Romeo (Blood Brothers) (6 page)

BOOK: Romeo (Blood Brothers)
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“Interesting you should ask. Apparently, these girls were all roommates.”

“What’s so interesting about that?”

“The friend turned out to be a twin as well and her sister was home waiting. It was an interesting evening.”

Romeo could hear the smug note in Wolf’s voice and shook his head. Wolf always found a way to turn things to his advantage. “As I was saying, I’m going to spend the next few days with Christine. Call me if anything important comes up. Otherwise, I’ll meet you at Logan on Friday as scheduled.”

“This can’t be my friend, love-’em-and-leave’em Romeo. What’s so special about this woman? She must have some really good pussy if you’re sticking around for more.”

For reasons he couldn’t understand himself, hearing Wolf talk about Christine as though she were just another convenient bed warmer didn’t sit well with him. “This subject is not up for discussion,” he retorted through clenched teeth.

A pregnant pause followed before Wolf spoke again. “Fine. I’ll see you in a few days.” The phone went dead.

Damn, he hadn’t meant to come off so abrupt; he’d make it up to Wolf later. He walked back to Christine’s room and slid beneath the covers next to her sleeping form. She looked like an angel, the silky curtain of her midnight hair falling over her creamy cheeks.

There were dark smudges under her eyes that sleep hadn’t removed the night before, revealing a vulnerability about her that he found touching. His gaze drifted to her prettily curved lips. Romeo smiled as he thought of the pleasure he’d had kissing them. Last night had been like nothing Romeo had ever experienced. Christine was not the most skilled lover he’d ever been with, but she made up for it with sheer enthusiasm. Her soft little moans and her gasps of surprise and wonder had made his body react in ways Romeo didn’t think possible.

He hadn’t been able to get enough of her. After the first time they’d fucked, he’d let her sleep for half an hour, then woke her up and took her again. Romeo let her rest some between bouts of making love. Every little stroke, groan, and sigh from Christine turned him on and Romeo had lain well past dawn trying to figure out what it was about this particular woman that made him want her so much.

Yes, she was lovely, but in his more than six hundred years on Earth, there had been women far more beautiful, yet he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. Romeo pushed a dark lock of hair from her face and ran the back of his hand against her soft skin.

He didn’t know what to think about these new feelings he was experiencing, but one thing was certain, he wanted her again. Already Romeo had waited over an hour since waking up for Christine to stir. The woman slept like the dead. If it weren’t for the even sound of her soft breathing, he would have thought she was.

Christine’s skin was cool to the touch, but the warmth of her blood flowed just below the surface of her skin. Again, Romeo tried to read her mind and although he could see faint images, it felt like something was blocking him. Perhaps, it was just happenstance. Right now, there was one need that had to be taken care of or he’d go crazy.

His cock ached like a son of a bitch and the only cure was plunging it into the depths between her silky thighs. He pulled the covers back to reveal two perfect breasts. Romeo bent over and took one turgid peak into his mouth.

She was delicious. Romeo swirled and licked the now puckered tip with his tongue, stroking it urgently. He could taste the faint hint of sex against her flesh. A low groan burst from her throat, making him smile.

Romeo switched his attention to the other nipple, this time sucking as much of her tender breast into his mouth as he could. He felt her fingers push through his hair.

“What a way to wake up.”

He could hear the smile in her voice. “I got tired of waiting,” he growled, nipping her skin. “Tasty.”

Christine pushed her body against his. “You were an animal last night.”

“You have that effect on me.” Romeo moved lower, kissing a trail down the center of her body. The taste of her against his mouth was intoxicating. She shivered in reaction.

Just knowing he affected her this way was enough to keep him rock hard. He parted her legs before settling himself between her thighs. The scent of their mingled sex drifted to his nostrils, creating such a head rush that he thought his cock would explode.

Christine tried to shut her legs. “No! I haven’t showered yet.”

“I’ve lived a very long time, honey, and trust me, tasting the two of us on your pretty little pussy is not a bad thing.” To demonstrate his sincerity, he separated her slick labia and pressed a long, lingering kiss on her clit. “Mmm, tasty.”


“Shh,” he whispered, before lapping at her with his tongue. It didn’t take long for her to relax and writhe under the ministrations of his mouth. The bittersweet stickiness of their joining filled his mouth and flowed down his throat, the life-giving essence filling him, feeding him, making him stronger.

As he continued to eat her pussy, there was something unusual about her flavor that made him pause. It didn’t distract him from the pleasure of the act, but it was enough to make him wonder what made her so different from any other human female he’d sampled.

“Please don’t stop,” Christine moaned. Romeo chuckled. Only moments before, she’d been self-conscious about him going down on her. Now, it seemed she couldn’t get enough.

“With pleasure.” He ran the broad side of his tongue from the top of her slit to the crack of her ass, stopping only after it had circled the tight ring of Christine’s anus.

“Romeo, what are you doing?”

“Loving you.”

“But you can’t do

“Why not?” He repeated the action and her body shook like a woman in the middle of a seizure.

“I can’t take it. I can’t,” she gasped. Her lips said one thing, but the way she bucked her hips against his face told him that her body wanted more.

Romeo then licked and stroked her cunt until Christine tensed and a fresh flow of her cream dripped into his mouth. He caught every drop with his tongue, making sure none escaped. By the time he finished, Christine’s head moved back and forth against her pillow, mouthing inarticulate words.

He moved on top of her, resting his lower body between her legs. “I don’t know if I could ever tire of your pussy.”

“That was amazing,” she sighed, her voice full of wonder. “Are all vampires as good as you?”

“I wouldn’t know. I haven’t fucked all vampires.” Romeo lifted himself just enough to guide his cock inside her channel.

“Oh,” Christine moaned.

“You’re so sweet.” He moved against her.

Christine wrapped her arms around his muscular body, turning her head to the side. “Damn it.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I should have been at work two hours ago.”

“Call in sick.”

“That would be rather irresponsible of me.” She grinned up at him as she clenched her vaginal muscles around his cock.

“Shit. If you keep doing that, you’re not going anywhere for a very long time.”

Christine repeated the motion. It felt like a vacuum sucking him into a cave of wet, hot sensation. Romeo thrust into her harder than he’d intended, but the pure ecstasy of her pulsing motions wreaked havoc on his self-control.

Romeo prided himself on being a patient and skilled lover, but with Christine he couldn’t rein himself in. He moved to his knees, bracing himself on rigid arms and plunged deeper and faster into her tight sheath.

“Romeo! Oh, God, Romeo!” She yelled. Her nails raked down his chest nearly drawing blood, but it was no more than a slight, stinging sensation. The blood pounded in his head. Beads of sweat popped out on his forehead as he pulled closer to his ultimate goal. His incisors descended. “Christine,” he cried out. “I want to taste all of you.”

“No, please,” she begged, a flicker of fear entering her dark eyes.

“You have nothing to be afraid of.”

“Your... your eyes are glowing.”

Romeo sighed, letting his teeth retract. The last thing he wanted was her to be afraid of him. Besides, just being inside of her was enough... for now.

have all of her, but first he’d win her complete trust. Christine visibly relaxed, giving him a tentative smile. She wrapped her legs around his flanks, taking him deeper into her still.

That was when he completely lost it. Letting out a primal growl, he thrust into her and shot his seed up her slick tunnel, shuddering against her petite frame. Romeo collapsed next to her, not wanting to crush her with his weight and pulled her into his arms, loving the feeling of her head resting against his chest.

He wasn’t used to cuddling with a woman after sex. Hell, most of the time, he didn’t stick around long enough to learn their names, but this felt right.

Christine lifted her head to study his face. “You’re quiet. What are you thinking?” She kissed his chest.

“I was thinking about how amazing you are.”

“I would say you’re pretty amazing yourself. I’ve never spent a more enjoyable night, and I’m just glad I could before—” Her voice trailed off.

“Before what?”


“No, tell me.” Romeo sat up, leaning against the headboard. He pulled her against him, tilting her chin up so that he could look into her eyes. “You can tell me.”

“It’s nothing, really, and I’d rather change the subject, please.”


“No. Please respect that I don’t want to dwell on this topic.”

He frowned. What had he said? She looked upset and he wasn’t sure why. “I’m sorry.”

“No. I’m sorry. I was just being silly. I do have to call my office, though, before they report me to the missing person’s bureau.” She giggled, wiggling from the circle of his arms.

Romeo tried to pull her back, not liking the emptiness he suddenly felt at her absence, but she slipped away. He watched her tight ass move up and down slightly with each step she took. He would have that ass, too, eventually. He fought to keep from jumping out of bed and tearing after her. What the hell was wrong with him? He didn’t chase women. They chased him.

Was he becoming like his brothers? Hell, no. Never that. Christine was just a pleasant interlude during one of the most trying missions of his life. Just thinking about what he needed to do at the end of the week made him feel wary and he didn’t want to think about it until the time actually arrived.

No one enjoyed a fight as much as him, but after last night, his enthusiasm for the whole thing wasn’t there. Maybe he just needed the rest. Yes, that was it. He needed the rest, and maybe, if he kept telling himself that, it would become true.


When Christine called in sick to her office, she didn’t get as much flack from her boss as she thought she would but she didn’t feel one bit guilty. She rarely took time off and while she enjoyed what she did, she was looking forward to spending as much time with Romeo as possible. It wasn’t as if she’d have many opportunities like this again.

He was a vampire and she was probably just another roll in the hay for him. Nya had warned her about how promiscuous vampires were. But it didn’t matter to her how temporary his attention was, she was flattered and intended to make the most of their affair. If this past year had taught her anything, it was to live like there was no tomorrow.

She returned to the bedroom and paused, taking in the glorious view of Romeo’s nude body as he lounged on her bed like he was posing for a sculptor. Christine didn’t think it was possible for any artist to capture the beauty of his sinewy frame. He turned his head toward her and smiled. A gasp caught in her throat. He literally took her breath away.

Romeo crooked his finger at her. “Come here.” She hurried over to him with a giggle and fell into his waiting arms.

“What took you so damn long?” He growled, kissing her breast.

She sighed in pleasure. “It took a few minutes to conjure up the sick voice. The kind you fake when you call out to work sick.”

He chuckled lightly. “Funny.” Romeo began to nibbled on her neck and caress her body. “Spend the next few days with me.”

“I have to work.”

“Just call in again.”

“But I have tons of work on my desk.”

Romeo cupped one sensitive breast and rubbed his thumb over her nipple. He grazed his teeth against her throat. Christine grew warm all over. Her pussy ached with need.

“Okay. Maybe just a couple of days.”





























Chapter Seven

“Are you certain this is the place, son?” Nico looked around the abandoned warehouse.

“Yes, Papa. My memory is still a bit hazy about those weeks, but I’m certain this is the place Adonis brought me. It looks different from what I remember. When I was here before, this building was furnished like a palace.” Jagger kicked aside an empty crate.

Nico shot his son a frown laced with concern. “Like you said, your memory might not be so reliable right now.”

“I’m as positive about this as I am about my own name. We’re in the right place,” Jagger insisted.

“If that’s the case, it’s possible it could have been an illusion. You were under a powerful spell. I sense a great deal of evil in this place. Black magic,” Sasha finished on a whisper.

Dante stood to the side, watching his brother, Nico, his nephew, and Nico’s mate, Sasha, interact. What was being said was important, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched. His heightened senses made it possible for him to hear even a pin drop in a noisy room if he so chose, but he heard and saw nothing other than the other three in the building. And it was for that reason, Dante was uneasy. The silence was eerie, unnaturally so.

The past two months had been among the most stressful of his life. Learning that he might have other siblings was one thing, but that they were trying to wipe out the rest of the Grimaldi clan was a lot to deal with. Also at the back of his mind was the widening gap between him and his youngest brother, Marco, and all because Dante couldn’t reconcile what he felt for Marco’s mate.

It was a hard situation to deal with and had kept him awake many nights. He shuddered at the thought of his last encounter with Maggie. He’d practically attacked her because he couldn’t get himself under control. What made the entire situation worse wasn’t the fact that she’d been angry. No, Maggie was too sweet a person to hold the incident against him. The thing that cut him deep was the look of pity she’d given him. It was that I love-you-but-I’m-not-in-love-with-you-look. It was then Dante figured he’d have to stay away from Marco and Maggie so he wouldn’t end up doing something foolish again. Dante gnashed his teeth together as he thought of Marco fucking, loving, and caressing Maggie’s lush body.

He wished he could remain focused on the task at hand instead of thinking about a woman he had no right to want. There were rogues out there determined to destroy his entire family and the Underground and he was having a mental pity party for himself. Dante sighed in frustration and raked his fingers through his hair.

He loved all of his brothers, but Marco was the one he’d felt closest to. This rift between them was tearing him apart, but he didn’t lay the blame at Marco’s or Maggie’s feet. Maggie herself was an innocent in this entire mess. No, no one was really to blame and that was what made this situation so hard.

a voice whispered. He looked up to see Nico, Jagger, and Sasha talking among themselves. He frowned as he scanned the empty building for the source of the voice.

There it was again. He was positive he’d actually heard something. He wasn’t going insane. Or was he? He jumped when a hand fell on his shoulder. It was Sasha. He’d been so focused one figuring out where that sound had come from he hadn’t noticed Sasha’s approach.

She looked up at him with questioning brown eyes, concern etched on her pretty face. Looking at her, it was easy to see why Nico was so taken with her. “Are you okay?”

Dante smiled at her, even though on the inside he was anything but fine. “Yes.”

Her brows furrowed. She pushed away a stray lock of sable brown hair from her forehead. “We’re family now. If something is bothering you, you can tell me. But most importantly, who’s trying to contact you right now?”

His brows shot up. “How did you—”

“I’m a witch. I can feel the energy surrounding you. Someone, another witch, perhaps, is trying to contact you.”

There was no use trying to lie to one with Sasha’s powers because she’d know if he was. “Yes,” he sighed. “But it’s only a faint impression. I can only hear my name. I think it’s a woman.”

Sasha raised her hands until they nearly touched his head, but she held back. “May I?”

He eyed her suspiciously. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to unlock your mind and channel the person trying to reach you.”

Dante felt uneasy about Sasha delving into his thoughts. What if she were to tap into his other secrets? That was the last thing he needed.

“Trust me. I understand your reluctance, but I only want to help. If channeling this unknown entity will help us figure out this entire mess, don’t you think we should try?”

Sasha’s words made sense, but Dante remained stubbornly silent.

“Listen to her, Dante. She can help you.” Nico joined them.

“Uncle Dante, they are right. Let my mother help,” Jagger joined in.

Dante realized this wasn’t a fight he was going to win. “Fine. Just have done with it.”

“Close your eyes,” Sasha instructed.

Dante did as he was told and felt her soft fingertips graze his temples.

“Relax,” she whispered. “Yes, that’s it. Free your mind. Yes.”

the voice grew louder.

“Go ahead and answer her.”

“Yes, I am here. Who is this?”


He frowned. “Liliana? I know of no one by that name.”

I beg to differ, Dante Grimaldi. I’ve seen you many times, and we’ve even met face to face. I never forget a name, or a tongue... or a cock.
The laughter resonated in his mind.

“Who are you?” he demanded. His anger level rose with each passing second.

I’m very ’urt that you don’t recognize me, love.
The subtle Italian accent changed to the familiar cockney tones of a woman he and GianMarco had encountered in a London nightclub several months ago.

“Diane? The fucking bitch who set us up?”

Again, the laugher exploded in his mind.
I’m surprised that a man of your advanced age wouldn’t realize that not everything is as it appears.

“Who are you working for?”

That doesn’t matter right now. In time, all will be revealed. For now, I would advise you to get over to Warsaw. I don’t think you’ll make it in time, but you’ll find something very interesting there.

“What are you talking about?”

out. We’ll meet again soon, Dante. I’m very much looking forward to it.

“Liliana? Liliana!” The voice was gone. He opened his eyes. Sasha let go and stepped back.

Sasha seemed slightly dazed from the experience. When their gazes locked, she covered her mouth with her hand. He could tell from her expression, she’d seen much more than he had wanted her to.


She shook her head. “It’s none of my business. I think we need to get to Warsaw as Liliana directed.”

He projected his thoughts to Sasha.
You know how I feel about Maggie, don’t you?

She looked away, a deep blush reddening her cheeks.
Like I said, it’s none of my business.

“What’s going on?” Nico demanded, looking from his brother to his mate.

“Remember the woman from the nightclub I told you about?”

Nico frowned. “The same woman Marco encountered in his home?”

“It appears so, yes.”

“What does she want?”

“She said there is something in Warsaw that we should see.”

“But that’s hours away. If this is another massacre, we won’t make it in time,” Jagger pointed out.

“Yes, I know. She said the same thing but we have my private jet at our disposal. We can make it there by midnight.”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Nico threw his arm around Sasha’s shoulder and began to lead her out of the room. Jagger followed at his mother’s other side.

Sasha turned her head toward him, her gaze locking with Dante’s, her mind open to his.
Your secret regarding Maggie is safe with me.

Dante looked away. He’d address this issue later. For now, the possibility of finding some answers was at hand.




The nagging unease of how comfortable he felt in Christine’s presence grew the more time he spent with her. He wasn’t sure why he should be in such a panic. It was just a fling after all, but each time he tried to convince himself of that, something in the back of his mind called him a liar. These feelings were foreign to him and he didn’t quite know how to handle them. But each time he told himself to get the hell out of here, something made him stay.

He sat at the kitchen table attempting to figure out this conundrum he was in but nothing was making sense.

“You’re awful quiet over there. Everything okay?” Christine looked over her shoulder and gave him a big smile.”

His heart fluttered within his chest. She looked even prettier in the light of day, face bare of makeup and lips swollen from his kisses.

“Yep. I’m just enjoying what you do.”

She laughed with a shake of her head. “You’re a charmer. You definitely live up to your name.” Christine then turned back to her task.

Romeo licked his lips as he watched her rock from side to side as she hummed and stirred eggs in a bowl to make French toast. After breakfast, he planned on fucking her senseless.

“I hope you’re hungry.”

“For food, only minimally. For you... well, that’s another story.”

“Please. I’m still recovering from an hour ago. You were insatiable.”

Romeo cocked an eyebrow at her. “I heard no complaints from you.”

“No. I was too busy moaning. I’m surprised I’m able to stand straight. I think your dick touched my spine.”

He laughed. “I know what you need to fix that. In fact, I have the perfect cure.”

She glanced over her shoulder at him with a cheeky grin. “Oh, yeah? What do you have, Dr. Romeo?”

“Some peniscillin.”

Christine howled with laugher. “Has anyone ever told you that you have some serious issues?”

Romeo winked at her. “All the time.”

“You’re such a card. Anyway, breakfast is almost ready. Would you get the plates out of the top cabinet to the right? The silverware is in the drawer by the refrigerator.”

Romeo bounded up and did as she instructed. He’d never set a table in his life, yet this cozy domestic scene with Christine felt comfortable. Once the food was done and served, they sat down to eat.

“Mmm, this is delicious. You’re a good cook.”

“Thanks.” She smiled with obvious pleasure and Romeo thought that he would die a thousand deaths just to see that smile.

There was a brief pause before Christine spoke again. She set her fork down. “So, tell me about you. Do vampires have families?”

Romeo took a sip of his orange juice to wash down a mouthful of fried potatoes. “I have three brothers... that I know of.”

“That you know of?”

“Long story.” He’d made a vow to himself not to discuss any Underground business on this sabbatical and the possible discovery of other siblings fell into that category. “Basically, I’m the second oldest of my brothers.”

“Are your parents still alive?”

Though they had been gone since he was not quite eleven, he still keenly felt their absence. “They died many years ago. I was still a boy.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s all right. I had my brothers and I suppose that’s more than some people have.”

“What are they like? Your brothers, I mean.” Christine looked at him with an intent expression in her eyes. Romeo generally didn’t talk about his personal life, but she seemed genuinely interested in him and, for reasons he couldn’t explain, that pleased him.

“Well, Dante is the eldest. Actually he’s quite a bit older than the rest of us and a bit uptight but I think that comes from being the oldest.”

Christine placed her elbows on the table and rested her chin in her palms. “In what way? He can’t be so bad because I can tell from your tone you care about him.”

“Of course, I do. He’s just constantly telling me that I’m too wild for my own good, but I think perhaps if he were to relax, he might actually enjoy life more. Sometimes, I think he takes things a little too seriously. He’s had to take on the responsibility of his younger siblings’ care for a long time. He’s sacrificed so much for us and for that I will always be grateful. I can’t remember a time when he hasn’t been there for us.” He paused. “I think his biggest fault is taking care of everyone else but not taking care of himself. It worries me.” Romeo took another bite of his meal while Christine waited patiently for him to continue.

A soft smile gently curved her pink lips and she looked at him. She had the look of a mischievous imp and it took every ounce of his willpower not to lean over the table and kiss her senseless. For probably the tenth time that morning, he thought how pretty she was.

“As for Niccolo, or Nico, as we call him, he’s sort of quiet. He only really talks when there’s something important to be said, but in a way he can be a little like me. There’s a bit of a wild streak, but he exercises quite a lot more restraint than I do. You would like him, but don’t let his silence fool you. He’s not one to be crossed. Then there’s GianMarco—Marco, the youngest. He’s very used to getting his way; I guess it’s the younger child syndrome. But he’s a lot like Dante, too. He can be very serious and he’s fiercely protective. Unlike Dante, he does let loose at times. He used to be promiscuous, even by vampire standards, but he’s become considerably tamer since his wife, Maggie, came into his life.”

“Vampires marry?”

“We can if we choose to. Some do, some don’t.”

“Then why did GianMarco marry?”

“Actually, he’s been married twice and for the same reasons. It’s because humans see things in black and white. Things like a marriage certificate matters to you. To an immortal, it’s just a piece of paper. The true bond is here.” Romeo pointed to his heart. “This is much stronger than any man-made decree, especially when that bond is for eternity. There are immortals, however, who have embraced a more human lifestyle in order to blend in. Marco’s wives were human before he took them as mates. He legalized their bonds according to human laws to show his commitment to them.”

“I see.”

“Speaking of which, why hasn’t someone snatched you up?”

She let out a humorless laugh. “Someone did.”

It was apparent Christine lived alone, so he hopped she didn’t have a boyfriend on the side. Even if this was supposed to be a no-strings-attached arrangement with her, the very thought of her being with another man made him want to commit murder. This sudden burst of possessiveness gave him pause. Romeo had no clue where these feelings were manifesting from.

“Who? Where is he now?” He demanded.
So that I can tear him apart.
He hit the table with his fists and made the dishes bounce.

Christine’s arms fell to her side and she sat back in her chair. “Easy, boy. I said someone did, not that I’m still attached. My ex-husband is happily remarried with his two point five children.”

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