Royal Love (9 page)

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Authors: John Simpson

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waited in the sitting room for his appointment with King William. After “business hours,” Michael could usually see or talk to the king with a minimum of fuss. Affairs of state had
become weighty and demanded more and more of William’s time.

“His Majesty will see you now, Your Highness,” said Lord Donnelly, the king’s secretary.

“Thank you, my lord.”

Michael got up and went into the office of the king.

“Good day, Your Majesty,” Michael said.

“Hello. I heard you had a wonderful weekend at Hampton Court with Darren.”

“We did, thank you. We went to the Tower afterward so Darren could see the Crown Jewels.”

“Good, I’m glad for you both. What can I do for you?”

“Darren’s mother is getting married and has invited me to attend. She has also extended an invitation to you, Prince Harry, and the Princess. It’s assumed that your schedules will prevent you from attending.”

“When is it?”

“In a month’s time, in Washington, of course.”

“Your assumption is correct. That’s right in the middle of our tour of the empire. I wish my grandmother hadn’t gotten rid of the royal yacht
, as I’d much rather go to some of the places by water.”

“May I officially represent you at the wedding, then?”

“I don’t see why not. You’ll be there anyway, so you might as well serve in a State capacity while you’re at it. You can also deliver a wedding present from me.” William cleared his throat. “Tell me, are you and Darren getting serious?”

“Yes, we are,” Michael said candidly. “We’re very happy together, and this weekend, we admitted our love for each other. I hope you approve.”

“Of course, I approve, but let’s keep it low-key for now. I don’t need the press jumping on this and stirring up the Conservatives. We made marriage equality the law of the land, and there certainly have been many weddings, but a member of the royal family, well, that’s another kettle of fish altogether.”

“I should tell you that I plan to ask him to marry me if things continue to go well for us.”

“Really? Are you sure about this?”

“Yes, I’m very sure. We complete each other and are right for each other on so many levels. I would desire to spend the rest of my life with him. In fact, a thought just occurred to me. If we do marry, will he get a title?”

“He’s an American, and their law forbids an American from accepting any titles. Otherwise, I imagine, he’d be a prince consort or some such thing. Since we’ve never had this happen before, I suppose it would be all new ground.”

“What if Darren had dual citizenship?”

“Then it would be up to the lawyers to figure it out. I really haven’t a clue. If he makes you happy and vice versa, I can’t think of a single objection. How does my cousin feel about this?”

“If you mean David, I think he likes me and won’t put up a fuss. And with the wedding coming up, Darren’s mother will get a chance to know me a little better.”

“Very well. I’ll let Lord Donnelly know that you’ll be representing the monarchy and Britain at the wedding. Do behave, and don’t embarrass the Crown, all right?”

“Of course!” Michael smiled. “I’ll take my leave, then, unless you have something you’d like to discuss, Your Majesty?”

“No, it’s always a pleasure to see you, Michael. Give my regards to Darren.”

Michael shook the king’s hand, bowed, and left. He practically flew down the palace hallways as he headed for the carport. When he arrived at Winfield House, he had to wait until Darren had finished his military duties. Darren took a break and met Michael in the living room.

“I’ve got some interesting news for you,” Michael said.

“Really, what?”

“I’ve just come from the king, and I will be representing the Crown at your mother’s wedding. So, that gives me an official role in Washington in addition to the role of your boyfriend.”

“That’s great news! Is this something special for you?” Darren asked.

“Well, yes. I’ve never represented the king before. I’m so pleased the first time will be at your mother’s wedding.”

“I’ll let Uncle David know, just in case.”

“Good. I’m also to deliver the king’s wedding gift. If you can’t arrange a private plane for us, I’ll get one of the royal fleet aircraft to take us all over and back.”

“That’s one thing you don’t have to worry about. My mother will send an Air Force jet for us. Security is still a key concern for all of us, and she won’t allow us to travel any other way. Now I have to get back to my duties. I’m on for another three hours. Good to see you, babe.”


They kissed, and Michael left as Darren returned to the security center.



at dinner, Darren broke the news.

“Uncles, Prince Michael will be coming to the wedding in two capacities. He’ll be my date, of course, but he’ll also represent the Crown. He’s thrilled about that as well as about traveling with us.”

“Wonderful. That actually gives him a protocol role at the wedding. Does the king know how serious you two have become?”

“Yes, and he’s happy for us. His only worry was you, Uncle David. Michael told the king that he thought you liked him and that there was nothing to be concerned about. Was he right?”

“Absolutely. Shane and I think he’s a handsome young man who has the right material to fit in with this crazy family. When are you seeing him again?”

“Not sure. We didn’t set a definite time yet. But as you know, we talk everyday by phone and text.”

“Are you going to marry this guy?” Jack asked.

The room went silent. Shane shot a disapproving look at Jack, but David just sighed.

“Actually, we haven’t discussed things that far in the future. For now, we’re just happy to be boyfriends.”

“That’s cool. I was just curious.”

“Sometimes you’re too curious, Jack,” Shane said.

“What? It’s not like I asked if the prince has a nice dick or something!”

Shane got up, grabbed Jack by the ear, and removed him from the table. David almost spoke up, but he knew Shane was right to discipline Jack. Jack had been off the streets long enough to stop talking like a punk.

“Ouch, Daddy, that hurts,” Jack said as Shane took him upstairs to his room.

“Have you ever been spanked before?” Shane asked.

“Spanked? Are you kidding? I’m too old for that.”

“No, in fact, you’re not. I may just give you a bare butt spanking right now.”

“Dad won’t let you!”

“Do you see him here?”


“You’re confined to your room for the rest of the night. The Scotties will stay with the Marines. In the morning, I’ll be back, and if I think you’ve learned a lesson from this, you can go to school on time. If you haven’t learned anything, you’re going to have a red butt!”

Shane left the room and closed the door. Before he reached the staircase, he heard Jack crying but steeled himself and kept going. The dining room was dead silent when he walked in. Shane took his seat to finish his dinner.

“What did you do?” David asked.

“I restricted him to his room tonight without the Scotties and told him he might get a red ass in the morning if his language hasn’t changed. We just can’t allow that kind of talk at the dinner table. He’s not an adult, and we need to remember that. You spoil him rotten.”

“I thought it was funny,” Darren said.

“Well, it wasn’t. We’ve all laughed at some of the things he comes out with, but it’s time for him to act like a gentleman.”

“I suppose you’re right, Shane, but no spanking. I won’t use physical violence to discipline that boy. He’s been through enough already. The fact that he can’t have the pups with him tonight is the real punishment and far more effective than five minutes of embarrassment and pain.”

“Okay, but if it continues, he’s going to get spanked, and that’s the end of it.”

David threw his napkin on the table and stood.

“I’ve already closed that subject. I forbid you to spank him, end of story!”

David went into the living room. Shane and Darren put down their forks, having lost their appetite. Blaine came in, having heard part of the row.

“Is everyone finished, sir?”

“Yes, you can clear the table,” Shane said. “We’ll have coffee in the living room.”

“Yes, Mr. Thompson-Windsor.”

When Shane and Darren entered the living room, they found David cool and collected, reading the London papers.

“I’m sorry we argued,” Shane said. David looked up at him as he continued. “I’m just doing what I think is right, but I’ll go along with whatever you think is best.”

“Thank you. I feel strongly about the subject, and as I said, Jack has been through enough. Now let’s enjoy our coffee.”



month passed quickly. The night before the Windsor family and their guest were to board one of the White House’s older jets, Michael was staying overnight with Darren at Winfield House. After dinner, they watched television and had a drink.

“Darren, don’t let me forget to give your mother the king’s wedding present! He’d have my ass for that.”

“Don’t worry, nobody is going to have your ass but me,” Darren whispered.

“Promises, promises. You know you can’t handle this on a steady diet,” Michael said as he slapped his ass.

“Put me to the test!”

“What kind of test?” David asked.

“Oh, um, nothing, Uncle David,” Darren said, and he and Michael giggled.

David frowned, rightly figuring they were talking about sex.

“You guys ready to go in the morning? You pack your tux, Darren?”

“Sure have. Michael has his prince’s uniform, so he’s set.”

“Prince’s uniform?” David said dubiously.

“It’s not all that grand, but—” Darren began before he was interrupted.

“I can’t help that I don’t look like my cousins when they dress up,” Michael said. “They’re military officers and major royals. I’m a nobody, a little prince. People have to ask who I am at parties.”

“Well, to me, you’re a big royal,” Darren said and leaned over and kissed Michael.

“Let’s all be sure to follow protocol,” David said. “If you’re not sure how to do something, ask an aide, or check with me or Shane. I’m sure you’re both going to be just fine.”

“I’m tired, and since we have to be up at five, we’re going to bed now. Good night, Uncle David, Uncle Shane,” Darren said as he kissed each man on the cheek.

Michael smiled and bowed his head toward David and Shane.

“They make a really cute couple, you know?” Shane said.

“I know. I guess I hope they do get married, but only if they really love each other. It’ll be nice to have another handsome young man in the family.”

“You know, we could go to bed early as well. That way, maybe we could get a little frisky. Who knows if we’ll have the opportunity while we’re away.”

Jack came into the room, and David sent him to bed with the Scotties. David and Shane went up, and the house was quiet by nine thirty… except in two bedrooms.

After the bedrooms quieted down, the house was at peace except for the crunch of Marine boots on the gravel as the sentries walked their posts.

The next morning, everyone was up early to take showers, get dressed, and have breakfast. They were all in the dining room by 6:00 a.m. and talking excitedly as they ate. The motorcade was outside the front door of Winfield House, ready to go.

“Uncle David, do you think I’ll have time to take Michael to a couple of DC bars while we’re in the States?”

“You’ll have time, most likely, but you can’t go anywhere without security. And in DC, the Secret Service will be taking over those duties. Don’t tell me you’re going to drag agents into a gay strip bar?” David raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, I didn’t think about that. Can we slip them?”

“Darren, you’re the president’s son. Your brother will probably want to go with you, so there’ll be two sons of the president and a British prince in your party. There’s no way you’re going to slip away from the Secret Service. Now if you want to visit one of the dance bars, that probably can be arranged.”

“If you want, I’ll talk to the Secret Service about it,” Shane said to David.

“It would be great if you would take care of that. Nothing is going to happen to anyone in this group. Boys, do you understand? You don’t go anywhere without armed security. Clear?”

“Yes, sir,” Michael and Darren answered at the same time.

“Can I go out with them, Dad?” Jack asked.

“Honey, you’re just too young yet. The bars would get in big trouble if they allowed you in, whether or not you tried to drink. Your time is coming, just be patient.”

“Do you remember what it’s like to be my age, Dads?” Jack asked.

“Yes, we do. However, we weren’t the sons of prominent political people. That’s the difference. Remember when you were kidnapped? I never want you to go through something like that again. It would kill both your dads.”

“Okay, Dad, I understand. Still, can I maybe go somewhere during the day with the guys, if they’ll take me?”

“I have no problem with that, but it’s up to them. You have to ask them, and then tell me.”

“We’ll do something together, Jack, don’t worry. Michael and I would be happy to take you somewhere, okay?”

“Yep! Thanks, guys.”

“Excuse me, Ambassador, but your party should be leaving for the airport,” advised the security chief at Winfield. “The plane has been refueled and checked out.”

“Okay, everyone, hit the bathrooms if you have to, and let’s get this show on the road!”

The luggage had been loaded into the limousine and Land Rovers, and they left just five minutes behind schedule. With a British police escort to Heathrow airport, they made up the time. They were all classified as diplomatic personnel and walked directly onto the Air Force plane. The luggage was loaded, and they received priority takeoff clearance. They were wheels up fourteen minutes after getting on the plane.

Chapter 8

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