Read Romeo (Blood Brothers) Online
Authors: Eve Vaughn
Chapter Five
“Are you sure this is what you want?” Romeo asked for the third time that night. Jasmine-scented perfume drifted to his nostrils and Romeo had to stop himself from burying his face against her skin. Romeo couldn’t remember ever feeling such a strong pull toward anyone before.
Christine fumbled with her keys before unlocking the front door of her tiny Cape Cod. “You wouldn’t be with me right now if I wasn’t sure. You do want this, too, don’t you?” She looked over her shoulders, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
She obviously had no idea how much he wanted her. He wanted to pull her into his arms and rub his cock against the gentle swell of her bottom. He realized he’d been extremely lucky to meet her tonight. Wolf had been so entranced by the femme that he was truly missing out on this beauty. A slow smile tilted his lips as Romeo thought about his friend, who’d been left stewing at the club when Nya made it clear in no uncertain terms that she wasn’t interested. His friend, however, though disappointed by Nya’s rejection soon found his entertainment in a pair of twins and their friend who seemed to be up for anything.
Wolf might have ended up with three attractive women but Romeo believed he had the real prize. He was thankful Wolf hadn’t noticed Christine first or else they may have come to blows.
Everything about this woman turned him on, from her scent to the sway of her hips when she walked. He even liked the way she talked. Romeo found New England accents coarse and unrefined to his ears. From her lips, however, it was delightful. Her intelligence and grasp of world events also intrigued him. She was definitely not the bimbo type to go for a one-night stand so he was pleasantly surprised that she was as eager to be with him as he was with her.
“Come on in, please. Would you like some coffee or something to eat—oh! I’m sorry.” She stumbled over the last words.
Romeo wasn’t sure what she was apologizing or but he silently dismissed it as he stepped into her small but cozy living room. The house was neat and full of furniture and knick-knacks, yet it didn’t seem cluttered. He felt a strange sense of coming home. “Nice place.”
“Thank you. I like it.” She smiled at him.
One of Christine’s front teeth slightly overlapped the other, but the slight imperfection only added to her charm. It was a smile he’d remember for a long time to come. “So, what were you about to say?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why did you stop after asking me if I wanted something to eat?”
“Uh, well...” She covered her mouth, her face going slightly red. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I didn’t think before offering.”
Now he was really confused. “You were just being a good hostess. Why would I be offended?”
“Because you don’t eat,” Christine blurted out before her face went an even deeper shade of red.
“Says who?”
“Because... uh, never mind.”
Again Romeo wished he could read Christine’s mind but she was a rare human who had somehow managed to shield her thoughts from him. “Tell me what you meant by that comment.”
“People like you don’t consume food. I mean, I’ve never seen Nya eat anything.”
Her meaning finally dawned on him. “You know what your friend is?”
She nodded.
“And you know what I am?”
“Is that what Nya talked to you about when she dragged you away from the table? To warn you about me?”
“Sort of.”
“I see.” He didn’t really, but this certainly made things more and more interesting. She was a rare creature indeed. Most humans would deny a vampire’s existence even if they were shown irrefutable evidence. Christine, however, not only accepted him but didn’t act as though it was a big deal.
Christine raised her head almost in a defiant gesture. “I’m not scared, though.”
Romeo couldn’t help but to grin at that. She was obviously trying to conceal her fear, but he definitely liked her more with each passing second. “And why aren’t you scared? How do you know I won’t drain you of all your blood and leave you for dead?” He took a step forward, yet she remained where she was, although a thin sheen of sweat glistened over her brow.
“Because Nya said you wouldn’t hurt me and I trust her.”
“Funny how she knows that about me when tonight was the first time I’ve had the...pleasure of meeting her.”
Christine cocked her head. “You sound like you don’t like her.”
“I don’t know her well enough to form an opinion, although she seems already to have formed one of me. Tell me, what else did your friend say and how is it that you have become so close to a vampire. It doesn’t happen very often where we reveal what we are to humans.”
“It’s a complicated story. It doesn’t matter, does it? We both want one thing tonight. Have you changed your mind?”
“Hell, no, but I will have my answers—if not now, then eventually. And, by the way, I do eat. You must watch too damn much television.”
Christine laughed. “That’s exactly what Nya said earlier.”
“You know, if I could live the nineteenth century all over again, I’d kick Bram Stoker’s ass.”
This time, Christine clutched her sides, laughing harder than ever. Her laughter was so infectious, he couldn’t help but to chuckle himself.
“So you find that amusing, do you?”
“It was the way you said it,” she said, wiping a tear from her eye.
“Well, imagine what it’s like for me when I see Hollywood’s version of vampires. I stopped watching vampire movies after
Zombie Vampire Teens from Hell
. Even I had to draw the line somewhere.”
This seemed to tickle Christine even more. “I can’t say I’ve seen that one. You’re making that one up.”
“You didn’t miss much. It’s one of those grindhouse movies from the seventies. I don’t really watch television anymore but I was once quite the movie buff. Whenever I was home, I’d do nothing but watch movies. Once my television went out on me sometime in the mid 1980’s, I never replaced it. But I’ve seen enough vampire movies to last for centuries and I’ve heard all the crazy references. Some are kind of funny but others are just downright stupid.”
“I see your point. The title alone sounds horrible. I know how you feel, though. Stereotypes aren’t fun for anyone. I can’t tell you how many kids tried to copy off my math tests because I’m Chinese. But the joke was on them. I’m horrible at math.”
Romeo chuckled. He liked that she had a sense of humor about certain aspects of her life. “That must have sucked from them.”
“And me, too.” She rolled her eyes. “You wouldn’t believe the amount of grief I used to get when they’d get their grades back. But worse than that were the jackasses at the club who would literally use ‘me love you long time’ as a pick-up line. That shit was never cute. There was once a guy in a club who not only said that to me, he asked me to give him a happy ending. I kicked him square I the balls.”
Romeo grinned. He liked her spirit. In fact, the more time he spent with Christine, he liked her more and more. She looked so cute during her little rant. “You poor baby.” Romeo reached out and pulled her into his arms.
“I’m sorry about my narrow views of vampires.”
“Don’t worry about it. No offense was taken.”
Christine gazed into his eyes and cupped his cheek in her palm. He moved his face against the warmth of her touch. “You’re very sweet.”
“And you’re too beautiful,” he murmured, caressing her soft cheek in return.
“So... would you like something to eat?”
“The only thing I want to eat right now is your pussy,” Romeo whispered before lowering his head. Her dark eyes widened, but she didn’t pull away. The feel of her plush lips beneath his had his cock straining against his jeans, begging to be released.
He traced the seam of her lips with his tongue, licking off the fruity flavor of her lip gloss. When she sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck, Romeo took advantage and slid his tongue into the sweet cavern of her mouth.
Christine was absolutely delicious. He could taste the faint trace of alcohol, along with a cherry flavor, as if she’d eaten some candy earlier. With her head tilted back, her mouth opened under the gentle persuasion of his kiss and Romeo explored every cavern and crevice, savoring the very essence of her.
God, she was lovely. His body reacted in a way it never had before and that should have worried him but Romeo was too caught up in how she made him feel. He raised his head to look down at her. Christine’s eyes were closed and her lips were slightly parted, as though waiting for him to bring his head back down to hers. Romeo slid his lips from her jaw to her neck. She tensed.
“Relax,” he whispered against her skin.
Romeo grasped the pulsing hollow at the base of her neck with his mouth. The sound of her moans was slowly driving him insane with lust. The tormenting sweetness of her body against his only fueled the flames of his passion further. His fingers deftly worked to unbutton her blouse. He was eager to see all of her.
Romeo slid her top from her shoulders, his hand sliding inside her bra to tweak one pert nipple. She trembled beneath his caresses and her reaction excited him. “Do you like that?”
“Oh, yes. More. Oh, God, more,” she moaned, arching her back. Romeo smiled down at her, rolling the tight tip between his fingers. In one sudden movement, he ripped the bra away from her body with his free hand, not bothering with the clasps. “I’m sorry, I’ll buy you another.”
“It’s okay.”
His hands worked on her skirt and panties until he had her naked in front of him. Stepping back to survey her perfect body, Romeo smiled. She was gorgeous from her small, but beautifully shaped bronze-tipped breasts, to her flat stomach, and small waist, which flared into rounded hips and slightly muscular legs. He could tell that she worked out and took good care of her body.
Romeo licked his lips at the sight of her hairless cunt. He had no preference for shaved or unshaved women, but looking at the smooth skin between her silky thighs, he couldn’t wait to bury his face inside it.
Christine brought her arms up, crossing them over her breasts in a self-conscious gesture.
“Don’t. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You’re beautiful.”
“Well, I’m standing here naked while you still have all your clothes on.”
He grinned. “Something that can easily be remedied,” Romeo said, shrugging out of his leather jacket.
“No. Let me.” Christine covered the short distance between them and placed her hand on his shirt.
“If you insist.”
“I do.”
She slid her hand under his T-shirt. The contact of her palms on his chest filled him with such a rush of desire, he could barely keep still. If he wasn’t careful, this woman would be the death of him.
“Lift your arms up,” she instructed, loving the feel of his hard flesh beneath her fingertips. She tugged his shirt over his head to reveal a chest that was all ripples and hollows. A dusting of blond curls, two shades lighter than the hair on his head, covered Romeo’s chest. It was sexy as hell. Christine ran her palm over his toned pectoral muscles, pressing her lips against the taut peak of one brown nipple.
He shook.
“I love your body.”
“Not as much as I love yours.”
“Shut up, and let me do my thing,” she ordered with mock severity as she unbuttoned his jeans.
“Ah, I didn’t know you were a take-charge kind of woman.”
“Take-charge is my middle name.”
“Well, I do love a woman who knows her own mind. Do your worst, babe.” The deep timbre of his voice sent a thrill racing through her. He was too sexy to be real. Romeo was all man, with just a hint of danger about him that fulfilled her wildest dreams.
He excited her like no man ever had. Even barely touching him, Christine could feel the heat coursing through his body. Christine knelt down. “Lift your feet.”
“Yes, mistress.”
She looked up to see a twinkle in the depths of his cobalt eyes. “Smart ass.”
“Hey, I’ve been told my ass was cute, but never smart.” Romeo winked at her again.
She shook her head, wondering how she would make it through the night without laughing herself crazy or melting in a puddle of lust. She removed his boots, then slid his jeans down his hips, only looking up when he stepped free of the pants.
“Holy moly,” Christine muttered. Romeo wore no underwear and his cock jutted out like a huge spear.
“Do you like what you see, sweetheart?” He raised one dark blond brow.
“It’s a monster,” she whispered, reaching up to trail her fingers over the length of his cock. It was so long and thick, Christine didn’t know how she could possibly take it in.
Romeo winked at her. “It’s not a monster. But you can name him that if you’d like.”
He hadn’t already named it? Rick had called his “The Terminator,” although she’d secretly referred to it as ‘Limp Willy.’
“I get to name it? What an honor.” She smirked.
“Does it really need a name when action speaks louder than words?”
He had a point; besides, coming up with a name for his dick was not her priority. She had more intimate things in mind. Christine curled her fingers around his cock and slid her hand back and forth.
“Yes,” he moaned.
“What? No jokes this time?”
“I can’t think of any right now to save my life. Touch me, Christine. Take me into your mouth.”
She pouted. “I thought I was in charge.”
“I don’t care who’s in charge, but I think I’ll explode if I don’t feel your mouth on me.” His impassioned plea was all she needed to part her lips over Romeo’s throbbing erection.
He filled her mouth so beautifully. Slowly, oh, so slowly, her mouth closed over his rod. Already, she could taste the evidence of his arousal. The salty flavor tingled on her tongue. With a growl, Romeo bent over and hauled Christine to her feet, his cock slipping wetly from her mouth.
“Change of plans. I need to be inside you now.”
Before she knew what was happening, he’d scooped her off her feet and carried her up the stairs. “Which room is yours?”
Christine buried her face in his neck. “The first on the left.”
He plopped her down on the middle of the bed and fell on top of her.
She pulled him against her, flicking her tongue out to meet his when Romeo lowered his head. The kiss was savage, frantic, hungry. She couldn’t get enough of him.
Christine raked her fingers down his back in her excitement. Romeo lifted his head. “You little wildcat. So you like to scratch, do you? Well, I like to bite,” he said, before pressing heated kisses on her face and chest.
She reveled in the heady sensation of his lips on her skin. Then it hit her, what he’d just said. He wanted to bite her? Christine stiffened.
“What’s wrong?” he murmured, kissing the side of her neck.
“Are you going to drain me?”
Romeo lifted his head with a quizzical look in his eyes. “What?”
“You know... my blood.”
“No. You don’t have to worry. If you don’t want me to drink from you, then I won’t.” The soothing tone of his voice calmed the racing of her heart, but she couldn’t stop shaking.
“Don’t be scared. Here, let me show you that you can trust me.” Romeo rolled over onto his back, dragging her with him until she straddled his thighs. He revealed even white teeth in a teasing grin. “Have your wicked way with me, sweetheart.”
Christine couldn’t help but giggle, feeling at ease once more. Her eyes drifted to the sensual curve of his mouth and she leaned forward, pressing a hot, hungry kiss against his lips, shoving her tongue past them. She loved being the aggressor.
Christine captured his moan in her mouth, tasting and savoring him. When Romeo moved to wrap his arms around her, she pushed his wrists on either side of his head, knowing that he could break free if he wanted to, but that he wouldn’t. She didn’t know why, but she trusted him.
“You told me I could be in charge,” she whispered against his cheek. Christine rubbed the stiff points of her breasts against his chest, the friction sending pulses of delight throughout her body. They were barely touching, but she was on fire for him. Her pussy had never felt so moist and hot before.
There was so much Christine wanted to do to and with this sexy vampire—touch, caress, conquer him—but it had been so long since she’d felt such an aching lust for anyone that all she could think of was sinking onto his cock. Already, she was soaking wet with her need for him.
Christine sat up, releasing his arms.
“You’re so beautiful,” he groaned, reaching up to caress her cheek in his palm. She still couldn’t believe she was here with such a hunk and he was looking at her as though she were the most desirable woman in the world.
Smiling down at him, she responded in kind. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
“Christine, take me inside you.”
The raw passion in his voice told her that he was fast losing his control. Christine circled her fingers around his thick cock. “It’s so big,” she said again, more to herself than to him.
“It’s all right. Take your time.”
Christine raised her hips and lowered herself over him, the thick purplish head of his shaft resting against her labia.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Easy.” Romeo sat up just enough so that he could part her damp folds. Christine’s breath caught in her throat at the feel of his fingers on her pussy. She lowered herself further, feeling her vaginal walls stretch to accommodate his size.
Christine whimpered, biting her lip in pleasure-pain. Pleasure because Romeo’s thumb rubbed her clit in circular motions, pain because of his immense size. Actually, it wasn’t so much pain as it was discomfort, but she was determined to have all of him.
Slowly but surely, inch by delectable inch of delicious vampire cock filled her cunt until Christine didn’t think she could take anymore.
“You can do it,” Romeo urged, rolling her throbbing button between his fingers, her pussy growing even wetter as a result, making it even easier for him to go deeper.
“Goddamn you’re tight. Your pussy fits like a glove around my cock.” Romeo grunted when he was completely inside of her.
Christine closed her eyes while she adjusted to him. She ached a little, but the pleasure far outweighed the pain. He cupped her breasts, squeezing and kneading them until she cried out his name. “Yes, Romeo! Yes!”
She felt dampness over her nipples and realized he’d taken the moisture from her pussy and coated the tight buds. The scent of her desire wafted to her nostrils, filling her with an ungovernable lust.
Christine tightened her knees around his hips, feeling a wonderful sensation of power as she savored the feel of his massive cock. Placing a hand on his rippled stomach, she began to move.
Romeo’s breath burst from his throat in hurried pants. “That’s it, sweetheart, ride me.”
“Oh, Romeo!” Christine never knew that making love could be so mind shattering, that it would make her feel quite this way. She really doubted she would ever feel the same way with anyone else. It could only be like this with Romeo, but she’d worry about the why and how later. For now, Christine just wanted to enjoy this moment as though it were her last and fuck this hunky vampire silly.
Romeo released her breasts and gripped her hips, guiding her up and down on his cock. Her nails dug into his skin as she climbed toward her orgasm. She looked down to watch his slick rod moving in and out of her; she had never seen a more erotic sight. With one powerful thrust of his hips, Christine felt the stream of his ejaculate shoot into her pussy.
The powerful flow must have hit her in just the right spot because she found her own release within seconds. Christine arched her back, her body shuddering uncontrollably until she collapsed against his sweat-dampened body.
She panted and gasped for breath. “That was—” She broke off, not able to come up with an adequate word to describe the orgasmic feeling of their coming together, but it felt as if their souls had just touched.
Christine had had good sex before—she’d even had great sex—but nothing compared with this. Words just seemed too trite to explain what had just happened or the new sensations coursing through her.
“I know how you feel, Christine,” Romeo whispered against her hair.
“Yes,” she answered, feeling exhausted but complete.
And that scared the hell out of her.
Chapter Six
“What the hell do you mean you’re going to spend a few days with her?” Wolf demanded on the other end of the line. Romeo held his cell phone away from his ear while his friend cursed at him in three different languages.
“It’s not my fault you had no luck with the ice princess last night. Even if you did end up with those three women, I bet you were thinking about her the entire night,” Romeo teased.
“Far be it for me to call a woman so lovely a bitch but... well, you get the picture.”
“So how did you your night go with the twins and their friend?”