother. Can I do it from here?” Darren asked.

“Of course you can, but don’t forget the time difference.”

“Right! I’d better call her now if I’m going to call today.”

Darren walked over to a chair by a phone. He dialed the number for the White House residence and waited.

“Family quarters,” a butler answered.

“Hi, this is Darren Wilson. I’m calling for my mother.”

“One moment, sir, and I’ll see if she’s in.”

Darren grew nervous and began tapping his foot on the carpet. Michael was sitting on the bed with his knees under his chin and his arms wrapped around his legs.

“Hello, honey, how are you?” Victoria said when she answered.

“Hi, Mom, do you have a couple minutes?”

“For you, of course. Is anything wrong?”

“No. Are you sitting down?”

“I am now. What is it, dear?”

“Prince Michael has asked me to marry him, and I’ve said yes.”

“Oh my God! Are you sure, baby? You’re not rushing into anything, are you?”

“No, Mom, I’m sure. We love each other, and we want to spend the rest of our lives together. He’s given me an engagement ring that you wouldn’t believe. It’s a twenty-one-carat emerald ring with four diamonds that was once worn by King Edward VIII!”

“Really? It must be beautiful! If you’re sure you love him, and he you, then I approve and rejoice. My son marrying a real-life prince. I can hardly believe it.”

“Well, he’s sitting right here listening to my side of our conversation, and he’s smiling.”

“Put him on, please,” Victoria requested.

“Hey, Michael, my mom wants to speak with you,” Darren said.

“Okay, here’s where I get blasted!” Michael took the phone. “Hello, Madam President.”

“I guess you can start calling me ‘Mom,’ as well! Are you sure about what you two are doing?”

“Yes, ma’am. We’re in love, and I certainly wouldn’t have given him the ring if I wasn’t certain.”

“Speaking of what sounds like an incredible ring, where did you get it?”

“William gave it to me to give to Darren. I had it sized before I gave it to him today.”

“So, your cousin agrees with this marriage?”

“Certainly, ma’am. He even told me to invite Darren to Balmoral Castle for the family Christmas holidays. That told me all I needed to know about his acceptance of the engagement. I know it’s a little informal, but we intend to invite you, Harry, and Brandon to the wedding. The date is December first, barring any objections by my cousin.”

“December first. I’ll have to check several calendars, but I doubt there’s anything that can keep me from my son’s wedding. Brandon will be so jealous when he hears this. He keeps harping on wanting his own prince.” She laughed.

“I’ll work on that, ma’am.”

“Stop with the ma’am. Michael. We’ll do our very best to be there to see you united. Just remember, my coming will add a layer to the wedding you might not like.”

“You mean all the security and that?”


“It will be worth it to have you at our wedding.”

“Now, I have three sons. Imagine that.”

“I’ll give you back to Darren. Good night, Mum.”

“Good night, Michael.”

“Mum?” Darren said to Michael as he took the phone. “It’s me, Mom.”

“As I told your fiancé, we will do our very best to be there for your wedding. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Call me when you have more details, and I’ll block out three days around that time.”

“Okay, Mom, thanks, and I love you!”

“I love you too,” she said as her voice cracked.

Darren hung up the phone, walked over to the bed, and lay down.

“I think she was beginning to cry at the end of the call,” Darren said.

“Ah, that’s so sweet. I think she’s really happy for us. She said they’ll try to be at the ceremony. How many people get the president at their wedding?”

“Her sons.”

“Yeah, it looks that way!”



of the weekend passed quickly, and before the couple realized it, they were back on the helicopter flying to London. There, a security detail picked up Darren, and Michael ducked into Buckingham Palace to see if he could find the king.

He learned the king had just finished dinner with his girlfriend and that they had gone to the billiards room in their private apartments. He knocked on the door, and William told him to come in.

“Oh, hello, Michael. How was your weekend?” the king asked.

“It went very well, Your Majesty. I see this is not a good time to chat, so I’ll make an appointment to see you this week,” Michael said and began to back out of the room.

“Nonsense. So, did you ask him?”

“Yes, and he said yes! He almost fainted when I gave him the ring. It looks incredible on him, and I’m eternally in your debt for that gesture.”

“I’m glad to hear that, and I’m happy for you, Michael. We all deserve someone to love and be loved by in this world. You seem to have found that person, and it’s as it should be.”

“He called his mother from Balmoral, and his family is going to try to come to the wedding. We’ve set December first as the date if it meets with your approval. We just need to figure out where to have it.”

“I’ll certainly be present, and I’m sure my brother, his wife, and his boys will be there too. Prince Harry is 100 percent gay-positive, and I know he wouldn’t miss this for anything. We’ll talk about the location for the wedding later. I need to talk to a couple of people first. I’ll get back to you on that.”

“Thank you, and good night to you both,” Michael said and left the room. He practically floated out of the palace, got into his car, and drove to his residence.



walked through the door, the family had just finished dinner as well, and Jack was out back playing with the dogs. Darren dropped his bag and went into the kitchen.

“Good evening, Mr. Wilson. You’ve only just missed dinner. Would you like me to have the chef fix you a plate?” Blaine asked.

“Could I get a ham sandwich on rye and a Gatorade?”

“Of course, sir. Where will you be?”

“Are my uncles in the living room?”

“Yes, sir, I’m about to take coffee into them.”

“Then that’s where I’ll be, thank you.”

He walked into the living room, where he found David, Shane, and Mary.

“Well, welcome home, royal guest! How was Balmoral Castle?” David asked with a smile.

“It was great. Incredible property and castle. Something happened while I was there that I need to talk to you about now.”

“Was it a security incident?” David asked as he slid to the edge of the sofa cushion.

“No, no, nothing like that.”

Darren walked over and showed them the ring.

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